

新地球的生活Part I


Pleiadian Perspective on Ascension Book IV

Life Within New Earth Part I



Channeller: Suzanne Lie\   20131028

中文翻译: 林琚月 20131030




Mother Gaia蓋亞母親



When we were told to go into our core something was triggered inside of us. Spontaneously, without even an intention on our part, the two components of Mytria/Sandy and Mytre/Jason blended into the one being that we heard was called Mytrian. We had barely become accustomed to the merging of Sandy/ Mytria and Jason/Mytre when we suddenly transmuted into Mytrian.

當我們被告知要走入我們的核心,某些東西被啟動在我們之間. 直覺的, 沒有我們其中一個有任何的用心, Mytria/Sandy and Mytre/Jason這神聖另一半融合成了一個存有 --- 那個我們聽到被稱為Mytrian的存有. 在我們都還沒有適應了

Sandy Mytria JasonMytre的融合之前--- 我們又突然間轉變成了Mytrian.


Mytre and Mytria had a similar experience when we/they were flowing with the Arcturian as swirls of light. They also merged into their Divine Complement. But, the addition of the Jason and Sandy consciousness made this merging unique. We heard within that many shifts and alteration occurred whenever a new expression of our beingness merged back into the ONE of our Multidimensional SELF.

Mytre and Mytria有一個類似的經驗 ~~當他們與大角星人流轉在一團光流中時的經驗. 他們也融合成了他們的神聖合體. 但是, 增加了Jason Sandy的覺知意識讓這個融合獨特. 我們從內在聽到~~許多的提升與改變與修改會發生 ~~只要任何時候一個新的我們的存在體又融合回到我們



Our merging into Mytrian was unique to even Mytre and Mytria because it occurred without with the guidance of the Arcturian or within the safety of the Violet Temple. Also, we were formless when our merging into greater Oneness occurred. Fortunately, even though we were without form, we instantly felt the transition.

我們融合回去Mytrian這事即使對Mytre and Mytria也是獨特的, 因為這是發生在~~沒有大角星人的導引之下, 也不是在紫蘿蘭火燄廟的安全感之中所發生的. 而且當我們融合成一個更大的合一體, 我們是沒有形式的. 幸運的是 ~~即使沒有形式, 我們立即感覺到這個轉移.


Before, we were two beings of pure consciousness that swirled and interlaced with each other. Now, we were one state of pure consciousness with a vast awareness of myriad multidimensional expressions of SELF. Each of these expressions interlaced and swirled through each other while also maintaining a distinct access code.

以前, 我們是兩個純粹覺知意識的存有’ ~~那個旋轉而且重疊在一起的存有們. 現在, 我們是 一個純粹覺知意識狀態, 對我們多樣性的多維度本我表達形式 ~~擁有一個巨大的認知理解.這裡面的每一個表達體都重疊旋轉穿過彼此 ~~可是又同時維持一個獨特的開啟密碼.


This access code was a frequency of light through which that expression could be entered and experienced. We realized that each of these myriad realities of SELF remained “online” in infinity with an infinite possible number of “body/forms” which we could slip into to experience that particular reality. All of these realities, as well as many that we had not yet identified, existed within the flow of the ONE much like drops of water exist within an ocean.

這個開啟密碼是一個光的頻率, 透過這個 ~~一個表達體就可以被進入並且經驗到.我們了解到這每一個多樣的本我實相體都維持在線狀態 ~~在無限可能的身體\形式數量中 ~~我們可以進入來經驗那個獨特個體的實相.這些實相體~~以及許多我們還沒有認出的(個體)~~都同時存在這合一體之流當中 ~~很像大海洋中的一滴水的存在.


These realities were identifiable by a certain “feel.” We instinctively knew that that feeling/emotion would identify the light code/thought. Then, when we joined the feeling and the thought we would enter that reality. We were tempted to visit some of these myriad realities, but we realized that the infant Gaia needed to be found.

這些實相都可以被某特定感覺所指認.我們直覺的知道那感覺\情緒會認出這光密碼\思維.然後, 當我們聯合這感覺與這思想, 我們就進入那 (個體)實相. 我們常好奇想拜訪一些這多樣的實相體(個人), 但我們明瞭我們必須找到嬰兒蓋亞’.


Entering our core was more conceivable when we held ONE consciousness. However, we were still without form, so we needed to find the core of our consciousness. We knew that this core had something to do with our merging into Mytrian and our new awareness of light codes.

進入我們的核心是比我們持有合一覺知意識更容易理解想像的一件事. 但是, 我們仍然沒有形式, 所以我們需要去發現我們覺知意識的核心. 我們知道這核心與我們融合成一個Mytrian, 以及我新學習認知到的光密碼, 有關係.


