(重要大角星人Book 4:

(回到母舰Part 3 – 雙光子們與本我的合一

     对地球讯息传输 #2 20131115


Back On The Mothership 3 -- Transmissions to Earth #2



Channeller: Suzanne Lie\   20131115


中文翻译: 林琚月 20131116 http://blog.sina.com.cn/rebeccahjlin



Pleiadian Perspective on Ascension, Book One and Two available as ebooks at:



Back on the Mothership Part 3

Transmissions to Earth #2

Transmuting Earth



(: MYTRIANMytre& Mytria的双生光灵魂合一体.)

We did get a chance to speak with Mytre, Mytria and even the Arcturian. In fact, even the physical versions of Jason and Sandy were there, but only in their astral night body. Therefore, we had the experience of being with all of the elements of our Mytrian SELF, but these components wore bodies outside of our own, while they were also incorporated into our Mytrian form.

我們確實有機會與Mytre, Mytria甚至跟大角星人說到話. 事實上, 就連物質身體的Jason Sandy也在那裡, 但只是他們星光體的夜身在那裡. 因此, 我們體驗到與所有~~我們Mytrian本我身的全部單元元素同在的經驗. ~~但是這些部份 ~~都是在我們之外的身體之中 ~~可是祂們又同時是我們Mytrian合一體的形體的組成部份.


We could tell that this experience was a bit uncomfortable for all of us. Jason and Sandy could not even imagine that we, Mytrian, could be a multidimensional being in which they were components of our collective consciousness. When we were around Sandy and Jason, we felt as if they were old friends who had been away and we were no longer as close.

我們可以說~~~這個經驗對我們全部的人是有點不舒服的. Jason and Sandy根本無法想像到~~我們, Mytrian, 可以是一個多維度存有 ~~而在其中 ~~他們是我們集體覺知意識的部份元素單位. 當我們跟Jason and Sandy在一起時, 我們感覺到他們像久別重逢的老朋友一樣熟悉, 但我們已經不再是那麼的親近了.


On the other hand, Mytre and Mytria felt like our guides to our Jason and Sandy component of SELF, but they also felt like us, only in a seemingly separate body. Mostly, we felt the remnants of our third dimensional brain reeling at the concept of multidimensionality and parallel realities. In some way, Mytre and Mytria felt like parallel realities of us in that they were remain Divine Complements and contributed their essence to us, Mytrian.

而從另一方面而言, Mytre and Mytria感覺起來像是我們的Jason and Sandy部份本我引導\導護者, 但是, 他們也感覺起來很像我們, 只是存在於一個似乎分開的身體之中. 最多的感覺是 ~~~我們感覺到我們第三維度的的大腦在多維度平行實相的這些概念之中像一幅捲軸一樣擴展開來.在某些方面, Mytre and Mytria感覺起來像是存在於平行實相之中的我們 ~~而在那實相中, 他們是神聖的另一半’(雙生光靈魂) ~~而對我們 Mytrian貢獻出了他們的本質.


However, they are not united in the same form as the Arcturian and Jason and Sandy like we are. We, as the being Mytrian, are still young because we are new to this type of collective expression of our Multidimensional SELF. However, we are beginning to adapt to the fact that we are many versions of our SELF within one form.

但是, 他們並沒有融合成一個合一體’~~像大角星人和Jason Sandy~~像我們一樣. 我們, 作為Mytrian,仍然是個年輕的合一體~~因為我們對這種型式的集體表達方式 ~~我們‘多維度本我’的集體合一表達 ~~還很嫩. 但是, 我們已經開始習慣這個事實 ~~~就是我們是許多版本的我們的本我” ~~在一個形式中.


It was quite helpful to talk to all these elements of our SELF that also exists as male and female components of our multidimensionality. The component of our SELF that we have the greatest difficulty with is our Arcturian SELF. The remaining ego element of Sandy and Jason cannot yet begin to grasp that we are indeed such an advanced being.

