New Physicalization Begins
作者: Lisa Renee 20131029
中文翻译: 林琚月 20131030 http://blog.sina.com.cn/rebeccahjlin
For many years now I have been deeply aware that the biological codes for the Christ consciousness race was required to be fully “physicalized” into the human fleshly body as a part of the Ascension plan and upgraded future timeline.
許多年來我一直非常清楚的知道 ~~在未來的時間線裡, 以及 ‘揚升計劃’的一部份 --- 就是~~~ “耶穌基督意識Christ consciousness”人類族群的“生物密碼”--- 必須 “完全”
“物質顯化”進入人類肉體中 ~~是為‘揚升計劃’的一部份.
With the levels of carbon based density and dark cellular memory embedded in the human being’s physical elemental vehicles, this is not an easy task for most Starseeds that have come to earth to be an Ascension prototype.
碳基身體稠密的程度, 以及崁在人體物質元素載具中的黑暗細胞的記憶之存在 --- 讓大部份轉世到地球來做 “揚升樣板” 的 “星際種子人”的任務 --- 很不容易.
As we are being sequentially activated with increasing solar mass ejections and higher sound frequencies, we are slowly becoming progressively less dense in our carbon based 3D forms.
隨著我們逐漸被有次序的啟動 ~~透過越來越強的太陽耀斑的大量注射, 以及更高的音波頻率, 我們慢慢的變得越來越不稠密~~在我們三維的碳基身體中.
These frequency activations are ultimately serving to transmute the human race bodily form into a new model of silica based biology.
這些頻率啟動最終的目的~~~是來 “轉變人類的身體形式” 進入一種 “二氧化矽基的生物體的新模式”.
This transmutation process also allows a whole new set of neurological plexus and energy receiver matrices to be activated for our new bodies to perceive and transmit within multidimensional layers of consciousness awareness. It has been mentioned several times by the Guardians that we have an unprecedented opportunity to access a level of Ascended Mastery in these new forms that has not been possible before in human evolution.
這 “轉變程序”同時讓一整套新的神經叢和能量接收器矩陣能夠被啟動 ~~來讓我們的新身體可以感應到, 並且可以轉射訊息 ~~在我們多維度覺知意識層次中的清醒知覺.“守護神”們已經多次提到 --- 我們現在擁有一個前所未有的機會 ~~來進入一種 “已揚升大師”的層級 ~~~在這些新的形式中 ~~這在人類進化史上是前所未有過的.
There are some smaller groups of us in the Starseed lineages that are evolving into the new ascension prototype templatesfor the human species during this time.
在“星際種子人”的傳承中 ~~有一些小群的我們 ~~是正在進化成“新的揚升的樣板介面”的 ~~為人類在這段時間作示範.
The goal is to physicalize the Cosmic Christos Crystalline Template (The Kryst) into the human body thus anchoring the instruction sets into the entire planetary grid.
目的就是去“物質顯化”“耶穌基督意識Christ consciousness水晶介面” (The Kryst)進入人體之中 ~~因此能錨定“整套指令”進入整個行星的磁柵欄.
We are in a stage of acceleration in the embodiment of these new prototype templates which create the necessity of an intense spiritual initiation period.
在讓這些 “新樣板介面”具體化出來 ---
這樣會創造出一個 ‘必需的’ 強烈的, 靈性開啟時期.
A part of this process that is required is a type of purging that is referred to as the Patriarchal Exorcism. The impostor spirit must be revealed to the surface view and then through the process of inner alchemy the shadow parts must be purged at a molecular, atomic and subatomic level.
同時這“轉變程序”需要一種 “清除過程” --- 就是被稱為 “the Patriarchal Exorcism權威\宗法驅邪”的程序. “偽善者精神The impostor spirit”必須被曝露到表面來 --- 然後透過 “內在煉金術”的程序 --- 這陰暗的部份必需被清除掉 ---在分子, 原子, 以及次原子層次.
The Galactic Starseed "pathcutter" groupmay have felt they descended into the hell realms recently as this may be experienced as a phantom death sequence. Be diligent, stay the course and take care of your body, this too shall pass.
