

Hungary Sheds Bankers’ Shackles

Saturday, August 24, 2013


From: American Free Press – by Ronald L. Ray

Posted on August 24, 2013 by Enbe

  • 中文翻译林琚月 20130823


American Free Press – by Ronald L. Ray
Hungary is making history of the first order.

Not since the 1930s in Germany has a major European country dared to escape from the clutches of the Rothschild-controlled international banking cartels. This is stupendous news that should encourage nationalist patriots worldwide to increase the fight for freedom from financial tyranny.

自從1930年的德國以來, 從沒有過一間歐洲主要國家膽敢逃脫羅斯柴爾德Rothschild所控制的國際銀行集團的的魔掌. 這是一個超級棒的消息來鼓勵全世界各國的愛國主義者們來為脫離金融暴政的自由而奮戰.


Already in 2011, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán promised to serve justice on his socialist predecessors, who sold the nation’s people into unending debt slavery under the lash of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the terrorist state of Israel. Those earlier administrations were riddled with Israelis in high places, to the fury of the masses, who finally elected Orbán’s Fidesz party in response. 

2011年已經發生了 --- 匈牙利總理Viktor Orbán承諾要為正義而服務要處理他的社會主義的前任總理 --- 因為他把國家人民賣入了無窮無盡的債務奴隸生活當中--- 在國際貨幣基金會the International Monetary Fund (IMF)的鞭打之下, 以及在以色列的恐怖主義國家政策之下. 這些早期的主管部門是充斥著以色列人在高級職位上,憤怒的群眾們,最終終於選舉Orbán’s Fidesz歐爾班的青民黨來對(這腐敗)做為回應。


According to a report on the German-language website “National Journal,” Orbán has now moved to unseat the usurers from their throne. The popular, nationalistic prime minister told the IMF that Hungary neither wants nor needs further “assistance” from that proxy of the Rothschild-owned Federal Reserve Bank. No longer will Hungarians be forced to pay usurious interest to private, unaccountable central bankers.

依照一個刊在德語網站“National Journal,”的消息 ---歐爾班現在已經把放高利貸者從他們的寶座上拉下馬來了. 這個受到群眾擁戴的, 國家主義的總理告訴國際貨幣基金會the International Monetary Fund (IMF) --- 匈牙利再也不要或是會需要來自羅斯柴爾德Rothschild所控制的美聯儲銀行集團的代理人(意指IMF)協助”. 匈牙利人將不再被強迫來支付那些不負責任的私人中央銀行行長們的私人高利貸。


Instead, the Hungarian government has assumed sovereignty over its own currency and now issues money debt free, as it is needed. The resultshave been nothing short of remarkable. The nation’s economy, formerly staggering under deep indebtedness, has recovered rapidly and by means not seen since National Socialist Germany.

取而代之的, 匈牙利政府已經接收自己貨幣的主權, 而且現在發行她自己的無債務金錢 --- 因為這是必需的. --- 這政策所造成的結果是如奇蹟一般的. 匈牙利的經濟,以前在沉重的債務之下搖搖欲墜, 現在已經復甦了, 而且是自國家社會主義的德國成立以來所沒見過的.

The Hungarian Economic Ministry announced that it has, thanks to a “disciplined budget policy,” repaid on August 12, 2013, the remaining €2.2B owed to the IMF—well before the March 2014 due date. Orbán declared: “Hungary enjoys the trust of investors,” by which is not meant the IMF, the Fed or any other tentacle of the Rothschild financial empire. Rather, he was referring to investors who produce something in Hungary for Hungarians and cause true economic growth. This is not the “paper prosperity” of plutocratic pirates, but the sort of production that actually employs people and improves their lives.

匈牙利的經濟部宣佈 --- 他們感謝採取了一個有紀律的預算政策’, 所以在20130812, 他們能夠提早還清在IMF的剩餘借款€2.2B(歐元22) --- 遠超過原來的到期日2014三月許多. 總理Orbán宣佈 --- “匈牙利很高興投資人們的信任. “ --- 而這投資人指的不是IMF,美聯儲銀行或是任何羅斯柴爾德Rothschild所控制的金融銀行集團的爪牙. --- 他所指的是在匈牙利投資為匈牙利人生產東西的投資人, 而且造成了真實的經濟成長的人. 這可不是財閥海盜所創造的紙面繁榮”, 而是這種確實雇用人民, 並且改善人民生活的投資生產.

With Hungary now free from the shackles of servitude to debt slavers, it is no wonder that the president of the Hungarian central bank, operated by the government for the public welfare and not private enrichment, has demanded that the IMF close its offices in that ancient European land. In addition, the state attorney general, echoing Iceland’s efforts, has brought charges against the last three previous prime ministers because of the criminal amount of debt into which they plunged the nation.

現在匈牙利已經從奴役中脫下債務奴隸的腳鐐手銬了, 難怪匈牙利中央銀行總理 --- 目前已是由政府所經營的, 是為公眾人民福祉而服務的,而已經不再是圖利少數人的單位了 --- 已經要求國際貨幣基金會the International Monetary Fund (IMF)關掉他們在這古老歐洲土地上的所有辦公室.此外, 匈牙利警政署總檢察長, 呼應冰島的作法 --- 已經舉告最後三名前任國家總理--- 理由是 --- 他們製造出了讓國家沉淪的犯罪性債務.

The only step remaining, which would completely destroy the power of the banksters in Hungary, is for that country to implement a barter system for foreign exchange, as existed in Germany under the National Socialists and exists today in the Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, or BRICS, international economic coalition. And if the United States would follow the lead of Hungary, Americans could be freed from the usurers’ tyranny and likewise hope for a return to peaceful prosperity.

目前剩下的一步工作 --- 將會完全毀滅匈牙利銀行家的權力的一個步驟 --- 就是在國家之內設立一個以物易物的貨幣交換制度--- 正如同目前存在於德國國家社會主義之下的 ---以及現在存在於巴西, 蘇俄, 印度, 中國, 南美洲, 或是金磚四國之中的國際經濟聯盟.


而假如美國要跟上匈牙利的腳步的話. 美國人也可以脫離高利貸霸權的控制, 而可能有希望回歸到和平的繁榮之中.


Ronald L. Ray is a freelance author residing in the free state of Kansas. He is a descendant of several patriots of the American War for Independence.

作者Ronald L. Ray是一個自由撰稿人, 住在美國坎薩斯Kansas自由之州. 他是幾個美國獨立戰爭的愛國主義者的後代.




假如匈牙利與冰島做得到 …. 我們….做到….!

現在起而行, 把事情完成吧! ….現在!!

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Posted by John MacHaffie at 7:47 PM 2 comments








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