與這所有的我們本我的所有元素單位談話對我們非常有幫助 ~~他們也都以我們多維度的男性或女性單元來存在. ~~我們本我部份元素單位~~最難以理解的概念是我們大角星人本我部分. --- Sandy and Jason殘存的小我心智還無法開始理解 ~~~



Our Mytre and Mytria components of SELF are more able to embrace that we are Arcturian, as they have been so close to our Arcturian. However, we could feel in our hearts our seemingly separate expression of Mytre and Mytria were still having difficulty with our multidimensional composite.

在‘我們本我部份元素單位’中Mytre and Mytria部份比較能夠擁抱我們就是大角星人的事實 --- 因為他們曾經如此親近過大角星人. 但是, 我們可以在我們心中感覺到 ~~這看起來好像與我們分開的Mytre and Mytria部份表達仍然有一些困難適應我們的多維度組成”.



I have to say that it was a bit disconcerting to be with Mytrian in their present expression. I felt like a parent whose adult child went away for a while and came back as someone the parent no longer knew. I can feel how Mytrian has matured into his/her own person, but I was not there to share that process with them.

我必須說 ~~Mytrian在祂們現在的表達狀態中是有一點令人不安的. 我覺得自己像個家長, 他已經成人的孩子離開了家一段時間之後回來, 卻變得讓人無法辨識. 我可以感覺到Mytrian是如何成長成他\她自己的, 但我在那過程中並沒有陪著他們.


Mytria and I have had many experiences of being joined Divine Complements, and we greatly enjoy that expression of our SELF. However, I am confused about how it must feel to Mytrian to contain three Divine Complements, Sandy/Jason essence, Mytre/Mytria essence, no now the Lemurian addition of Landar /Landara essence. Plus they have a deep inner connection with the Arcturian.

Mytria和我有許多成為聯合的神聖另一半的合一體的經驗, 而且我們非常享受這樣的本我表達”.但是, 我對於Mytrian包含了三組神聖另一半的合一體~~ Sandy/Jason 本質部份, Mytre/Mytria本質部份, 現在又加入了利穆里亞時代 the Lemurian Landar /Landara本質部份~~這應該如何感覺呢? ~~我覺得有點混亂. 加上, 他們與大角星人有一個深度的內在連接.


I do not think that they can even imagine the Arcturian power that they have within them, but I can feel it. Am I jealous? Well, jealous is an extreme word, but I suspect that I am envious. How can I even be envious of my own self?

我不認為他們能想像到他們自己內心所有的大角星人的力量, 但我可以感覺到這力量的存在. 我在嫉妒嗎? Well,嫉妒是個極端的字眼, 但我猜我是羨慕的. 可是, 我如何能羨慕我自己的本我呢?


Dear Mytre, I know exactly how your feel.” Mytria said in her sweetest voice. “My voice may sound sweet to you, but I am also have confusion, to say the least, about our relationship with Mytrian. We are supposed to support them, but instead it is almost as though we feel too inadequate to even reach out to them.”

親愛的Mytre, 我完全明白你的感受.” Mytria用她甜美的聲音說. “我的聲音或許對你來說聽起來甜美, 但我也一樣是混亂的 ~~至少對於我們與Mytrian的關係. 我們應該是要支援他們, 但是我卻好像反而覺得不恰當’ ~~~如果我們對他們伸出援手的話.”


Mytria, thank you for sharing your feelings,” I responded. “I am happy that I can talk with you about my feelings. Do you think we should consult the Arcturian?”

“Mytria, 謝謝你分享你的感覺,” 我回答, “我很高興我能跟你談我的感覺. 你覺得我們應該與大角星人談談嗎?”


Before Mytria had a chance to answer my question the Arcturian flashed into the room. “I have invited Mytrian here to visit us. They, too, are uncomfortable with their feelings while around all of us. They will soon need to assist Earth bound Jason and Sandy, and you will need to assist them. Therefore, I feeling another merging of all us is appropriate.”

Mytria有機會回答我的問題之前, 大角星人閃入了房裡. “我邀請了Mytrian來這裡拜訪我們. 他們, 一樣, 也覺得很不舒服 ~~關於我們全部. 他們很快就需要去協助地球地面的Jason and Sandy, 而你們將會需要去協助他們. 因此, 我感覺到我們全部再一次的融合將會是需要的.”


