(上) (重要)
眼前在扬升中的地球Part 5--- 20140125
Meanwhile On Earth Part 5 - The Portal of Manifestation
Meanwhile on Ascending Earth Part 5
Channeller: Suzanne Lie\ 20140125
中文翻译: 林琚月20140129 http://blog.sina.com.cn/rebeccahjlin
The Portal of Manifestation
I think it is the NOW for Sandy and Jason to return to the Ship. What do you think my love?
我的愛, 我想現在應該是這個 “當下”~~來讓Sandy and Jason回到船上來了. 你覺得如何?
“YES,” answered Mytre. “I have been observing their energy as they work together. I think they are ready for an experience of merging into one being.”
“是的,” Mytre說. “我一直在觀察他們在一起工作時的能量. 我想他們已經準備好了來經驗 ~~~合而為一個存有.
“Yes,” I responded with a bright smile. “Do you remember our first merging?”
“是的,” 我用一個燦爛的笑容來回答. “
“I have never forgotten,” he responded with that special look in his eyes. “I see how the energy of their working together is greatly expanding, and know they are ready for a conscious merging on the Ship. Do you remember, beloved when the Arcturian guided us into our first conscious merging into ONE?”
所以我知道, 他們已經準備好了
你記得嗎, 摯愛, 當“大角星人”引導著我們進入我們
“I have never forgotten,” I said as I looked into his beautiful blue eyes. Within the NOW we merged again into ONE being. Our thoughts were ONE, our emotions were ONE, and our bodies were ONE shinning Merkaba. We both felt our Merkaba lift off into the inner realms of the ONE. Lifetimes (or was it seconds) later we pulled our energy-field back into our two forms of light.
而就在這 “當下” ~~我們再一次融合成了 “一個存有”.
我們的思想是“一個存有”. 我們的情緒是“一個存有”, 而且我們的身體們也成為了“一個閃亮的梅卡巴存有”.
提升轉變入一個 “合一體” 的內在領域.
“This merging has been spontaneously happening for us more and more. NOT that I am complaining,” Mytre said with a sexy smile.
“這個 “融合”對我們而言, 一直是在直覺的發生當中,
~~但我這可不是在抱怨,” ~~ Mytre用個性感的笑容説.
In response to the look on his face, I looked again into his beautiful eyes and said, “Soon I believe we will remain in that higher dimensional energy-field.”
回應他臉上的表情, 我再度看入他美麗的眼睛中說,
“很快的, 我相信我們會
Mytre put his arms around me so tightly that our two bodies became intermingled into one, and kissed me so deeply that now words were unnecessary. When he finally pulled away he telepathically said, “We were always and shall ever be, ONE!”
Mytre用他的手臂緊緊的環繞住我, 我們的兩個身體也變得交融成一個, 他親著我, 如此深入, 現在語言已經多餘. 當他終於拉開時, 他用心電感應的說,
“我們過去一直是, 而且也將永遠是 ‘合一’!”
“Now back to our mission of assisting Gaia with Her ascension,” Mytre finally said with his voice. I think that Sandy and Jason are ready to learn more about their great power of manifestation.”
Mytre終於用他的聲音說. 我想Sandy and Jasonu
他們 “顯化” 的偉大能量.
“I totally agree,” I responded. “They are still living the third-dimensional paradigm which is based on either/or. This paradigm causes them to believe that they must chose one lifestyle or another. That belief does make it easier for, as the polarities of love and fear greatly complicate their lives. Therefore, many of our galactic away-team wearing earth vessels have fallen into the illusion that they must be spiritual OR rich.”
“我完全同意,” 我回答. “他們仍然住在這第三維度的領域 ~~而那是基於這樣或那樣的. 這領域造成了他們去相信 ~~他們必須要選擇一種生活方式, 或是那個.
那個信念 ---
讓在 “二元性”中的 “愛與恐懼” ~~得以非常容易的
--- 把他們的生活攪得很複雜.
因此, 我們正穿著地球載具的銀河的外放團隊
~~都跌入了這個幻覺 ~~
“Yes,” answers Mytre. “I have observed that many in human form have that belief. Unfortunately, in many cases it is true, as the same lost souls that caused the fall of Atlantis, have returned to their old ways of using all their resources, which in that NOW is money, to control and dominate.
“是的,” Mytre回答. “我有觀察到
~~許多在人類形式中的存有們有那個 “信念”!
不幸的是 ~~在很多狀況之下 ~~這是真的,
因為那些造成了 ‘亞特蘭提斯的沉沒’的
同一批迷失的靈魂們 ~~也是回到了他們的老套中
--- 使用他們全部的資源去 ---在此 “當下” 之中這(資源)是‘錢’ --- 來控制與統治.
