(重要) 大角星人Book 4:
(上) 回到母舰Part 3 –一絲絲的理解
“多維度本我合一體” 20131129
A Glimmer of Understanding
Channeller: Suzanne Lie\ 20131129
中文翻译: 林琚月 20131204 http://blog.sina.com.cn/rebeccahjlin
A Glimmer of Understanding
(注: MYTRIAN現在是Mytre& Mytria的双生光灵魂合一体, 外加Jason & Sandy.)
When we began to follow Mytre and Mytria out of the Transmission Room, we felt the Arcturian saying, “Mytrian, we are aware that you could benefit from further communication with us.
當我們開始跟隨Mytre and Mytria離開 “傳輸室”時,
“Mytrian, 我們知道你可能需要多一些
與我們的溝通, 是吧!”
“Yes,” we said. “That would help us greatly. We seemed to be doing fine with our composite nature until we came into contact with the other versions of our SELF. Then we began to experience doubt and confusion. Therefore, we would be delighted to have the opportunity to gain some insight.”
“是的,”我們說. “那會對我們幫助很大.
但是當我們再加入其他的 ‘本我版本”時就有問題了.
因此, 我們會很希望可以有機會
In a flash we found our self in front of the holodeck that our inner memory recalled was the one in which Mytre learned his first lessons from the Arcturians.
在轉瞬間, 我們發現我們已經站在 “全息艙”之前,
而我們內在的記憶記起了 ~~這是Mytre第一次學習
“Please enter,” we heard the Arcturian telepathically saying.
We were quite proud of our self because we remembered Mytre’s nature program and were expecting to find that scene as we entered. However, instead we found the scene of the ascension of the Pleiadian settlement.
我們對我們的 ‘合體本我’感到非常驕傲~~
因為我們記起了Mytre的自然程式, 而且在我們進入時
很期望去看到那一幕. 但是, 取而代之的 ~~
我們看到的是 “昴宿星人的揚升營地”.
We saw the Violet Temple in its pure splendor, as well as the Pleiadians and Draconians flashing into Lightbody. The feeling of bliss filled our heart, but our mind seemed to float above the scene to observe from a higher perspective.
我們看到了 “紫蘿蘭火燄廟”美侖美奐的景象,
也看到 ‘昴宿星人’ 與 ‘蜥蝪龍’們閃入了 ‘光體’之中.
但是我們的 ‘心智’似乎飄浮到這景象的上方~~
“Allow your open heart to follow the perspective of your mind,” instructed the Arcturian.
“允許你們的心去打開~~去跟隨你們心智的觀點與理解力,” ~~‘大角星人’指示說.
We did not understand what that meant but we relaxed into the Arcturians words. As we did so, our heart and mind became inter-linked, and we felt every emotion of ever person as if we were inside of them.
我們並不清楚這是什麼意思, 但是我們放鬆進入了
‘大角星人’的話中. 當我們這樣做時,
The experience was so overwhelming that our minds began to shut down while all our perceptions seemed to come through the emotions of our heart. The entire experience was beyond logic, but it was as comfortable as being hugged by a loved one.
這經驗是如此鋪天蓋地的洋溢過我們 ~~
這整個經驗是超越邏輯的, 但是又很舒服 ~~
像被一個被愛的 ‘一’所擁抱住一樣.
The loved one was “the ONE” of “the NOW.” We had no concept of time, space, individuality or polarity. We began to float above the scene while we shared every thought and feeling of everyone in the encampment. In fact, we also felt the Draconians who were having different experiences of the same event at other locations.
就是存在於 “當下”的 “合體一”!
我們沒有時間或是空間, 個人或是二元性的概念.
事實上, 我們同時也感覺到‘蜥蝪龍’們~~
他們正在別處體驗在同一個 “大事件”中的不同經驗們.
More than that, we WERE the Violet Temple, the air, the ground and every plant and animal. If our heart had not merged into our mind, we would have surely been totally confused by this experience. However, our heart was beyond confusion as it “felt” the inner knowing in that NOW. As we emotionally experienced the scene around and within us, we shared the wondrous sensation of transmutation of all form.
