



The Sphinx speaks how easy is it to fool you?


管道: Petra Margolis 20130625 www.ascendedmasters.org

中文翻译林琚月 20130628http://blog.sina.com.cn/rebeccahjlin



We just wonder how easy it is, as you are living in this reality, to fool you, really fool you.

我們就覺得很奇妙~~~ 當你們生活在這個實相中時,

要騙你們,真的騙倒你們 ---怎麼那麼容易!? 

In many ways you have already been told you were fooled.

在許多方式上, 其實你們已經被告知 --- 你們被騙了!

They have told you this reality is not real.

因為他們有告訴你 --- 這實相不是真的!!!

But what does it take you keep you fooled, what is it that makes you stay here?

但是, 是什麼讓你\把你 --- 持續的被愚弄著

--- 是什麼讓你停留在這(狀態)?

There is so much anticipation happening amongst you, reality or not.

你們有如此多的期許 ~~~ 在你們中間,


In so many ways you are and have been told things about your reality that do not come into fruition.

在許多方式裡 ~~~ 你們有被告知~~~一直被告知 ~~~關於你們實相中的事情 --- 沒有成為事實的事情.


(RL: KathrynMayFatherMotherGod與地心Zorra市民公聽會時飛船會退去隱身罩出現上空, 而且有兩位神秘嘉賓: 大天使麥克與聖哲曼 --- 會出現, 把活動帶入高潮 --- 如此不實的欺騙就是要讓人們對銀河聯邦失去信心, 然後再透過一些網路職員到處叫囂銀河聯邦不會處理事情, 搞不清狀況--- 所以這些黑暗光工成了委屈的王寶釧”, 再差一點點就成了哭倒萬里長城的孟姜女 --- 這低成本製作自導自演 --- 只為了讓  搞不清楚自己的智商幾斤幾兩, 對神佛沒信心的人, 更沒信心! 然後, 引起大家對銀河聯邦投不信任票, 讓他們永遠降落不了地球. --- 這陰謀三兩撥千斤 --- 可怕吧??? ---這些黑黑們可都自稱是光工!  但是事不過三!

請大家睜開眼睛! 早晚也得算這筆帳!


我也被騙了這事大家知道, 事實上我神尊有警告過我, 但我太希望這些事情發生了, 所以沒聽懂祂們的意思 --- 以為只是那幾個管道正常的收訊失真度問題而已, 不知道他們根本就是黑暗團體.


Many like being told that the change comes with them, they are the change, and change is actually already happening, you just can’t see it yet. Change the way you see the world, become the change you would like to see and it will be reflected in the world around you. Then they say, if you see change happening, realize it is not the world around you that is changing, it is you who is changing.

許多人都被類似的說法告知過 ---

改變是隨著他們而發生的” “他們就是改變本身”,

而且改變正在發生當中, 你只是還看不到而已.”

 “改變你看世界的方法”, “變成你要看到的改變”,



如果你看到改變發生, 要明白

那並不是你身旁的世界在改變, 而是你正在改變.”


There are many ways you keep your hope up, and it’s a good one, but does it serve you in a way that it will actually bring change is the question.

有很多方式讓你保持住你的希望, 那是好事, 但是


 --- 在讓改變真實的發生這件事上~~~ 這就是問題了!

Hope and change are the two biggest words that you can capitalize on in your reality.

希望改變 --- 是你在你的實相中


It has worked for many, they used these same words to give you the hope that there would be a change, as long as you would go along with them, support them in every way you can.

這兩個字眼很好用 --- 對許多(有心)人而言 --- 他們使用這兩個字來給予你們希望 ~~~ 改變會發生 --- 只要你同意跟隨他們的步伐, 用任何一種能夠的方式來支持他們的話.


Change comes not easy though, and much of the change is actually not what many thought was going to happen, or what they thought would happen. Or now that they see the change, it is not really what they wanted to happen.

