


Posted on November 3, 2013

                             purple twin flames  

作者: Judith Kusel 20131103


中文翻译: 林琚月20131112 http://blog.sina.com.cn/rebeccahjlin




TwinFlames 4 Judithimages (33)The Cosmic dance of the Twins.


The soul itself is not bound by time and space, but lives eternally. It lives as sheer Light energy, which emits not only light, but sound and colours. It vibrates in harmony with the light frequencies and sound (tonal chord) frequency band of the soul group, or Over soul. This in essence is the I AM presence, which is present in all of us.

靈魂自己並不受時間與空間的限制, 而是永遠的活著.

祂以純粹的光能量方式存在 ~~~而發射出來的不只是光, 還有聲音與顏色. 祂在屬於祂的靈魂團體, (或稱之為超靈OVERSOUL), 的光頻率以及聲波(色調和弦)頻率段中和諧的振動著. 這基本上就是我本是I AM presence的存在狀態--- 這存在於我們所有人之中.


When the soul is fully activated, it has 12 distinct flames, and these flames then form part and particle of the 13th flame, which in essence is the flame of the Holy Spirit, or the flame of the Oversoul, as embodied in soul group spirit – that collective, which in turn forms part of the greater cosmic flame – the threefold flame, of LOVE, POWER, and WISDOM.

靈魂被啟動時, 祂有12束獨特的火燄,


“第13束火燄”~~~在本質上就是聖靈之火燄”~~~或稱之為超靈火燄 ~~一如在靈魂團體中所組成的火燄一樣 --- 那個集體火燄 ~~又形成了 更大的大宇宙火燄’” --- 三聖火: ‘’, ‘力量’, 以及智慧’!


When we incarnate onto a very dense and hostile planet (and this is NOT Mother Earth who makes is so, but so who wish to control her for their own hidden agendas), the soul has amnesia. As a child we might remember something but the status quo soon tries to shut down our pineal and pituitary glands, so that we cannot receive cosmic transmission of Light from our soul group and the cosmic hierarchy and most importantly the Divine.

當我們轉世進入一個非常稠密而且充滿敵意的行星(---而且這不是地球母親的錯, 而是那些想要控制住她, 為了它們私人的秘密目的的人所造成的), ---靈魂都得到了失憶症.在孩童時代我們可能記得一些什麼, 但是現實很快的就關掉我們的松果體和腦下垂體---讓我們無法接收到來自我們靈魂團體以及大宇宙高層大宇宙光能的發射, 特別是來自神聖源頭的光能的發射!


I am going into some detail here, so that you can understand that in essence you vibrate at a soul frequency (which is hidden in your soul name – by the way very different from any earthly name for it epitomizes the frequency band your soul vibrates on) and that when this frequency band is fully activated, someone who is not of that frequency band, will fall off the bus, so to speak.

在這裡我要講點細節, 所以你們能了解 ~~

本質上, 你是振動在一個靈魂頻率之上

(那是隱含在你的靈魂的名字之內的 ---


---因為它是你所振動的“靈魂頻率帶”之集大成的名字) --- 當這“靈魂頻率帶”完全被啟動時,


--- 會掉落出去 --- 一個比喻的說法.


For a frequency band will only be able to sustain what is on the same frequency band, and when more or one tune into that same frequency band, then there is unity and harmony. Anything discordant to that, cannot exist there – it might disrupt the frequency band, but when it is fully activated and over-lighted by the collective soul group, and the Divine itself, it will automatically revert to its own frequency band.

因為一條頻率帶將只能夠維持與其他同“頻率帶”的頻率能量, 而當更多或是一個同頻共調的聲音能量進入那相同的“頻率帶”, 一個聯合和諧就因之產生.而任何不協調的東西, 無法存在於那裡 --- 它可能會干擾防礙這“頻率帶”, 但是,那干擾完全被啟動, 而且被它自己的集體靈魂團體所照亮, 而且被‘神聖源頭’自己的光能所照亮 ~~它就會自動的轉化回它自己原來的“頻率帶”了.


You can think of this a radio…. When you tune into the frequency band of your favourite station, you might find disturbances, until you are tuned in at exactly the right frequency band and then you can hear properly and sound is not distorted.

