聖哲曼大師: 20140312
準備好做 『大轉變』
~~ Elizabeth Trutwin传导
http://ElizabethTrutwin.org, http://StarGateEarth.org, CosmicAscension.org, GalacticRoundTable.org, GalacticRoundTable.co
Elizabeth Trutwin
中文翻译: 林琚月20140207
Prepare for Change A Message from St Germain through Elizabeth Trutwin, March 12, 2014.
聖哲曼大師: 準備好做 『大轉變』
~~ Elizabeth Trutwin传导20140312
Greetings! This is St. Germain through Elizabeth Trutwin, March 12, 2014. Earth has been placed on the New Timeline by the Cosmic Builders, many of which are the Wingmakers who returned from far in the future to complete this Mission.
大家好! 這是聖哲曼大師透過Elizabeth Trutwin传导.
地球現在已經被Cosmic Builders大宇宙建造師們安置在新時間線上了~~~他們許多人都是 Wingmakers造翼者們, 他們來自很遠的未來~~~來完成此任務.
The purpose for a new Timeline is to dissolve that from the Old Timeline which stands in the way of Earth Ascension.
把地球移入一條新的時間線的目的~~~是為了'消溶'來自舊的時間線的 ~~阻礙地球揚升的事務.
Since entering the New Timeline mid February, 2014it is possible to receive downloads from Galactic Federation Ships for your age reversal. Many of you are experiencing this and feeling it is Ascension symptoms. That is true and also know it is causing age reversal inside your cells. You are able now to receive OVERLAYS in your DNA templates.
自從2014年二月進入了新的時間線, ~~~人們就可能接收到來自銀河聯邦飛船的下載 ~~~來逆返老化程序.
你們許多人都正在經驗這個, 並且感覺到這是一種 '揚升症狀'. 這是真的!
同時要明白它正在你的細胞中逆返你的老化程序. 你現在也能夠去接收OVERLAYS多層覆盖 在你的DNA 模版中.
These templates are chosen by you in the Higher Realms and are what you have been waiting for. The template overlays are perfect knowledge and will make it possible to receive the knowledge imparted from Source to your Highest Self. You hold the knowledge, even if you are not aware of it. You may draw on it as you will, you must ask! YOUR GUIDES ARE STANDING BY TO ASSIST YOU. Call on them early and often.
這些DNA 模版
是你在更高領域的你的高我所選擇的, 也正是你們一直在等待的!
就是 『完美知識』~~
We are in process of installing Divine Government on Earth. There are seven guidelines when followed prosper Earth within the Intergalactic Federation of Worlds. It is with these seven guidelines NESARA Law was written.
如果遵循的話 ~~~會讓地球繁榮~~
而 NESARA法案也是依照這七條指示所訂立的.
Councils for Earth Ascension will assemble regularly and frequently.
2) Councils for Earth Ascension will assemble unanimously and move forward with their duties unanimously – In Oneness Consciousness.
並且一致的持續執行祂們的責任 ---
3) Councils for Earth Ascension will follow Universal Laws including NESARA Law and not create new laws which have not been established in Universal Laws.
包括 NESARA法案,
4) Councils for Earth Ascension will respect, revere, worship and think the Elders worth listening to.
『地球揚升議會』會尊重, 敬重, 崇敬,
而且認為值得接受長老們的意見\教誨 .
5) Councils for Earth Ascension will not coerce and force their women and girls to dwell (with them) against their will.
6) Councils for Earth Ascension honor the ancient shrines built by their Galactic Family and do not allow the righteous sacrifices that were formerly given, formerly made, to be neglected.
『地球揚升議會』會榮耀他們的銀河家人們所建造的古老的神社, 而且不會允許忽視~~~祖先們以前所做出的正當的犧牲以及所給予的貢獻!
7) Councils for Earth Ascension have made good arrangements in regard to the lawful protection, safety, and guarding of the Worthy Ones so that Worthy Ones in the future can enter the realm and having entered the Worthy Ones can live comfortably in the realm. No Dates. No Nukes. No Flukes.