可是改變的發生真的不容易---而且大部份的改變 --- 實際上不是大部份人所以為正在發生中的,



Be the change, is another one, align yourself with the change you would like to see, they are already there in the parallel reality, or future reality, you just cannot see it yet, but belief us it is there.

成為改變本身 --- 是另一個 ---把自己與你要看到的改變矯正對齊, 它們已經在那裡了 --- 平行時空, 或是未來實相, 你只是還看不到而已, --- 但請相信我們它已經在那裡.


(RL: 這是與天使談話一小時以及許多其他管道常說的話 --- 以上這些管道最近都被Elizabeth Truwin點名爆料.)


Just look around you, everything that is happening and it is not bad, it just had to come out to show you and you can make choices now, to say what you want, to change what you want.

只要看看你的四周, 每一件正在發生中的事, --- 它並不是壞事, 它只是必須發生出來讓你看見, 然後你現在就可以做選擇了, 你現在可以說出你要的, 來改變你要的東西.


How do you do this?

請問一下, 這要怎麼做到?

Align yourself with how you would like the world to be.


For the ones who think they are going to be rescued by the galactics, they are being told, see, we told you so, all the bad stuff is coming out, that is what we are doing right now.


--- 他們都被告知了--- 看到沒? 所有的壞事情都跑出來了, 這就是我們正在做的事.

You love to read this stuff, even though you cannot see anything, don’t understand most of it, you love it when they give you hope and change.

你們愛讀這些東西, 即使你們什麼都看不見, 大部份事情都不了解, 你們還是很愛看 --- 當他們給你們希望與改變時.


The ones you love the most, are the ones where you are being told that the change is already happening, you cannot see it, but they use fancy words and come from these great places that you cannot see, they are your guides, they love you, they know what is happening, and they will tell you, they see it happening before their very eyes.

你們最愛看的就是 --- 當他們告訴你們 ---改變已經在發生當中, 你看不到’, --- 而且他們用漂亮的字眼, 而且來自這些你們看不到的偉大地方, 而且祂們是你們的導護天使’,

祂們愛你們, 祂們知道正在發生什麼事, 而且祂們會告訴你, 祂們的眼睛正看著正在發生中的事.”


(RL:通靈渠道的問題就是大家都希望自己神通無限, 未卜先知, 法力無邊”, 但是個人道德基本修養卻不夠, 所以常被黑暗能量所控制住, 所以通靈人半通\部份通\時通時不通的各種狀況都有, 而且大部份人對自己欠缺批判與明辨是非以及實驗求證精神外加一個死不認錯 ’!  --- 為此, 在我神尊對我的教學中, 什麼神通也沒教過, 倒是從頭考我到底, 常常對我說半實話’, 設陷阱給我跳, 讓我學教訓, 要不就擺明了叫我去某個陰神處’  學習

 --- 讓我明白社會上正在發生的詐欺與無明. )


Yes, we know, you cannot see it, you will just have to trust us, trust that we see it happening, after all we love you all so much, you are doing such great work on earth, and you are all amazing divine beings.

是的, 我們明白 ~~ 你們無法看到, 你們只能信任我們, 信任我們真的看到事情在發生當中,

~~~但是無論如何, 我們是如此的愛你們不是嗎?

而且你們在地球上正在做著非常偉大的工作, 而且你們都是

amazing divine beings令人驚奇的神聖存有們, 不是嗎?


Does it sound familiar?



How many messages have you read with these simple basics, hidden within the rest of the message, a lot of loving, compassionate and kind words that give you an explanation about why you cannot see, why you should do something because they say you should.

有多少你讀過的訊息都含有這些基本簡單的(一成不變)訊息’? --- 隱藏在其他訊息當中--- 一堆愛, 悲憫, 以及親切友善的話 --- 來對你解釋 --- 為何你無法看到, 為何你應該做一些事? --- 因為祂們說你應該?


(RL:釋佛說: “只因聽信我說的話而不去求證的人 --- 非我弟子.”另外台灣曾有個水果僧” “廣欽法師是個高僧, 他生前對弟子的教學也是以考智慧為主. 故事十分精彩, 歡迎大家參考. )


In reality each of these messages can be described with only two words, hope and change.