你可以想像一個收音機當你調頻進入你喜歡的電台的那“頻率帶”, 你可能會發現一些干擾, 可是當你完全調頻入正確頻道的時候, 你就會聽到正確的, 沒有干擾的聲音.


In this lifetime all of us search for that ultimate in love and loving and we all dream of that ultimate happiness, the unity, that we, on soul level, and remember that state of harmony and bliss.

在這人生之中 ~~


而且我們全都夢想最高的快樂, 這個 合一~~

那個我們 ~~在靈魂層次上的合一 ~~



Our soul, in all its 12 flames or particles has had many lifetimes, in many forms and existences, and not only on this planet. For example: I know that a part of my own soul is pure light frequency. It vibrates at such a high frequency band that psychics have often told me that they cannot see form, but only streaks of pure Light. This part of me is attached to the Divine Source, and that is where is works in Temples of Halls of Wisdom, Higher Teaching, Healing and Records. This is one of the reasons that I can tap into the highest and purest soul records.

我們的靈魂, 在祂全部的12束火燄部份或是粒子部份曾經有過許多轉世, 以各種不同的形體, 以及存在方式, 而且不只在這個行星之上.舉例: 我知道我自己一部份的靈魂是純粹的光頻率. 祂振動的頻率帶是如此之高, 因為許多通靈人告訴我 ~~他們看不到形體, 而只是一條條純粹的光線. ~~這部份的我是與神聖源頭直接連接的, 所以祂是工作在 Temples of Halls of Wisdom, Higher Teaching, Healing and Records智慧, 更高教導, 療癒以及紀錄的廟堂之中的. ~~這也是為什麼我能夠進入這最高的最純粹的靈魂記錄之中的原因之一.


Another part of me, is attached to the Andromedan and Galactic Core Federation, and very much that of the Pleiadean and that of Sirius. There are then different parts of me, working and living simultaneously, with this form of life I have chosen here on Planet Earth. In reality only a tiny fraction of me, has incarnated, the others are still elsewhere in the cosmic whole, working there.

另一個部份的我, 是屬於the Andromedan and Galactic Core Federation仙女座和銀河核心聯盟的, 也與昴宿星和天狼星聯盟有密切關係. 這些都是不同部份的我, 同時在工作著, 生活著, 隨同在地球上的我所選擇的這個形式的人生. 事實上, 只有非常小的一部份的我轉世在這裡, 其他部份的我仍然存在大宇宙集體中的別處, 在那裡工作.


In reality I am a cosmic Being, having a short sojourn here on Planet Earth and mainly to complete mission.

事實上, 我是一個 大宇宙存有~~




It has taken me while to understand this whole concept, and I am often asked about it, and that is why I am sharing this with you today – not to boast, but in all humbleness, so that you might have a greater understanding of the magnificence of your own soul.

我花了一些時間才搞清楚了這整個概念, 而且我經常被問到這些事, 這是為什麼我今天跟你們分享這些事情的原因 --- 不是在吹噓自己, 而是在謙恭之中, 來協助你們有個可能的了解~~你們自己靈魂的偉大與壯麗.


On this planet we are deliberately withheld from the truth of our soul, our soul group and the Divine truths, which have been hijacked along the way and distorted. Until we start reconnecting to our own soul, and build our Lightbridge back to the Divine, activate our Stellar Gateways and our Soul Star chakras (which are huge transmitters and connect us to our own Divinity as held within our soul groups), we cannot be fully activated and empowered.

在這個行星之上, 我們是被蓄意的被隱瞞了

我們的靈魂的真相, 我們的靈魂團體的真相,

以及神聖靈學的真相, ---



除非我們開始 ~~





(---這些是超級巨大的傳輸工具, 而且會連接我們與我們自己的聖者面向~~~一如被持有在我們靈魂團體之中的), --- 我們就無法被完全啟動並且被加持入能量.


At this time, this planet is in a major state of revamping, and so is the collective whole. Some of the souls who have incarnated since after World War II are the same souls who were involved with this planet from the very beginning and have now returned to hold the Light steady and to anchor in highly advanced knowledge and understanding. They thus are here on a specific mission and for a specific and very specialized task. I call them the ILLUMINED TASKFORCE.

