
大角星人Book 4:

回到母艦Part 2 -

對地球訊息傳輸 #1 20131111


Back On the Mothership Part 2 - Transmissions to Earth #1


Back on the Mothership Part 2



Channeller: Suzanne Lie\   20131111

中文翻译: 林琚月 20131112


Transmissions to Earth #1

對地球訊息傳輸 #1


(: MYTRIANMytre& Mytria的雙生光靈魂合一體.)

Immediately after our welcome back to the Mothership and our brief conversation with Mytre, Mytria and the Arcturian we were hustled off to a huge room with a large viewing screen. Via this screen we could see the Arcturian who was about to commence Its latest transmission to Earth. Within this room there were many of our new friend from Inner Earth Lemuria, as well as from the “time” in which the Circle of Completion gathered.

立刻在我們(Sandy & Jackson)被歡迎回到母艦之後, 我們與Mytre, Mytria以及大角星人說了點話之後, 我們就被催促入了一間巨大的房間, 裡面有一張巨大的銀幕. 透過這銀幕我們可以看到大角星人即將開始做祂最近對地球的訊息傳輸. 在這房間中有許多我們來自地心利穆里亞世界的新朋友們, 以及那時在 “the Circle of Completion完成圓圈中聚集的朋友.


We saw our ancient expressions of Landar and Landar, as well as Laetara and many others. We could see that some of them wore their ancient form, but others wore whatever form they were wearing in their present NOW. It was very interesting that we could recognize them by their feel even though their faces, bodies and even genders were different.

我們看到了我們古代表達身的Landar and Landar, 以及Laetara(合一體), 和許多其他人. 我們可以看到他們一些人穿著他們古代的裝扮, 而其他人則穿著他們在現在的當下的任何形式. 我們感到非常有趣 ~~因為我們可以認出他們 ~~依照他們給人的感覺, 雖然他們的臉, 身體, 甚至性別也不同.


We also saw that on this time the transmission room was filled with beings that were in plant and animal form. There was even a huge aquarium off to the side of the room in which two dolphins served as representatives for the cetaceans. When the lights in the room dimed, and we saw our dear Arcturians form on the screen, we could think of nothing else.

我們還看到了 ~~在傳輸室的此時, 屋裡充滿了植物與動物形式的存有. 在屋內另一邊還有一個巨大的水族箱, 有兩隻海豚代表了鯨類來到現場. 當屋裡的燈光暗下來時, 我們看到我們親愛的大角星人形式在銀幕上出現~~我們就再也沒別的想法了.



Dear Illustrious Guests and Beings of Earth,



Welcome to our spontaneous transmission to Earth. For this transmission we have the honor of having attendants from different dimensions and timelines joining us.

歡迎來到我們對地球的直覺訊息傳輸. 在這次的傳輸中, 我們有幸有來自不同維度以及時間線的存有們在現場參與了我們.


We say “beings” as this transmission is coming to you via light codes that persons, animals and plants can absorb into their consciousness to accept a “knowing” of information. Each of you will receive this information according to your species, form and consciousness.

我們說存有們” --- 因為這個傳輸是透過光密碼傳到各位身上的, 所以人, 動物與植物都能吸收進入

他們的 覺知意識之中來接受 一種訊息的知道”.

你們每個人會收到這訊息 ~~依照你的物種別, 形式以及“覺知意識”狀況.


Yes, your earthly plant kingdom is very much alive and eagerly accepts all of our transmission. We will begin our message by telling you a bit about light so that you can more easily translate our light message into the language of your current grounded expression.

是的, 你們地球的植物王國是非常活潑而且迫不及待的要接受所有我們的傳輸. 我們會開始我們的訊息來告訴你們一點關於光的事 ~~所以你們可以更容易的翻譯我們的光的訊息進入你們目前所進駐的形體的語言之中.


Light exists in units called photons. Photons have no density, no charge and travel at 186,000 miles per second. At this speed of travel, photons of light move beyond the confines of "time." Hence, a primary component of light is, in fact, timeless. Since your physical form has myriad photons, you are innately a being of light hidden within an earthen shell.

光存在的單位叫做光子. “光子”沒有稠密度, 沒有極性, 而且每秒可以旅行186,000英哩.在這種旅行速度中, 光的光子可以移動超越時間的限制.因此, 光的一個主要的組成成份就是, 事實上, 沒有時間性.由於你的物質形式有無數的光子存在, 所以你天生的~~是一個光之存有 ~~隱藏在一個(地球的)泥土軀殼之中.