~~~ 這些訊息可以被總括為兩個字希望改變’.


Now that we got that out of the way, is there really hope for change?

好啦! 把這些扯完了之後, 我們終於可以討論一下 ---


Of course there is, but it will not come through the fancy words that are describing this hope and change at this time.

當然是有!可是不是靠那些漂亮的字眼來發生 ---



Many are falling back into the hope and change they have listened to for years without seeing what real hope and change needs.

許多人掉入了這些他們聽了許多年的希望與改變的陷阱中許多年, 可是卻沒有看到什麼真正的希望或什麼真正的改變來改變需求.


Does it need change from you, yes of course it does.

, 你個人需不需要做改變”??? --- 是的, 當然需要!!!


But it will have to be a change that takes place on the human level, and spiritual level in many ways not talked about in most messages.

但是, 改變” ~~ 必需(首先)發生在人類層面”, (然後)發生在精神靈性層面---- 許多這些(重要個人工作)是許多訊息中所沒有提到的!!!


(RL: 我個人就常被這些訊息搞得熱血沸騰, 但是我讀書修行是肯下功夫的用功者, 所以我常常激動得等著下面如何作改變的指示出現, 可是卻常常詫異的被留在原地拉著一個打開的空袋子而沒有東西進來.(西諺) 幾次之後我就知道上當了 --- 是個空口說白話的網站.所以我與Elizabeth Truwin, SuzanneLie以及獅身人面Sphinx訊息相應 ~~~ 就是因為祂們給我真實的修行指導與訊息. --- 而討厭他們的人 --- 我也非常理解 ---因為身為老師, 我絕大部份的學生都不愛學習,而且願意下真功夫的學生少之又少, 符合本師標準者是零. 所以我對地球人性很了解, 我從幼稚園生開始觀察起, 而地球變了沒 --- 我看時事變化, 也看我純真的學生的變化 --- 我以此判斷宇宙磁場變化有沒改變到”?

--- 所以我一直在檢驗所有訊息的可靠性, 但當然很多時候我必須先選擇信任然後持續觀察研究”! )






It’s not about hope, in fact it is only about change, but real change doesn’t happen when you move into realities that you cannot see, or realities that only change you and not the world around you.

事實上, (所有事)都與希望無關,而只有與改變有關!但是真正的改變不會因為你移入了一個你看不到的實相而發生, 或是一個只有改變了你可是沒有改變你身旁的世界 --- (然後卻恥談真正的改變發生了’!?)


Real change is needed within your world and yes it is going to take longer than most of you might think.

真正的改變” ~~~在你的世界裡面的發生~~~是需要的!!! ---而且是的,這些改變的發生會需要比你們大部份人所預期的更長的時間才能發生.


But it doesn’t mean change is not going to happen.


Each person changes each day, within every moment you make new discoveries within yourself.

每個人每天都在改變, 在每個時候,


Does it change the world around you? Not as fast as you think it might, change is going to depend upon what you create for this world, how you move forward in this world, but with seeing the world, and not hiding in a world that is in many ways only within the mind of some.



---改變的發生 ---



-- 但如果只是眼睛瞪著這個世界,


--- 在這個其實只是存在一些人的心理幻象當中的世界.


(RL: 目前地球現實幻象是黑暗份子的1%所設計,



--- 換言之, 如果這99%一哭二鬧三上吊, 又罷工又隱居又離家出走的, 寧死不從, 連貞節牌坊也不要的話,


It sounds however so much better doesn’t it?

這樣聽起來好多了, 不是嗎?

If we would tell you the world will be a world of peace, love and compassion, it is already changing as the love can be felt everywhere and is imploding within your universe.