“銀河星際種子人”之 “開路團隊員們” ~~可能最近已經有感覺到他們降落到了地獄層來了 ---因為最近這經驗感覺起來像個 “幻覺似的死亡程序”. 所以要勤奮~~停留在正確的路線上 ~~照顧你的身體 ~~~這些很快就會過去了!
Another wave of Lightworkers on the Ascension timeline are going through the Ascension initiation of their Monadic body integration, which is when the Oversoul Identity begins to start to merge with your personality/physical/gender parts of identity.(The Oversoul is stationed in the 7th-8th-9th Dimensional levels) This can feel strange and disorienting.
在 “揚升時間線”上的另一波光工~~~正在經歷他們 “揚升啟始點” 的身體的 “單細胞生物的整合過程”~~這意思是 ~~ “超靈魂Oversoul”的存在體開始與你個人的\物質的\性別特性部份~~~融合!(這“超靈魂Oversoul”是停留在第7-8-9維度層的) --- 這會讓你感覺得奇怪而且混亂.
(註: 這件事在 Suzzane Lie的大角星人書第四部新地球中, 有以故事形式將此過程描述得很清楚. 此新書連載文翻譯會在近日貼出.)
The power of the Monadic body can be experienced very forcefully in its strength as it is merging with your physical body, producing great energetic surging and the need for long hours of sleep or napping.
“身體的單細胞生物的整合過程”的力量~~~當它與你的物質身體融合的時候, 它會製造出巨大的能量的爆升, 而且你會需要長時間的睡眠或是休息 ---這時你就可以感受到它非常強烈的力量.
This purging process also brings to the surface, as if in a deep detoxification, many items all at once that were embedded in your cellular energetic matrix that need repair work and re-templating.
這清除程序也會帶出表面的 --- 就如同一個深度的 ‘去毒過程’ --- 許多深藏在你的細胞能量矩陣的東西 --- 需要修理與 “重新介面化”的東西 --- 都會出現.
Holographic memory bits from other timelines or other identities may start to play out in your surface consciousness, and it may be a strange feeling like sleepwalking while in 3D or watching your life as if it’s a movie projected upon a screen.
全息記憶碎片 ~~來自別的時間線的, 或是別的身份的 ~~可能會開始出現在你覺知意識的表面, 而且它可能是一個像在三維世界的夢遊一般的奇怪感覺 ~~或是當你好像看到你的一生在一個電影銀幕上被放射出來一樣怪.
This is common sensation while your consciousness identity stations are getting used to their new "broadcast" frequency level and are in the process of merging with several identities into one integrated body.
這是很平常的感覺 ~~~當你的覺知意識的身份識別站正在適應\習慣他們新的 “播放”頻率時 ~~而且當它正在融合幾個身份進入一個整合的身體中時.
In many ways this state of being is the NEWLY BORN ASCENDED as you may feel like a newly born baby in certain ways. As your life undergoes deep shifting questions like; What do I need to eat? How much do I need to sleep? What do I do during the day? What is my next level of creation or assignment? How am I being supported in all of this change in my life?
在許多方面 ~~這存在狀況就是 ~~已揚升的新生兒!~~因為你可能覺得像一個新生嬰兒一樣 ~~在許多方面. 而隨著你的人生經歷著 ‘深刻的提升改變’問題, 像是 ~~我需要吃什麼? 我需要睡多少? 我白天該做些什麼? 我下一階段的創造或是任務是什麼? 我是如何的被支持著的~~在我人生中的這些改變當中?
We have crossed into a major frequency split and intersection in the time zone fields. This is the divergence of time and also the convergence point within our multidimensionality that we have not yet experienced as spiritual consciousness before in a 3D body.
這是一個時間的分流點, 同時也是
我們與我們多維度層面的匯聚點 ~~~
這是一個我們在一個三維度身體裡, 做為一個‘靈性覺知意識’(人)~~還沒經驗過的事情.
The time divergence point creates many more synchronous events manifesting in our lives as the time zone fields collapse. We are getting major consciousness upgradesin so that we can graduate to exist and navigate ourselves smoothly in simultaneous space/time zones.
