眼前在扬升中的地球Part 4 20140114
~~~ 高我之心的星門
Meanwhile on Ascending Earth - Portal of the High Heart
Channeller: Suzanne Lie\ 20140113
中文翻译: 林琚月20140129 http://blog.sina.com.cn/rebeccahjlin
Meanwhile on Ascending Earth Part 4
Portal of the High Heart
Sandy and I went to different corners of our small house to write our experience of the meeting on the Mothership. Much to my surprise, when I relaxed into allowing my fingers to speak through the computer, I wrote about a different meeting that I did not remember attending. In this meeting we were in the same room and Sandy was sitting beside me. Mytre and Mytria were standing by the Arcturian as It spoke to us.
Sandy和我各自走向我們小房子的不同角落去寫下我們在母艦上開會的經驗. 而我很驚訝的發現~~當我放鬆下來並允許我的指頭自己去透過電腦說話時, 我寫下的是一個完全不同的會議內容 ~~而那是我不記得的. 在這會議中, 我們仍然是在同一個房間裡, 而Sandy正坐在我旁邊. 而Mytre and Mytria是站在 ‘大角星人’ 身旁 ~~當祂跟我們說話之時.
I was so touched by what I wrote about that meeting that when Sandy returned from her corner of the house, computer in hand, I said, “Sandy, can I please read mine first?
我是如此的被我所寫的東西所感動, 所以
當Sandy從她寫字的角落回來時, 拿著電腦在手上,
我說, “Sandy, 我可不可以先唸我的?
“Of course,” she said. “I don’t think I could read mine now any way.”
“當然,”她說. “反正我現在也不認為我能唸我寫的.”
“My channeling began with the words of the Arcturian, so I will begin there.”
“我的通靈開始於 ‘大角星人’ 的話, 所以我會從那裡開始.”
Sandy nodded her approval. With a feeling of reticence, I began to read,
Sandy點頭同意. 帶著一種沉默的感覺, 我開始唸我寫的,
“Dear members of our away team we, your galactic family, are pleased to see you on the ship again. We have observed that negative emotions on 3D Earth have invaded the consciousness of many of our away team. These negative emotions are similar to a virus on one of the earthly computers. Therefore, in this meeting we wish to assist you to release these negative emotions at an energetic level.
“親愛的外放團隊成員們, 我們, 你們的銀河家人,
很高興的再次在船上看到你們. 我們有觀察到你們在
三維地球的負面情緒已經侵犯到我們許多外放團隊成員們的覺知意識裡了. 這些負面情緒與地球電腦中的
電腦病毒是類似的. 因此, 在這次的會議中, 我們希望協助你們來釋放這些負面情緒~~在一種能量層次.
“The important thing is that we are going directly to the emotion rather than the situation which apparently caused that emotion. Hence, you do not need to go into the storyline of that emotional trauma. We will clear one emotion at a time and leave sorrow for last.
“重要的事是 ~~我們將直接到情緒面去, 而不是那些顯然造成了這情緒的狀況. 因此, 你們不需要去管那造成情緒創傷的故事. 我們會一次清除一個情緒,
“The first emotion that you might have is fear. We would like you to acknowledge any fear you may feel from floating anxiety to deep, ancient fear. Then, instead of being afraid of fear, or avoiding it, you can look it in the face and say, “Thank you fear for speaking with me because you are my teacher. In other words, perceive that fear to be your teacher.”
“你們第一個可能會有的情緒就是 ‘恐懼’. 我們要你們去承認任何你可能從浮動的焦慮到深度的存在長久的古老恐懼. 然後, 與其停留在恐懼中或是逃避它, 你可以直視你的恐懼, 然後說, “感謝恐懼來與我說話, 因為你是我的老師. 換言之, 要看待你的’恐懼’ 為你的老師.”
“Now we would like you to pull up any anger and again say the same, “Thank you anger for being my teacher.”
“現在, 我們要你們去拉起任何氣憤, 然後再次說同樣的話, “感謝氣憤來作我的老師.”