“Fortunately, Jason and Sandy seem to be making choices that resonate beyond that third dimensional either/or paradigm. These choices are moving their resonance beyond the 3D Matrix and into the vibration of love and gratitude,” continues Mytre.
“幸運的是 ~~ Jason and Sandy
好像在做一些選擇 ~~
那是共鳴在他們第三維度\或是領域 ~~之外的.
而進入愛與感恩的震動當中,” Mytre接著說.
“Yes,” I respond. “Even though they are very poor they are realizing that money only exists within the 3D matrix. In fact, money does not even exist in the Lower Astral or the fourth dimension. In fact, I think our dear physical expressions are beginning to understand that money is a system of reward that ties them to the third dimension.”
“是的,”我回答. “雖然他們很窮, 但他們已經明白了
~~ ‘錢’只是存在於三維矩陣之中.
事實上, ‘錢’甚至不存在於較低的 “星光層”
或是 “第四維度”.
事實上, 我想我們親愛的物質表達體們已經開始理解
~~ “錢”只是一種 ‘報償’ 系統 ~~
“Yes,” smiles Mytre. “At the same time, they are learning/remembering that as they expand their consciousness into the higher dimensions their creative force greatly expands. Therefore, they are beginning to discover ways to fulfill their dreams without money. On the other hand, they are also learning that when they surrender into the NOW they can ‘make do’ with whatever money that they have drawn into their lives.
“是的,” Mytre笑著說. “而在同時間,
他們也正在學習\並記起 ~~
因此, 他們已經開始發現一些方法 ~~
來圓滿他們的夢想, 可是不使用金錢.
而在另一方面, 他們也同時學習到 ~~
當他們臣服進入這 “當下”之時 ~~
“I see that they are enjoying the realization that if they surrender to the NOW of the ONE, their needs will enter their life in mysterious or unexpected ways. I have seen a great change in their life since my last transmission to them. They were having great difficulty manifesting ‘enough money’ to fulfill their financial needs and were quite upset. Therefore I told them…
“我看到他們很享受這個 ‘了悟’ ~~
就是如果他們臣服進入 “合一的當下”時 ~~
他們的需要就會進入他們的人生 ~~
以一種神秘的, 或是意外的方式.
我已經看到他們人生中一個巨大的改變 ~~
他們本來有困難 “顯化” “足夠的金錢”來滿足
他們金融上的需要, 而且滿沮喪的.
“Dear Sandy and Jason, if you want to magnetize something into your third-dimensional life, the best way to do so is with gratitude. One of the most magnetic energy-fields of the multiverse is gratitude. Every person, place, situation and thing is actually an energy-field that you have called into the matrix of your NOW. Money is an energy-field that only resonates to the third dimension.
“親愛的Sandy and Jason,
最好的方法是 “使用感恩”!
~~~就是 “感恩”!
每一個人, 每一個地方, 每一個狀況,
以及每一樣東西 ~~都千真萬確的是一個 “能量場”
“錢” 是一種 “能量場” ~~
“Gratitude is an energy-field that extends into the highest frequencies of creation. In fact, the two most powerful energy-fields are unconditional love and gratitude. Unconditional love for your SELF allows you to accept that which you choose to create with the power of your intention and attention.
“感恩是一個‘能量場’ ~~
那是延伸入 ‘創造的最高的頻率’的.
事實上, 最強的兩個能量場是
你用你的 “企圖心” 與 “注意力”
“Gratitude perpetuates that creation for as long as you feel grateful. However, if your attention is on waiting for something to manifest (waiting for money to come), then you are within the energy-field of waiting. Therefore, you will create ‘waiting for money.’
“感恩會穿透那個創造 ~~
但是, 假如你的 “注意力”~~
(比方, 等錢來),
然後你就是在 “等待的能量場”之中.
因此, 你就會創造 “等待錢”的磁場.
“On the other hand, if you are creating the energy-field of gratitude by saying, ‘Thanksgiving for the substance at hand will duplicate the substance indefinitely.’ you are ‘leaving the door open’ for you manifestation to enter your life. Interestingly enough, what you think will enter through this open door may be something that actually brings you more peace and happiness than that for which you asked.
“而從另一角度來說 ~~
假如你創造這 “感恩的能量場” ~~
透過‘說’ ~~ “感謝我手上已經擁有的東西將會無限的複製出這些東西出來.”
那你就是 “把門打開” ~~讓 “你的顯化”~~可以進入你的人生.
夠有意思的是 ~~
你認為會穿過這打開的大門進來的東西 ~~可能會是一些
真的會帶給你更多的和平與快樂的東西 ~~遠超過你所要求的.