If each reality had a light code, then Mytrian must also have a light code. Perhaps we could recognize the light code for Mytrian, as well as for the emerging reality that was as formless as us. Maybe it would be easier to feel of that code first. We focused on our feelings; we found a strange mix of illumination and confusion.

假如每一個實相體都有一個光密碼, 那合一體的Mytrian必然也有一個光密碼. 或許我們可以為Mytrian以及這個跟我們一樣沒有形式的融合實相~~認出這光密碼. 或許我們可以感覺這光密碼~~會容易一些. 我們集中焦點在我們的感覺上, 我們發現了一個奇怪的光明與混亂的混合體.


Yes, the confusion would be Jason and Sandy’s contribution. We realized that we needed to send our newest arrivals to our Multidimensional SELF unconditional love. Fortunately, our Arcturian essence instantly responded by welcoming Jason and Sandy with a rush of unconditional love. This unconditional love fully bonded Sandy and Jason to our SELF and created an immense amplification of our multidimensional emanation.

是的, 這混亂感是來自Jason and Sandy. 我們(合一體)理解到我們需要送無條件的愛給我們多維度本我中新到來的成員(Jason and Sandy).幸運的是 ~~我們大角星人的本質立即回應一陣‘無條件的愛’來歡迎Jason and Sandy. 這個‘無條件的愛’將Jason and Sandy完全結合入我們本我之中, 同時創造一個強烈的多維度放射的能量擴大.


What we once observed as a small glowing light as our only “form,” was now a huge light that was so intermingled with this new reality that our core and the core of this emerging world were ONE. At this point our new expressions of Jason and Sandy became very helpful. They still remembered the experience of “being” a form. Hence, they could remind us to “turn our attention around to look inside.”

以前我們看到的一個小的光亮 ~~是我們唯一的形式~~~現在則是一道巨光 ~~它與這個新實相互相交融 ~~~所以我們的核心與這逐漸出現的世界是合一. 在此時, 我們新的Jason and Sandy的表達體就變得很有幫助. 他們依然記得存在一個形體裡的經驗. 因此, 他們可以提醒我們去扭轉我們的注意力去往內看’.


This change of attitude provided us with the feeling of centeredness and the thought of “finding the core.” Instantly, we were within what appeared to be a huge crystal. Actually, we were the huge crystal, and heard that this crystal was the Seed of Gaia.

這態度的改變提供了我們集中的感覺以及這尋找核心的思想.立刻, 我們就處在了那看起來像是一個巨大水晶的地方. 事實上, 我們就是這巨大的水晶 ~~而且聽說



We had not considered that a crystal could be a seed, but as we felt it growing and changing around us, we completely understood the concept. Just as a seed first puts down it roots then, eventually, sends up two small spouts, this crystal was merged into the physical format of Gaia’s earth body.

我們沒想過一個水晶可以是一個種子, 但是當我們感覺到它的成長以及環繞著我們的改變時, 我們完全理解了這概念. 就像一顆種子被放入地發芽, 然後最終, 它會長出嫩芽, 這水晶已經融合入了蓋亞地球身體的物質形式中.


We looked up to find the crystal sprouts and saw toddler Gaia climbing up the huge crystal in preparation for her birth into fifth dimensional Earth. We could see the toddler within the crystal, hear her giggling and feel Mother Gaia’s strong protective energy. But where was this Mother, we wondered?

我們往上去看這水晶芽苞, 看到嬰兒蓋亞爬上這巨大水晶在準備她的重生入第五維度地球.我們可以看到這嬰兒在水晶之中, 聽到她的笑聲, 也感覺到母親蓋亞強烈的保護能量. 但是這個母親在那呢? --- 我們想.


I am within you,” spoke Mother Gaia. “Since you are within my crystal core, you are me as well. Furthermore, within my core is the core of the New Earth that has always resonated to the timeless worlds. Many of my humanoids have difficulty understanding how New Earth can be birthing within the same NOW that it has always existed.

我就在你之內,”母親蓋亞說. “由於你是在我的水晶核心, 所以你也同時是我. 此外, 在我的核心之中的就是新地球的核心--- 那是已經一直共鳴在沒有時間的世界裡的.我的許多類人類存有都有困難理解 新地球如何可以重生在同一個當下那是她一直永遠存在的‘當下’.


Fortunately, my plant and animal kingdom are free of time and separation. Thus, they can easily grasp that the multidimensional energy fields of ALL reality combine and blend with that which is still attached to the time-bound 3D Matrix.”

幸運的是, 我的植物與動物王國都沒有時間與分離概念.因此, 它們可以輕易的抓住理解這個全部實相的聯合多維度能量場’, 而且與仍然連接著的三維有時間感的矩陣交融.”


