眼前在扬升中的地球III 20140107
你是 “星門開啟者!” 你是 ‘大角星人走道”!
Meanwhile on Ascending Earth Part 3 -- Out Visit to the Mothership
Meanwhile on Ascending Earth Part 3
Channeller: Suzanne Lie\ 20140107
中文翻译: 林琚月20140108 http://blog.sina.com.cn/rebeccahjlin
Our Visit to the Mothership
After Sandy and made up in our bedroom, in our bed, we fell into a deep sleep. We were lying so close to each other, with overlapping arms and legs that we feel asleep in the same moment. As we later discovered, we had the same dream. In the “dream” we were back on the Mothership, but this time we sat side-by-side in the meeting room with beings from all over the Galaxy.
之後, Sandy和我回房間溫存和好之後, 在床上, 我們雙雙跌入一個深度的睡眠. 我們緊緊的躺靠著彼此, 手臂和腳交疊, 我們覺得我們似乎在同一時間內睡著. 而隨後我們發現, 我們做了同一個夢. 在 ‘夢’ 中 ~~我們都回到了母艦上, 但這次, 我們緊靠著一起與來自全銀河的存有們共同坐在會議室中.
The room filled with human, as well as non-human, beings from all over the Galaxy. At the front of the room we saw the pulsing light-form of the Arcturian. When we saw Mytre and Mytria standing beside the Arcturian we almost burst into tears. Our joint consciousness was thinking that we were having a wonderful dream. However, when the Arcturian seemed to be looking directly into OUR eyes, we began to wonder if, perhaps, we actually were on the Mothership.
這房間中充滿了人類以及非人類 ~~來自銀河的存有們. 在門前面, 我們看到了 ‘大角星人’ 的脈動著的光形體出現. 當我們看到Mytre and Mytria站在‘大角星人’旁邊時, 我們几乎飆出淚來. 我們共同的覺知意識想著 ~~我們正在做著一個美妙的夢. 但是, 當‘大角星人’好像直接看入了我們的眼睛時, 我們開始懷疑 ~~假如, 或許, 我們真的在母艦上呢!
We did not have a chance to ponder this possibility for the Arcturian immediately began to speak,
我們沒有機會去考慮這個可能性, 因為‘大角星人’馬上就開始說話了,
“Dear Ascending Ones,
“We are happy that you are able to join us on the Mothership in your dream body. We the Arcturians have deeply connected with, walked into, and/or merged with your consciousness. Most of you here have spent many incarnations within our Arcturian reality and/or the Pleiadian realities. Because of these incarnations, you have chosen to take a physical earth vessel at this particular NOW of Gaia’s transmutation.
“我們很高興你們能夠在你們的夢身來到母艦上加入我們. 我們‘大角星人’已經非常深的與你們連接, 走入你們之中, 而且\或者是已經與你們的 ‘覺知意識’融合了. 你們大部份在這裡的人都已經花了許多個轉世在我們‘大角星人’的實相以及\或者是在昴宿星人的實相之中.由於這些轉世, 你們才會在這個特別的 ‘當下’ ~~選擇來進入一個地球載具在這個地球轉變的時候.
“You see, the Arcturians and Pleiadians have watched over and incarnated on Gaia ever since Her earth body could support life. Because of our timeless interactions with Earth, we have invited you all here to assist you in remembering how to serve as our ‘portal openers.’ Before we continue with our message we ask that you turn around inside your mind to see your true, Lightbody Self. Your inner Lightbody is infinitely connected with the higher expressions of your Multidimensional SELF.
“你們知道 ~~‘大角星人’和 ‘昴宿星人’ 自從地球身體能夠支持生命的生存以來, 我們就已經守護著蓋亞, 而且轉世在蓋亞了. 由於我們與地球的互動是 ‘零時間’ 的, 所以我們也邀請你們全部的人來到這裡 ~~來協助你們回憶起~~如何做為我們的 “星門開啟者” 這件事.在我們繼續給出訊息之前我們請你們先往內進入你的心智去看看你們真實的 ‘光體本我’. 你的內在的 ‘光體’ 是永遠無限的與
你的 ‘多維度本我’的更高表達體連接在一起的.