“We would like you to feel your sorrow and again say, “Thank you sorrow for being my teacher.”
“現在, 我們要你們去感覺你的憂傷, 然後再次說同樣的話, “感謝憂傷來作我的老師.”
“Know that unconditional love is within you aura, hovering over your High Heart. We see that it is there, just as we see the Angels that over-light you. Feel the Angels and their unconditional love energy in your High Heart. As you do so, you realize your High Heart is a two-way portal. Loving energy moves in and out through this portal.
“要知道 ~~ ‘無條件的愛’是在你的外光體, 浮在你的 ‘高我之心’ 之上.我們看到它在那裡, 就像我們看到天使的光罩著你們一樣. 去感覺到天使們和祂們‘無條件的愛’的能量在你的‘高我之心’中. 當你這樣做時, 你理解, 你的‘高我之心’是一個 “雙向的星門”. 而愛的能量就是如此移入和移出這個星門.
Releasing Fear
“We will first release fear, as fear is an energy pattern that holds you back. But, first we ask you to see your Heart Portal before you. Can you see how that portal is spinning? Observe the spectrum of beautiful light colors, with violet being the primary color.
“我們首先要釋放恐懼, 因為恐懼是一種會綁住你的能量模式. 但, 我們首先要請你看一下你眼前的 “心的星門”. 你可以看到這星門是如何在旋轉的嗎? 觀察一下這美麗的光的色彩光譜, 而且其中紫蘿蘭色是最主要的顏色.
“Do you see the Angels that are surrounding that portal? There are many Angels there with you. They have volunteered to assist our away team. FEEL these Angels around you and know that they resonate beyond time. Hence, they are always with you.
“你可有看到天使們包圍住那個星門? 有很多天使們在那裡陪你. 他們志願來協助我們的外放團隊成員們. 感受一下圍繞著你們的天使們, 並且知道 ~~祂們是共鳴在時間之外的, 因此祂們永遠是跟你在一起的.
“Feeling the Angels with you, look directly into the energy field of fear. What is the pattern of that energy field? Is it dark or light? Is it moving or static? Can you see through it or is it dense?
“感受一下陪伴著你的天使們, 直視這恐懼的能量場. 這能量模式看起來像什麼? 是暗的還是亮的? 是移動的, 還是停止的? 你能否透視它? 還是它很稠密?
“Be grateful for the fear that you have brought to the surface, as that fear is your teacher. Realize that this fear is a feeling that was created to recognize the darkness that has become attached to your consciousness, your body, as well as the body of Gaia.
“要感恩被你帶到表面來的恐懼, 因為這恐懼是你的老師. 理解~~這恐懼是被創造出來認出這黑暗的 ~~
那個卡在你的覺知意識, 你的身體上,
“You see, dear ones, YOU have volunteered to enter into the painful emotions of physical so that, as you clear your own pain, you will also clear it from Gaia’s Earth. Do you see what a brave warrior for Gaia you are? We understand how your perception of negative emotions is much stronger when you are wearing an earth vessel.
“你明白, 親愛的一們, “你” 是自願來進入這物質界的痛苦情緒中的, 所以, 隨著你清除你自己的痛苦, 你也將會把它從蓋亞地球上清除掉. 你明白了自己是蓋亞的一名多麼英勇的戰士了嗎? 我們明白當你們穿著一個地球載具時,
“However, now that you realize that YOU chose that fear to clear old karmic patterns from your human and planetary self. With this realization it is much easier to perceive fear as just an energy field that YOU chose to enter.
“無論如何, 現在你明白“你” “選擇”了那恐懼來清除老的業障模式 ~~從你的人類和行星體自我. 有了這了解之後, 就很容易感應‘恐懼’ ~~只是一個能量場 ~~
“We understand that while you are wearing your earth vessel that it does NOT appear that you chose that fear, but when you are here on the Ship in your higher dimensional form, you are able to understand how brave you are to allow fear into your Earth life.