Therefore, the higher frequencies of your consciousness and form exist beyond time. These higher frequencies of “you” resonate beyond the hologram of the third dimensional Earth. In other words you, your pure consciousness and major components of your physical form, are not limited to third dimensional Earth.

因此, 你形體與覺知意識的更高頻率存在於超越時間之外.這些高你的更高頻率共鳴在第三維度地球的全息影像之外.換言之, 你純粹的覺知意識, 以及你物質形體的

主要成份 ~~都不受到第三維度地球的限制.


Your earthen vessel contains the lower frequencies of your consciousness, as well as the vast quantities of fear-based emotions. These emotions lower your consciousness to the frequency of survival. While in survival mode, your vessel is filled with adrenalin, which further lowers your consciousness into the base reality of fight or flight. Therefore, we remind our Away Team that wanting to flee from Earth is not consistent with your innate unconditional love, but an anomaly of your fear.

你地球的載具包含了你較低頻率的覺知意識, 以及這巨大的大量的以恐懼為基礎的情緒. 這些情緒降低了你的覺知意識進入生存模式頻率. 而在“生存模式”之中, 你的載具充滿了腎上腺素 --- 又再度更降低你的覺知意識進入最基本的現實狀況恐懼 --- “戰鬥或是逃跑的狀態中.

因此, 我們提醒我們外放團隊 ---


無條件的愛是不搭配的 ---



Hence, we suggest that you focus your attention, not on fighting the darkness or running away to a better place. Instead, focus on the bliss that flows within the feeling of unconditional love. Your thoughts come from your brain, but your emotions arise from within your body.

因此, 我們建議你把注意力專注在 ---

不是與黑暗的戰鬥上或是逃跑到一個更好的地方去. 取而代之的,專注在你所受到的祝福 ~~那是流動在無條件的愛的感覺之上的.




Many humans have said that emotions cannot be controlled, which is true while you are experiencing fear-based consciousness. However, once you remember to send unconditional love into every challenge and/or stressful situation, you will become the master of your emotions.As a Master, you can control your emotions because you can control your state of consciousness.

許多人類已經說了 ~~情緒無法被控制 --- 這是真的 --- 假如你正在經歷的是以恐懼為基礎的覺知意識的話.但是, 一但你記得去寄送“無條件的愛”進入每個挑戰之中, 以及\或是充滿壓力的狀況中, 你就會變成你的情緒的主人. 作為一個主人 ~~你可以控制你的情緒 ~~



It is your state of consciousness that determines your choices of perception. When you are in a lower state of consciousness, fear easily permeates your thoughts to create even greater fear. Then you seek the cause of your fear rather than the solution of unconditional love.

是你的覺知意識的狀態~~在決定你的理解角度的選擇.當你在一種低的覺知意識的狀態時, 恐懼會輕易的瀰漫你的思想來創造一個更大的恐懼. 然後你會去尋求造成你恐懼的原因(如錢等),而不是使用“無條件的愛”的解決方式.


On the other hand, when you live from your core you become the light of your own Central Sun filled with your myriad photons making your body a Galaxy of light. Every atom in your body serves as a Sun with myriad planets rotating around it. When you think of yourself in this way, it is not a large leap of faith to realize that you are composed of uncountable photons. These photons travel beyond the speed of time. Thus, a huge amount of the form that you wear is already composed of light.





你身體裡的每個原子會都是太陽 ~~



這並不是很大的一個思想跳躍 ~~~



因此你現在所穿的一個巨大數量的身體部份 ~~已經是由光所組成的了.


You do not need to create a lightbody or even flash into a lightbody. Instead, simply embrace the fact that your innate SELF is light, which has become embedded in matter (spirit/light into matter/form) so that you can experience the third dimensional frequency of reality.

你並不需要去創造一個光體”, 或甚至閃入” “一個光體”, --- 取而代之的, 只要簡單的擁抱這個事實





You might say, "If I am a Master why would I need to take on such a low frequency vessel?” There are two answers to this question. First and foremost, you the members of our Away Team, took on a physical body to intimately connect with our dear friend Gaia who is ready to transmute into Her Lightbody.

你可能會說 ~~假如我是一個大師 --- 那為何我會需要去穿上如此低頻率的載具?” 這問題有兩個答案.

第一個答案, 也是最重要的那個

~~你是我們外放團隊的成員 ---

你穿上一個物質身體來與我們親愛的朋友地球蓋亞做親密的連接 ~~而她已經準備好了要轉變入她的光體之中了.


Second, you took on a form as a rehearsal. Our entire Universe is moving into a higher octave of reality. If you can rehearse for this event by raising the frequency of your personal form, you will better understand and deeply appreciate how difficult it is for an entire planet, Solar System, Galaxy and Local Universe to transmute into a higher octave of light.