Yes, said Mytria.” I believe I need that comfort and understanding.

是的,” Mytria. “我相信我需要那個安慰與理解的感覺.”


So do I,” replied.


And we really need it,” said Mytrian as they came into the room.

而且我們真的需要它(再次合體這事),” Mytrian ~~當他們進入房間時.


We will begin by forming a circle,” said the Arcturian telepathically. “Please remember that my last statement at the transmission was, “When your consciousness is focused inward, you can perceive the inflow that you have been allowing into your reality. Then, during your outward focus you can perceive that which you are sending out into your world. In other words, you are not just the recipient of the inflow and outflow. You are also the source.”

我們開始先圍個圓圈吧,” 大角星人用心電感應說. “請記得我上次訊息傳輸最後一句話是当你的觉知意识专注向内’的, 你可以感应到流入”~~那是你允许进入你的实相的.然后, 在你外流”的觉知意识专注状态中 ---

那是你送入你的世界的东西.换言之, 你不只是这流入与流出’的接收者而已, 你同时也是这开始”的源头.


I can telepathically read that we all understand this message,” I said. “If we are the Source of ALL that flows into and out of our reality, we are the creator of our life in every way. Therefore, we, meaning Mytria and I, Mytrian and third dimensional Jason and Sandy are all ONE source moving into more and more complex expressions.”

我可以心電感應到我們全都了解這個訊息,”我說. “假如我們都是所有流入和流出我們實相的的事情的源頭, 我們就是我們人生每一方面的創造者.因此, 我們 ~~意思是Mytria和我, Mytrian, 以及三維度的Jason and Sandy~~全都是一個合一源頭” ~~移動入越來越多的複雜的表達之中.”


Now we will all place our consciousness into the cosmic sea within the core of this circle,” spoke the Arcturian

現在, 我們將把我們全部的覺知意識放入這個在我們圓圈中心的大宇宙之海’,”大角星人說.


Instantly, our entire group was one fluid being flowing through the past, present and future, as well as into realities far beyond the limitation of time. The sense of my Mytre self was so deeply intermingled with our composite ONE within the circle, that all my former questions and concerns flowed off with the infinite current.

立刻, 我們整個團隊變成了一個 液態的存有”,流經過過去, 現在, 以及未來, 而且進入超越時間限制的實相區之中. 我的Mytre本我是如此深入的交叉混合在我們合一體之中, 在圓圈之中, --- 我之前所有的所有問題與擔心都隨著這無限的波浪而流走了.


I could feel that Mytria and Mytrian felt the same. I could also feel the Arcturian patiently allowing us to discover reality for ourselves. Mytria and I felt a flash of guilt that we had not guided Mytrian in the same manner as the Arcturians were guiding us. However, the guilt was released into the outflow of the current to be instantly replaced with an inflow of deep knowing and unconditional love.

我可以感覺到Mytria and Mytrian的感覺都一樣. 我也可以感覺到大角星人非常有耐性的等待著我們自己去發現實相. Mytria和我感覺到一個一閃而過的罪惡感 ~~覺得我們沒有像當初大角星人帶領我們時一樣的帶領Mytrian, 但是, 罪惡感立即在外流的波浪中被一股深深的理解與無條件的愛所取代.


The matter of what was once the form and antimatter of our greatly expanded consciousness interacted and intermingled until our expression of SELF became a huge galaxy of light. We could see how some of the stars in our Galaxy were going supernova and blinked out of our Galaxy. Meanwhile, other stars were in the process of birth.

原來組成我們形體的物質, 以及我們巨大的擴張出去的覺知意識的反物質 ~~互動著, 互相交融著 ~~直到我們的本我表達”~~變成了一個巨大的光的銀河系.我們可以看到在我們銀河系中的某些星星在變成超新星, 而且閃出了我們的銀河系. 在同時間內, 其他星星們也在出生的程序當中.


Our consciousness had become attached to a humanoid form for myriad experiences of incarnations, and NOW it wished to expand into a greater potential of itself. Within this cosmic sea of light all expressions of our greater SELF communicated like stars in the night sky. Forever, we flowed through the unending space and timeless time.