假如我們告訴你說 --- 這世界將會是個充滿和平\愛與慈悲的世界 --- 它已在改變當中 --- 因為在每個地方已經可以感覺到愛的存在, 而且已經在你們宇宙內部中自體引爆了.


More and more will feel this love and react, change, and the world will become what you have always wanted it to be, and the place you really want it to be.

將有更多的人會感覺到這個愛並且作出反應, 與改變而這世界將會成為你一直想要的世界, 而且成為你真正要存在的地方.


You do have to keep in mind the purpose of being on earth, the learning experience that many are still going through, and in fact many will choose to go through once you are gone.

那就請你謹記 ~~~


~~~ 許多人目前仍然還在經歷當中的學習體驗’ !!!

而且事實上, 許多人離開(死亡)之後,



Maybe in a different way, a faster way, but this is still one of the realms where duality is being taught in many ways.

或許會以一個不一樣的方式來體驗, 一種更快的方式,



--- 以許多不同的教學方法來教導, (但仍然是二元性學校’.)


The difference will be that the ones coming to earth, and the ones still upon earth, will not lose contact within, that is the one thing that you have working against you, and have had working against you for millions of years.

差別是 ---

未來來地球的這些人, 和仍然在地球上的這些人,


--- 這是你們(地球) 從以前到現在的最大障礙,



(RL: 地球物質的陰陽對立是二元性世界組成基本, 所以在未來改變不了, 仍然難免會有抗爭與衝突, 這在 Mother Sekmet最近對地球大墮落的解釋中已經有提到. 大角星人” “創造的煉金術4” 中還有更詳細解釋 ~~~ 會慢慢翻譯出來分享.)


That is the purpose of earth, a reality where souls can experience and learn dimensions and duality in a safe way, instead of how you had to learn about it in many ways.

這就是地球存在的目的’ ---


--- 以一種安全的方式’ ---



It is the connection within that makes the change that will teach others again how to connect within.


~~ 將會製造出這個改變



(RL: 所以說來說去 --- 還是得 打坐\冥想--- 但有許多正知正行之顯學與道學基礎, 以及密宗修法先行法如做大禮拜等恐怕是需要的---否則還是靜不下來. )


This will at the end remove all the veils for all and allow each soul to move back into their own being, move out of the control system of incarnation upon earth.



移入他們自己的 (高我)存在,



The change does not take place as a world that becomes a world full of love, peace and compassion. It becomes a world where it is safe to lower yourself into the reality of duality and still be able to move out of it once the lessons you chose have been learned.


如果這個世界變成是一個充滿愛, 和平與慈悲的地方的話.

但是它會變成一個世界 ~~~



~~~ 而且能夠從二元性中安全的移出

--- 當你的體驗功課學習完成的時候.



A world where everyone once again is in full contact with their spirituality on every level.


~~~ 在這裡每個人會再一次’,



This is where the change takes place, from a world where many souls have been stuck within their human body, lifetime after lifetime, to a world where souls can freely move up and back between the human experience and their spiritual experience.


---  從一個每個人人人卡死在肉身中的世界 --- 不斷輪迴不休的世界 ----

變成一個靈魂可以自由揚升與下降的世界 ~~~在他們人類的體驗與靈性經驗之間!


(RL: 對於不懂這句話的朋友請看獅身人面前文, 以及我博文中我們為什麼可以揚升?一文 --- 簡單說, 地球此次大轉變讓天庭介入之因,就是因為黑暗份子控制住了人類靈魂的自由揚升與下降, 而且人類靈魂是他們的食物能源,因為他們無法從宇宙中得到能量, 而人類可以,所以他們首先切斷我們接收宇宙自由能源之能力, 然後魚肉我們體力與能量, 困住我們做他們的奴隸與石油. 所以此次地球大轉變是光明與黑暗勢力對人類意識之覺醒戰爭! )


From one source to another從一個源頭到另一個

June 25, 2013

Petra Margolis











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