



The Sphinx speaks the new way of manifestation and creation


管道: Petra Margolis 20130630

中文翻译: 林琚月 20130701


(RL註: Shinx所謂的 “顯化與創造”是指我們每日生活中所思所想所做的所有事

--- 都是一種“顯化與創造”!


You have had many questions about this subject and we would like to give you more of an insight as to what the new way of manifestation and creating entails.

你們對於這題目顯化與創造有許多疑問, 所以我們想給你們更多的洞見 ~~~ 關於這新的顯化與創造所涵蘊的是那些事情.


The old way of manifestation creation was more focused on one person; each person would set goals and try to reach these goals for them as a person.

老的顯化與創造 --- 比較專注在一個人身上; 每個人會設定一些目標, 然後試著去達到這些目標 --- 為他們自己個人.


(RL註: 陰魂不散的 字, 自己渾然不覺的字出現了)


The new way of manifestation and creation is not really about setting goals in that way for one person, but to set goals where others can join in and add their own goals, so to speak.


~~~ 並不真的是關於設定一些目標為他們自己個人 ---



--- 可以這麼說.


The new way is not really about specific goals, other than the goal, it has to be for the benefit of all.

新的方式並非真的關於某些特定目標,--- 而是在目標之外--- 重點是必須是能夠利益到全部的人.


This is a different way of thinking and working with manifestation and creation.




Many see manifestation and creation as something that is going to happen within their own life, their own reality, they are creating it for themselves.

許多人看待顯化與創造的觀念 --- 認為那是一定會發生在他們自己人生中的事, 會是他們的現實, 而且是他們正在為自己創造的.


There is great focus on the individual person, what is best for the individual person, each person does what is best for them, their ideals, their thought systems.

所以重心都在個人身上 ~~~ 什麼對他個人最好? 每個人都做對自己最好的事, 對他們的想法最好的事, 對他們的思考系統最好的事.


This runs through your entire society, it is how you leaders are chosen; it is how you choose within your own life. You take into consideration your family, but according to what you belief and what your belief system is that you know would be best for your family.

你們整個社會的思考都是這樣. --- 這是你們選出你們的領導的方式. 這是你在自己的人生中做選擇的方式. 你為你的家庭做打算, 但是是依照你的信念在做打算, 而你的信念系統是依照你所知道的 ~~~ 對你家庭的最好方式.


(RL: 換言之, 你所以為的未必正確, 或者只是片面正確.)


This is also how you approach manifestation and creation in the new world and in creating a new world.



Much of what you do is on an individual basis, many of the messages approach you on an individual basis and you receive them on an individual basis.

你所做的許多事都是基於你個人的(看法), 你接觸到的許多訊息也是你個人的因素去接觸到的,



(RL: 意思是人類都是選擇性接觸” “選擇性解讀訊息選擇性記憶” --- 真相未必完全對齊.


When a message tells you that you are all divine beings, the first thought is “ I am a divine being”, the second thought might be “we are all divine beings”.





When a message speaks about joy, you answer with I needed to feel joy, while the answer could be, why are we not all in joy.


你內心的旁白是~~~ 我需要感覺快樂, ---




Many will say messages are for each person to receive as they need it, but you are forgetting that only a small percentage of your population actually sees the message.



--- 訊息是給每個人自己去依照他們的需要去接收的,




The biggest part of the human population is unaware of the many messages that you are receiving. This can be because either they are not awake, as you might call it, or because their belief systems are so different than from the ones who present the messages, they will not want to receive the message.

人類人口中最大的大多數是完全不知道你們正在接收的這許多訊息的.這有可能是因為他們並沒有覺醒, 像你會說的, 或是因為他們的信念系統與傳導訊息的管道是如此的不同, 他們根本就不想要接收這訊息.


The old way of manifesting has worked for some, but not for many.




One of the reasons being that the manifestation was mostly directed and created to have an outcome of prosperity for one person. Yes if you create a company, you create prosperity in some way for others, but the way the prosperity is divided amongst all that work is not in proportion to what the one who created the company received.



是的, 如果你創造了一家公司, 你確實在某方面為其他一些人創造了繁榮富庶, 但是這繁榮富庶對所有參與人的分帳方法, 跟公司創業老板所獲得的來比較 --- 通常不成比率.