我們的覺知意識變成連接入一個類人形式的形體 ~~在許多不同體驗的轉世, 而在此當下” ~~~祂希望擴大成為一個更大的潛能的自我.在這‘光的大宇宙之海’中 ~~我們所有更大的 本我的表達體都像星星在夜空中一樣的溝通. 無有止境的 ~~我們流經這個無止境的空間與無時間的時間之中.


I believe you are ready to return to our Transmission Room,” the Arcturian gently whispered. “We ask you now to find Sol’s Solar System. Now, find the third planet from the Sun, know as Earth, that is in the process of transmutation.”

我相信你已經準備好來回到我們的傳輸室”, 大角星人柔和的低聲說. “我們現在請大家尋找太陽Sol的太陽系.現在, 尋找從太陽數過來的第三顆行星 ~~被叫做地球, ~~正在轉變的程序之中.


Being a galaxy, we found that task quite simple.

身為一個銀河系, 我們發現這工作好簡單.


Now focus your attention on the huge Arcturian Mothership just outside of that Solar System and find the human forms standing in a circle in an incredible small room,” concluded the Arcturian.

現在, 把你的專注力放在這個巨大的大角星人母艦上 ~~祂就在太陽系之外, 然後找到一群人形的表達體圍成一個圓圈在一個小得不可思意議的小房間之中,” 大角星人結論說.


I could feel our collective sigh, as we knew it was time to return to our previous humanoid body. However, we could never again feel limited to that form. As one being, we opened our eyes to find ourselves sitting in the Transmission Room. Instantly, the Arcturian began It’s second transmission.

我可以感覺到我們集體的放輕鬆的呼氣, 當我們知道是時候我們回轉到我們原來的類人類的身體之中時. 但是, 我們再也不會覺得被那形體給限制住了. 作為一個存有, 我們打開了我們的眼睛並發現自己就坐在傳輸室之中. 立刻, 大角星人開始了祂的第二個訊息傳輸工作.




We welcome you all back for the remainder of our transmission. If you were unable to attend our first transmission please find it archived at:


我們歡迎你們全都回來參與我們其他部份的傳輸. 假如你上次無法參加我們第一個訊息傳輸, 請在此檔案中找到:



We left off our transmission by explaining that the consciousness contained within the 3D Matrix of your physical form is intimately intertwined with the consciousness within the 3D Matrix of Earth. Thus, your personal 3D Matrix is grounded into and melded with the planetary 3D Matrix. Thus, as you allow the inflow of higher frequencies of light into your 3D Matrix, it is instantly shared with the 3D Matrix of Gaia’s planetary body. Gaia then amplified then amplifies the light and sends it back to you.

我們上次的傳輸結束在解釋 ~~你的物質身體的三維矩陣中所含有的覺知意識是非常親密的受到地球的三維矩陣的覺知意識所交織在一起的. 因此, 當你允許更高的光頻率流進入你三維的矩陣時, ~~那光頻率立即就被分享入地球的三維矩陣的行星身體之中. 蓋亞然後持續放大再放大這光頻率並將之寄回去給你.

       (重要大角星人Book 4:

(回到母舰Part 3 – 雙光子們與本我的合一

     对地球讯息传输 #2 20131115


This form of mutual reception occurs as the back and forth flow of the timeless higher frequencies of light escalate to transmute both planetary and personal matrixes. In this manner, the time-bound holograms of personal and planetary form allow the outflow their time-bound expressions into the timeless world of antimatter. Simultaneously, antimatter projects it inflow of formless light into the matrixes of the physical Earth.

這種互相接收的形式發生著~~~當這無時間的更高光頻率來回流動著 ~~攀升著 ~~來同時轉變行星與個人的矩陣之時.以這方式, “受時間所限制的個人以及行星的全息影像形式--- 讓他們原本“受時間所限制”的表達體 ~~流入 ~~~ “反物質世界的‘無時間’世界. 同時, 反物質投影了祂自己的沒有形式的光流~~流回~~~物質地球原本的矩陣之中.