『地球揚升議會』已經做了好的安排~~關於合法的保護, 安全, 以及對 『值得人士』的守護, 所以這些『值得人士』在未來可以進入這實相, 而且這些『值得人士』在進入這實相之後可以舒服的住在這裡. 依然不給出日期. 不允許核武, 而且不接受寄生蟲!
There are further seven guidelines individuals may follow to prosper on a Peace Filled Earth.
除此之外, 另外還有七條指示, 是每個個人可以遵循來讓一個充滿和平的地球的繁榮的指示.
Respect, revere, worship and think them worth listening to, the Elders, those of long-standing, a long time gone-forth, the Mothers and Fathers of the Community, the Leaders of the Community.
要尊重, 敬仰, 尊崇並認為長老們 的意見是值得遵從的~~~因為這些存在已久的長老們, 來自很久以前, 是社區的父母輩, 而且是社區的領導們.
2) The individual will discipline the mind not come under the influence of craving which has arisen for continued existence; food, sex, chemicals, gambling, egoic thought, sleep, ignoring duties.
個人會紀律自己的心智而能不受到癮頭的影響 ~~~那在過去是為了持續的生存需要而升起的 --- 如食物, 化學物, 賭博, 小我自尊自大的思想, 睡眠, 以及怠忽職守等.
3) The individual will desire for forest dwellings and remain One with Mother Earth seeking out the truth explored humbly gathered in quiet places.
這個人會渴望住在森林之中, 而且會謙虛的在安靜的地方持續尋找一個符合地球母親的真理.
4) Individually will attend to the ways of mindfulness so that their fellow peers, who are well-behaved, in the future can come from places far away and live comfortably among them.
每個個人都會積極進入 '完全覺醒的心智' ~~~所以他們的隨眾人員, 那些舉止恰當的人們, 在未來能夠從很遠的地方過來, 可是可以舒服的居住在他們之中.
5) Be not attached to work, are not devoted to the pleasure in work, the delight in work, and are not attached to work but rather do that work which is needed now.
不要太執著於工作, 不要奉獻自己在工作的愉悅之中, 快樂之中, 不要太執著於工作,
6) Be not attached to speech, are not devoted to the pleasure in speech, the delight in speech, understanding the value of Being in Silence.
也不要沉迷於說話! 不要奉獻自己在語言的愉悅之中, 說話的快樂,
7) Do not have evil wishes or wicked friends.
The above listed guidelines for a Planet of Peace and an Individual’s responsibility living upon Her have been violated during this period of time. Due to that in the new Cycle with Divine Government brings with it a leveling of the playing field. This is exacted through the implementation of NESARA Law. Within NESARA Law are many, many provisions designed for equanimity which is a Universal Law required for Divine Government. It is not about money. It was never about money. Earth abundance is shared this way for now and so it is a part of the solution.
不要有邪惡的願望, 或是非善類的朋友.
這段時間以來, 以上所列的 關於創造一個 '和平星球' 的指示,
以及 '個人居住在地球的責任'~~都被違犯了!
正由於如此, 所以在這'神聖政府'的新的循環的開始~~~所有的遊戲規則都會重訂出來. ~~~這件事就是由 NESARA法案的實施來
精密確定. 在NESARA法案中有許多許多條款是設計來和解所有人~~~
這是一條宇宙法律對 '神聖政府'的要求.
這不是錢的問題. 這從來都與錢無關.
Arrests. Announcements. Enactment of NESARA Law. This has always been the sequence of events leading up to Full Galactic Disclosure and the Enactment of NESARA Law.
大逮捕. 大宣佈. NESARA法案的執行. 這一直都是一系列的事件直接引導出 『完全的外星大揭露』 以及 NESARA法案的執行
These events seen over a course of 13 years seems to be unrelated to the naked eye. Know that the Master Plan has been in play since the morning of 911. September 11, 2001 was the original date that NESARA Law was to be Announced to the public. This mass psychological attack usurped the Announcements and it has taken 13 years to come back to that moment.
這些事件, 從肉眼看來 ~~~歷經過去13年來時間 ~~看起來似乎是不相關的事件.要知道這 '神聖大計劃'早在20010911日的911事件早上開始 ~~~就已經啟動了.