在此時,這行星是處在一個非常關鍵的革新\修補\改造之中, 而集體的人類也是如此.有一些在第二次世界大戰之後轉世出生的靈魂~~也同樣是當初在一開始參與這個行星的創始之初的存有, 而現在他們又回來~~來穩住光 ~~來錨定非常進步的知識與理解. 所以他們是身負一個非常特別的任務, 而且來完成一個非常專業的工作. 我稱呼他們 ~~



Some souls are VOLUNTEER souls, and come from other galaxies and star systems, which have never experienced war of any kind – not even the Wars of the Heavens. They came in with immensely powerful technological tools and higher healing abilities which will assist the planet to move from the third to the fifth dimensional state, and once that state is reached, their soul memory banks will get triggered (if not already) and they will be the ones who bring in the UNITY and the HOLISTIC ways to use the earth’s energies and cut out all the use of fossil fuel and will bring the planet back into balance and harmony. They are specialists too and I call them the VOLUNTEER TASKFORCE.

有一些靈魂則是 自願義工靈魂 ~~~祂們來自別的銀河系, 以及星系. ~~那是沒有經歷過任何種類的戰爭的 ---

就連天堂的戰爭也沒有經歷過. 他們來這裡 ~~

帶著非常強大的科技工具, 以及更高的療癒的能力 ~~

用這些東西來協助這行星地球從第三維度移入第五維度狀態,而且一但這狀態達到了, 他們的靈魂記憶庫將會被啟動(--- 如果還沒被啟動的話) ~~然後他們又會變成

~~合一以及天人合一的整體方法帶來地球的人 ~~~來使用在地球的能量上,並且完全去除化學石油燃料在地球上的使用, ~~而且會將這行星帶回到平衡與和諧之中.

他們也是特殊專家”, 我稱呼他們為自願部隊.


Others are from soul groups which have been involved with this planet for millennia and came here fleeing from the Wars of the Heavens and none more so than those who blew up their own planet, Marduk, which was between Mars and Jupiter. They are the ones who control the planet at this moment in time ( I call them the infiltrators).

其他人是從其他靈魂團體而來的 ~~他們參與這行星已經幾百萬年了, --- 他們是從天堂的戰爭中逃過來的 --- 而且就是那些把自己的行星炸掉的人--- Marduk --- 他們原來是居住在火星和木星之間. 他們就是這些在此時控制住了這個行星的人. (我稱呼他們為滲透(竄位).)


When one starts to see this bigger picture, you will start to understand, that your soul is not here by some fluke, but rather by design, but it is not your WHOLE soul, it is but a fraction of it.

當一個人開始從更大的視野來看這狀態, ~~~你就會開始理解 ~~你的靈魂不是因為任何意外或僥倖而來到這裡的, --- 而完全是依照設計, 但來的不是你全部的靈魂, 而只是一小部份的你而已.


In some cases, when a planet is about to ascend, and thus move into a higher frequency band or consciousness (as the whole of the Milky Way Galaxy is at the moment) more than one particle of the soul will incarnate. I will call them then Twin Flames, for want of better word to describe them.

在某些狀況之下, 當一個行星即將要揚升之時,

因此移入了一個更高的頻率帶, 或是覺知意識之中


~~會跑出一個狀況 ---


我會稱他們~~ 雙生光靈魂” –



The Twin flame differs from and soul mate, in that the soul mate comes from the same SOUL GROUP e.g. THE LOVING ONES, and the twin flame comes of the SAME SOUL, thus is one of the 12 flames which make up your own soul.

“雙生光靈魂”們與靈魂伴侶不同之處在於 ---



“雙生光靈魂”們是來自於“同一個靈魂”, ~~~因此



In this the soul is equally divided into masculine and feminine particles, as is all of creation. This is equally balanced, for all of creation has a positive and negative charge. In essence then a particle of the soul will have a more negative or positive charge, remembering that this is pure frequency of Light.

