

The Sphinx Speaks ~ Clearing the Old to Make Room for the New ~ via
Petra Margolis

As channeled by PetraMargolis20130418


Today we speak of the energies that are upon you.


Before the shift there was a lot happening within and outside the human consciousness. There was a need to raise the frequency of the human consciousness to a new level. This was done through taking out a lot of negative energies from the human consciousness and place it outside the human consciousness.


At this moment, as the shift has taken place, this energy will return, as it is the responsibility of each person to clear their own energies.
此時,隨著‘揚升’的發生,這能量會回來, ---因為這是每個人自己的責任來清除他們自己的能量.

At this moment this energy is already touching the human consciousness and many are reacting in anger, depression and more.

此時,這能量已經觸摸到‘人類覺知’了,而且許多人是以‘生氣’ ‘沮喪’以及更多其他方式來反應這件事.

Each of you as humans will be affected as your own energies that were taken out of the consciousness will return to you for clearing.


For those of you that think you are assisting others by taking on some of their energies and in fact doing the work for them, we suggest you stop this, asthe learning process of clearing the energies is very much needed for a lot of humans.
對你們那些自認為自己在協助別人---而代替別人去承擔他們的一些能量的人---而且事實上是在代替別人做他們的工作的人---我們建議你們停止這件事---因為‘清除能量’是非常必須的一個‘學習程式’ ---對許多人類而言.

Clearing your own energieswill result in a greater understanding of the energies and their workings and effect on you as humans.

Many feel that since you all have moved, or were able to move through the shift easily,
this time after the shift is where nothing more is to be done and all is happening according to a specific plan.

As human you should know by now, that plans are changing at all times, in factthere  is no real plan as you have left the old timelines and entered a new timeline without any programming.
做為人類,你們到現在應該已經知道了---計畫常常在改變---事實上當你離開一條舊的時間線而進入一條新的時間線的時候, ---根本就沒有一個計畫在---沒有任何事先設定的程式.

When you were told before the shift and even now, that you are the creators, you should take this literally.


你就是‘創造造物主’ ---你們應該依照字面意思來接受這句話.


This timeline is a new start, let us explain this, the old timelines were programmed in certain ways to follow the path that you had chosen and included many interferences as well. You could see these old  timelines and programming as numbers, the old timelines and programming contained all the numbers in many different combinations. This new timeline only contains the numbers o and 1.
讓我們來解釋一下---這條‘時間線’是一個新的開始.‘老時間線’是被做了特定程式設計來讓你們走的路---是你們自己選擇的,而且也包括了所有路途中的障礙. (---都是你們自己選擇的.)你們可以看到這幾條‘老時間線’都含有數位程式設計---而這幾條‘老時間線’與程式設計都含有許多不同組合的數目字.可是在新‘時間線’中就只含有數目字0與1.

To program the new timeline, in other wordsto create within this new timeline, you only use the numbers 0 and 1, in this way duality becomes obsolete.
所以如果要為新‘時間線’做程式設計的話,換言之,若要在新‘時間線’中創造的話---你只有數目字0與1可以用---在這種狀況下--- ‘二元性’‘過時無效’了!


Now the timeline is new, yet you as humans entered the timeline with all your baggage and it is time to clear, to leave behind all that baggage and start creating from a new perspective.
現在這‘時間線’是新的---可是你們人類帶著所有的‘包袱負擔’進來這條‘時間線’, ---所以現在是時候來清除清理,把所有‘包袱負擔’丟在後方,並重新從一個新的角度來創造(未來).

This timeline is not and should not be a continuation from the old.


Yet, this is what is happening as many are not leaving their baggage, but hold on to it with their hearts and mind and ego, as the new is something that is in a way scary for many,
as it means that the responsibility now lies with the ones that have come here to start the new program.

The earth herself is already within 5Dand will remain there for some time as you start the new programming for this timeline.

The human consciousness is still within 3D resonanceand will not changeunless some of you start the clearing of you own energy, the example will make others follow.

t that why you came here in the first place? You have named yourselfway showers, light workers,but you are falling down on your job. As you place the responsibility in many other places but your own, and yes by these other places we also speak about the divine, the creator, anything outside of you, and even inside of you.
這不是你們為何到此來的原因嗎?你們稱呼自己‘引路人’ ‘光工’,但你們目前是否做得不稱職呢? ---當你們把‘責任歸屬’放在所有其他地方而不是你們自己身上時,是的, ---這些其他地方也包括了---指望‘神聖者’ ‘造物主’ …任何你們自己之外的其他人---包括住在你們內裏的那個(高我).

(RL注:簡言之---請所有‘肉身人’開始清理自己能量--- 1)時時反省自己和所有事!做深度反省! 2)靜坐讓心智歸零,一念不生時,高我智慧才能出現來引導我們改變智慧\磁場.)

Guidance from within is only as good as the human can follow the guidance.



Decisions are made on the human level,not on the higher level,as the higher levels within you are the guidelines for the human, the guides for the human to follow a certain direction.
所有‘決定’ ---都是人類自己下的---而不在‘高靈層’下的---因為你們內在的‘高靈性’就是人類的‘指導原則’ ---也是人類該遵守的方向的引導.

But when humans are holding on to their baggage the guidance from within becomes less useful.


You will have to let go of feeling important, feeling that the world depends upon you and you alone,as each of you will have to work on a personal level at this time to even be able to begin the work of the programming of the new timeline.

(RL:‘小我’是肉身防衛生存機制---不應膨脹為貢高我慢的‘幻覺’! )

As we explained in our previous message,this is not just about clearing this lifetime, but many other lifetimes, as you carry much energy from one life time into another life time each time you incarnate.

Even energies from lifetimes beyond earth can be affecting you at this time and
need to be clearedfor you to be ableto fully move into this new timelinewithout being interfered with through baggage you kept from old timelines.
前幾世的能量甚至更早的---都可以在現在影響你,而且需要被清理掉,才能讓你完全移入‘新時間線’ ---而沒有來自‘舊時間線’‘舊包袱能量’的幹擾妨礙.

To start creating within this new timeline you need to be free of any baggage, to be able to create without previous thoughts and belief systems so you can start this new creation without anything related to all your previous time lines.

要開始在‘新時間線’中開始創造---你不可以有任何包袱! ---創造時不能有以前的‘舊思路’ ‘舊信念系統’---所以你可以開始這個新的創造---而完全與‘舊時間線’無關!

A clean cut creation, not carrying over old stuff from previous creations.


It is your time now, but the window is closing, as the energies are coming down and once they fully hit, many will fall back into their old habits, their old ways, and many will fall asleep again.


You are going to need as many as possible to stay awake during these clearings, meaning
you will have to stay awake during your own clearing and accept them fully to complete the clearing and the old energies can be released fully.
你們將會需要越多的清醒的人在這個‘清理期’中---意思是---你們自己必須在你們自己的清理過程中保持完全的清醒---同時完全的接受‘清理工作’ ---來完全完成‘清理’並把‘舊的負面能量’完全的釋放掉!

From one source to another
Petra Margolis

Posted by Greg Giles

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