“我們明白~~當你穿著你的地球載具時 ~~看起來不像是 --- “你選擇了那恐懼” ~~
但是當你現在在這船上時, 在你更高維度的形式裡
~~你就能夠理解 ~~ “允許恐懼進入你的地球人生中” ---
“We are asking you that you now release this fear and send it through the portal of your High Heart. How would you do that? How could you find the power within to send that fear out through that portal and into the realm where the Angels of the Violet Fire can instantly transmute it? The answer is that you join into the ONE of the higher expression of your SELF who volunteered to enter an earth vessel to assist Gaia.
並把它從你的 “高心之星門”送出去.
你如何能找到內在力量來把那恐懼從星門送走, 送入紫蘿蘭火燄天使們所在的領域 ~~然後把它立即轉化?
答案是~~你加入你的更高本我表達體的 “合一” 之中
“Remember that as you release your fear, you are not sending it out into the atmosphere. No, you are sending that fearful energy field out through the portal into the higher realms where it will be instantly transmuted. How are you going to do that? How are you going to make your fear go through that portal?
“記住~~當你釋放掉你的恐懼, 你就不再把它散播入環境氣場中.不, 你是把那個恐懼的氣場透過星門送入更高領域, 讓它可以立即被轉化掉.你如何能做到這樣?
“Because this is your fear that you chose to experience as your teacher, YOU have the ability to release it through the portal of your High Heart. Moreover, the fear that you experienced is deeply intermingled with the fear that Gaia has experienced. Yes, Gaia is a being who experiences all the emotions of all of Her in habitants.
“因為這是你的恐懼 ~~那個你選擇來經驗~~
以便作為你的老師的, 所以 “你” 有能力去釋放它穿過你 “高心的星門”而去. 更甚者, 你所經驗到的恐懼也很深刻的與蓋亞經驗到的恐懼互相交融在一起. 是的,
蓋亞是一個存有 ~~
“Therefore, our dear emissaries of light, in conjunction with your personal Angels, you will release your fear, as well as a great deal of Gaia’s fear. It is vital that you, the ascending ones on our away mission, trust your higher perceptions, as it is through your higher senses that you will perceive New Earth.
“因此, 我們親愛的光之使者們, 與你們個人的天使們一起, 你們將會釋放掉你的恐懼, 以及蓋亞的大部份的恐懼. 所以, 你~~這揚升中的一們 ~~在我們的外放部隊 ~~
去信任你們更高的感應力 ~~
因為那是透過你的更高的感應力們的 ~~
“Therefore, identify your fear from the higher perspective of “being your teacher” and bless it free as you release it through your High Heart portal. Observe as the energy field of fear moves toward the portal and into the keeping of the Angels of the Violet Fire. Send that fear your unconditional love as it moves faster and faster through the portal to be greeted by the Angels.
“因此, 透過你更高的感應力的 “作為你的老師” ~~
認出你的恐懼~~並且祝福它 ~~
當你釋放它穿過你“高心的星門”而去之時. ~~
進入守護 ‘紫蘿蘭火燄’天使們那裡時.
“And NOW your fear is free. All the mental and emotional energy packages that were trapped in fear are now released into the violet light. Can you see these dark energy packages burst into streaks of violet light?
“而現在, “在當下” 你的恐懼已經自由.
所有心理的, 和情緒的能量包袱 ~~
Releasing Anger
“Now, we move to your energy field of anger. As you look at anger’s energy field, what does it look like? Is it dark or light? Is it moving or static? Can you see through it or is it dense? How will you release that anger? Much of the anger that is in your aura is anger that has been given to you. However, you do not deserve that anger.
“現在, 我們移入你的 “氣憤能量場”.
當你看著這“氣憤”的能量場”, 它看起來像什麼?
是黑暗還是光亮? 是移動還是停止?
你能否透視它? 還是它很稠密?
大部份的氣憤是存在於你的外光體 ~~
那些氣憤 ~~是別人給你的 ~~
但是, 你不值得這些氣憤(的對待.)
“Therefore, say to this anger that was given to you, ‘Dear anger, I never deserved that you were given to me. I’m sorry that you became trapped in my aura, but you were never mine. I choose now to invite into my High Hearth Portal, as I am NOT one who choses to linger on anger. If I experience you in my life, I will quickly release you through my portal.’