其次, 你穿上一個形體來做一個預演.

我們整個小宇宙都在移高入一個更高八個音階的實相之中. 如果你能為這大事件在你的個人形體中做個提高個人形式頻率的預演,你將能比較了解並且深深的體會感恩~~

整個行星, 整個太陽系, 整個銀河系, 以及本土宇宙



Some of our ascending ones still believe that if they try very hard, are immensely good, are vastly patient and extremely patient they will “get” to ascend. Within this belief, ascension becomes a reward for being a good person. You do not need a reward because you are already ascended.

我們一些揚升中的一們仍舊相信 --- 假如他們非常努力的去嘗試的話, 而且非常乖的話, 而且非常的有耐性, 極度的有耐性的話 ---


在這信念之中, ---


你並不需要一個獎勵” ~~因為你已經揚升了.


(RL: 承接在我20131106&07兩天的吉夢之後, 20131110日那天 ~~我夢見我看到了一個新鄰居, 長得像個美國中年男人, 開著一輛農耕用的小三輪車,他背後的農場也像個美國寬闊的農場. 我問他是誰?



我問他: “為何我從沒見過他們?” ---

他說: “你以前看不到我們, 現在可以了.

我仔細看了一下他家的位置 ---

竟然剛好是在我隔壁的馬路上, 讓我很驚訝.


以後所有馬路都會不需要, 會恢復成綠地.)


我問他: “為何來住在這裡?

他說: 我們主要是來幫助你記得你自己.”

(: 所以他們是通靈文中提到的輔導顧問!)--- 我愣了一下. 然後想過去與他女兒攀談一下時,

就醒了. --- 一個神奇的夢!~~只是提供給大家作個參考. )


You did not come to Earth at this time to evolve. Instead, you greatly devolved your SELF so that you could maintain a low enough state of consciousness to inhabit a third dimensional form and go through an extremely long time to grow up. Because of the efforts of those who are NOW adults, many children are able to reveal the expanded talents of their SELF at a very young age.

你並不是在此時來到地球來發展. 取而代之的, 你是超級巨大的降低你自己的本我’ ~~才能維持住一個如此低的覺知意識的狀態~~來居住在一個第三維度形體之中, 而且要經歷一段極度長的時間來成長.


成年人的努力 ~~

許多孩子們才得以顯露出他們本我中隱藏的被擴張出來的才華 ~~在如此小的年齡.


(RL: 克里昂大師確實也曾經如此指示過 ~~光工們多半是來自利穆里亞時代的老靈魂’, 是共同創造地球的靈魂們,而許多一般民眾其實是年輕的靈魂---

還在犯錯誤學習著成長成熟的發展階段. ---

由此兩訊息看來 --- 老靈魂’除了來做聖光的接收器之外, 而且是活的星門,

而且是地球人口中的混齡教學” “做樣板的人口. )


These “children” have abilities that adults had to study for decades to master. This is because YOU, the ones who were born in the times of deep darkness and harsh realities, have expanded your consciousness enough to be a living portal of light. As this living portal, your higher consciousness has been able to accept light from the Sun, and even the Central Sun, into your form.

這些孩子們擁有的能力 --- 是許多成人必須研習幾十年才能專精的.正由於是 --- 這些出生在深度黑暗以及嚴酷的現實中的一們--- 已經擴張了你們的覺知意識的狀態來成為一個活的光之星門.



甚至中央太陽的光 ~~進入你們的形體中.


You have then grounded that light into the planet, to share it with Gaia. A photon of light leaves the surface of a sun or star and travels through space to reach your form the instant that the photon left the star and the moment that it connected to your body. NO time has elapsed at all because the photons travel beyond the limitation of time.

然後你們又把這光穩定入行星地球之中, 與蓋亞一起分享. 一個光之光子離開了太陽或是星星表面, 旅行過太空來到達你的形體 --- 在這光子離開星球的剎那, 它也在同一時間連接入了你的身體.完全沒有時間間斷 ~~



We know that this concept is difficult for your 3D brain to conceive, but that brain is only an illusion in the matrix of the third dimensional reality that you are currently visiting. Your 3D brain cannot conceive of instant travel. Therefore, it creates a scenario in which you are still a good person, as it is very important to be good.

我們知道這概念對於你們的三維人腦是很困難理解的, 但是那大腦只是一個三維度實相中的矩陣幻覺---


你的三維大腦無法想像 “instant travel同時性旅行. 因此, 你的三維大腦就創造了一個狀況就是 ~~

你仍然是好人 (的概念)~~因為當好人非常重要.