The one thing that stands out amongst almost all humans is that they work, or say they work for the greater good, but they in fact are only working for their own greater good. No matter how you see it, even the so called green companies, groups, they say they are working for the greater good, but for their own greater good, their own belief systems, their own way of thinking how the world around them should be and in a way should think it should be.

一件明顯的事實是 ---



事實上 --- 他們只為他們自己最大的利益而做

--- 不論你怎麼看,

即使是所謂的綠公司團體, 他們宣稱為大家的利益而做, 但仍舊是為了他們自己的最大利益, 他們自己的信念系統, 他們自己的思考方式

--- 關於他們身旁的世界應該是怎樣的,


--- 他們身旁的世界應該要怎樣想’!?


(RL: 許多人是不自覺的犯了專制獨裁自私的錯誤



This is happening amongst light workers as well, as we have pointed out many times.


--- 我們已經指出這些現象許多次了.


We have talked about releasing attachments, in many ways, yet still many do not know how to release, how to move on beyond.

我們一直在談放棄執著’,在許多方面, 可是仍然有許多人不知道如何去釋放執著?



When we speak about attachments, we mostly speak about what you belief to be the truth within this moment.




This is the greatest attachment one has, what you belief to be the truth within this moment, the moment you are reading this message for example.

這是任何人目前最大的我執 --- 你在此時此刻認定的信念 --- 比方正在讀訊息的此時的(的信念).


Many of you have a hard time moving beyond this attachment, as the focus is on the inner, you become so focused on the inner that the outer becomes in a way neglected.


--- 因此那是你內在專注的焦點,




You are focusing on all the ways you are supposed to be feeling, full of joy, compassion and love inside of you. Many times in need of a reminder to feel all this within you.

比方: 你完全的鑽牛角尖在

你應該要感覺到歡樂喜悅\慈悲與愛的內心反應上, 所以許多時候, 你需要一個提醒來感覺到你內心有的這些東西.’


(RL: 意思是 --- 如果你真的快樂, 為何需要別人提醒?

是為了欺騙自己嗎? )

The reason you need it is because the outer world does not reflect what you want to feel in the inner world.




You are not able to stay within all these feelings as the outer world does not reflect these feelings back to you.


--- 因為外面的世界沒有反映這些感覺回來給你.


In this way you will continue to be in need of these outside messages confirming your beliefs, confirming your state of being, confirming or supporting your state of being many times.

在這種狀況之下, 你會持續需要外面的訊息來確認你的(歡樂喜悅\慈悲與愛)的信念




(RL: 這就變成吃鴉片了, 自己騙自己了. 與吸毒何異? )




Once you can reach a state of not attachments, you will find that everything is within you, but the human needs to be in a flux of emotions, going up and down at times to stay within a state of being human, but also to learn to balance the human with the other spiritual parts of your being.



但人類需要把自己放在一堆情緒的洪流之中, 時而上上下下的在所謂人類的存在當中, 但同時學習來平衡你自我的存在中的人性與靈性層面.


(RL:沒有執著的意思是開放自己心胸, 放開所有觀念束縛接受 所有現實, 就事論事, 不自欺欺人,

不睜眼說瞎話, 同時開拓自己靈性的理解力.)


It is all about reaching a state of inner balance, inner balance between your human and every other part of your being.



--- 在你的人性與其他部份的你之間.


This will allow for a more prolonged state of releasing attachment.


Now as we get back to manifestation and creation, this is a good state to start the manifestation and creation.


--- 那個(釋放執著的狀態)就是



Free from attachment, a state of inner balance and no real focus on creating and manifesting a reality just for your own benefits.

沒有任何執著, 是一種內在的平衡!


所以顯化出來的實相 ~~~ 只會是對你自己有利的.


(RL: 無害的! 因為你隨順了(真正的)自然!)


Many will have already found that the old way of manifesting and creating is not in alignment with their being, and the new way of manifesting and creating is not clear to their own being.

許多人已經發現 ---






For those who created a good life for themselves and say everything I earned I share with others, I give much of my money to charity.

對那些給自己創造了一個好生活的人而言 --- 他們說 ~~~ 我所賺得的一切我都與他人分享, 我也做了許多慈善捐款.