We observed as toddler Gaia slid down the core of the seed crystal and into the embrace of Mother Gaia.

我們看到蓋亞嬰兒滑下水晶種子的核心, 並進入母親蓋亞的懷抱之中.


Dear human ones,” Mother Gaia continued. “I ask you to protect and care for my child. I, Mother Earth, have held a planetary form for longer than you could imagine and long for my expression as a Sun. Yes, just as you have a higher from of a lightbody, I have a higher form of a Sun.

親愛的人類的一們,” 母親蓋亞繼續說. “我請你們保護並照顧我的小孩., 母親蓋亞已經維持一個行星形式久到超越你們能夠想像的程度, 而且我想要成為一個太陽的表達體.


Sol, the Sun of our solar system which has been my home for millions of years, is yearning to return to its form as a central Sun. Then our Central Sun in the Pleiadian System will burst forth into a Great Central Sun.

“Sol, 我們太陽系的太陽 ~~也是我幾百萬年來的家 ~~想要回復成為一顆中央太陽’. 然後我們昴宿星系的中央太陽會爆發成為一個偉大的中央太陽.


"You see dear humans, you are not the only beings who wish to expand your expression of SELF. In fact, there will be a Now in which you will desire to express yourselves as a planet. In fact, the New Earth which you are creating (as well as returning to) is a greater expression of your SELF.

親愛的人類, 你們看, 你們不只是唯一希望擴大你們本我表達體的存有. 事實上, 在某個當下’ ~~~你們將也會想成為一個行星表達體’. 事實上, 你們正在創造的 新地球’ ~(也是你們在回轉回的‘新地球’)~~也是你們本我的一個更大的表達體.


"These are the reasons why I have created an infant version of myself. I, Mother Gaia, was meant to provide a reality in which the time-bound format of separation and polarity could be experienced. On the other hand, my child will provide a reality based on the timeless format of unity and oneness.

這些就是我為何創造一個我自己的嬰兒版本的原因. , 母親蓋亞, 是應該要來提供一個實相 ~~在那裡 ~~有時間限制的形式的分離感二元極性可以被體驗到. 從另一方面講, 我的孩子將會提供一個奠基於無時間形式的聯合與合一形式的實相.


"This fifth-dimensional experience of unity with all life within the NOW of the ONE includes not only my offspring, but all the humanoid and non-humanoid galactics and celestials who will share the adventure of ‘being a planet.’”

這個第五維度的, 與所有生命聯合, 共同存在於合一當下的經驗 ~~不只包括了我的後代, 而是所有類人類, 以及非人類的銀河人, 天人 ~~他們會共同分享這作為一個行星的冒險之旅.”


With Mother Gaia’s words, baby Gaia, sprang from her mother’s lap and scurried up the huge seed crystal.

當母親蓋亞說話時, 嬰兒蓋亞從她母親的懷裡跳出, 開始忙不迭的攀登這巨大的水晶種子.


Follow her,” cried Mother Gaia. “Please protect and help her to embody her Divine Concept. I must remain here within the core to hold my transmuting planet in form for as long as is necessary for my inhabitants to merge into their higher expressions.”

跟上她,”母親蓋亞叫出聲. “請保護並幫助她來顯化出具體的神聖概念’.我必須停留在這裡在核心之中來保持我正在轉變之中的行星形式 ~~直到我的居民們都能夠融合入他們更高的表達體中為止.”


As we looked up to see Mother Gaia’s child swiftly traveling up the seed crystal, we felt a great fatigue within the Mother. Instead of following the young Gaia, we blended our consciousness into the Mother.

當我們抬頭去看母親蓋亞的小孩快速的爬上水晶種子, 我們感覺到母親內心的一陣很累的疲倦. 所以我們沒有追過去年輕的蓋亞那裡, 我們把我們的覺知意識融合入母親.


Dear Mother,” we said, “We perceive that you are in need of assistance as well. We know how poorly your humans have treated you.”

親愛的母親,”我們說, “我們感應到你也需要協助. 我們知道你的人類一直很惡劣的對待你.”


Mother Gaia waved us off and said, “No, I am fine. Just as my plants, animals and humans are having difficulty integrating the higher light from our Galactic Core, I too suffer from great fatigue. I cannot follow my child into the next reality, as I must heal my wounding just as my humans must heal theirs. Follow my child and care for her as if she was your self. For, indeed, she is.”

母親蓋亞對我們揮揮手說: “, 我很好. 就像我的植物, 動物和人類正在遭遇困難~~來從我們銀河核心來整合入更高的光能一樣, 我也在經驗到疲倦的痛苦. 我無法跟隨我的孩子入下一個實相, 因為我必須治療我的傷 ~~就像我的人類也必需治療他們的傷一樣. 跟隨我的孩子, 照顧她就像照顧你自己一樣 ~~因為她真的就是你.”


