
獅身人面Sphinx:  如何讓‘真實的改變’發生

The Sphinx Speaks ~ How to Make Real Change Happen ~ viaPetraMargolis


As channeled by Petra Margolis 2013四月


Moving through your reality is for many a hardship, yet a long time ago you chose to be  on earth.


You are attached within the earth reality, not only through human belief systems, but also energetically.


Yes, energetically, as your energy bodies are present within the energy upon earth, they are connected to your 3D reality upon earth.


The 3D reality is still present upon earth, even though some of you have moved parts of your energy into a 5D frequency, you reality is still 3D in a way as there is only a small group that was able to move to the 5D frequency.

What this means is that after death, your energy bodies connected to the physical body are still within the 3D reality, this results in your energy bodies staying connected into the 3D reality, and you will have to incarnate again into the physical 3D reality upon earth.

The other part that is still happening is that many, even though they were or are able to move into a 5th dimensional frequency, they are connected into the holograms in and surrounding earth.

This is resulting in a sleep state in a way for many as most are focused on the little things, instead of the greater picture.

這樣的結果就是---一種‘未覺醒的睡覺狀態’---因為大部份人還是把目光放在小事情上---而不是‘大局面角度視野’的看法上面. (注:綜觀全局的大角度能力)

Staying in a certain state of being is one example, and focusing on acting certain ways is one example.

What we mean by this is that many are still on the same path as before the shift, many have not changed their focus toward a greater picture.

What is that picture?


When we look at the time before the shift, it was all about the shift, moving into a higher frequency, becoming a better person, changing the world, hoping the change would come after the shift.
當我們觀察一下‘地球揚升’之前的狀況,所有事都是關於‘揚升’關於‘如何移入一個更高頻率’, ‘如何成為一個比較好的人’, ‘如何改變這世界’----而期望這個改變會在‘地球揚升’之後發生.

Many messages are still feeding you the same material as before the shift, and you follow it as you have not looked at the greater picture available.

What would happen if not one, but many people would turn into light, the way Jesus did?

What do you think the effect would be upon people upon your earth?

Would it wake them up?

Would it bring change?

Instead of waiting for change, you can make change happen in an instant that way.

Yes, it is going to require a different mindset, as this is something that would require your full attention, dedication, trust within as there are examples of human following this path and completing this path, one of them Jesus.
是的----這會需要你有‘不同的心態’, ---因為這是一種需要你全部的注意力,奉獻的決心,內在的絕對信任的事情---就像當年的許多個例子---人類跟隨了這條道路,也完成了這個改變---其中一個例子就是耶穌基督!

This doesn
t just require you to disconnect from your human reality, but you will have to disconnect from your spiritual reality as well.

It begins with disconnecting from all that is within your human reality, disconnecting from all that is human.

From there it is about moving through all that you are within the spiritual realities until you are able to disconnect from that as well.

(RL注: 比如對 ‘人類原罪’的理解,對 ‘因果業障’ 的理解,對 ‘人類道德’的理解,對 ‘版權’ 與 ‘工作’‘權力’的理解…等等---每個人類行為與背後主導思想---必須全部重新翻耕,重新用 ‘更高維度神聖觀點’ 來理解.所以必須 “有\無兩邊不沾” 準備好 ‘空心智能’ 來學習!

換言之,地球的思想\信念與制度… ---只有 ‘所知障’ 沒有神聖智慧!)


Right now we see many still focused on the human reality, having some spiritual experiences, but many of these experiences are happening within the holograms and realities that have been created within and around earth to keep you attached to the earth reality and some of the realities surrounding your earth.

現在,我們看到許多人仍專注在‘人類現實’上面,有一些些 ‘靈性經驗’,但這些些經驗仍然只是發生在地球全息影像現實之中, ---這些是被創造來在地球上並環繞地球四周來 ‘綁住你們的 “地球現實”,以及地球附近的現實.