“Remember that you are portal openers. Therefore, you have direct access to your portal into the higher dimensions. Whatever you send into your portal will return to you three-fold. If you send ‘I need more money’ into the portal what returns is the need for more money. On the other hand, if you send gratitude and thanksgiving for the money you do have, your portal will return to you more of that for which you are thankful.
因此, 你有直接通過你的星門
假如你發射 “我需要更多的錢”
進入這星門 ~~那回來的會是 ~~
而從另一方面而言 ~~
假如你發射 “感恩與感謝”
那你的星門就會回向給你 ~~
“When you send out unconditional love and gratitude, you will manifest more of that for which you are grateful and will love unconditionally. We realize that in your third dimensional world ‘unconditionally loving’ money appears strange. However, remember that unconditional love is the bonding force of the multiverse.
~~你就會 ‘顯化’~~
我們理解 ~~
“無條件的愛著的” 錢顯得很奇怪.
但是記住 ~~
“Hence, if you unconditionally love the FEELING of having enough money, you will bond enough money into your present matrix of reality. When people experience greed, which is a creation of fear, their resonance lowers and their power of manifestation returns to its third dimensional expression of ‘work hard to make money’ or ‘take money from others.’
“因此, 假如你“無條件的愛著”
~~這擁有足夠金錢的 “感覺” ~~
當人們經驗到 ‘貪婪’ ~~
那是一種“恐懼的創造” ---
而且它們的 ‘顯化’ 能力會恢復成 --- 第三維度的 “辛苦賺錢才會有錢’
或是 ‘從別人那裡拿錢’ 的
“Your power of manifestation is relative to your ability to be the master of your thoughts and emotions. Your portal returns the energy package of what you send through it. If you send fear, desperation, or greed through your portal that is what you will receive. Then your manifestation of money will be dependent on the 3D manner of ‘make it or take it.’
所以如果你寄恐懼, 絕望,
或是貪婪穿過你的星門 ~~
(下) (重要)
眼前在扬升中的地球Part 5--- 20140125
“Breaking the cosmic flow by harming others to meet your own desire will NOT lead to an experience of ascension. On the same hand, working too hard, will lower your consciousness into survival mode, which will lower your consciousness to the point that you are no longer in contact with your portal or your Multidimensional SELF.
“打破大宇宙之能量流的事 ~~
同理可證 ~~工作太努力~~
~~那會把你的覺知意識降低到一個點 ~~就是你不再與你的星門
“Also, your 3D reality tells you that ‘money heals your problems.’ In reality, money will be helpful for your physical life, but it can be a great distraction away from your spiritual life. However, as long as you maintain a higher state of consciousness, you resonate to the higher frequencies of reality and all ‘either/or’ choices transmute into ‘everything now’ choices. Then, you are able to maintain your inter-dimensional connection while you have money.
事實上, 金錢對你的物質生活會有幫助, 但是它對你的靈性生活
只要你維持一個更高的覺知意識狀態, 讓你與更高頻率的實相去共鳴,
然後, 所有\或者是其他的 “選擇”
“當下中的每件事”的 “選擇”.
的連接能力 ~~在你有錢的時候!!!
“Simultaneously, as you have remember that it is through unconditionally loving the higher frequencies of experiences into you life, you can accept the freedom and ability to manifest that which is necessary to fulfill your chosen life-plan. Unconditional love says, ‘Yes, I do deserve!’ Then as your energy-field of gratitude says, ‘Thank you, I accept,’ your manifestation is cemented into your daily life.
“同時, 當你記得 ~~
這 “更高頻率的經驗”進入你的人生~~所以你就能夠接受這自由, 和能力 ~~去 ‘顯化’ ~~
“是的, 我確實值得!”
然後, 當你 “感恩的能量場”說
“謝謝, 我接受!”之時 ~~
你的 ‘顯化’就被固定入
“You see your state of consciousness is what determines the experiences of your daily life. Your state of consciousness is similar to the channels on your radio. Each channel is a frequency and each frequency represents a certain experience of reality.
“你看 ~~你的覺知意識狀態
“We of the higher worlds do not perceive realities as good or bad, as those are third dimensional terms. Instead we, your higher expressions of SELF, perceive the third/fourth dimensional realities as lower frequency dimensions that have become so polarized that they have lost their balance.
我們, 你們的更高的本我表達體
是為較低的頻率維度 ~~
那已經成為如此的 ‘二元分裂’
“We use the example of a child’s rotating top. When the top is spinning very fast it remains centered and has NO warble to the right or left. However, once the spin of the top begins to slow, it warbles to the right or the left until it finally falls over because the spin is too slow. This spinning top is a good example of your journey down into the third dimensional earth vessel that you are wearing.
