
揚升書四” ~~ 昴宿星觀點:  




Pleiadian Perspective Book Four -- Where We Left Off


Pleiadian Perspective on Ascension Book IV

Life on New Earth


Channeller: Suzanne Lie\   20131023

中文翻译: 林琚月 20131030



Where We Left off




Jason and Sandy have finally found the “twelfth floor,” on which the Inter-Galactic Light Convention is gathering within the NOW of the higher worlds. They were welcomed by the inter-galactics members, who created a path to direct them toward the vortex at the far side of the room. Jason and Sandy looked through the vortex to see an infant world. This world was the infant Gaia, the ray of hope for the beings who had used Earth as their “schoolroom for ascension.”

Jason and Sandy終於找到了這第十二樓” --- 在那裡 銀河國際光的大會正在更高世界的當下之中聚集在那裡. 他們受到了銀河國際成員們的歡迎, 他們從漩渦處列隊出來直到房間的這頭來指引他們走向漩渦. Jason and Sandy往漩渦中透視過去, 看到了一個嬰兒世界. 這個世界就是那個嬰兒蓋亞’ --- 她是以地球教室學習揚升的存有們的希望光芒.


From their timeless state of consciousness they understood how that new reality was beginning, ending, shifting and remaining still. The Arcturian then flashed before them. Looking deep into Jason and Sandy’s eyes, It sent them the image of Jason and Sandy joined as Divine Complements within the Divine Complements of Mytre and Mytria.

從他們沒有時間的覺知意識狀態, 他們了解了那個新實相是如何開始的, 如何結束, 如何提升改變以及維持不變的.大角星人在此時閃出來在他們眼前. 祂深深的看入Jason and Sandy的眼睛中, 祂送了一個影像給他們 ~~顯示了Jason and Sandy融合成的神聖結合體存在於 Mytre and Mytria的‘神聖結合體’之中 .


But wait, Jason and Sandy thought, if we are versions of Mytre and Mytria, and Mytre and Mytria are a component of the Arcturian, them WE too are expressions of the Arcturian. With that thought the vision ended, and the Arcturian placed the infant Gaia in their arms and It lovingly said, “As you go down there with Gaia, remember that you also remain here within us.”

但是, 等等, Jason and Sandy --- 假如我們是Mytre and Mytria的一個版本分身, Mytre and Mytria又是大角星人的一個版本分身. 正這樣想時, 這影像結束了, 大角星人把‘嬰兒蓋亞’放在他們的手臂上, 然後充滿愛的對他們說: “當你下去蓋亞那裡時, 記得, 你也同時在這裡, 在我們之內.”


As the vortex swept Jason and Sandy into its spin, they clutched the infant Gaia against their united hearts and said in one voice, “We WILL remember!”

當漩渦把Jason and Sandy捲入了它的旋轉之中時, 他們把‘嬰兒蓋亞’緊緊的抱在他們聯合的心口, 然後用同一個聲音說: “我們會記得!”





As Sandy/Mytria and I flowed and swirled within the glittering light of the vortex with baby Gaia held warmly between us, I felt my beingness of Jason morph into Mytre. I could also see/feel that Sandy was morphing into Mytria. It appeared quite normal that this transition into our higher expression of SELF should occur during our return to a version of Earth that was also transitioning to its higher expression.

Sandy/Mytria和我, 溫暖的抱著‘嬰兒蓋亞’在我們之間, 順勢流入旋轉在漩渦的閃光中時, 我感覺到了 Jason的存有變異成了Mytre. 而我也可以看到\感覺到Sandy也正變形成為Mytria. ~~~這件事似乎很自然的發生在 ~~~我們回返到地球的一個版本之中時~~~我們轉變成了我們的高我表達體 ----而且地球也在轉變成為她的更高表達體.


During our transmutation within the vortex, we were aware of our higher frequency expressions of Mytre and Mytria, as well as our deep connection with the Arcturian. We were also aware of our lower frequency versions of Jason and Sandy on 3D Earth. We were coming into a greater understanding of bi-location. Or, was bi-location just another word for inter-dimensional travel?