In this fashion, your consciousness, and eventually your form, will phase in and out of differing dimensions. You can “lock” your consciousness into the dimension of your choice by sending the bonding force of unconditional love into that dimension of reality. While you are bonded to that dimension via your unconditional love, that particular expression of your Multidimensional SELF will be highlighted as “your experience.” You unlock your consciousness by taking the “key” of unconditional love out of the “lock.”

以這方式, 你的覺知意識,而且最終, 你的形式, 會在不同的維度之間進進出出. 你可以把你的覺知意識鎖入你所選擇的維度 ~~透過寄送無條件的愛的連接力量進入個維度的實相.當你透過你的‘無條件的愛’來連接那個維度實相而進入之時 ~~~你的多維度本我在該維度的特定表達形式 ~~就會被標記成你的經驗’. 而你打開你的覺知意識的方法就是把你的‘無條件的愛’的鑰匙從鎖中拿掉.

(換言之 ~~~釋放你的‘無條件的愛’=釋放你的覺知意識.)


Your higher expressions of SELF resonate beyond time. Thus, when you re-enter your 3D life, you can do so a second before you left. Furthermore, you do not actually leave. You are expanding your physical consciousness into the higher frequencies of your Multidimensional SELF. Thus, you are NOT leaving; you are bi-locating.

你的更高表達的本我共鳴在時間之外.因此, 當你重新再進入你三維的生活 ~~你會在你離開之一秒鐘前回來. 因此, 你其實並沒有真的離開.你只是擴張你物質的覺知意識進入更高頻率的你的‘多維度本我’之中而已.

因此, 你不是離開 --- 你是雙重存在”!


This bi-location is normal to your higher dimensional expressions of SELF, as resonating beyond time allows you to maintain the conscious awareness of more than one reality at the “same time.” Once you completely link your multidimensional mind with your third dimensional brain, you will be able to expand your conscious awareness into multiple expressions of your SELF within the ONE of the NOW.

這“雙重存在”對你更高維度的本我表達~~ 是很正常的一件事. ~~因為共鳴在時間之外~~讓你可以同時維持覺知意識的警覺性在超過一個以上的實相. 一但你完全連接上你的多維度心智與第三維度大腦的連接, ~~你就能擴張你覺知意識的警覺性進入本我的多個表達體之中 ~~當下合一當中.


When you first awaken to your multidimensionality you may only be able to contain one other expression of your SELF while you are also wearing your physical form. Your physical form can “burn out” like a dry leaf in a fire from the higher frequencies of your SELF. Hence, until you activate at least your inner lightbody, your kundalini, it will be difficult to hold the true “fire” of your SELF in your physical form.

當你剛開始覺醒入你的多維度面向中時, 你可能只能夠包含你本我表達體的另一個而已 ~~當你還同時穿著你的物質形式之時. --- 在你本我的更高頻率之中, 你的物質形式是可能像一張枯葉一樣被燒毀”, 因此, 直到你啟動至少你內在的光體, 你的昆塔尼里能量之前 ~~你將很困難把你本我真實的火花維持在你的物質形式之中.


However, your multidimensional mind is not limited to your form and has a filter so that only the frequencies that your physical form can tolerate will actually be downloaded into your 3D matrix. This one-way flow of the quantum expression of your SELF is continuously interfaced between your multidimensional mind and our third dimensional brain. Your physical consciousness and body can only access this multidimensional information via your multidimensional consciousness.

因此, 你多維度的心智並不受限於你的形體, 而且擁有一個 過濾器’ --- 所以,只有你的物質形體所能忍受的頻率會真的被下載到你的三維矩陣中.這種單向你的本我的量子表達形式’ ~~會持續的互動著 ~~在你的你的“多維度心智”與第三維度大腦之間. 你物質的覺知意識和身體只能透過你的多維度心智進入這多維度訊息之中.


Many of you are experiencing immense changes in your body as it adapts to its higher dimensional expression of Lightbody. Your Lightbody is continuously housed within the kundalini force within your core, and within your multidimensional mind. From these locations, your multidimensional lightbody is slowly seeping into your earth vessel to gradually and safely transmute your 3D matrix into higher frequencies of resonance.