When analyzing HOW LONG IT IS TAKING understand that 911 added War Crimes against humanity which had to be accounted for. This has to do with ending time on Earth. When time ends at the end of the Kali Yuga, duality ends. As duality ends- cause and effect – karma ends.Because karma must end the new and compounded karma of 911 needed to be dealt with.
這事關係到 『地球時間的結束』.
當時間結束在 the Kali Yuga卡里瑜伽的黑暗時代之尾時,'二元性'也結束了 ---因果律---業障也結束了.
因為業障必須結束, 所以911事件的複雜業障也需要被處理.
The dark cabal have been living under the delusion they could put off Announcements forever and they have tried every day since. A nuclear war would put it off again and that is not going to happen. This has been a battle waged on and off Planet and the end of time is now.
黑暗份子們一直活在一個 『他們可以無止境的拖延'大宣佈'』的幻覺之中, 而且從那時到現在他們每天都在試這件事. 一個核子戰爭可以再次拖延此事, ~~而這事將不會再度發生.這一直是一個在地球裡外持續發生的戰爭,
而 『結束時間』就是現在!
A few things to consider. The Rockefeller Initiative between 1993 involving Laurance Rockefeller, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Leon Panetta and John Podesta were set in place for Bill Clinton to be the Disclosure President. Following that the Clinton Administration including Bill, Hillary and their staff were attacked in a way no other President has been. Laurance Rockefeller is Bill Clinton’s natural Father.Hillary is a Rothschild and the granddaughter of Hitler through a mistress. The dark cabal did not arrange their marriage just so they could end their control on the many.
洛克斐勒計劃中人 ~~從1993年有 Laurance Rockefeller, 克林頓 Bill Clinton, 希拉蕊llary Clinton, Leon Panetta and John Podesta都被安置在
其中 ~~而 克林頓 Bill Clinton則將成為 『大揭露總統』. ~~也因此 在克林頓時代,
希拉蕊以及他們的成員們都受到史無前例的攻擊. Laurance Rockefeller勞倫斯洛克斐勒是克林頓 Bill Clinton真正的生父. 而希拉蕊是一個Rothschild羅斯柴爾德 , 而且是希特勒情婦所生之孫女.黑暗份子們安排他們的婚姻 --- 可不是為了結束他們對大多數人的統治.
The dark cabal first murdered President John F. Kennedy (actually his clone) when he was going to be the Disclosure President. Bill Clinton felt sufficiently threatened. After many years of attacks in 1998 Bill Clinton, the 42nd President of the United States, was impeached by the House of Representatives on two charges, one of perjury and one of obstruction of justice At this time President Clinton stepped down from the role as Disclosure President fearing for his very life and those of his family.
黑暗份子們首先謀殺了甘迺迪總統(事實殺的只是他的克隆人)~~因為他即將成為 『大揭露總統』.克林頓也感受到充分的威脅
.歷經許多年的攻擊之後, 在1998年, 克林頓 Bill Clinton, 美國第42任總統,
被眾議院以兩個罪名要彈劾他, 1是
作偽證罪, 以及妨礙司法公正罪. ---為此,
克林頓 Bill Clinton從 『大揭露總統』這角色上退出, 因為他恐懼他的生命安全
Bill Clinton was acquitted of these charges in 1999 and went on to sign the National Economic Security and Reformation Act into law before he left office, October 10, 2000 after it was passed by both the House and Senate.
克林頓 Bill Clinton在1999年
從這兩個罪名中脫罪, 然後他繼續簽了the National Economic Security and Reformation Act 國家機經濟安全以及改革法案NESARA成為正式法令 ~
NESARA Law stated in order for it to be put into effect it must first be Announced publicly. That was to occur September 11, 2001 which is why 911 Truth and Full Galactic Disclosure go hand in hand. This is one of the reasons WHY IT HAS BEEN TAKING SO LONG. NESARA has to be enacted publicly, however, certain actions have been carried out within NESARA Law so that when it is Enacted, the actions are completed that are needed to enable easy movement forward.