In reality, good and bad appear to be polarities because the infinite and timeless “in between” of every spectrum is not perceivable to your third dimensional consciousness. The core, center of the “in-between,” resonates to a higher frequency than the edges of the spectrum, which appear to be the only reality to your third dimensional perceptions. Thus, the lower frequency edges of a spectrum of thoughts, emotions, objects and concepts appear to be separate polarities.

事實是 ~~好與壞只是顯像成為極性而已 ~~

因為在每一個光譜的無限無時間中間’ ---


這個核心, “中間的中心點,共鳴入一個更高的頻率



~~唯一存在的現實.因此, 比較低的光譜頻率邊緣 ~~

如思想, 情緒, 物件, 和概念 ~~



As your earthly consciousness continues to expand back into your innate multidimensional consciousness, you will begin to experience more and more of the “in between.” In fact, the billions of photons within your earth vessel perceive ALL the in-between. This in-between is perceived as the HERE and NOW. Via your in-breath and out-breath you are constantly exchanging your photons with every other seemingly separate being on your seemingly third dimensional planet.




事實上, 你的地球載具之中數十億的光子




你正在持續的交換著你的光子們 ~~




But if you are filled with timeless photons, and your body is made of the same elements as your planet, than Earth is also filled with timeless photons. Therefore, your seemingly third dimensional Earth has a huge element in which your photons are instantly dashing to other frequencies of the light that are constantly permeating the “time” of the time-less NOW.

但是假如, 你是充滿了沒有時間性的光子們”, 而且你的身體和你的行星的組成元素都一樣, 那地球也同樣是充滿了沒有時間性的光子們”.因此, 你的看起來好像是這麼回事的三維地球~~擁有一個巨大的元素 ~~在其中

--- 你的光子們 ~~是立即性的穿進穿出其他的光頻率那個持續在瀰漫整個在沒有時間的當下的時間區.


In this manner, your third dimensional reality is deeply influenced by the higher frequency realities that resonate to “in between” of your perception. As your consciousness accelerates beyond the third dimensional matrix, you will begin to also release your experience of time. It is then that you will begin to remember that time and space is actually aspects of the same mechanism.

以這種方式 ~~你的三維實相是深深的被

更高的頻率實相所影響的 ---






Space is time that has congealed onto a matrix of the third or fourth dimension. These dimensions allow duality and the sequential experience of time. Time, on the other hand, is the inverse of space and lives within a dynamic flow of the NOW. Time only expresses itself sequentially within the lower worlds, but your higher states of consciousness allow you to move out of time.

空間就是 凝固的時間


這些維度允許二元性”, 以及連續性的線性時間經驗.

時間’~~在另一個角度 --- 逆轉的空間’,





Once you are free of the illusion of time, your consciousness is free of the 3D matrix and can expand your conscious perception to include the higher dimensional realities. This expansion of consciousness will assist you to remember that both time and space occur via your consciousness through the mechanisms of inward and outward pulses of matter to antimatter (as in a black hole) and antimatter into matter (as in a white hole). Do you understand how YOU are a portal?

一但你脫離了時間的幻覺, 你的覺知意識就脫離了三維矩陣,而且可以擴大你的覺知意識感應理解力


這個覺知意識的擴張 ~~將會協助你來記得---


(如同在一個黑洞之中一樣: 當物質進入反物質),

以及(如同在一個白洞之中一樣: 當反物質進入物質).



This inward and outward flow overlaps at the point in which space and time meet in the flow of the ONE of the fifth dimension and beyond. Once you have this experience via your fifth dimensional consciousness, even though you are wearing an earth vessel, the limitations of the 3D Matrix will have no meaning to you.

這往內與往外的流動在某個點上重疊 --- 在那個點上時間’與‘空間’在第五維度以及超越的地方的合一之流中相遇.一但你透過你第五維度的覺知意識而有了這個經驗 --- 即使你正穿著一個地球載具, ---

三維矩陣的限制也將對你 --- 再也不具有任何意義.


When you consciously experience the constant in-flow and out-flow of time and space moving through your current earth vessel, your consciousness expands to embrace your true Multidimensional SELF. Life and death then take on the meaning of birth/into body and death/out of body, but the “body” is only one of your many parallel, alternate or higher dimensional bodies.




此時, 將會有不同的意義 ~~

進入身體, 離開身體’,

但是這身體~~只會是你許多平行時空, 選擇性時空,



In fact, many of you who are receiving this message are having outflow feelings that you are dying, or that huge elements of your life are completed. At the same time you are having inflow experiences of being reborn in some way.