“Even though you appear to be on our Mothership, we ask that you imagine that you are simultaneously gathered together as a group of Lightbodies who are forming a circle around the physical body of Gaia. Feel this circle of light as you call the higher expressions of your Multidimensional SELF in whatever language or words you feel within your High Heart.
“雖然你現在顯然是在我們的母艦上, 我們請你們想像你們現在聚集在一起, 像一群 ‘光體’ 人一樣, 而且你們圍繞在蓋亞的物質身體外面形成一個圓圈. 當你呼喚你的‘多維度本我’的更高表達體時, 不論你在你的 ‘高我之心’ 中是用那種語言或字眼, 來感覺, 都請你們感覺這個光的圓圈的存在.
“Now observe and feel your higher expressions of SELF flowing above you in a higher-dimensional circle. Take a long, slow deep breath to feel how your higher expression of SELF is sending its unconditional love down through the frequencies and into your personal consciousness. In return, you send your unconditional gratitude up through your crown. Feel that place in-between your physical self and your higher expressions, for that is actually where your earth vessel is living in the NOW.
做一個長的, 緩慢的深呼吸來感覺你更高的表達體~~
是如何在發送它的 ‘無條件的愛’ 往下進入許多頻率之中, 也進入你的個人‘覺知意識’之中.
而投桃報李的, 你也寄送‘無條件的感恩’
感覺一下 ~~這地方 ~~
插在你的 ‘物質身體’ 以及你更高的表達體之中的地方 ~~~因為事實上 ~~
這就是你的地球載具在 ‘當下’ 之中真實居住的地方.
“Your earth vessel is living in-between the physical and the fifth dimension. Your resonance is no longer just physical, but you are not yet totally resonating to the fifth dimension. It is for this reason that we have brought you here in your fourth-dimensional dream body. We have brought you here to assist you to remember that you volunteered to pull in the higher frequency of your Multidimensional SELF into your earth vessel, as well as into the earth vessel of Gaia.
你的共鳴已經不再只是物質的,但是你也還不是完全共鳴入第五維度. 就是由於這個原因 ~~我們把你用你第四維度的夢身帶到了這裡. 我們帶你們來這裡來協助你們回憶起~~
“We have brought you to our multidimensional Mothership in your fourth-dimensional dream body. Because you are a multidimensional being who is wearing a physical form on planet Earth, we ask you now to anchor your dream body into your sleeping physical body. Then, once you anchor one higher expression of your SELF into your earth vessel, an even higher frequency expression of your Lightbody will seek to connect with you, as well.
“我們把你帶到我們多維度的母艦來 ~~透過你們第四維度的夢身. ~~因為你是一個 ‘多維度的存有’, 正穿著一個物質形式在行星地球之上. ~~所以我們現在請求你們去把你們的夢身錨定入你們睡眠中的物質身體. 然後, 一但你錨定了一個更高表達體的你的本我 ~~進入你的地球載具之中, ~~一個更高的頻率的你的光體就也會來試著與你做連接.
“It is the line-up of these different frequencies of your SELF that make you a portal opener. You are the ones who volunteered to wear a physical body and remember that you are more than that one earth-bound body. You came in during different eras of Gaia’s last 70 years, but all of you came in at the exact moment that you agreed upon before you entered your earth vessel.
~~讓你變成了一個 ‘星門開啟者’.
你是這些自願來穿上一個物質身體的一們, 而且記得 ~~
“You all made an agreement to support Gaia with Her planetary ascension, and we have brought you here to assist you in keeping your promise. As you feel your multidimensional energies intermingle, your consciousness expands down into the core of Gaia. From the perspective of the Mothership you can understand that the place in- between the Mothership and physical Earth is the frequency of New Earth.