這個時間的分流點 ~~~會創造出許多更多的 “同時性事件”--- 顯化在我們的生活之中 ~~~隨著這時間區的崩塌. 我們正在得到 “主要覺知意識的更新” ~~所以我們可以(從三維)畢業而能存在於 “同時性時間\空間區域”之中, 而且可以順利的遨遊在其中.
Recently this has brought up many old circumstances, acquaintances, family, places and scenarios from the past to resurface currently into an energetic resolution in the “now time”. Any unfinished business or incomplete exchanges are returned to us to be resurrected into new circumstances.
最近, 這能量帶出了許多舊的狀況, 認識的人, 家人, 地方, 以及過去的狀況的重新出現在現在 ~~~而在 ‘當下’ 這時間中產生一個 ‘能量的解決’. 任何未結束的事情, 或是不完全的交換 --- 都會回到我們身上來 ‘重生’ 入新的狀況之中.
This process brings us to the end of the entanglements in so that we may experience energetic completion and in some cases, it is the opportunity to say “bon voyage” as we move into our new energetic reality.
這程序把我們帶到所有 ‘糾結’的結束點~~~讓我們可以經驗 ‘能量的完全’, 以及在某些狀況之下 ~~是一個機會 ~~讓我們可以說 “一路順風”~~隨著我們移入新的能量實相.
The recent gateway of energies acts as a great dimensional doorway of energetic completion from our ancient past histories. Also, the recent radical influx of frequencies combined with the “global brain” upgrades which are transmissions to the planetary logos, have been confusing to our brain wave state and its chemistry as we learn to adapt.
最近的能量通道 ~~就像是一個偉大的維度走道一樣 ~~是來自我們遠古的歷史能量的完成\完全.而且, 最近極端的頻率的驟增, 再加上 “全球大腦的更新" ~~這發射了 ‘行星標識’過來 ~~對我們的大腦腦波狀況和化學變化是很混亂的~~在這適應期間.
Many of us are feeling less mental acuity and more brain fogginess while we are acclimating to this new brain wave state as the planetary brain undergoes so much shift and code induction. Some days it feels as if we exist within a “dream state” even as we are moving around physically in total wakefulness.
我們許多人都正感覺到心智比較沒那麼敏銳, 感覺到大腦一片混沌 ~~當我們攀登這新的腦波狀態~~在這行星大腦正經歷著如此許多的改變提升以及密碼感應的狀態之下時. 有幾天感覺起來好像我們存活在一個夢境之中 ~~即使我們物質身體在完全的覺醒之中跑來跑去.
The vibration of the fields have drastically shifted in so that many times when “awake” we are consistently experiencing the “Theta” brain wave state which is a deep state of meditation. This “witness” state is when tasks become so fluid that one can mentally disengage (the ego levels) from them when in the activity.
這能量場的振動已經戲劇化的提升到 ~~許多時候當我們 ‘醒著’時, 我們持續的經驗到 “Theta”腦波狀態 ~~~那是深度冥想狀態才有的.這個 ‘見證’~~就是當事情的變化度變高時, 我們能夠在心智中切斷(小我心智)與事情的關連~~當我們還在事情當中之時.
The thought patterns that can take place during the theta state are often free flowing and occur without censorship or guilt. Theta is a brain wave state of flow, moving meditation and consciousness stimulation. The Alpha or Beta brain wave state is what our brain had originally recognized as a state of “wakefulness” and being alert.
在“Theta”腦波狀態才會出現的 “思想模式"會完全沒有障礙的出現, 完全沒有管制或是罪惡感. “Theta”腦波狀態的流動 ~~移動著冥想, 刺激著覺知意識.Alpha 或是 Beta波狀態是我們人腦定義為 “醒著狀態"的狀況, 而且具有警覺性.
As we receive these new neurological entrainments, our brain is reformatting itself to this new frequency range in the planetary brain (logos) to fully function in meditative states as an “awake” and active state of being. For now as we are attuning our brain, we may feel sleepy, head pressure, forgetful, and fuzzy!
當我們接收這些新的腦神經的夾帶品時, 我們的大腦就會一直重新設定自己來適應這新的頻率範圍 ~~在行星大腦(標識)中來完整的運作在一個 ‘像是醒著的冥想狀態’, 同時啟動存在狀況.而至於目前 ~~我們正在調整我們的大腦,我們可能感覺睏, 腦部有壓力, 健忘, 而且腦筋混沌.