你們許多人正在經驗著巨大的身體的改變 ~~隨著它適應進入它更高維度的光體表達形式之中.你的光體是持續的承載著昆塔尼里能量~~在你的核心之中 ~~也在你的“多維度心智”之中.從這些地方 ~~你“多維度的光體”慢慢的滲透入你地球載具中 ~~~來逐漸的, 安全的, 轉變你的三維矩陣進入更高頻率的共鳴頻率之中.


Remember that transmutation does not add or subtract any elements of your form. That process is known as transformation in which new elements are added to create the shift. Within the process of transmutation nothing is added or subtracted. Instead, every cell and atom is transmuted into a higher frequency of expression. Therefore, you are much like the caterpillar who transmutes into the butterfly.

請記得~~ 轉變’~~不會增加或是減少你形體中的任何元素.這‘轉變’程序被認知為 ---是一個新元素被加入來創造出這提升改變’.在這轉變程序中 ~~沒有任何東西被加入, 或是被減少了. 取而代之的, 每個細胞和原子被轉變入更高頻率的表達之中.因此, 你很像一隻毛毛蟲~~~ 被轉變為蝴蝶.


The DNA for the butterfly and the caterpillar are exactly the same. However, the form of the caterpillar is limited to the branch on which it is crawls to find new leaves to eat. Conversely, the butterfly takes off into the air to perceive a much greater vista and a higher perspective of life. These small, delicate creatures travel thousand of miles on delicate wings to complete their cycle of life.

蝴蝶與毛毛蟲的DNA是完全一樣的.但是, 這毛毛蟲的形體是被限制在一根樹枝上, 在那裡它爬行去尋找新的葉子來吃. 相反的, 蝴蝶飛入空中來獲得一個更大的視野, 以及一個更高的人生理解角度.這些小的, 脆弱的生物旅行上千英哩~~使用它們脆弱的翅膀, 來完成它們的人生的圓圈.


You are butterflies that are NOW traveling in your consciousness, but your caterpillar still remains on the “branch.” Consequently, you are both the grounded element of the caterpillar as well as the transmuted element of the butterfly. As your consciousness continues to expand, your third dimensional earth vessel is completing its life cycle to transmute into your Multidimensional SELF. Many of you are living this experience right now. Therefore, as your consciousness is phasing in and out of the butterfly to caterpillar.

你現在是蝴蝶 ~~當下之中~~旅行在你的覺知意識中,但是你的毛毛蟲仍然停留在樹枝上.所以你同時是這被地面困住的毛毛蟲元素,同時又是已經轉變的蝴蝶的元素.隨著你的覺知意識繼續擴張,你三維的地球載具~~正在完成它生命的循環~~來轉變入你的多維度本我”.你們許多人在此時仍然活在這個經驗之中. 因此, 你們正隨著你的覺知意識而進進出出蝴蝶與毛毛蟲之間.


Part of this phasing is because many of you have volunteered to maintain BOTH “butterfly” and “caterpillar” forms for as long as Gaia needs your assistance. However, eventually, you will increasingly identify with the freedom of your butterfly SELF and be ready to release the limitations of crawling to your next leaf for food. You will then begin to phase out of your earth vessel and into your multidimensional lightbody.

這些進出的部份原因 ~~是因為你們許多人自願來維持同時是蝴蝶又是毛毛蟲’~~只要地球蓋亞需要你的協助.(你就會停留在此狀態.)但是, 最終, 你會逐漸比較認同你‘蝴蝶’的本我,而準備好了要來釋放爬行去尋找下片葉子作食物的限制之中.你然後會開始離開你的地球載具而進入你的多維度光體之中.


As you fully accept the gift of the higher dimensions of light into your transmuting form, you serve as a living portal that shares that light with the body of Gaia. The higher frequencies of light that you bring into your pineal gland circulate down through all your chakras to share the light with the body of Gaia. In this manner, you are facilitating the transmutation of the great mass of Gaia’s planetary body.