在我們在漩渦中轉變的時候, 我們有意識到我們更高我的表達體~~ Mytre and Mytria,以及我們與大角星人的深度連結.我們也清楚我們較低頻率版本的Jason and Sandy~~在三維地球之上.我們現在對於雙重存在越來越理解. 或者, ‘雙重存在’是否是維度間旅行的另一個說法呢?


Our expressions of Sandy and Jason on 3D Earth still existed in that timeline. Our higher expressions of Mytria and Mytre were with the Arcturian on the fifth dimension and beyond, and our current expressions of SELF were traveling within a timeless corridor of light. All of these realities were, and are, occurring within the same NOW of the ONE.

我們在三維地球之上的Jason and Sandy表達體仍然存在於那條時間線裡. 我們更高我的表達體~~ Mytre and Mytria是與大角星人在第五維度以及超越之處, 而我們目前的本我表達體正旅行穿越一條沒有時間的光的走道.這些實相在以前和現在都存在於同一個合一的當下”.


In fact, Sandy was blending her physical expression with her multidimensional expression of Mytria, and I was merging my 3D expression of Jason with my multidimensional expression of Mytre. Furthermore, we were two beings of light morphing from one form to another.

事實上, Sandy正在融合她物質表達體入她的Mytria多維表達體, 而我也將Jason的三維表達體融入 Mytre多維表達體. 除此之外, 我們是兩束光的存有從兩束變成一束.


Hence, our expressions of human, Pleiadian, and even flashes of Arcturian were spinning within a vortex that we are coming to understand was the Arcturian Corridor. We had heard of the Corridor, so we knew that it flows in and out of manifestation and is activated by a single or group desire to return Home to higher or lower frequencies of form. 

因此, 我們的人類表達形式 ~~昴宿星的, 以及大角星人的閃光都在一個漩渦中旋轉 ~~我們已經逐漸了解這漩渦就是大角星人走道. 我們聽說過它 ~~所以我們知道它會流動在顯化與隱形之間, 而且是由一個人或是一群人回高維的家或是走入較低頻率形式的渴望所啟動的.


The term “Home” was used to mean the frequency to which our consciousness was calibrated. Thus, the Arcturian Corridor is actually a calibrating mechanism that shifts the frequency of consciousness of those who open and enter it.

這詞 --- 是用來代表我們覺知意識所對準的頻率. 因此, 大角星人走道事實上是一個協調器\機制 ~~來調整開門進去的人的覺知意識的頻率的.


As Sandy continued to morph into the consciousness/frequency of Mytria and I shifted into the consciousness/frequency of Mytre, we were beginning understand the Arcturian’s words, “You are also within us.”

隨著Sandy繼續轉變入她的Mytria的覺知意識的頻率, 而我提升改變入Mytre的覺知意識的頻率 ~~~我們開始理解大角星人的那句話你也同時在我們之內.”


As we traveled through the Corridor we, Sandy/Mytria and Jason/Mytre, were becoming one being of light. Every person, place and thing within the Corridor is ONE with other every person, place and thing. I had heard of this form of unity consciousness before, but I never understood it as I do now.

當我們旅行穿越大角星人走道 ~~~我們 ~~ Sandy/Mytria and Jason/Mytre, 變成了(單一的) 一道光的存有.每個人, 地方, 和東西 ~~在‘大角星人走道’之內的 ~~都與別人\地方, 和東西合一.我以前聽說過這種形式的合一覺知意識的結盟~~但我一直不是很了解它直到現在.


However, in order to discuss this concept I need to communicate describe how this experience makes me feel. Flowing within the Corridor FEELS like unconditional love entering every cell of that which I once considered a form. My ever-morphing collective form has as many aspects of my SELF as my ever-shifting consciousness can accept.

但是, 為了要討論這個概念, 我需要去溝通形容這經驗是如何讓我覺得的. 在‘大角星人走道’中流動 ~~感覺彷彿無條件的愛進入了我以前所以前是一個形式的每一個細胞中. 我一直持續轉變中的集合形式’~~擁有許多面相的我的本我 ~~~隨著我一直持續在改變中的覺知意識’所能接受的.


I/we can no longer differentiate between who we are, who we are becoming or we will become. Those concepts are trapped in the illusion of time and only exist in the thinking of the clay vessel I once thought of as myself.

