


The sphinx speaks bringing darkness into light


This can work both ways, light and dark are seen by many as separate, yet they are both one and the same.

這是一條雙向道路 ~~~許多人認為光明黑暗是分開的, 但是他們是同一個, 是一不是二.

The darkness, the dark night of the soul, the time when the spirits come out to play and can be seen more clearly than within the light.

黑暗’, 靈魂的暗夜, 靈魂出來遊玩的時間, 而且靈魂在此時可以更清楚的被看到 ~~~ 勝過在光明時刻.

Time exists during the day, yet during the darkness of the night time is experienced in a different way, sometimes timeless and dimensions open  into new dark or light places as you wish.

時間的概念存在於白天, 但是在夜晚的黑夜裡, “時間是以一種不同的方式被體驗的, ~~~有時 沒有時間 , 維度則依照你的希望而開放入新的黑暗中或是光明的地方.

Yet many of these places are in a way dark and are seen as stars within the night shining only within your own mind.

可是很多這些地方都是在一種黑暗當中, 而且在夜晚看起來像星星~~~只是閃亮在你自己心中.

The darkness also brings out the darkness within the human as the human is afraid of the dark and thinks darkness can only be defeated through light.

黑暗也會帶出人性中的黑暗, 因為人類害怕黑暗’, 而且認為黑暗只能被光明所擊敗.

The darkness within the human, the real emotions and feelings of the human illuminated through the darkness, the dark night of the soul where each human feels more intensely who they really are.

人性的黑暗面, 人類被黑暗所點亮的真實情緒與感覺,


~~ 他們真實的自我.

Light or dark does not make the human, it is the existence of the soul the spirit that makes the human visible to all.

光明或黑暗不代表就是這個人 ~~~ 而是靈魂的存在 ~~ 那個讓所有人看得見的人類的靈性存在spirit’.

And not just the human, the soul the spirit is seen through the darkness not the light that they seem to spread only because there is darkness around them.

而且不只是這個人體, 這靈魂與靈性存在spirit’透過黑暗被看見的, 而不是透過光明--- 因為它們似乎只會擴張出來~~~ 當它們被黑暗圍繞的時候.

Light illuminates the dark as the dark becomes noticeable through the fear of each human to fully become their existence within spirit.


當黑暗透過每個人類的恐懼而變得看的見時 ---


Within spirit the dark and light are one and the same, they do not exist as within spirit the light and darkness are not seen through human eyes.

靈體, 光明與黑暗是一而不是二,



The human is expelling the darkness as they only want to see through the light, yet their own darkness is being illuminated through the light as they bring in more of what they see as light.

人類正在驅逐黑暗, 因為他們只想要透過光明來看事情, 但他們自己的黑暗卻同時正在被光明所照亮~~~


The energies on earth at this moment are made of the ability to create an illusion of light and they bring out the darkness as it now shows the real thought and mind of the human, as it was before it was hidden in the light.

地球上的能量, 在此時刻, 是由創造幻覺的光的能力所製造的, 而且這能量帶出了黑暗 --- 因為它秀出了真實的思想和人類的心智, ----而那在過去是在中被隱藏起來的.

To go through the dark night of the soul is not the expansion of the experiences to be thought of as they were of the dark. The dark night of the soul is the illumination of the light bringing to you the darkness of each soul into the present to be illuminated and experienced through the darkness as it shines sometimes brighter than any light.



靈魂的黑夜這件事~~ 光明的照耀把每個靈魂的黑暗帶到眼前上來,--- 所以這黑暗可以被照亮, 可以被經驗到一個事實~~~就是當黑暗被照亮時它會比任何光明更亮!

Haven’t you noticed that the real you, the spirit the energy can only been seen through the darkness, within the darkness, as the human eyes rely upon the light to see?


~~~這真實的你, 這靈體, 這能量 ~~~ 只能透過黑暗被看見 ~~ 在黑暗中被看見


Spirits come out to play in the darkness, the moment where time seems to disappear and only the energy remains of that which was and is spirit throughout many dimensions.

靈體在黑夜出來遊玩, ~~~時間消失的時刻


And the human soul, not limited to the light comes out to be the truth of their thought, their mind, and even more. The spirit soul comes out as well, as the darkness brings it out into the open, illuminated through the inner light created by the human itself.

人類靈魂 --- 並不受到的限制 ~~ 它現出的是他的思想, 心智以及許多其他組成部份的本質. 靈魂的靈體也會出來 ~~~因為黑暗把它顯現了出來到看得見的地方, 而且透過內在的光芒所照亮 ~~由人類自己創造的光芒所照亮.

What you will see happening in the coming days is more and more of these dark nights, the soul not limited through the light will become seen through the humans and reveal itself more as what the truth beholds within the soul and the human. As they both are becoming more one and connected within.

在未來的日子裡, 你們將會看到正在發生中的事情是 ~~


而並不受到的限制的人類靈魂~~~將被人類所看見~~~而且會顯現出更多的自己 ~~


You will see the soul truth that each human holds, as the light from within each soul created by the human now expels the light into the darkness revealing the dark night of the soul within each one.

你們將會看到每個人類所認定的靈魂的真理 ~~


現在開始把光明逼入黑暗當中 ---


It is not just the human thought being illuminated, but also the soul thought. And these thoughts can be as dark as the light that they have created to be within.

不只是人類的思想會被點亮, 還包括了靈魂的思想’.

而這些思想可以跟光明一樣黑暗 ---



Many will now reveal what and who they are, not just on the human level, but also the soul level, as their own created light within is now illuminating the darkness within.

許多人現在會示現出他們到底是誰?以及他們是做什麼的? --- 不只是在人類層次, 而且在靈魂層次. ---



From one source to another



August 22, 2013

Petra Margolis







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