We have been aggressively working to transmute the energetic records from eons of time resulting from the accumulated patriarchal creeds enslavement dominions and its resulting masculine polarized energetic imbalances.
我們一直很積極的在工作著來轉變這個能量紀錄 ~~~從無數時間之前 ~~從累積出來的 “重男輕女\男權主義的信條”的奴隸與統治佔領,以及它因之而產生的
What has been purging and is representative of the “big burrito” of all clearing releases is the current phase of which the human species and planet are undergoing as the “Ancestral Patriarchal Exorcism.”
一直在被清理當中的, 而且這些被釋放清理掉的, 最具有代表性的最大部份 --- 也就是目前行星與人類族群都正在經歷的階段 --- 就是
These ancestral patterns exemplify the patriarchal imbalances that crucified the female attributes of God Source from its ability to be fully creatively expressed into the physical realms.
這些古老的威權模式 --- 體現了重男輕女的失衡--- 由於這個失衡 --- 把 “屬於女性屬性的神源"釘在了十字架上 --- 讓女性能量無法充分的去創造與表達\顯象入物質實相領域。
This latest planetary clearing has been the crux of the abuse patterns created from the corrupted power structures of the imbalanced masculine forces that sought to suppress the spiritual (vertical) power that emanates from within the female bodies. (and thus also prevented the male body from its ability to balance into wholeness within)
最近的行星清理 ~~是這個 ‘暴力與濫用\利用行為模式‘的關鍵清除--- 把來自這 ‘失衡的男性勢力’的腐敗權力架構所創造出來的 ‘權力模式’ ---這用來壓抑從女性身體散發出來的靈性(垂直)能量的架構--- (同時也因此而障礙了男性身體平衡入 ‘合一‘完整性中的威權模式) --- 給清除掉.
This was an enslavement of both genders by suppressing the possibility of sacred union within and with God Source directly. This is has been used as the ultimate manipulation tool to experience separation from God source and thus the dark cycle of patriarchal domination holds much pain for humanity.
這是一種對兩性的 ‘奴隸’ --- 透過壓抑 ‘內在神聖的結合’ 以及 ‘與上帝源頭直接的結合’.這 --- 一直是個 ‘終極操控工具’ --- 來讓人們與上帝源頭體驗 ‘分離’,也因此這 ‘男性統治’ 的黑暗循環帶給了人類許多的痛苦.
These enslavement programs were designed to suppress consciousness and exist in every possible level in our form, as it also permeates through all energetic templates of the entire planetary hologram creating miasma and disease patterns.
這些 ‘奴隸程式設計’--- 設計來壓抑覺知意識, 而且這設計--- 存在於我們形體的每個層次中 --- 所以它同時也瀰漫穿越在這整個行星的全息影像的所有能量介面之中 --- 創造出了瘴氣以及疾病模式.
These vast schisms of our perceived “separation” created karmic distortions in the way the light of our consciousness refracts within the energy template of our personal hologram which is our energetic aura.
這些巨大的分裂 --- 來自我們感應到(誤以為存在)的(與上帝源頭)的 “分離感"---創造了 “扭曲的業障" ---由於我們的覺知意識的看法角度 --- 折射在我們個人的全息影像的能量介面之中 --- 這就形成了我們的外光體aura.
This distortion in our energy template then created a distorted view of perception in how we actually saw ourselves and related to others in the external world. We then became asleep to our Oneness and interconnectedness with all Life. Humanity then digressed into a collective group soul that disconnected from life and thus became increasingly hostile and at war with itself.
這種存在於我們能量介面的扭曲 --- 又創造了一個 “扭曲的感應理解看法" --- 在我們對自己的真實評價以及對他人的評價, 對外面世界的評價.然後我們就睡著了--- (再也看不到)我們與萬有的合一, 以及與萬物的交錯關係.人類 --- 因此退化成了一個‘集體靈魂’ --- 與生命本身失聯, 也因此變得更加的充滿敵意而且跟自己交相爭戰.
The long history of our species living in war with itself has created thick iron veils of dark painful memories embedded within our cells and that of the planet. Many of these iron veils (doorways) came to a shattering crescendo with the collapse of many shadow dimensions and the underworld realms recently.