What is not clear to many of you is that everything that is experienced within spirit is also a created reality in a way.
許多人不懂的是---對你們許多人而言---你們在  “靈性層面” 所體驗到的每一樣東西---在某一方面而言---仍然是一個被創造出來的 “現實”.


Many see relationships within spirit, other beings within spirit that have a certain way of life within spirit.
許多人在 ‘靈學’ 中看到 “關係”---看到靈性中的存有們---在 ‘靈學’ 中有某種特定的人生方式.

These are just as much a created reality as your own human reality.
這些 ‘關係’靈學就像你們人類自己的現實一樣---也是 ‘被創造出來的現實’!

Any group out there within other dimensions is within their own created reality.

Any connection you have to any of these beings is because you have been part of those created realities.
當你跟任何這些存有所有的任何 ‘關係\關連’---都是因為你們曾經是那些‘被創造出來的現實’的一部份!

But it is not who you are, they are all just lives you have lived within other created realities.
但,那並不是 ‘你是誰’ 的答案,它們全部都只是你曾經有過的人生轉世, ---你曾經生活過的‘被創造出來的現實’而已!

(RL注: 你是 ‘合一’ 中的存有,一小塊上帝,你不只是地球人,昴宿星人或天狼星人等等.那些和地球一樣是 被創造出來的現實’而已! )

You have tried for so long to bring change to the earth; change is not something that is happening fast as it requires the ones that are asleep to wake up.
你們曾經努力了如此久來為地球做改變.而 ‘改變’ 不是容易快速發生的事---因為它需要 ‘睡著的人們’的覺醒.

Yes, many groups are telling you, this is what is going to happen; all we need is a bit more time, it is happening, we are working behind the scenes and more.

Others are focusing on the fact that the energies are changing, the earth is moving up in frequency, but this is a natural process for the earth, a natural cycle for the earth, this will not have much effect on the ones that are asleep, as this process is a slow process as well.

Some think, we need these other groups out there in our universe to show up on earth, this will wake people up.

There are so many messages out there that in fact do not bring any real change, except for the small changes of some waking up, some moving deeper within, some becoming more compassionate.
事實上,外面的訊息如此之多---而事實上---並沒有帶動任何真實的改變---除了少數的人醒來的小改變之外,還有些人則更往睡眠深處走(催眠自己不信任地球轉變) ---而有些人則變得更有愛心一些.

But these are all small things compared to the great picture of real change needed.

Even if the real change was only for your own being, for you as a human.

The moving out of the incarnation cycle upon earth, the moving into the fullness of your being, being one with your own fullness as a spiritual being that knows and is aware of all that is present instead of being aware of some created realities.

 It is becoming aware of everything beyond these created realities, becoming aware and knowing who you really are.

 In reality you are a source being, yet in a way this is also something that has become distorted in a way as many do not understand what it is to be a source being.

 If real change is to take place, the focus will have to be on bringing back the spiritual awareness and understanding of each being.

(RL注:一個人只要拒絕‘瞭解’任何事,那便只擁有‘誤解’!而‘誤解’讓世界\宇宙不和平, 讓人頻率低! )

 What better way than showing everyone this by following Jesus example.
還有什麼是比跟隨 耶穌基督 所示範的例子更好的方式來讓大家理解(宇宙真相\真理)? 

 Going through the process of transforming the physical body into a light body.

From one source to another
Petra Margolis

 Posted by Greg Giles


 RL注:簡言之, 大家目前還是用‘娛樂\消遣’方式在對待‘地球大轉變與揚升’而沒有專注在“放下”自己地球人的所知障\習氣以及“提起”自己做為‘造物主的兒女’的“創造自己現實”的責任!

該放下的放不乾淨, 該提起的提不起來, 把自己靈魂的淨化與‘揚升’視同兒戲或是學術討論---其最後結果---就是‘下次再來’!請看續集發展!絕對不會是‘轉世輪回’連續劇的‘完結篇’!


~~~感謝 獅身人面Spinx 的慈悲開示! 家人們, 拿出真實的努力吧! ~~~~~



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