


Posted By: Nemesis [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 25-Jun-2013 21:52:01

中文翻译:林琚月 20130627



Enjoy your days, your families and friends and the things you do, for the change of times is upon you. 

享受你的日子, 你的家人和朋友們吧, 以及你()做的所有事! ~~~ 因為時代的改變已經降臨在你們身上了.

You feel it, but your hope is that your feelings are wrong, but they are not. Your feelings are preparing you to accept what is to come, and having been warned of its coming, it catches you not unawares, but it cannot be turned back, for it is the summation of the ages, a cycle that has been and is again, but this is the final stage of earth and man upon it, as man. The old is over and the new begins, but first the casting off of the old that is not ready for the new, for the new world cannot contain the old man. 

你有感覺到它的來臨, 但是你希望你的感覺是錯誤的, 可是它沒有錯. 你的感覺在準備著你來接受即將到來的事情, 而且因為它事先警告了你, 所以你不會在事情發生時太詫異, 但是這件事是無法改變的, 因為這是幾世紀以來的總結算~~~ 一個已經存在的循環, 而且再一次, 這是地球的一個循環的最後階段, 而人類已經站在這上面了.老舊的已經結束了, 新的開始了, 但是首先要把舊的全清除掉, 那些還沒準備好來接受新的老東西 --- 因為新世界將無法承擔這老東西.

The world is in convulsion. You see it and you know it, but you deny it, thinking it will calm and return to its stable ways, but that is not to be. It is increasing. 

這世界在抽搐當中, 你有看到, 你知道, 可是你否認, 你想它會冷靜下來, 恢復穩定, 可是這件事不會發生, 沒這回事! 抽搐在增加當中.

You cannot prepare for what is to come. They who are to die cannot live and they who are to live cannot die. It is a matter of intent and motive. It is a matter of the heart wherein men dwell, whether life or death, according to their yearnings. 

你無法為即將到來的事準備. 該死的人將不能活, 而該活的人死不了.一切都跟企圖心\意圖以及動機有關. 這是關乎人類的 ~~~ 人類生活的地方--- 在這裡, 死亡或是活著 ~~~依照他們的渴求而決定.

All things are prepared for the final devastation. 


Life will continue after, but the old man will not be found. 

生命\人生會持續下去, 可是老傢伙們不會.
The cycles of birth and death are tools of enlightenment and will not cease until man ascends of his own will by the things he learns. Whether it was this world, or is the next world, or is another world, the cycles of evolution of man’s nature to a finer nature continues unabated, for whether life or death, both are life. 

生與死不過是開悟的工具而已, ~~~除非人類從自己自願的學習中揚升出去, 否則這個循環永無止息.不論是在這個世界裡, 還是下一個世界還是另一個世界 --- 人類人性的往上進化循環不會停止, 不論是生或死, 都是人生的一個種類.

The weeds will be burned and the flowers will blossom for a new world. 
Love, kindness, meekness and gentleness must be you, not with intent, but from the heart, an actual state of being. I could tell you to do those things, but to what avail? If they are not IN you, they are not you. You cannot grasp them as a man would a life jacket. The man must be the life jacket to live in the new world. 

雜草會被燒掉,而花朵們將為一個新的世界而開放. , 寬容, 慈悲與慷慨, 都會是你的, 不是因為你的企圖與索求, 而是因為你的心~~~ 一種真實確鑿的存在狀態. 我可以告訴你去做這些事情 --- 但有用嗎? --- 如果你內心沒有它們? 如果它們不是你? 你無法抓取它們就像一個人抓起一件救生衣外套一樣. 這個人自己必須是這件救生衣外套~~~ 才能存活在新世界裡!

I could tell you not to despair, but you will act who you are, revealing yourself to yourself. The times that are upon you are your mirror. The reflection you will see is the real you. You will see yourself as you are. It will be a great lesson, and needful in your journey of advancement. 

我可以告訴你不要絕望, 但你還是會表現出你真正的自己 --- 對你自己現出原形. 現在的這個時間是你照鏡子的時間.你所會看到的鏡像會是你真實的自己. 你會看到自己真實的面貌. 這將會是一個偉大的功課\學習. 而且是你揚升路途中非常需要的晉升工程.

Here is the key: If you value your life more than another’s, your life will pay the balance. 

關鍵是: 如果你寶貝你自己的生命超過於別人的, 你的人生將付出差額來平衡(這筆帳).

Trying times reveal you, the real you. There is no hiding from yourself. The final test is the greatest of all tests, and it is upon us. 

考驗的時刻總是會曝露你自己 --- 真實的你!你無法逃避你自己. 最後的考驗將是最偉大的期末考 --- 而它已經降臨到我們身上.

Earth, government, economy and man have joined hands for the final battle, and the winners are known, but not revealed, until they appear in the new world. THE BATTLE IS WITH YOURSELF, battlefield-Earth is merely the stage. 

地球, 政府, 經濟, 和人類都齊力聯手在這最後的戰役上, 勝利者是誰早就已經知曉, 只是尚未宣佈 ~~~直到新世界出現時他們才會出現. 這戰役是你與自己的戰爭 --- 地球戰場只是這舞台而已!

They who are to survive will be guided. They who are to die will be their own guide. It is not of mind. 

存活下來的人將會被引導. 而死亡的人必須做他們自己的導師. --- 這件事與心理智無關!


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