


The sphinx speaks who made you God?


This is going to be interesting and I would like each and every one of you really to think about this as you are becoming and want to become your own creator of the reality you reside in.

這題目將會很有趣, 而我希望你們每一個人都真的好好思考一下這個問題 ~~ 因為隨著你的改變, 而且希望成為你自己所居住實相的創造者時 ~~ (這是一個你要先想清楚的議題.)

Who and what is God?


That should be the first question as you are considering changes that you think need to be made to the reality around you.

這應該是第一個問題 ---


What does God do for you and others, in fact is God involved in everything you do or has God given each and every one of you the free will to follow the path of your choosing?


--- 事實上, 上帝有參與你做的每件事嗎?



There are two things that usually seem to be combined into your thinking or understanding. You think there is a God, God has given you free will.

在你的思考或是理解力中有兩件事似乎通常會聯合出現. ~~~ 就是, 你認為有一個上帝存在,



Now what does free will really mean, as you look around you within your reality, but not only the 3D reality, as free will is not limited to the 3D reality. Free will and the unlimited exercise of free will any way you see fit, from wherever, whenever and no matter what consciousness level or understanding you use.

現在(我們談談), 自由意志真正的意思到底是什麼? ---

當你回頭探視一下你的實相, 但不只是看你的三維實相,


自由意志’, 以及這沒有限制的自由意志的操作使用~~~ 不論在何時, 何處, 以任何方式, 而且不論你使用的是那個層次的覺知意識層級或是理解層次.


Free will upon earth seems to be limited in many ways, and sometimes you can say that free will is limited in fact on other consciousness levels as well.


而且有時候, 你可以說 ~~~ 自由意志~~

事實上在覺知意識層次上~~ 也是受到限制的.


With each soul having the right of free will, their choice to exercise their free will, what does that really mean to you?



~~~ 那這對你又代表了什麼意思?

We see many focusing on a peaceful reality, a world where everyone lives in peace, our only question would be, who made you God?

我們看到許多人專注在(創造\期望)一個和平的實相 ---一個能讓所有人居住在和平中的世界,

--- 那我們唯一的問題就會是 ---



Why is it that you decide the right course for your planet earth, who gave you the reins of the path that is to be followed, in fact who put you in control of the earth?


--- 是誰給你這主宰道路的權力來讓大家跟隨?

--- 事實上, 是誰給你掌管地球的權力的?

Maybe it would be easier if you would define what you see as peace, a peaceful earth and if you are to do that, you will see that many will still have different opinions about peace.

或許 ~~~ 這回答會容易一些 ~~~

假如你可以定義一下你所認為的 和平是什麼?

--- 什麼是你所謂的一個和平的地球?

--- 如果你這樣做的話, 你就會發現

許多人仍然有不同的意見 ~~~ 關於所謂的和平’!

Many of you reading the messages are actually already living in countries that are at peace. They might be involved in wars outside of your country, but most of you are living in a country that is not ruled by any wars physically inside the country.

你們許多閱讀這些訊息的人確實是已經居住在一些和平的國家. 他們或許有參與一些在你們的國家之外的戰爭, 但你們大部份人是生活在沒有實質戰爭存在而被控制住的國家.

There are threats, and some would consider themselves to be at war with other countries, but most of these wars are playing itself out outside of your own country. You do not see tanks and soldiers marching in the streets.

或許有些威脅, 而有些人會認為他們自己也與別的國家在戰爭狀態之中, 但大部份這些戰爭都在你的國家之外打,

你並沒有看到坦克車和軍人在街上步行. 是吧?

So what is it you really want, you want the countries that are at war to stop their wars?

所以, 你真正想要的到底是什麼? 你要那些在戰爭中的國家停止戰爭嗎?

Again we ask who made you God, who gave you the power to decide for any other person but your own?

再一次, 我們問你 ~~~是誰讓你作了上帝了的?


--- 除了你自己的事之外?

Many would consider this to be a negative message, but you might want to think about what it really means to be within a higher state of consciousness, a higher state of being, as many of you do not have the understanding yet, or have experienced your real state of being.

許多人會認為我們這訊息很不友善很負面, 但你可能要想想 --- 什麼是存在於一個更高的覺知意識狀態真正的意義是什麼? 何謂一種更高狀態的存在方式?

--- 因為你們許多人還沒有這個理解力!


If there is a God, the one that created you and or created the earth, and gave all of you free will. Why would this God have a plan, why would this God behind the scenes be pushing for a certain outcome?