當你們感覺到你們的 ‘多維度能量’交相穿叉之時,
你們的 ‘覺知意識’ 就擴大入了蓋亞的核心.
從母艦的理解角度 ~~你們能夠明白 ~~
在母艦與物質地球中間的地帶 ~~~
就是 ‘新地球’ 的頻率.
“Pulling this in-between energy of New Earth into your heart, find the core of your High Heart, your Three-Fold Flame, as you feel your connection to the YOU on ascending planet Earth, the YOU on fifth-dimensional New Earth and the YOU on our multidimensional Mothership.
找到你 ‘更高的心’的核心,
你的三束火燄 ~~
與在 ‘揚升中的行星地球’的 ‘本你’連接上,
與這個在 ‘第五維度’ 的 ‘新地球’的‘本你’連接上, 而且
“In this manner, New Earth becomes the area in-between the YOU on our Mothership and the YOU sleeping on 3D Earth. As you feel this energy field, know that it is your responsibility as a portal opener to consciously perceive all three realities, simultaneously.
“以這方式, ‘新地球’ 變成了這個
當你感覺到這個能量場時, 要知道 ~~
“Your human brains have been trained to forget your Multidimensional SELF, but the light you are pulling into your earth vessel is transmuting your physical body. Hence, your body is telling you that many changes are occurring in your self, in your children, in your relationships, in your governments, and on your planet. As portal openers, YOU will be anchoring all of these myriad transmutations down into the core of your beloved Mother Gaia.
“你的人腦已經被訓練來忘記你的 ‘多維度本我’,
因此, 你的身體正在告訴你~~
許多改變正在發生在你自己內部, 在你的孩子身上,
在你的關係上, 在你的政府裡, 而且在你的行星之上.
“Now, see the particular pathway that you have created into the core of Gaia. This Inner Pathway travels from the core of Gaia, through your physical form and into the frequency you have identified as New Earth. As you place your consciousness into the Core of Gaia, see how the circle of Lightbodies has moved into the core of Gaia. Join this circle that is gathered around the Mother Crystal of Gaia.
“現在, 看一下這特別的通道 ~~
而且進入了你已經識別為 ‘新地球’ 的頻率中.
這圈 ‘光體們’的圓圈也已經移動入了
“We ask now that each of your perceive this crystal directly before you and reach out your right hand to touch the crystal, while you point your left hand up toward the surface of the planet. As you touch that beautiful Mother Crystal of Gaia with our right hand, pull that energy in to your High Heart.
伸出你的右手去觸摸這水晶 ~~
把這能量拉入你的 “高我之心” 之中.
“Now allow the energy of the crystal to flow through your High Heart, out to your left hand, which you now extend to touch the High Heart of the Light being to your left. FEEL how your collective consciousness is instantly expanded. Do you feel that tingle in your spine as you feel that energy of the many Lightbodies in your circle?
“現在, 允許這水晶能量
進入你的左手 ~~
在你左邊的 “光體存有的高心”.
感覺 ~~
“With the energy field of your combined High Hearts, expand your Light Circle beyond the core of Gaia, beyond Her planet, though Her atmosphere, through the fourth-dimensional Astral Plane, beyond the fifth-dimensional New Earth, then up into our multidimensional Mothership.
超越蓋亞核心 ~~
超越她的行星 ~~
穿過她的大氣層 ~~
穿過第四維度的星光層 ~~
超越 ‘第五維度新地球’ ~~
“Take a moment to allow yourself to adjust to this multidimensional energy field and know that whatever you experience within your higher frequency SELF is real. All the indoctrinations that we suffered your myriad physical incarnations have told you, “If it is NOT physical, it is not real.” But you know that statement isn’t true, because you can feel what is inside of you, and you KNOW that it is real.
而且知道 ~~
~~都是 ‘真的’!