我們人類族群冗長的‘自我交戰’的歷史 --- 創造出了很厚的黑暗痛苦的記憶的鐵幕--- 埋在我們的細胞中, 以及行星的細胞中.許多這些鐵幕(門道)---最近已經走到了一個撕裂爆破的高音點 – 伴隨著許多陰影維度以及地下世界的崩塌.
Much of the Galactic Starseed “clean up” crew that is on the Earth is now helping to cross over huge amounts of wounded souls, soul fragments, and those that have been stuck in lower dimensional realms for eons of time these spaces are referred to as the “Underworld” regions.
許多銀河星際種子人的 “清潔隊員們" ~~現在都在地球上協助巨大數量的受傷的靈魂, 靈魂碎片, 以及那些卡在低維度實相, 這些所謂的 ‘地下世界區域’, 非常久的靈魂 --- 擺渡過去!
With recent ancient doorways opening there has been a big push to get the “transits” to move quickly, especially as dimensional spaces are rapidly collapsing into simultaneous time/space.
隨著最近的遠古的門道的打開 ~~~所以有一股推動的力量來加速這些 “轉運"工作的完成 --- 特別是當維度空間是快速的在崩塌進入 ‘同時性的時間\空間‘ 之中時.
As these hidden dark records and miasma surface they appear as tarry black goo, energetic and/or physical parasites, soul fragments, astral debris and repellent death and phantom energetic recordings.
當這些隱藏的黑暗紀錄和瘴氣浮出表面時 --- 它們看起來像是--- 柏油樣黑咕的, 能量或是物質性的寄生蟲, 靈魂碎片, 星光體瓦礫, repellent death(抗拒性死亡?)和幻象的能量紀錄.
Some of this will be purged within our own bodies energetic templates (and throughout our soul extensions). There is much psychic pain attached to these consciousness units and as they are revealed to us, at every level of our awareness, whether conscious or unconscious of this event, we may be experiencing a sympathetic response.
有些這些東西會在我們自己身體的能量介面中(以及透過我們靈魂的延伸)而被清除掉. 當這些東西顯化讓我們知道時, 有許多身體物質的痛苦與這些 ‘覺知意識‘單元相連接, --- 在我們覺知的每個層次 --- 不論有意識或無意識到這事件的發生--- 我們都會經驗到一個充滿同情心的反應.
Many of us can feel this purging as an amplified intensity in the mass negative consciousness fields now. Intensified anger, frustration, anxiety and the victim-victimizer belief patterns are rip-roaring into the larger unconscious collective human environments.
我們許多人現在可以感覺到這個 ‘清除’像個放大的緊張在這大量的負面覺知意識場. 強烈的氣憤, 掙扎, 焦慮,以及受害人---加害人的信念模式 ---在更大的人類下意識的集體環境之中吵鬧著.
This phantom death energy is very present and is influencing the masses to create a belief in “death” rather than the correct view that the human species is “rebirthing”.
這 ‘幻象死亡能量’ 是真實存在的, 而且正影響著大眾去創造一種 ‘死亡信念’ ---而不是該有的正確看法 ~~~
就是人類種族正在 ‘重生’當中!!!
If met with energetic resistance this latest round of amplified energy will constrict the bodies greatly and will increase molecular compaction. This compaction of our cells when partnered with imbalanced belief systems create intense fear, and may then manifest as illness or a disease pattern in the physical body very quickly.
假如遇到能量抗拒的話 --- 這最後一輪的放大能量 --- 會大大地壓迫身體, 而且會增加分子壓縮. 這細胞的壓縮如果又遇到 ‘不平衡的信念系統’則會創造出強烈的恐懼, 可能會非常快速的在物質身體上顯化出疾病, 或是生病的模式.
It is extremely important now that you understand how to care for your physical-energetic body and to not fall asleep to the truth of who you really are. This phase is not for the faint of heart.
現在極度重要的是 ~~~你了解如何去照顧你的物質-能量身體, 然後不要 ‘睡著’ --- 而不知道 ‘自己是誰’ 的真相.