\我們 ~~再也無法分辨出彼此, 我們在變成誰, 或是我們將變成誰. 這些概念被困在時間的幻覺之中, 而且只存在於這個泥土的載具的思考之中 ~~這個以前我以為的.


In fact, my self is an obsolete term to be replaced by our selves, or the self who is the current expression of my/our infinite consciousness.” I feel the remnants of my third dimensional thinking constricting in confusion, so I send unconditional love and understanding to that frequencies of me who will never be the same.

事實上,我自己是個過時的詞彙 --- 已經被我們自己’所取代, 或是本我 ~~這正是目前\我們無限的覺知意識’的表達形式. 我感覺到我三維思考的限制的遺蹟在混亂中收縮, 所以我寄送了‘無條件的愛’和理解進入那個我的頻率之中 ~~那個永遠無法再一樣的’!


I also feel the infant Gaia who sleeps within us. Mytria and I wonder at what point of transmutation we will find ascending Earth when we exit the Corridor.

我同時也感覺到‘嬰兒蓋亞’在我們之中睡眠. Mytria和我想著 ~~在轉變的那個點我們將會發現揚升中的地球’ ~~~當我們離開‘大角星人走道’時.




I FEEL a deep birth within me that flows into and from the infant Gaia. However, since we entered this Corridor, I realize that the Gaia we hold between us is no longer an infant. In fact, she no longer has a form. Instead, Gaia has become pure consciousness which is alive and resonating to our every thought and emotion.

我感覺到自己內在的一個深刻的重生’ ~~~流入而且從‘嬰兒蓋亞’流出. 但是, 由於我們進入了這‘大角星人走道’, 我明白我們懷抱中的‘蓋亞’已經不再是‘嬰兒’了. 事實上, 她不再具有一個形式. 取而代之的, 蓋亞’已經變成了一個純粹的覺知意識~~那是活生生的存在著, 而且與我們的每個思想與情緒共鳴.


Was Earth this sensitive to our every thought and feeling when we lived there? If so, how could Gaia have tolerated the fear and negativity that filled our physical world? No wonder the planet must begin again as a small infant.

當我們住在那裡時~~~地球對我們的每個思想與情緒有如此的敏感嗎?假如是的話, 蓋亞是如何的忍受了我們充塞在我們物質世界裡的恐懼與負面事件\心態的?難怪行星必須再度從一個嬰兒重新開始.


Will Jason/Mytre and I be infants too? Will we arrive at whatever is our destination as new seedlings free of the encumbrance of our past realities? Or, will we arrive at out unknown destination with the full remembrance of all that we have experienced?

Jason/Mytre和我也會是嬰兒嗎? 當我們到達我們所謂的目的地, 我們會不會成為新的種子’ ~~而沒有我們過去實相的障礙? 還是, 我們是否會到達不知名的目的地 --- 依然充滿著我們過去經驗過的所有的障礙?


As I look within I find that I have no attachment to either situation. In fact, I have no attachment to any thing except the FEEL of unconditional love. In my reality as Sandy I only experienced unconditional love with Jason and in the higher worlds. Fortunately, in my reality as Mytria I experiences much more unconditional love, but not on Earth.

當我向內探索時, 我發現我對任何一種狀況都沒有執著. 事實上, 我對任何事都不再執著而只有‘無條件的愛’的感覺而已.在我作為Sandy的實相中, 我只與Jason和更高的世界經驗到‘無條件的愛’. 幸運的是 ~~在我作為Mytria的實相中, 我經驗到多許多的‘無條件的愛’, 但是不是在地球上.


“Why is unconditional love so foreign?” the consciousness of Gaia asks within my heart. My only response is a flash of sorrow. I cannot answer that question as only within this NOW have I learned to ask it. In all my life on Earth the planet was a thing. Earth was dirt, sunlight, sky and water. We did not think of these “things” as alive. They were wallpaper that surrounded our hollow lives.

為何‘無條件的愛’的感覺是如此陌生?蓋亞的覺知意識在我的心中問. 我唯一的回答是一陣煩憂. 我無法回答這問題 ~~因為只有在這當下~~我才學會了詢問此問題. 當我在地球上的所有人生中, 這行星對我只是一個東西而已. 地球是泥土, 陽光, 空氣和水. 我們從沒想過這些東西是活著的. 它們只是環繞著我們空洞人生的壁紙而已.