“因此, 對這別人給你的氣憤說, “親愛的氣憤, 我從來就不值得你對我的待遇. 我很抱歉, 你被困在我的外光體, 但你從來就不是我的. 我現在選擇邀請你進入我的“高心的星門” ~~因為我並不是這個 “選擇” 要纏繞在氣憤上的人. 假如我在我的人生中經驗到你, 我就會很快的釋放你穿過我的星門而去.
“Our dear away team, we realize that human anger can be very sticky. Thus, make sure that you release all of the anger that has become stuck to your thoughts, emotions and memories. What old memories from the past made that anger stick to you? Is the anger for people who treated your badly? You can release those memories, as well as their anger, by saying, ‘I do not deserve your anger, and I do not want to feel you.’
“親愛的外放團隊, 我們明白人類的氣憤可能會非常的黏附. 因此, 確定你釋放所有那變成黏附在你的思想, 情緒和記憶中的所有氣憤.
有什麼過去的老記憶會製造了這黏附在你身上的氣憤呢? 是對你不好的人們引起的氣憤?
你可以釋放這些記憶, 以及他們的氣憤 ~~
“In this manner, you can release that memory so that it does NOT collect other examples in which anger is projected onto you. You will release your memories and feeling of anger by allowing them to flow through your High Heart portal and into the care of the Angels who instantly transmute that anger with the Violet Fire.
“以這方式, 你可以釋放那記憶,
所以它 “就不會”收集其他別的氣憤的例子 ~~
而進入天使們的照顧之中 ~~
“Remember that when you release your own anger, your serve to release the masses of anger that have been stored in the body of poor Gaia. You see, every emotion that has been experienced on Gaia is stored on Gaia. As Keepers of the Land, it is humanity’s job to clear that land. The Cetaceans, the Keepers of the Water, have the mission of clearing Gaia’s waters. Both Keepers are VERY busy now with that clearing.
你看, 每一個在蓋亞之上所被經驗到的情緒
而作為這土地的守護者, 這是人類的職責 ~~來清除這塊土地. 鯨族們 ~~水的守護者, ~~有職責來清除蓋亞的水區域. 所有這兩群守護者們現在都 “非常”忙碌在做清除工作.
“Now you know that you don’t deserve anger and you are sorry that they are feeling anger, but they will have to place it somewhere else because you know you do not deserve it and you will not accept it any more. That is their anger and they are going to have to figure out what to do with it, but they cannot put it on you. Not anymore!
“現在, 你知道 ~~~你不值得氣憤,
因為你知道你不值得氣憤, 而且你也不再接受它了.
Releasing Sorrow
“Now, we will assist you to release sorrow. What is the energy field of sorrow? Is it dark or light? Is it moving or static? Can you see through it or is it dense? Sorrow is often your reaction to fear and anger. Therefore, observe how sorrow contains fragments of the energy fields of both fear and anger.
這憂慮能量場看起來像什麼? 是暗的還是亮的?
是移動的, 還是停止的? 你能否透視它? 還是它很稠密?
因此, 觀察憂慮是如何包含著恐懼和氣憤的能量場的碎片.
“Say to sorrow, ‘Thank you sorrow for you have given me a way to process my fear and anger. I do not need you anymore because I can release my fear and I will not accept the anger, which is often a reaction to one’s own fear. Therefore, I refuse to participate in fear and anger. Therefore sorrow, I will not need you to ease my fear and anger.’
“對憂慮說, “感謝你憂慮 ~~
而且我不再接受氣憤 ~~
因此, 我拒絕參與恐懼和氣憤.
“However, you can still feel Gaia’s sorrow, and you understand that your away mission is to assist Gaia’s planet Earth to release Her great sorrow. Because you are a galactic being who is wearing an earth vessel, you can also feel the sorrow of humans. You can feel the sorrow of plants and animals as well.