事實上, 你們許多正在接收此訊息的存有

~~正在感覺到一種你正在死亡當中的經驗, 或者是


可是同時間, 你又有種往外流動的重新出生的感覺.”

(RL: Lisa Renee也提過此事.)


What is occurring is that the components of your life that are unacceptable, or intolerable, to the frequency of your higher states of consciousness are on outflow so that they can no longer limit your higher dimensional perceptions. With the outflow/death of these limitations your consciousness expands to accept the inflow/birth of new concepts, perceptions and experiences into your daily life.

目前在發生的事是 ~~你人生中無法接受的, 孰不可忍的部份, ~~對你較高的覺知意識狀態的頻率是屬於外流的部份 --- 所以它們再也不能限制住你較高維度的感應理解力了.所以, 隨著你覺知意識的這些限制的流出與死亡 ---

你的覺知意識就擴充來接受新概念, 新感應理解力



When your consciousness is focused inward, you can perceive the inflow that you have been allowing into your reality. Then, during your outward focused states of consciousness you can perceive that which you are sending out into your world. In other words, you are not just the recipient of the inflow and outflow. You are also the source.

你的覺知意識 專注向內, 你可以感應到這流入~~那是你允許進入你的實相的.然後, 在你 外流的覺知意識專注狀態中 --- 那是你送入你的世界的東西.

換言之, 你不只是這流入與流出的接收者而已,



As the source and core of your galaxy, you can best understand how space and time float in a great cosmic sea. Past, present and future float within this sea as expressions of the NOW that you can accept or reject as your perceptions of reality. Every possibility for every expression of your SELF floats within the HERE and NOW of this Cosmic Sea.

身為你的銀河系核心與源頭, 你就能比較理解到 ~~


過去, 現在與未來都漂浮在這海之上 ~~

做為當下的一個表達--- 那是你可以接受或是拒絕

--- 來做為你實相的感應理解力.

你的本我每個可能表達都漂浮在 此處此刻 ~~在這大宇宙之海之上.


The matter of your form and antimatter of your consciousness interact and intermingle as spirit into matter and matter’s return to pure spirit. Within your galaxy are many stars. Some of these stars are ready to blink out of your life, whereas other stars are in the process of birth. Your consciousness has been attached to form for myriad experiences of birth into a third dimensional shell, and NOW it wishes to expand back into its true housing of a multidimensional lightbody.

你的形體的物質和你的覺知意識的反物質互動著, 而且互相混合 ~~當靈性進入物質, 以及物質又回復成純粹的靈性之時.在你的銀河系有許多星星. 有些星星已經準備好了要閃出你的人生, ~~而同時也有其他星星們正在被生產出來的程序中. 你的覺知意識一直連接著形體 --- 為了在一個三維的殼中產生出許多經驗, 而現在, (你的覺知意識)希望擴張回到它真實的房子中 --- 在一個多維度的光體之中.


We conclude our transmission for today so that you can integrate this information into your personal and planetary form. We will return soon to continue this transmission. We suggest that you allow our words to flow within the cosmic sea of your great Multidimensional SELF.

我們在此結束今天的傳輸, 所以你們能整合這訊息進入

你個人與行星形式之中. 我們很快會回來~~來繼續這個

傳輸. 我建議你們允許我們的話語在你們的




Until then, we send you unconditional love.

直到下次, 我們寄給大家無條件的愛.




We were very grateful that we would have some “time” to integrate this “timeless” information. Also, all the guests would remain on the Mothership until the next transmission. Therefore, we would have a wonderful, and confusing, evening visiting our friends from Lemuria as well as our other expressions of SELF. We were beginning to slowly adapt to the reality of being multidimensional. Perhaps, we will have a chance to talk with Mytre, Mytria and the Arcturian.

我們很感恩能夠有些時間整合這個沒有時間性的訊息. 同時, 所有的客人都會停留在母艦之上, 直到下次的傳輸. 因此, 我們會有一個美妙的, 混亂的下午來拜訪我們來自利穆里亞的朋友們, 以及我們其他表達形式的本我’. 我們已經開始慢慢的調適入這個多維度存在狀況的實相. 或許, 我們將會有個機會跟Mytre, Mytria以及大角星人說說話.

Posted by Sue at 4:01 PM


RL: 欢迎大家转载, 但请勿删修任何文字, 特别是渠道名称与译者名称. 尊重作者, 译者与著作权! 请小心因果报应! 并请大家不要转载刨窃的作品, 不要成为帮凶并分担业障! 请大家协助保持灵学界的清净!

修行路上大家加油! 无限祝福!





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    Rebecca Lin

    安琚樂月 生靈昇靈

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