不止如此, 我們(也感覺自己)變成了“紫蘿蘭火燄廟”,
變成了這空氣, 這土地, 以及成為了每一棵植物與動物.
如果我們的心沒有融合入我們的心智的話 ~~
但是, 我們的心卻超越在混亂之外 ~~
因為 ‘它’可以感覺到這 “內在的知曉”~~
在那個 “當下”之內.
~~我們分享了這個美妙的, 所有形式的各種轉變\兌變.
We could feel within us how every person, plant, animal and thing was altering at a molecular level. We felt no sense that persons were superior to plants, animals or even things, as the unity with All That Is was complete. We could feel and observe how photons of light flowed equally around and through every atom of that which was once held in form.
~~每一個人, 每一棵植物, 每一隻動物和每一樣東西
~~是如何的在改變之中 ~~在一個分子層次.
我們沒有感覺到 ~~
~~因為它們也都在 ‘萬有所是的合一’ 的完整之中.
我們可以感受到, 觀察到 ~~光子帶的光能 ~~
We were Mytre and Mytria as they merged into the deep unity of Divine Complements. Also, within that same NOW we were Mytrian. We were the Arcturian, and felt our merging with the Pleiadian Elohim Alcyone and with her land. The spirit essence of the Arcturian fused Its great spirit into the matter of Mother Alycone’s planet, which made the entire landscape glow with violet and golden light.
我們同時也是(在昴宿星上的)Mytre and Mytria
~~當他們融合成 “神聖另一半”的深度連結之時.
而且在那 “當下” 的同時之中 ~~
又同時感覺到我們與昴宿星Elohim Alcyone的融合,
昴宿星Mother Alycone的星球 ~~
We remained within that scene for infinity. In fact, we have never left it, for how could we leave infinity? Even as our vision slowly faded we could feel infinity within us. We could feel our Arcturian expression over-lighting and simultaneously supporting us.
事實上, 我們從未離開這一幕 ~~
Simultaneously, within our being we felt Mytre and Mytria as Divine Complements and Jason and Sandy as our 2013/14 earthly incarnated expressions. Within that moment, we could BE the three realities of the Arcturian, Mytre/Mytria and Jason/Sandy inside the fourth reality of Mytrian.
同時, 在我們的存在體中,
Mytre and Mytria的 “神聖另一半”合一體,以及
Jason and Sandy是我們存在於2013/14的地球轉世表達身. 在那同時間之內 ~~我們可以同時是‘大角星人’, Mytre/Mytria 以及Jason/Sandy
三個實相表達體的 ‘合一體’~~
在第四個實相體 Mytrian之內.
There was only ONE of us with four primary experiences of awareness. As we relaxed into this knowing, we felt a calm knowing of Unity with our Multidimensional SELF.
在這第四個實相體 Mytrian的 “合一體”之內~~
只有一個 “合一”的我們
~~擁有這四個主要的 “覺知經驗”.
而當我們放鬆自己進入這個 “了知”當中時
~~我們感覺到一種“冷靜的知曉” ~~
在我們 “多維度本我”的聯合體之中.
“Do you understand more about the complexity of your multidimensional nature?” asked the Arcturian.
~~比較了解了嗎?” ‘大角星人’問.
“Yes,” we all said in one voice. “But our consciousness is slowly diminishing its range of perception, and we are beginning to forget the feeling of absolute unity.”
“是的,” 我們用同一個聲音說.
“但是我們的 ‘覺知意識’的 “感應理解”範圍
而我們卻開始忘記 “絕對的合一”的感覺了.
Then the Arcturian stepped towards us and expanded Its aura to fully encompass us. Gradually, our former experience returned. This time, perhaps because we were within the Arcturian’s aura, the ascension scene appeared normal. As an Arcturian we had over lit infinite ascensions. We even forgot how to perceive ascension as unique.
然後, ‘大角星人’往前走向我們,
慢慢的, 我們以前的感覺開始回來了.