當你完全接受這更高的維度之光的禮物進入你的轉變中的形體中 ~~你是以一個活的星門來服務 ~~並與地球蓋亞的身體分享這光能. 你所帶入你的松果體更高頻率光能~~~會環繞穿越你所有的脈輪 ~~來與地球蓋亞的身體分享這光能. 以這方式, 你正在協助這巨大的地球蓋亞行星身體物質的轉變.


Gaia then combines the gift of light that she is receiving from all her awakened ones into one quantum soup which is, in turn, shared with all Her humans, animals, plants and physical locations. You are in the timeline in which you have chosen to have a simultaneous planetary and personal transmutation into the fifth dimension and beyond.

蓋亞然後會結合~~~她從她所有覺醒的一們中~~所收到的這光能禮物 ~~進入一個量子湯當中 ~~~然後, 她再以此來分享出去給她所有的人類, 動物, 植物, 以及物質地點.你是在時間線中 ~~在那裡 ~~`你已經選擇了~~去同時擁有一個同時發生的行星與個人轉變 ~~進入第五維度以及超越.


Therefore, if your environment shifts along with the form you are wearing, you will NOT separate from your earthly life. Instead, you will transmute WITH your earthly life. Hence, do not be concerned that things are NOT different. From our perspective things are vastly different. However, since you reflect the same “difference” as your reality, your life appears to be the same.

因此, 假如你的環境與你所穿的形體一起同時提升改變, ~~你就不會從你地球的人生中分離出來.取而代之的, 你會與你的地球人生同時轉變.因此, 請不要憂慮 ~~東西沒有任何不同.從我們的理解角度, 事情\東西已經大大的不同了. 但是, 由於你會與你的實相反映出同樣的不同, 你的人生會看起來一樣.


Thus, we ask that you take a moment of your remaining “time” to reflect on your personal and planetary life ten years ago. In other words, go into your past to experience how your present has shifted into a future of constant change. As you continue to reflect on your past, present and future in this way, time will begin to blur into the NOW, which is the ONLY time there is.

因此, 我們請求你花點你剩餘的時間來檢討一下你十年前的個人與行星人生.換言之, 走入你的過去來體驗你的現在已經提升改變進入了一個 ~~~一直持續在改變中的未來. 隨著你繼續以這方式來反省你的過去, 現在與未來 --- 時間會開始變模糊而變成當下” --- 那是 唯一一個真正存在的 時間.


We wish to remind you that in life after life this seed of knowing that we have shared with you has been implanted in your earth vessel. Sometimes that seed landed on rocks in which the seed could not take root and the knowing was baked away from the hot sun. Sometimes the seed landed in pools of water in which the seed could not survive and it drowned at the bottom of the murky water.

我們希望提醒你們 ~~在不斷轉世之中 ~~我們所提到的~~知道的種子’ ~~一直都被埋在你們的地球載具之中.有時候那種子落在岩石上, 所以無法生根發芽, 知道被炙熱的太陽給烤蒸發掉了. 有時, 這種子落入池水中 ~~種子無法存活而被淹死在池底的泥濘的水中.





Fortunately, sometimes the seed landed on fertile soil and the seed took root. It was within those lives that you remembered your SELF. It was in those realities that you realized that you were a great being of light that came into a small earthen vessel to remember the truth and pass it on the others. However, in many of your sojourns to Gaia's body remembering was difficult and lonely because the times were too harsh to speak that truth.

幸運的是 ~~有時這種子落入了肥沃的泥土中, 而且生根發芽了. 就是在那幾世之中你記得了你的本我. 就是在那些實相中 ~~你明白了~~你是一個偉大的光之存有, 只是進入了一個小小的地球載具之中, 來回憶起真相’ ~~並且告訴別人.但是, 在你們居住在地球蓋亞身體的許多世中 ~~ “記得是困難而且孤獨的 ~~因為往往時代太艱鉅 ~~讓你們能夠說出真相.


In fact, many of those who did share their inner knowing were chastised and even tortured or killed. When this occurred a scar was left on your Soul that warned to be careful before you spoke the truth again. This scar caused you to forget the truth even if it was a lifetime in which it was safe to share it. Sometimes it took many incarnations on Gaia's Wheel of Life and Death before you could remember and/or dare to share what you had remembered.