當陀螺轉得非常快時 ~~
它的中心點很穩, 而且不會往左右傾斜.
但是, 一但陀螺的旋轉開始慢下來時 ~~
它就會往左右傾斜直接它終於倒下來為止 ~~
這個旋轉的陀螺是一個好的例子 ~~
“While you are wearing your higher dimensional form or formless expressions, your resonance is very high. Hence, the reality to which that expression aligns is one in which there are NO polarities, as there is NO warble into fear/bad or love/good. In fact, the very concept of polarity is only a dim memory of your third dimensional memories or the feeling that you received from your expressions that are wearing earth vessels.
因此, 你的表達所對齊的實相就是
一個 ‘沒有二元性的實相’ ~~
事實上, “二元對立” 的概念
或只是一個 ‘感覺’~~
“We, your higher expressions of SELF, do not directly experience the polarities and hardships of your polarized reality. If we did our consciousness would drop out of our reality, and we would find our self trapped in your reality rather than showing you the way out of that frequency.
“我們, 你們的更高的本我表達體~~
以及你們 ‘二元分裂’ 的實相的辛苦.
“Of course the concepts of out and in are only perceived from the third-dimensional perspective, as they do not exist in our higher frequency of reality. From our perspective we would say matching your resonance to higher or lower frequencies of reality. It is our mission and our great honor to assist the expressions of our SELF who have volunteered to enter into an earth vessel during Gaia's great transition.
“當然, “進與出”的概念
從我們的感應理解力中 ~~我們會說 ~~
來協助我們 ‘本我’ 的表達體們 ~~
祂們(或我們)自願來進入一個地球載具 ~~
“From our perspective there is no time. Therefore, we are not concerned about how long our beloved ones must remain within the 3D matrix to assist Gaia. From our perspective, all the myriad phases of planetary ascension are occurring within the NOW of the ONE. We understand how your third dimensional thinking places all these phases of ascension into a long line with the most physical at the bottom of the line and the highest at the top of the line.
“從我們的感應理解力中 ~~
並沒有 ‘時間’ 的存在.
因此, 我們並不擔心 ~~
從我們的理解角度 ~~
~~~都是在 “合一的當下”之中
一條長線上 ~~
“Fortunately, when you fully transmute your thinking into multidimensional thinking you will be able to continue to fulfill your earth mission while you also experience your SELF in the higher dimensions. You have many Higher SELVES, and they are NOT in a hierarchal line. Instead, they/we all exist within the HERE of the NOW.
“幸運的是 ~~
多維度思考之後 ~~~
你有許多更高的 ‘本我們’,
祂們全都存在在 “當下” 的 “此處”裡!
“We realize that the concept of ‘the HERE of the NOW’ is almost inconceivable to third dimensional thinking, but we assure you that your thinking will become multidimensional as you consciousness becomes stabilized on the higher frequencies of reality. When your multidimensional thinking comes online, you will feel your higher expressions of SELF while you also experience the quantum world through the 97% DNA of your earth vessel.
“我們理解 ~~“當下的此處”概念
但是我們向你保證 ~~
“Again, these expressions of SELF are not lined up in a row with a top and bottom. These expressions are all within the HERE of the NOW. Within the HERE your every thought, emotion, unselfish desire is fulfilled NOW. We say ‘unselfish desire’ for a selfish desire will instantly lower your frequency out of the HERE and NOW and back into the time and polarity of the polarized realities of the third/fourth dimension.”
“再一次, 那些“本我表達體” ~~
並非排在一條線上, 有頭有尾的.
在這個 ‘此處’ ~~你的每一個思想, 情緒, 不自私的欲望總是在‘當下’ 中被滿足. 我們說 ‘不自私的欲望’ ~~
而回到 ‘時間’與第三\四維度的
‘二元性’ 的 ‘二元對立實相’之中.
“Dearest Sandy and Jason, Mytria and I observe that you both resonate beyond any selfish intentions. In fact, you both lovingly spend your time and effort to assist others to understand their process of ascension. When your time is spent in service to the ONE, the ONE pays you with unconditional love, which is much more valuable than money.
“最親愛的Sandy and Jason, Mytria和我有觀察到
事實上, 你們兩人都充滿愛心的
In other words, as you take care of the Universe, the Universe takes care of you.”
換言之, 當你照顧宇宙之時,
“Well Mytre,” I joyfully say, “I think you have fully prepared them. Lets bring them on board the Ship NOW.”
“Well Mytre,” 我充滿歡樂的說,
讓我們在這 “當下” 帶他們上飛船來吧!
Posted by Sue at 8:12 AM
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