“但是, 你仍然能夠感覺到蓋亞的憂傷, 而你明白,
"You can even feel the sorrow of the planet. Gaia is communicating that sorrow to you, but do not allow it to live inside of you. Do you see the difference between feeling Gaia’s sorrow and allowing it inside of you? Do not take in the sorrow. Do not wear either your own or Gaia’s planetary sorrow.
蓋亞也正在將這憂傷流動給你, 但並不允許它去活在你裡面.你看得到這差異關於~~
感覺到蓋亞的憂傷以及允許它去活在你裡面 ~~的差別嗎? 不要將這憂傷收進來.
“When you feel the weight of sorrow heavy on your heart, remember to call the Angels to assist you to open the portal of your High Heart. We have observed how sorrow weakens you more than any other emotion. Sorrow also makes you forget your Multidimensional SELF and traps you in the illusions of the very realty that you have entered to assist.
“憂傷”是如何讓你變弱, 超過任何其他情緒.
“憂傷”同時也會讓你忘記了你的 “多維度本我”,
而且把你困在這個幻覺之中 ---
“Therefore, remember the identify the energy field of sorrow. What does the energy field of sorrow look like? Is it dark or light? Is it moving or static? Can you see through it or is it dense? NOW, perceive the energy field of the Angels who are assisting you on your away mission to ascending Earth.
“因此, 記得去識別出“憂傷的能量場”.
這“憂傷的能量場”看起來像什麼呢? 是暗的還是亮的?
是移動的, 還是停止的? 你能否透視它? 還是它很稠密?
現在, 感覺天使們的能量場 ~~
“The Angels have been focusing on healing Gaia’s sorrow. Can you feel the Angels around you now? Gently guide the sorrow away from you and through the portal and into the light.
“天使們一直專注在療癒蓋亞的憂傷. 你現在能感覺到你身旁的天使們嗎? 祂們鄭溫柔的引領憂傷從你身上離開,
穿過星門, 而進入光.
“Do you see how the Angels surrounds the sorrow and gently hold it, love it, appreciate it and guide it into the violet light to be transmuted into love? Observe as the sorrow is transmuted. See how the beam of violet light penetrates the sorrow so that that which was once teardrops is transmuted into glowing hearts of love.
“你看得到天使們是如何圍繞住這憂傷, 溫柔的抓住它,
愛它, 感謝它, 然後引導它進入紫蘿蘭光中去轉化成愛嗎? 觀察它 ~~當憂傷被轉化的時候.
“The transmutation of energy fields is a very large part of your (the members of our away team) mission on ascending Earth. When you return back into your earth vessels, we ask that you share you multidimensional love with all life. With your High Heart you can notice a sad animal and give that animal love.
“這能量場的轉變 ~~
是你們外放部隊很大的任務部份 ~~
我們要求你們分享你們 “多維度的愛” 與所有生命.
透過你 ‘高我之心”
~~你可以注意到一個憂傷的動物, 請給它愛.
“You can recognize a sad person. You can touch that person and say, ‘Good morning,’ as you send them love. You can touch a tree, a plant, a flower and say, ‘Thank you, you are beautiful, and your roots send love into the body of Gaia.’
你可以觸動那人並說, “早安,” ~~同時寄愛給他們.
你可以觸摸一棵樹, 一盆植物, 一朵花, 然後說,
“謝謝你, 你很美, 而且你的根寄送了入蓋亞的身體.”
“Send out your multidimensional love to all the places that still hold sorrow. You can go to these places and touch them with your love and assist them to release their sorrow. Everything is a cycle, and sorrow just says that a cycle has ended. As, indeed, a long cycle of darkness is ending. Therefore, go out and with your clear, positive energy field share the message that the cycle of sorrow is ending.
“發送你們 “多維度的愛” 到所有仍然有憂傷的地方!
你可以去這些地方, 用你的愛觸摸他們,
而”憂傷” 只是說 ~~一個循環結束了.
而確實, 一個長的黑暗循環正在結束中.