事實上, 許多那些把他們內在的知識分享出去的人~~被責罵, 甚至被折磨或是殺死了.當這些事發生時, 一個疤痕就留在你的靈魂上~~那是來警告你要小心~~在你再次說出真相之前. 這疤痕也造成你遺忘真相~~即使你是在一個安全的人生之中, 是可以安全分享真相的 ~~你還是忘了. 有時, 會需要花調在蓋亞的生死之輪上的許多轉世 ~~~你才能記得以及\或者分享你記得的事情.


We tell you now, our beloved members of transmuting Earth. This is the Clarion Call. This message in your NOW is the call to remember and to share. Share that which you remember in whatever manner your present body finds most creative.

我們現在告訴你 ~~我們親愛的轉變中的地球的成員們. 這是號角的呼喚. 這在你的當下的訊息是來呼喚你去記得並且分享出去的.分享出去你記得的 ~~不論你目前的身體覺得什麼是最有創意的方式.


If you share in a manner that feels creative, your consciousness will expand further, which will give you greater endurance. Also, then you can just "tell a story in a book," "write a great song," "create a lovely dance," or "paint a wonderful picture." If your message is cloaked in your creativity, you create a safety net for yourself.

假如你使用一種自己覺得有創意的方法來分享 ~~你的覺知意識會擴張得更大 ~~而這也會給你更大的忍受力.同時, 你也可以只是寫本故事書, 寫首歌, 編個美麗的舞蹈, 或是畫一幅美妙的畫.


Plus, you will greatly enjoy your sharing as expressing your creativity pulls you back into your Multidimensional SELF where all your TRUTH is stored. Therefore, dearest ones, we end this transmission by thanking you in advance for the wonderful contributions that we know you will share with your ascending planet.

而且, 你會非常享受你的分享經驗 ~~因為你在表達創意, 這件會可以把你拉入你的多維度本我” ~~而那裡儲存著你所有的真相.因此, 親愛的一們, 我們結束這傳輸~~在此事先謝謝你們 ~~我們知道你會與你們揚升中的地球~~你們會做的分享貢獻.


Your present form may not last until the glory of New Earth is a normal, every day experience. However, you will end your present life by stepping into your mastery. As an Ascended Master you will be able to create a form wherever and whenever you please. Remember, since New Earth is timeless, there is no hurry to get there. You cannot be late if there is NO time.

你目前的形體或許無法持續~~直到新地球是一個正常的, 每日的經驗之時, 但是, 你會透過 ~~走入你的大師掌握 ~~來結束你目前的人生.作為一個已揚升大師, 你將能夠創造一個形體~~在任何時候, 任何地方~~只要你想要.

記得 ~~由於‘新地球’是沒有時間的, 所以不急著過去. 既然沒有時間 ~~所以你就不會遲到!


As we send you off about your day, we remind whatever version of your SELF that is attending this transmission to go into meditationto join with your highest expression of SELF. From this frequency of your being, send forth a call to ALL of your parallel, alternate, higher and lower dimensional expressions of SELF that the time is NOW!

當我們讓你們離開去繼續你日常的生活之前, 我們提醒 ~~不論是你本我的那個版本在參與這個傳輸~~要去做冥想來加入你們最高的自我表達. 從你的存有的這個頻率, 寄一個呼喚給你所有平行\選擇性\更高的\更低的維度本我表達體 ~~告訴他們 時間就是當下!”


With these final words, the transmission screen burst into Violet Light, in which the attendees could bask for as long as they needed.

隨著這些最後的話語, 這傳輸的銀幕爆出了紫蘿蘭光能 ~~而所有參與者都可以沐浴在其中 ~~只要他們需要~~多久都可以!


Posted by Sue at 8:21 AM


RL: 欢迎大家转载, 但请勿删修任何文字, 特别是渠道名称与译者名称. 尊重作者, 译者与著作权! 请小心因果报应! 并请大家不要转载刨窃的作品, 不要成为帮凶并分担业障! 请大家协助保持灵学界的清净!

修行路上大家加油! 无限祝福!









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    Rebecca Lin

    安琚樂月 生靈昇靈

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