These times will test your ability to surrender fully and trust in your process as released into the hands of God Source. There is nothing to fear, however you will need to be armed with some framework of comprehension that this is a necessary process of the human shadow’s alchemical transformation into its pure light source.
這些時間 ~~將考驗你 ‘完全臣服並且信任’ 在你的‘程序’ 當中的能力 ~~隨著你釋放回上帝源頭的手中.沒有什麼好害怕的, 但是你將會需要武裝自己有一些框架的理解~~~也就是 ~~這是一個必須的程序 ---
Stay Steady in your Inner Light and discipline your mind to remain in stillness no matter what it appears like externally. You can change and shift anything in the light of pure consciousness with dedication to the God Spirit living within you.
穩住在你內在之光中, 紀律你的心智來維持在安靜之中~~~不論外界顯示出什麼樣子出來. 你能夠改變, 提升任何在純粹覺知意識之光中的任何東西~~只要你有決心把自己奉獻給你內在的上帝之靈當中的話.
The energetic and emotional clearing of our own bodies clears the distorted patterns for many soul groups, planetary and otherwise. One will find many parallels of this “patriarchal exorcism” in your own recent experiences of emotional clearing, such as; facing your father, father figures, authority figures, patriarchal issues that sought to enslave or suppress one from the true inner knowing.
我們幾個身體層的能量和情緒的清理工作 ~~會清除扭曲的模式 ~~不論是對許多靈魂團體, 對行星而言, 或者其他. 一個人會發現到~~在你自己最近的情緒清理經驗中的許多這種‘宗族\權威驅除’的 “平行模式"--- 比方: 面對你的父親, 父輩角色, 權威角色, 父權\威權議題 --- 那些奴隸或是壓抑你內在真實的 ‘真知’ 的事情.
It is not personal as it was the circumstances of which we are in agreement to heal in this dark cycle of creation. However, you will find the personification of this in all areas of your life in the form of symbolism.
這些其實與個人無關 --- 這只是我們同意來 ‘治療’的這些‘黑暗創造物’的必然狀況而已.但是, 你會發現這無所不在的 ‘象徵形式’充塞在你人生的每個角落 --- 讓事情 --- 很 ‘私人化‘!
Many Starseeds with these specific healing niches had this mirror of corrupted masculine energy in our own father or male relationships. This has met at a huge crossroads of change and of which we are undergoing a drastic purging now.
許多星際種子人有這些特別的‘治療角度’ 的 --- 都有過這種‘腐敗的男性能量’ 在我們自己父親或是與其他男性的關係之中 --- 的鏡面反射效應. 這些事都走到改變的十字路口了, 而且我們現在已經為此在經歷一個戲劇化的清除工作了.
During this phase, we are witnessing more “imbalanced” or disease patterns manifesting in our physical bodies around our sexual reproductive organs. The source causation is a direct energetic and deep psycho-emotional wound embedded throughout our mass consciousness belief systems and programming around our perceived gender roles, our interpersonal relationships and sexuality.
在這階段中, 我們正在見證更多的 ‘不平衡’ 或是疾病模式 ---顯化在我們物質身體層中 --- 靠近我們的性\生育器官.這因果來源 --- 是一個直接的能量, 以及深度的心理—情緒創傷---埋在我們整個集體覺知意識的信念系統以及程式設計之中 --- 環繞著我們 ‘以為’ 的性別角色, 我們的人際交往關係以及性行為\關係.
Our creative forces that empower our sexual and sacred union with God Source have been harnessed for energetic control and manipulation through the ancestral record and the Negative Alien Agenda.
我們的創造力量 ~~那個增強了我們的性感以及與‘上帝源頭’ 的神聖結盟的力量 ~~已經被(轉移來)使用來做 ‘能量控制和操控’ ~~~透過遠古的記錄以及負面外星人的企圖.
As we are working to free our own creative intelligence forces to be directed for our personal spiritual liberation, we will encounter blockages in this sexual organ area. Remember to maintain your equanimity when and if you come to face this as an energetic blockage that has manifested physically.
當我們努力著來釋放我們自己的創造智能力量來引導來使用在我們個人的靈性的解放上時 --- 我們將會遭遇到在
‘性器官’ 區域的障礙.記得要維持你的泰然處之的態度, ~~~當, 而且只有當你能以 ‘能量障礙’在物質身體上的顯化來面對這問題時 ~~~你才能泰然處之.