With Gaia’s final words, we found that her exhaustion was partially because she had provided us with a form. We were not physical, but we were not yet fully lightbody. Hence, we resonated to the higher fourth dimension. Then, with a burst of unconditional love and multidimensional light Mother Gaia shot us free of the seed crystal and into a huge cavern filled with light.

當蓋亞說完, 我們發現她的精疲力盡一部份原因是因為她提供了一個形式給我們. 我們並非物質的, 但我們也還不是光體的. 因此, 我們共鳴在第四維度的高點. 然後, 在一陣‘無條件的愛’與多維度光的爆發之後, 母親蓋亞把我們射離開水晶種子而進入一個充滿光的洞穴之中.


We knew that we were still within the body of Earth, but Gaia’s love and light had accelerated our form into the threshold frequency of the fifth dimension. Our form of light, for we were still within our united presence of Mytrian, was slowly adapting to the higher frequencies of perception.

我們知道我們仍然在地球的身體之中, 但是蓋亞的愛與光加速了我們的形式進入了第五維度的門崁維度.我們的光形式~~因為我們仍然在聯合體的Mytrian之中, ~~~ 已經逐漸適應入了更高頻率的感應理解之中.


At first, the cavern was an empty cave filled with light and a huge body of water. However, as we calibrated our perceptions to the fifth dimension we could see many humanoid beings encircling us and sending us healing love. These beings were humanoid in that they had two arms, two legs, a torso and a head.

首先, 這洞穴是個充滿光與許多水的空穴. 但是, 當我們調整協調我們的感應入第五維度 --- 我們可以看到許多類人的存有圍繞著我們, 而且寄送治療的愛給我們.


However, in every other way they appear very different from the humans that our Sandy/Jason self had known on third-dimensional Earth. For one thing, they were very tall, perhaps ten to twelve feet tall. But, to our surprise, when they realized that their height was a bit alarming to us, they instantly adjusted themselves to match their height with ours.

但是, 在每一個方面他們都顯得與人類非常不同~~Sandy/Jason本我體在三維地球所知道的不同. 首先, 他們很高, 或許1012公尺高. 但是, 在我們的驚訝當中, 當他們明白他們的高度對我們有點威脅時, 他們立即調整自己來配合我們的高度.


Another thing was that we could see through them, yet they also appeared to be solid. Also, their heads were much larger than those of the humans we had known. We instantly realized that the larger skull was necessary to house a much larger brain. In fact, their brain seemed to flow beyond their skull and flow from their heads like a cloud of light.

另一件事是 ~~我們可以看穿他們, 但是他們顯得是具體的. 同時, 他們的頭比我們所知的人類的頭大許多. 我們立即了解到這比較大的頭顱是必須的 ~~才能裝下一個更大的腦. 事實上, 他們的腦顯然流超過他們的頭骨, 而且從他們的頭流出來像是一團光雲一樣.


We noticed that when they communed with each other in a telepathic manner, their minds sent forth visible energy fields connecting everyone in the group. Even though they wore separate forms, their minds and auras interfaced with each other.

我們注意到~~當他們彼此用心電感應溝通時, 他們的心智會發射出可見的能量場, 連接了在場的每個人.雖然他們穿著不同的形式, 但是他們的心智與外光體都一直互動著.


When a being we knew must be a leader as of his/her huge aura, resonance of pure power, vast wisdom and unconditional love suddenly flashed before us, they all returned to their larger forms. However, the “leader” seemed to be the hub of the energy field of communication that circled throughout the group.

一個我們知道應該是領導的存有 ~~~透過他的巨大的外光體, 而且共鳴著純粹的力量, 巨大的智慧, 以及無條件的愛 ---他突然間閃到我們面前時, 他們全都回復到他們巨大的形式中去. 但是這領導好像是能量場的溝通的中心~~環繞穿越這團體.


Welcome,” the leader said into our heart. “We see you have come from the Core of the Mother. Please join us as we share our world.”

歡迎,”這領導說入我們心中. “我們看到你們剛從母親核心過來. 請加入我們來分享我們的世界. “


With the assurance that we would accept the offer, the leader turned and flowed, as there was no walking, across the vast body of water. We followed the leader and the rest of the group flowed behind us.

他確定我們會接受這提議之後, 這領導轉身漂流 ~~因為沒有走路 ~~他橫過這水池. 我們跟隨著這領導, 而其他人則漂移在我們後方.


Posted by Sue at 7:10 PM


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           修行路上大家加油! 无限祝福!






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    Rebecca Lin

    安琚樂月 生靈昇靈

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