~~~ 這個創造了你, 以及\或者地球的上帝,




After all free will wouldn’t really mean anything if that was the case.

假如是這種狀況的話, 自由意志


Yes of course there are places where beings reside in peace, but it doesn’t mean it has always been that way, or will stay that way forever. You might not know about the wars they have fought to get to this state of peace. All many of you are being fed is that once you reach a higher consciousness, each and every person upon earth will have to reach that state, but once that happens it will be heaven upon earth.

是的, 當然有些地方的存有們是住在和平之中的,

~~ 但這不代表那裡一直都是這種狀態,




你們許多人全都被教育了 ~~

一但你達到了一種更高覺知狀態’ ---

地球上每個人也都會達到那狀態 ---

但一但這件事發生了, 那就會是地球轉變為天堂的日子了.

Do you not understand you are being given in a way a carrot dangling in front of you to keep you moving?

你還不了解嗎? --- 別人用了一根胡蘿蔔在你面前晃呀晃的讓你亦步亦趨的跟上來.

And in no way it means you might actually get the carrot.

而且完全沒有保證 --- 你真的吃得到那根胡蘿蔔.

Peace is not reliant upon the outer reality, it is a state of being, a state where you as a human but also as a full source being, can be within a balance within your own being. A balance that is not interfered with by the outside reality yet is still engaged with the outside reality in a way that allows you to follow your path in the most beneficial way for you.



這是一種 存在狀態! ~~



~~這是你自己內在的平衡存在狀態. ~~~




~~~ 而且是對你自己最有利的方式!


There is nothing in the words “free will” that says someone made you God over all others, you are only the God of your own being.




Each soul has the choice to become involved in anything they have chosen, yet sometimes this will be controlled by others in some way as the reality you have chosen is such that there is no way to avoid some of this control.

每個靈魂都可以選擇去參與任何他們選擇參與的事, 但是有時 --- 你參與的權力可能在某些方面被別人控制住--- 因為在實相中 --- 你所選擇的 --- 無可避免掉這種現實的控制.

By you choosing a certain particular path for each being upon earth you are becoming part of this control system, you might have the right intention, but nowhere in the words “free will” is anything said about intention.

所以當你選擇某個特定路線給地球上的每個人時 ---

你就成了這個 控制系統的一部份,

或許你的心意是正確的, 是好的,


Free will, you think about this as you are to become the creators of your own reality. And you will have to see that no matter if you have good intentions; all that you create will influence every other being that is within the reality you are in at this moment.

所謂自由意志’~~ 把它想成是~~~


而且你要明白 ~~~ 不論你有沒有正確的企圖心\心意 ---


--- 在你存在的時間裡.

Yes of course there are new pathways and maybe at one point there will exist a form of peace upon earth. But remember that this can only be created when each and every being upon earth makes their own choice to follow that path towards peace.

是的當然, 有新的路徑出現,

而且可能在某時, 地球上會存在一種形式的和平.

但是記得 --- 這只會被創造出來 ---


--- 才會發生.

You will also have to define peace in a way, as for some peace only means no more wars. Others take this a step further and require a loving, kind and respectful attitude from each person. Some take it even further and require no disagreements.


因為對某些人而言 --- 和平只代表沒有戰爭而已!


而且會要求一種充滿愛的, 友善的,



甚至要求 沒有異議’!

You see peace is something that requires a lot of thinking and understanding the actual reality that is happening. It also requires a lot more than just willy nilly spreading your light around.

所以你可以看到 ---和平是某種需要很多

對於現實的實相所發生的事情深度思考與理解的東西! 而且需要很多很多遠超過只是唔噥軟語的說說

把你的光放射出去等等的話, 那麼簡單的一件事.


From one source to another


August 18, 2013

Petra Margolis








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