Now, as we float, flow through a reality of mist, swirling clouds and glistening light I finally realize that our third dimensional world was not our wallpaper. Now I know that we created our third dimensional world with our every thought and emotion.

現在, 隨著我們漂浮, 流穿越一個霧的實相, 旋轉的雲, 以及晶瑩閃爍的光~~我終於了解我們第三維度世界並非我們的壁紙. 現在我知道 ~~我們用了我們的思想和情緒創造了我們第三維度的世界.


With that knowing, the swirling vortex begins to slow. The mist begins to clear and beaming rays of light part the clouds. Have we arrived? I look down and see that the consciousness of Gaia has taken the form of a toddler anxious to practice walking. Mytre and I look for some kind of surface on which we can land.

在這認知之下, 這旋轉的漩渦開始慢下來. 霧散去, 光芒照射開了白雲. 我們到達了嗎? 我往下看, 並且看到蓋亞的覺知意識已經變成一個會走路的嬰兒的形式, 急著想要練習走路. Mytre和我尋找著可以降落的土地.


With our intention of landing the clouds part further and the mist settles onto what appears to be a surface. “Can we land here?” I ask Mytre. Mytre laughs and says, “Have you looked at yourself lately?”

當我們一想到要降落, 雲立刻分開得更多, 霧飄落成了一個表體. “我們可以降落在此嗎?” 我問Mytre. Mytre笑著說: “你最近有沒看過自己?”


I look at myself, and to my surprise, I realized that I have so blended into the scenery (the wallpaper) that I have not considered whether or not I am wearing a form. Actually, I have not considered that we, toddler Gaia and myself, were wearing NO form.

我看看我自己, 在我的驚訝當中, 我明白了我是如此的融入風景中(壁紙中), 我完全沒有想到我是否正穿著一個形式. 事實上, 我完全沒有想到 ~~我們, 蓋亞嬰兒, 以及我自己, 都沒有穿著形式.


“But how can I think, feel and perceive this reality without a form?” I ask Mytre.

但是我如何能夠思考, 感覺, 而且沒有形體的感應到這個實相?” 我問Mytre.

“Are you thinking like Sandy or thinking like Mytria?” he answered


Of course that is the answer. As Mytria I have had many experiences of pure consciousness. I just have not updated my memory files to include my higher expression.

當然這就是答案. 作為Mytria, 我有許多純粹覺知意識的經驗. 我只是還沒有更新我的記憶檔案來包含入我更高的表達.

“You are so right,” I say to Mytre. “I remember now when we floated as pure consciousness with the Arcturian. I also remember when we visited a formless world. Yes, it appeared much like this one.”

你說得對,” 我跟Mytre. “我現在記起來當我們作為純粹的覺知意識與大角星人一起飄浮時.我還記得當我們拜訪一個沒有形式的世界. 是的, 那看起來很像這一個.


At that moment, baby Gaia escaped our grasp and was instantly engulfed by the mist. Mytre and I urgently searched for her, but she so blended into the ever-shifting landscape that we could not find her.

在這時, 嬰兒蓋亞逃脫了我們的掌控, 然後立即被霧所吞噬. Mytre和我急急的找她, 但是她已經如此的融入這個一直在改變中的風景之中, 我們找不到她.


“Where can she be?” Mytre and I both said. “How could we have lost track of her? We were supposed to protect and take care of her, but now we can’t even find her.”

她會去那呢?” Mytre和我同時問. “我們怎會找不到她? 我們是應該要保護和照顧她的, 但我現在找都找不到她.”

“She is everywhere,” resonated the FEEL of the Arcturian within our core.


Yes, Mytre and I simultaneously thought. To find her we must go into the core of the planet.

是的, Mytre和我同時想. 要找到她必須進入行星核心.

“But, we cannot even find the surface of this world. How can we find the core?” Mytre and I asked as one person.

但是, 我們甚至找不到這個世界的表面. 我們如何能找到核心?” Mytre和我像同一個人一樣問.

Go into the core of your SELF,” We heard inside our formless consciousness.



Posted by Sue at 7:05 PM No comments: 


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    Rebecca Lin

    安琚樂月 生靈昇靈

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