That is another attachment that you will have to release. What is the world if others are dependent upon how much you give to charity? How does it make those others feel, they are reliant upon charity. They are not able to take care of themselves; others take care of them, most just because these others while they were creating were in fact only thinking about creating for themselves. With the thought in the back of their mind, if I have enough I will share it.



--- 如果其他人必須仰賴你的慈善捐款的話?

--- 其他那些必須仰賴慈善捐款的人 --- 他們又覺得如何呢? --- 他們無法照顧他們自己, 別人照顧著他們,

而大部份的只因為是因為 ---




--- 當我夠了時, 我們會分享別人的.


(RL: 所以我還是要先贏先賺夠然後再做慈善?!)


The problem lies within the thought, when I have enough I will share.

問題就在這裡啦! --- 當我夠了時, 我再分享.


There is nothing wrong with sharing, but by putting out this thought together with creating prosperity, you create groups that will attach to this part of the consciousness and not create in their own way, but will wait for others to create for them.


但是當你把這分享概念創造繁榮富庶放在一起時 --- 你就創造出了群體’ --- 他們被綁在這個覺知意識之上 ---而沒有去用自己的方式去創造’,



(RL:換言之, ‘慈善之惡始於慈善的概念之存在與設計 --- 與其我們有一個人人有工作可以為自己創造的社會,

我們創造出了倚賴不思進取’ ,



What you are creating is reliance of others upon you.

你所創造的就是 --- 別人對你的依賴.


Instead of finding new ways for many to create prosperity.



That is not how you create prosperity for all.



This way of thinking is changing, but the attachment still is that I want to create this for myself; if I have enough I will share.

這種方法的思考已經在改變當中, 但是大家的我執仍然是 ---我要為自己做創造. 而假如我賺夠了時, 我會分享.”


Even the thought I am creating prosperity for all, creating the way I think it should be, I will share it with others so they can share within the prosperity as I see or know what and how this prosperity should be for all.

包括這個 我為大家創造繁榮富庶的想法---



所以他們會分享這個繁榮富庶--- 依照的認可,

或是依照所知道的 ~~~ 這個繁榮富庶應該怎麼分享,



(RL:我執所知障是需要自己深刻閱讀之後再自我反省的事. --- 否則很多人分不清楚何為擇善固執,



Thinking, the new world is already there and all I have to do is bring it here.

(有些人)一直在想著 ~~~




What new world?

什麼新世界’? 那來的新世界’?


(RL: 人不變, 換湯不換藥就不會有改變發生.)


The new world as far as how you think the new world should be for all?




What are you bringing in?



We will give you some time to think about this, think about new possibilities on how to create and manifest in a new way.





From one source to another


June 30, 2013


Petra Margolis



Petra Margolis感言分享: 


I was thinking about the many so called Galactics out there, their message is about prosperity for all. The way they do this is either Nesara, where a certain group of people will get the money and from there, these people will distribute the money to what “they” think are good causes.

我以前一直在想許多宣稱是銀河人 的管道, 他們的訊息都是關於要把繁榮富庶給大家, 所以他們的方法如果不是談到Nesara, --- 在那裡, 就是會有特定的一群人會拿到錢, 然後這些人會分派錢給 他們認為"的好原因’.


(RL註:有許多管道打著NESARA招牌, 可是扭曲並膚淺化整件事情, 故意誤導群眾對NESARA的認知 --- 並讓有識之士誤會NESARA. 其實NESARA只是整套覺醒群眾 方案中的一招棋而已! 目的仍然是群眾覺知意識’ 之覺醒. )


The other one is where they bring all kinds of devices that will help people; they have this idea of assigning mentors to families to assist families in accepting and in fact giving themselves over to the idea of the Galactics taking care of them.

另外一種是 --- 他們拿出各種工具 --- 說可以幫助大家, 他們有這種想法就是派遣心理導師到家庭去~~去協助家庭接受, 但是事實上 --- 他們給大家的概念

--- 就是銀河人 會來照顧他們.


(RL註: 又是培養 ‘倚賴心理’!)


And some are about how the Galactics will create with us, but in a way more how the Galactics will tell us how to create, instead of us creating in our own way.

另外一些管道提到‘銀河人會如何與我們一起創造, 但是在一方面比較是在告訴我們銀河人會告訴 我們如何去創造 ---而不是我們用我們自己的方式去創造. “



(RL註: 2013新世界之所以 ‘新’重點: 

1)          確實有是 神佛耶穌天使來幫我們推翻黑黑們,

     重建大同社會, 重建社會制度.

2)          地球會恢復成為宇宙公民, 得以與外星人互動,


3)          最大的重點 --- 卻是地球人的‘覺醒’ 與‘改變’!---  所以我們到底要如何覺醒? 

    如何放下 ‘我執’ 和 所知障‘? 

    以及到底有什麼 我們真的想錯了?’ 

--- 這是目前讓我們早點得到以上兩大好處重點核心因素. 大家一起努力加油吧! 


Petra Margolis







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