在這一束火燄裡面, 靈魂被平均的切割成男性與女性部份, ~~正如所有創造物一樣. 這是平等的均衡, 因為所有創造物都有正\負兩極.所以基本上這被切割的兩半, 會有一個比較屬於負極或是正極的極性面向 ~~請記得這是純粹的



I don’t know if you have ever been in a science class where a positively charge ball meets and negatively charged ball – then electromagnetic energy explodes where they meet. This is in essence what happens if two particles of the same soul meet on this planet, called Earth – there is an immense spark ignited, which will find itself expressed in the sexual energies aroused, but unfortunately that is where most people stop.

我不知道你是否曾經上過一個科學實驗課, ~~

當一顆正極球與一顆負極球相遇時 ---



假如同一個靈魂的兩半在這個叫做地球的行星上相遇了, ---就會有一個強烈的火花會被點燃 ~~

然後它的呈現方式就是 性能量被啟動,

但是不幸的是 --- 許多人就停在這上面了.


Relationships in essence are not just about sex – relationships in essence are about a profound sense of INTIMACY, which goes beyond the stripping off of clothes and having good sex.

感情關係本質上並不只是而已 ---




In the depth of INTIMACY, lies the TRUST.



If I can, at deep and profound SOUL AND HEART level, stand naked, vulnerable and open in front of my Twinflame – totally open: the light and the shadow and there is no hiding whatsoever, no secret agendas, nothing but the purity, the absolute purity and innocence of my soul, and TRUST the other to become ATONE with me, totally opened up at soul level and stripped naked to the core of him or herself,then the two flames merge AS ONE and create a THIRD FORCE which is the SOPHIA or HOLY SACRED FLAME.

假如我能夠 ~~

在一個深刻的, 深入的~~靈魂與心的層次 ~~裸體的站著, 脆弱, 而且公開, ~~~

在我的“雙生光靈魂”面前 ---


光明面的, 有陰影的~~而且完全沒有躲藏\隱藏, 沒有秘密的議題, 沒有任何東西,

而只有純粹’, 絕對的純然,

以及我靈魂的無辜與天真, 以及信任對方 ~~~能夠與我同頻對調, ~~





而且創造出一個 第三個力量~~

而這就是被稱為the SOPHIA or HOLY SACRED FLAME索菲亞聖火或稱



As long as there are any parts of me, which are not in higher alignment, which are not opened up, which are not in balance and harmony, the Flame of the Twin will consume and burn me in all those places where I have not made peace with myself, my other flame and most importantly life itself. All those unloved parts of me, will stand there, waiting for me to OWN them and love them – before I can to the same in my MIRROR, my twinflame.



並不是在最高的協調對齊之中 ---

不開放的 ---是不平衡與不合諧的,


在我所有--- 沒有與自己和解的地方

---以及我另外的火燄’ ---

另外, 最重要的是我自己的人生. ---

我自己那些不可愛的部份 ---

會站在那裡 ---

等著我去領取接受它們, 愛它們 ---


我的“雙生光靈魂”, 之中之前!


For nobody MIRRORS you as much as the Twin does – after all he or she is part and particle of YOU – of your soul. The Twin knows me inside and out and my shadow and light.

因為沒有別人像你的“雙生光靈魂”一樣是你的鏡像 ---

到底, \她是你的靈魂的一個部份!




Whatever you hate about yourself, will show up in the Twin. Whatever you love about yourself, will show up in the Twin.

你討厭自己的地方 --- 會出現在你的“雙生光靈魂”身上. 你喜歡自己的地方 ---也會出現在你的“雙生光靈魂”身上.


For we all are both, light and dark, positive and negative. It is the BALANCE we seek, that harmony WITHIN, which is ultimately were we TRUST ourselves, that we TRUST the other to come into our most vulnerable, most precious, most treasured parts of ourselves, where we normally do not let another soul in, and be open enough to take him and her completely into ourselves and become AS ONE BEING.

因為我們全部都是兩者皆是 ---

有光明面與陰影面, 負面與正面.