---所有你們許多的物質轉世中所受到的灌輸的概念傷害 --- 告訴你說 ‘如果不是物質的經驗就不是真的.’ ---
但是你知道這句話不是真的 ~~
因為你能感覺到你的內在有什麼, ~~~
而且你 ‘知道’~~那是真的!!!
“Dear portal openers please know that as you move through your next days, weeks, months, or years that this transition will come to pass because you have power. Each and every one of you is a leader and YOU will lead. You will open your portals and lead others through them. Only you will know how, when and where this shall occur.
“親愛的“星門開啟者”~~請知道 ~~
這轉變階段會結束 ~~
隨著你穿越下個日子, 星期, 月與年 ~~
你們每一個人都是一個 ‘領導者’,
而且 ‘你’ 會領導.
只有你知道如何做, 何時做,
“As leaders, you will lead according to your own inner guidance. This guidance comes from the inner expressions of your Multidimensional SELF, from the guidance that comes in from the molecular structure of your body and from the guidance that comes from Gaia.
這引導來自你們 ‘多維度本我’ 的內在表達,
“Our beloved portal openers, we wish to tell you that you are our Arcturian Corridor. Let us speak a moment about the Arcturian Corridor, for different humans may have different information about it. We encourage all of you to find a way to communicate with each other so that each of you can share your own individual knowledge with other portal openers.
“我們親愛的“星門開啟者”們 ~~我們要告訴你們
~~你們就是我們的 ‘大角星人走道’!!!
“You have all been raised in different times, different countries, different languages and different cultures. Isn’t that beautiful? Is that not the core of Gaia to bring all the separation into a beautiful tapestry of the ONE? You see, the Arcturian Corridor is also a place in-between.
“你們全都曾經在不同時代裡長大, 在不同國家, 不同語言, 以及不同文化裡. 這不是太美了嗎? 這不正是蓋亞的核心~~來把這所有的差異帶入一張 ‘合一’ 的掛毯之中嗎?
你看到沒, ‘大角星人走道’也是一個 ‘中間區域’.
“Each of you is creating the energy field of our Arcturian Corridor. In fact, as you deeply merge with Gaia you assist to anchor the Arcturian Corridor of Ascension into the body of Gaia, while you simultaneously open that PORTAL into the higher frequencies and dimensions.
事實上, 隨著你深入的與蓋亞融合,
‘揚升入蓋亞身體’ 的‘大角星人走道’
又打開通往更高頻率與維度的 “星門”.
“In this manner the “ascension train” enters the “station.” NOW, see the huge vortex before you? This vortex is the opening of the Arcturian corridor. It is your opening into the Corridor. How you enter this vortex is how you enter every component of your fifth-dimensional reality. Therefore, it is important that you surrender into the vortex. As you surrender in to the vortex you begin to feel a spinning all around you. Faster and faster the Corridor spins around you.
“以這方式 ~~ ‘揚升列車’ 就進站了.
現在, 看到這在你眼前的巨大漩渦沒有?
因此 ~~非常重要的是 ~~
你會開始感覺到一種旋轉 ~~在你四周.
“You are within the very core of the Corridor, and within that core you feel the same stability as you felt in the core of Gaia, as well as within the core of your own SELF. It is through your being within your own core that you will transmute your physical form into your body of light. Many of you will maintain a physical earth vessel so that you can assist Gaia.
而且在那核心之中, 你感受到同樣的‘穩定感’~~一如你在蓋亞核心所感覺到的 ~~
以及你在你自己的核心所感覺到的‘穩定感’. 就是透過你在你自己的核心的 ‘存有’
“Then, you will flash into your Lightbody when you wish to visit the myriad wonderful adventures of the fifth dimension and beyond. Beyond the limitations of time, you will return to your physical vehicle a second before you left it. Thus, at first, it will be as if you never left. When you enter the NOW of your/our Arcturian Corridor to go into the higher frequencies you leave time. Thus, there is no time that has been spent in the fifth dimension, and no physical time has been lost.