It is NOT exactly what it appears to be at the physical level and you may need to address it aggressively and from a multidimensional consciousness perspective.
這問題在物質層面上的顯化 --- 並非像它所顯現的那樣 --- 你可能會需要積極的處理它 ~~從一個多維度的覺知意識的感應理解角度.
Take ownership of your multidimensional being by stating your command and intention to do so. Call upon all of the evolution teams to support and direct you to the most effective ways to cleanse this pattern of pain from your body, with full confidence and take immediate action.
你要透過 ‘重伸’ 你的管轄權以及你要掌控自己的企圖心來~~重新執掌自己的多維度存在體.呼喚所有 ‘進化團隊’來支援並指導你走上最有效率的方法來從你的身體清除這些模式 ~~帶著完全的自信心, 並且拿出立即的行動.
Know that many of us now are going into the phantom death energy to emerge renewed and reborn into the new energies. This is the spiritual ascension process of the human species undergoing the “alchemy of the shadow” which leads into the new frequency reality of the Newly Born Ascended. Be strong and do not fall emotionally prey to the surface of what may appear and maintain your inner connection and spiritual practice.
明白我們許多人現在正在走入幻覺死亡能量來連接 ‘再生’ 與 ‘重生’ 進入新的能量中. 這就是人類種族的靈性揚升程序 ~~正在經歷的 “陰影煉金術" ~~這會帶我們走入 ‘新生兒的已揚升’ 的新頻率實相. 要堅強! 不要落入表面現象的情緒俘虜之中! 維持你內在的連接與做靈性的練習!
This is an extremely powerful time that we are witnessing in all of its symbolism, as the return of the Female Principle of God Force, Mother Aurora is being made fully now.Hence we are undergoing an intensified process of the patriarchal exorcism from the planetary fields at this time. The balance of power is energetically being restored to reflect sacred union within.
現在這是一個極度強烈的時光 ~~我們現在正在見證所有 ‘象徵形式’的代表現象發生--- 隨著 “上帝力量中 ‘女性原則’的回歸" ~~ Mother Aurora(外光體母親?)現在已經完全被製造出來了.因此我們正在經歷一個強烈的 ‘宗法\權威驅除’程序 ~~從行星場開始~~~在現在.‘權力的平衡’已經在現在~~在能量層被恢復來反應這內在的神聖結盟了.
The Ascending Universe will not tolerate ego distortions nor impostors in the return to the patterns of living light perfection as the Inner Christos.
‘小我心智’ 的扭曲, 或是 ‘偽君子精神’ --- 在回轉回 ‘內在基督的生命之光的完美模式’當中.
The One Eternal Living Light Source is here to reclaim its creation into its original divine blueprints of perfection, saturating us in the eternal life rainbow currents of full resurrection into our new identity.
‘屬於一的生命之光源’ 已經在這裡來收回祂的創造~~~來恢復到它原來完美的神聖藍圖之中 ~~把我們浸泡回永恆生命彩虹的‘重生’波浪中 ~~來把我們完全的‘重生’入我們新的身份之中!!!
The false identity, the false prophet, the impostor and illusory are revealed as the veils are rapidly disintegrating and there will be a time nothing can hide any longer in shadow......
這些虛假的身份, 假的先知, 偽君子, 以及幻象 --- 都會被曝露 --- 隨著這帷幕快速的分解掉, 然後將會有個時期 ~~當再也沒有任何東西\事物\人可以躲藏在陰影裡….
RL: 哈利路亞!!! 讚讚讚!!! 太棒了!!!
(Source : Adapted from Patriarchal Exorcism, 2007)
(部份資料來源出自2007年已寫就的 ‘宗法\威權驅除’.)
RL注: 欢迎大家转载, 但请勿删修任何文字, 特别是渠道名称与译者名称. 尊重作者, 译者与著作权! 请小心因果报应! 并请大家不要转载刨窃的作品, 不要成为帮凶并分担业障! 请大家协助保持灵学界的清净!
修行路上大家加油! 无限祝福!