這一次, 或許是因為我們是處在‘大角星人’的外光體之中~~這 “揚升景象”顯得 ‘正常而公式化”了!
‘揚升’ 為一件特殊的事件了!
(重要) 大角星人Book 4:
(下) 回到母舰Part 3 –一絲絲的理解
“多維度本我合一體” 20131129
Simultaneously, we had a familiar experience of being encompassed by several realities at once. Our expanded perceptions remained in the ascended Pleiadian settlement while everyone fell into a deep inner-meditative state much like sleep.
同時, 我們有一個熟悉的經驗 ~~
我們已經擴大的 “感應理解力”
類似睡眠的 “內在的冥想狀態”之中時.
Within that same NOW we joined the Arcturian and Mother Alycone in the core of the Pleiadian planet where they made the appropriate changed to the light codes of the planetary matrix. We observed, and also directly experienced, as the Arcturian and Mother Alycone stepped into the Mother Crystal within the planetary core to expand the planetary matrix into the fifth dimension.
在那個同時存在的 “當下” ~~
我們加入了‘大角星人’以及Mother Alycone
~~在昴宿星的核心 ~~
在那裡祂們在行星的矩陣上修改了 “光密碼”,
做了適當的改變. 我們有觀察到, 而且直接的經驗到
~~當‘大角星人’和Mother Alycone走入
存在於昴宿星的核心的水晶母Mother Crystal之處,
然後把行星的矩陣修改成了 ‘第五維度’ 之時.
This crystal matrix was quite fascinating in that is was alive. It was not human, animal, plant or mineral. It was all in all. Hence, it had the thoughts and emotions of the humanoid inhabitants, the interaction with light being fed through the plants and into their roots, as well as the unity of animals into herds, flocks, schools and hives.
這水晶矩陣十分希奇 ~~因為祂是活的.
祂不是人類, 動物, 植物或是礦物質.
因此, 祂有 ‘類人的’ 思想和情緒,
而且像動物一樣成群結隊, 成團成簇.
(RL註: 據說~~地球核心也是這樣的水晶叢.)
Within our vague semblance of form we also felt the molecular reactions as the elements of earth, air, fire and water transmuted into their fifth dimensional frequency of “elementals.” These elementals maintained their power of transmutation while the third-dimensional planetary matrix stabilized into a multidimensional matrix.
在我們模糊的合成形體中 ~~
我們也感覺到‘土元素’ ‘風元素’ ‘火元素’
和 ‘水元素’分子們的反應 ~~
進入一個 ‘多維度矩陣’ 之時.
We intimately experienced the 5D fire elementals expanding all electrical synapses, while the 5D water elementals cooled and regulated that transition, as the 5D air elementals directed an even flow of transmutation, so that the 5D earth elemental’s could transmute all matter into fifth-dimensional form.
同時間裡, 五維的‘水元素’冷卻下來調節那個兌變,
而同時 ~~五維的‘風元素’指揮一個平均的兌變的流動, 所以五維的‘土元素’可以將所有物質
We felt and observed as all human, animal, plant and mineral forms became open portals of photonic light. Through these open portals of form an increased flow of higher frequency light was embedded in all versions of matter.
我們感覺到, 也觀察到 ~~
所有人類, 動物, 植物和礦物都變成了
Then, suddenly, the ascension scene disappeared. All that remained was the holographic matrix of our holosuite. The entire experience left us with a feeling of calm unity. Yet, we were also somewhat confused.
然後, 突然, 揚升景象消失了.
剩下來的就是我們 “全息艙”的全息矩陣而已.
~~這整個經驗讓我們停留在一種冷靜的合一體的感覺之中. 但是, 我們還是有點覺得混淆的.
“Allow yourself to feel the inflow of these imagistic truths as they enter through your crown and flow into the kundalini force of your multidimensional SELF, instructed the Arcturian in response to our thoughts. Feel how your light is bursting to express itself through each of the expressions of your collective consciousness.
“允許你自己去感覺這些 ‘具像的真相’流入你自己
~~透過你們的 ‘集體覺知意識’的每一個表達.