因此, 出去吧! 帶著你們清楚的, 正面的能量場
~~去分享這訊息, ~~
“Tell every one, tell every tree, every plant, every lake and stream. Tell the sky, the birds the fish and the animals that the dark cycle has ended. Go out into your physical life and share with all that the ending the cycle of illusion is something to celebrate.
“告訴每一個人, 告訴每棵樹, 每株植物, 每個湖與河流.
告訴天空, 鳥兒們, 魚, 以及動物們
出去吧! 回到你的物質生活, 並與所有人分享
“That does not mean that the sorrow does not need to be felt. Very often when you go into a higher state of consciousness and remember your SELF, what do you do? You cry. You cry because once you have found what you have lost, you can finally release the sorrow of losing it.
“這並不意味著 ~~憂傷是不需要去感覺的.
記起了你的 ‘本我’時, 你怎麼辦? 你會哭.
“Now that you have released fear, anger and sorrow, feel your strength and power. With that release of negative emotions, you can feel what a heavy burden they have been to carry. Observe as all the memories of fear, anger and sorrow continually move through the portal of your High Heart and burst into a million little balls of light.
“現在你們已經釋放掉了恐懼, 氣憤與憂傷,
當所有的恐懼, 氣憤與憂傷的記憶
Feeling Love
“NOW allow yourself to experience LOVE as it flows through the two-way portal of your High Heart and into your daily life! FEEL the love as it moves into your earth vessel and up into your third-dimensional brain and your multidimensional mind. As the love moves into your multidimensional mind and consciousness, know that this love connects you with the higher frequencies of reality.
“現在, 允許你自己去經驗 “愛” ~~
感受到這個愛 ~~
當它移動入你地球載具之中, 而且進入你三維度的大腦,
以及你 “多維度的心智”.
“Look again to see the Angels. Notice that NOW they too can hold more and more light. Because they served to transmute so much darkness, they have also moved into their higher states of expression as Archangels. Welcome these Archangels through your High Heart portal and into your life. Greet the Angels, the Fairies, the Elementals, the Devas and the Elohim as they flow through your open portal and into Gaia’s transmuting biosphere.
所以祂們也移入了更高的表達形式之中而成為了 “大天使”. 歡迎這些“大天使”們穿過你‘高我之心”的星門
與天使們, 精靈們, 元素們, the Devas and the Elohim打招呼 ~~當祂們流穿過你打開的星門而進入
“Bring them all into and through you. Your great, galactic aura can easily encompass them all. You have the ability to hold that much love. Are you aware of how much love you have the ability to hold? Can you feel it now? Can you feel that potential amount of love that you can sustain and share?
你的偉大的, 銀河外光體能夠輕易的涵容祂們全部.
“Feel how that love does not have to remain restricted to your physical body. See how this love fills your human aura and expands your spectrum of perception back up into your fifth dimensional SELF who is serving on our Mothership and on New Earth. Follow the FEEL of that love into your higher expressions of SELF that go all the way back into Source.
“感覺一下那 ‘愛’ ~~
並且擴大了你的 “感應光譜”回入你第五維度的本我
~~祂是正在母艦上服務的, 而且已經在 ‘新地球’ 之上了. 跟隨那 ‘愛的感覺’進入你更高的本我表達體
“Now, our beloved away team, maintain these energy patterns as you slowly return to the earth vessel you are wearing on ascending Earth.”
“現在, 我們外放部隊, 維持這些能量模式 ~~
當你慢慢的回轉入地球載具之中時 ~~
I shuffled my feet a bit in embarrassment that I had received such a profound message. Finally, I looked up at a shocked look on Sandy’s face and meekly said,
“What did you get?”
我有點尷尬的動了一下腳, 只因為我收到了如此深刻的一份訊息. 最後, 我抬頭看到Sandy受驚的表情, 我溫柔的問她, “你收到的是什麼訊息?”
With tears in her eyes and a look of joy on her face, she said,
“I got the exact same message!”
她的眼中含著淚, 臉上現出了一個歡樂的表情,
她說, “我得到的是一模一樣的訊息!”
Posted by Sue at 10:25 AM
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