“然後, 你將會閃入你的光體
你將會回返入你的物質身體 ~~
因此, 首先, 那會好像是你根本沒離開過一樣. 當你進入你的\我們的
‘大角星人走道’的 ‘當下’ 之時 ~~
你進入了更高的頻率們 ~~所以你離開了時間.因此, 你並沒有花 ‘時間’ 在第五維度,
“At first these adventures will not be connected to the conscious memory of your earth vessel, but eventually, you will begin to remember that you opened the Corridor by surrendering into the huge vortex of change. You can enjoy the beauty and love of whatever frequency of reality you choose to visit.
“在剛開始時, 這些探險都不會連接入
但終究, 你會開始記得 ~~
你打開了這通道 ~~
“As a portal opener, you will bring back the glory you have experienced into your physical form and into the core of Gaia. Whenever you go into the higher frequencies of reality, you further transmute your self. Then, when you return, you assist to further transmute Earth by sharing your higher frequency of light with the core of Gaia.
“This higher frequency of light that you deposit into Earth as you return from your higher dimensional explorations will assist Gaia to transmute faster and faster? Furthermore, every time you visits Gaia’s core, you open a portal to bring higher light into Gaia’s Earth.
“你寄放入地球的更高頻率的光 ~~
當你從你更高維度的探索中回來時, ~~
此外, 每次你拜訪蓋亞核心,
你打開了一個 ‘星門’
“If you can’t remember what your SELF is doing yet, ask your body, as your body cannot lie. Ask your higher consciousness, as your energy field cannot lie. Don’t ask the mundane you that pay the bills and does the dishes about what you are doing in your Lightbody, as that expression is still lost in illusion. Therefore, send that YOU unconditional love.
“如果你無法記得你的 ‘本我’ 正在做些什麼, 問你的身體, 因為你的身體無法說謊.問你更高的 ‘覺知意識’, 因為你的能量場不能說謊.不要問那世俗的你 ~~那個付帳單, 洗碗的你 – 關於你的光體正在做些什麼 ~~
因為那世俗的你的表達 ~~仍然迷失在幻覺中.
因此, 把 ‘無條件的愛’ 寄給那個你.
“If the only one thing that do for ascension is to send unconditional love to Gaia and all of her beings, you are massively contributing planetary ascension. In fact, very time you have a problem send it unconditional love. Then observe that issue through your Third Eye to see has it slowly changes or instantly bursts into light.
~~你為 ‘行星揚升’ 已經做出了重大的貢獻了. 事實上, 每次你有問題時 ~~
然後觀察那事情 ~~透過你的第三隻眼
“Every time you are sad, hurt or have an emotion that you’re not enjoying, send your self unconditional love and watch your problems transmute into light. Remember, YOU are a portal opener. Therefore, you have a responsibility to keep your consciousness clear and focused on the process of ascension.
“每次你傷心時, 受傷時,
或是有一個你不高興的情緒時 ~~
記得, 你是一個“星門開啟者”!
因此你有一個責任 ~~
清晰而專注在 ‘揚升程序’ 上.
Do not worry, for we will have these meetings as often as you need them. We realize how difficult third dimensional reality can be. We commend you on your magnificent contributions to Gaia and ALL Her inhabitants. Remember there is no time or space at our frequency. Therefore, we are always with you.”
別擔心, 因為我們將會時常舉辦這些會議~~在你們需要它們時. 我們明白第三維度實相可以有多困難. 我們讚許你們偉大的對蓋亞以及她的所有居民的貢獻. 記得, 在我們的頻率沒有時間或是空間. 因此, 我們永遠是與你們在一起的.”
With that final statement, our eyes flew open and Sandy and I simultaneously said, WOW!” Then, we both jumped out of bed and rushed for our computers to write down everything we could remember.
隨著最後那句話, 我們的眼睛張開了, 而Sandy和我同時說: “wow!” 然後我們同時跳出了床奔向電腦去寫下每一件我們能記得的事.
The Higher Perspective on Ascension
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