“Your Arcturian expression of SELF is over-lighting and guiding you from the eighth through tenth dimensions.
是光照著你們而且引導著你們 ~~
“Your Mytre/Mytrian expression remembers the experience of personal ascension into their fifth/sixth dimensional SELF.
“Sandy and Jason, your third/fourth dimensional expressions, are your representatives on ascending Earth.
“Sandy and Jason, 你們3\4維度的表達體 ~~
是你們在 ‘揚升中的地球上的代表’.
“And you, Mytrian are the seventh dimensional Oversoul who represents the familyof your/our Multidimensional SELF.
“而你, Mytrian~~是在第七維度的’超靈’
~~代表了你們 “多維度本我”家庭.”
“All humanoids hold many expressions of their Multidimensional SELF within every form that they take on in every reality to which they have attached their multidimensional consciousness. However, this fact is usually forgotten during their time in the physical world. Mytrian, you are having difficulty because you are assisting a third/fourth dimensional human on a physical planet in great transition.
他們“多維度本我”的表達體 ~~
但是, 這個事實通常被忘記 ~~
Mytrian,~~你感覺到許多困難 ~~
“You, also have the challenge of knowing the release point that will initiate your great, multidimensional power. The release point is the time and place in which you will totally release ALL attachment to your physical form so that you can transmute into your true Multidimensional SELF.
“你, 同時有一個挑戰 ~~
去知道“釋放時間” ~~
那是會開啟你偉大的, 多維度能量的時間.
就是這個時間與地點 ~~在那時你會
“This release point exists in both your personal and planetary bodies. However, since this point exists within the NOW, you will not know the time or the place of that release until the NOW of your personal and planetary ascension.
但是, 由於這個點是存在於“當下”~~
直到 ‘你個人的以及行星的揚升的當下’.
“To make your process even more challenging, there are myriad release points, and the one which perfectly harmonizes with you also remains unknown until the NOW in which your ascension occurs.
而與你完美的, 合諧的那個點
~~仍舊無法被知道 ~~
直到你 ‘揚升’ 發生的當下!~~
“Do you understand now why we brought you into the FEEL of the Pleiadian ascension?”
“Yes,” we replied. “You wanted us to remember the feeling of release.”
“是的,” 我們回答. “你要我們去記得這 “釋放的感覺”!
Did you feel the point of release of the Pleiadians’ ascension?”
Since there were no thoughts to remember, we had to allow our consciousness to flow back into the experience of feeling the Pleiadian ascension. When we released all thinking and flowed back into our experience, we found ourselves experiencing the moment of the NOW in which ALL fear was released.
我們只得允許我們的 ‘覺知意識’
當我們釋放所有思考, 並且流回我們的經驗之中時,
我們發現我們自己正經驗著在 “當下” 中的那個時刻 --- 所有的恐懼都被釋放了.
“Is the release point the NOW in which all fear is released from our personal and planetary bodies?”
The Arcturian sent us a feeling of such total unconditional love and acceptance that we knew our answer was correct.
‘大角星人’發送了一個如此完全無條件的愛與接受給我們 ~~讓我們知道我們的答案是正確的.
“Thank you, thank you,” we replied verbally to the Arcturian’s energetic answer. “We understand much more now, but we still have many questions. We understand the concept of the moment of the NOW. Somehow, we even understand our multidimensional nature. However, the doubt and confusion of our earthbound expressions seem to dominate over our all-knowing.
“謝謝! 謝謝!” 我們對著‘大角星人’的能量答案
~~用口頭回答. “我們現在懂得更多了,
但是, 我們這地球表達體的懷疑與混亂
“In fact, due to our human expressions forgetfulness we need to ask you a rather embarrassing question. What is an Oversoul?”
“事實上, 由於我們人類表達體的健忘症,
到底什麼是 “超靈”?”
Geplaatst door Méline Lafont pleiade dolphin op 1:44 PM
Suzanne Lie ~ 11-26-13 Back on the Mothership Part 3
Pleiadian Perspective on Ascension, Books One and Two NOW Ebooks!
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