這個 內在的合諧 ~~

而其最終意涵就是 ~~我們信任我們自己


最珍貴, 最寶貝的我們自己的部份中~~接受別人進來

--- 而那是我們通常不會讓別的靈魂進來的地方,




(RL: 聽起來很合理 ~~因為一般人之間的感情做不到這樣的一絲不掛, 通體透徹的誠實與愛的純粹,

若思想上或是感覺上有雜質在 --- 合一自然是不可能的!



應該都很豐富. 不通就是不通. 沒電就是沒電.


--- 那不成了垃圾回收場,

--- 人生樂趣與意義何在?


我們的上帝真聰明! )


The Twin teaches of about SELF-MASTERY.To the extend we are the master and High Priest, the mistress and the High Priestess of our own Temple, we are able to bring about profound union or reunion with our Twinflame.

“雙生光靈魂”教導的就是 ~~ 掌握住自己.


高祭司, 女主人, 以及女祭司,




The union between the Twinflames, can be the utmost in ecstasy, bliss and euphoria, or can open up the floodgates of Hades and the Underworld. In essence, that is where we are tested the most. That is where our true initiation into sexual sacred rites happen. It is the opening up of the seven veils of our inner sanctuaries within our own physical bodies and that of our heart, our third eyes and soul.




本質上, 這就是我們被最嚴重考驗的地方.

就是在這裡 ~~

我們真正的被啟發入一個神聖的性的儀式之中. --- 這會打開我們自己身體內在聖殿的七重面紗, 以及屬於我們的, 屬於我們第三隻眼,



(RL: 所以我們的“雙生光靈魂”




For to the extent that all these seven layers of being, move into the higher octave of Being, which is the 13th elevated state of the Tree of Life itself, the kundalini or serpent energy which we raise in our union, will either burn and consume us or lift us into the higher dimensions of Being.

所以直到’ ~~所有這七重面紗的存在 ---

都移入更高的存在之八度音階” ~~



~~這個在我們的結合之中產生出來的能量 --- 如果不是燒毀\銷熔我們,



Why? There is the secret and hidden chamber between our pituitary and pineal glands which gets activated by the serpent energy. If we burn each other rather and unite into one single flame, we short-circuit the energy fields and boomerangs onto us and that is where we are consumed with pain. When we learn to become as one, both flames EQUALLY CHARGED then this chamber ignites and we are moved in the sacred and higher realms which are cosmic in proportion and are in essence the true knowledge of the Tree of Life – the knowledge of eternal life.



有個秘密的隱密空間 ---

那裡會被昆塔尼里kundalini\蛇的能量所啟動. 如果我們燒毀\銷熔彼此,

而不是結合成為一束單一火燄, ---


能量會像飛鏢迴旋打到我們自己身上, ---





而我們會被移入這神聖的更高領域, ---

大宇宙為範疇的領域, ~~





It essential comes back to the soul empowerment of BOTH, before the ultimate in union can happen. All roads in life, lead WITHIN.

所以, 本質上,

都要回歸到 雙方靈魂的能力增強 ---


人生所有的道路 ~~都指向內在’.


Until I nurture the sacredness and sanctity of my WHOLE being, and become ATONE within, I cannot ignite the same in my Twinflame and become ATONE with him or her.

所以, 除非我能







The cosmic dance of the Twins, is in reality the cosmic dance of the masculine and feminine and the flame of ATONENESS – harmony, balance and bliss.

“雙生光靈魂”的大宇宙之舞 ---


以及 火燄的調頻進入 ---

和諧, 平衡備受祝福的狀態之中的“大宇宙之舞”.



For Twinflame Soul Readings please contact me: judithkusel@gmail.com

(Judith Kusel)

需要“雙生光靈魂”的靈學諮詢請與我連絡: judithkusel@gmail.com

(Judith Kusel)



RL: 欢迎大家转载, 但请勿删修任何文字, 特别是渠道名称与译者名称. 尊重作者, 译者与著作权! 请小心因果报应! 并请大家不要转载刨窃的作品, 不要成为帮凶并分担业障! 请大家协助保持灵学界的清净!

修行路上大家加油! 无限祝福!










    創作者 Rebecca Lin 的頭像
    Rebecca Lin

    安琚樂月 生靈昇靈

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