Nesara法案規定 ~~
在此法令執行之前必須先對公眾宣佈. 此事會發生在20010911日 –
-這是為何911事件真相與 '完全的銀河大揭露'是直接相連在一起的.
這是為何這事情處理了這麼久的原因之一. NESARA法案必須公開執行, 然而, 某些NESARA法案中的事件已經在處理當中 --- 所以當NESARA法案被執行之時, 這些事情已經處理完了, 所以可以讓所有事情順利進展.
Another thing. We have been inside the American Republic since Oct 10, 2000 when Clinton signed NESARA into law. There have been stages of things that needed to happen before the final Enactment. The arrests, the first step to: Arrests. Announcements. The Enactment of NESARA Law.have been ongoing since 2009 as have been the trials and indictments in the Hague. These have been posted in the papers but the media ignores them and plays them down.
另一件事. 我們已經從20001010日克林頓 Bill Clinton簽了NESARA法案之後, NESARA 就實際存在
才能進入最後的 '執行'.
這些逮捕, 是 『大逮捕』 『大宣佈』 NESARA執行的先頭動作. ~~~
這些逮捕, 從2009年以來就曾經有許多審判與起訴在海牙Hague.
報紙有報導, 但是媒體忽視它們,
During the Global Settlement funds in October, 2003 the entire old economy of the powers that were, went financially inside NESARA law on that day. Major arrests began just after President Obama was elected.
在2003年十月 ~~
Global Settlement funds
全球結算資金成立 ~~
全球曾經存在的老經濟勢力就在那一天都歸入了NESARA法令的金融管轄之內了.而 '主要的逮捕'就在
Thousands and thousands of criminals have been arrested and put on prison Ships and
are being kept there. The Fitzgerald Tribunals, the Franklin Tribunals, the World Court Tribunals, the Kuala Lumpur Tribunals on Israel all have worked on these arrests specifically.
幾千幾千的罪犯都被逮捕了而且關在 '監獄飛船' 上, 而且一直被關在那裡. 菲茨杰拉德法庭The Fitzgerald Tribunals,富蘭克林法庭the Franklin Tribunals,世界法院法庭the World Court Tribunals,以色列the Kuala Lumpur Tribunals 吉隆坡法庭都專門處理
The people who have been tried have been indicted, convicted and they will be gently executed in the the Hague according to NESARA Law.This work had to be completed before the Enactment could be made. THAT IS WHAT HAS BEEN TAKING SO LONG. We are in process since November 4, 2008. Barack Obama is the Disclosure President.The Master Plan is being played out. John Podesta is back in the White House to play his role with President Obama as the Disclosure President.
被審判過的人們都被起訴, 定罪了, 而且他們會依照NESARA法令而在海牙被妥善執行.這些事都是NESARA法令執行之前必須完成的工作.
“這就是事情為何拖這麼久的原因.” 我們從2008年11月4日開始
就在 '程序' 之中!
歐巴馬總統會是 『大揭露總統』.
這神聖大計劃已經在逐漸開展之中. John Podesta也又回到了白宮之中, 協助歐巴馬總統成為 『大揭露總統』.
With the precise sequence of events building to The Event there are the Big Arrestsand these will be played out in April and we will see other big changes. The Big Arrests will trigger help from inside the matrix leading to Announcements. The awake and aware lightworkers will be invited to play a MAJOR ROLE in tipping the scales allowing President Obama to stump up to the podium. More information forth coming. Stay Tuned. This is St. Germain through Elizabeth Trutwin, March 12, 2014.
隨著精確的一連串事件的發生引向最後的 『大事件』 ~~有 『大逮捕』要發生, 而這些事會在四月發生, 然後我們就會看到其他大的改變. 『大逮捕』將會起動矩陣內部的協助 ~~~而引至 『大宣佈』.
還會有更多訊息會給你們. 請關注!
Elizabeth Trutwin传导20140312.
© All Rights Reserved.http://ElizabethTrutwin.org, http://CosmicAscension.org,http://CosmicAscensionGuide.org, http://GalacticRoundTable.org
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