



~透过Elizabeth Trutwin传导, February 28th, 2014.


Elizabeth Trutwin


中文翻译: 林琚月20140309


The Following Are Questions Answered by Ashtar, see His Answers in Bold Type.

Susan Davis As Mother Earth rises in vibration does this mean She is dividing as a cell does (2 Earths)?

There are more than One Earth and have been since She began her Creation. As a physical Body experiences Earth by projecting their physicality there, they place this projection on the Earth they want to experience at that time.

有超过一个地球存在, ,一直是如此~~


作为一个物質身体經驗的地球~~ 透過投射他们的物質身体到那里,~~~他们把他们那時候想要經驗的~~投影在那個地球上。


Tommy Orion Starseed Scott How much longer?
15 hours ago · Like · 2

All is unfolding as we speak.


Christopher Good Ashtar you teleported my car when I asked you and barack for protection during a snow storm, i am at my wits end, you’ve sent at least 20 celebrities to mingle with me including Putin and Snowden, I am told Miley Cyrus is my soul mate and twin flame I cannot survive this much longer, how can I be with her, what can I do to find a best friend ? i can’t sit here and chant mantra 24/7 its slowly destroying my , soul, to be disconnected from touch affection and having a best friend, touch is my medication, I need a soulmate, she is coming to town soon what do I do ? tell me everything about my mission none of these people have met putin or snowden please spend a long time helping me with this.
15 hours ago · Edited · Like

[I cannot ask personal questions from Ashtar in this setting]

Brandon Loveladdy Elizabeth and Ashtar. Have you heard of “Mother God” being ground crew, and her working to notify the different “waves” of ground crew?

(:) 聽說 “ Mother God”地面部隊成員~~~

而且祂的工作就是去通知 “不同波頻”的地面部隊成員?
14 hours ago · Like

Each individual on Earth is Ground Crew whether they remember it or not. Each Ascension is individual and each karma must be cleared accordingly as we end karma on Earth. The Event is to benefit each Human on Earth EQUALLY AND AT THE SAME TIME. Only the dark cabal would make up such a lie. The few wanting to try to control the many keep the lie going that some ‘are not good enough,’ ‘not loved enough,’ ‘not cared for enough.’ That lie is coming to an end as you dissolve your filters held within ego mind.This is not happening in waves of any kind.

不論他們記不記得 ~~~











--- 而只有黑暗份子們會說這種謊話.

少數人想要試著去控制大多數人 ---

同時持續散播謊言 --- 『你們不夠好』

『沒被愛得那麼多』 『沒被照顧得那麼多』的謊言.



小我心智中藏著的 『過濾器』.

~~~這些謊言 '不會 ' 持續在

任何 『波頻』任何人身上!!!



Rick G. Dial Dear Ashtar, Which chanted MANTRAS create the most powerful energies of the violet or blue flames???
14 hours ago · Like · 3

The Gayatri Mantra is dedicated to Divine Mother. She is the most powerful force in the Universe. She brings with her all forms of abundance including Love and the Violet or Blue Flames of Love and Truth. 

Gayatri~~~是奉獻給 Divine Mother.




[The Mantra Gayatri

Bhuh Bhuvah Svah
Tat Savitur Varenyam
Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi
Dhiyo Yo nah Prachodayat
~ The Rig Veda (10:16:3)
The Meaning "O thou existence Absolute, Creator of the three dimensions, we contemplate upon thy divine light. May He stimulate our intellect and bestow upon us true knowledge."Or simply, "O Divine Mother, our hearts are filled with darkness. Please make this darkness distant from us and promote illumination within us."]

意義是~~~『喔, 您絕對的存在, 三個維度的造物者,

我們在您神聖的光中思考. 請讓這光刺激我們的智能,

賜給我們真實的知識.』或者是, 單純的,

, ~~~聖母, 我們的心充滿了黑暗.

請將這黑暗趕走, 並讓光明充滿我們之內.”

Susie Ganière Inasmuch as the Elementals & Gaia are stretched to their limit & the Human Collective desiring alignment with benevolent life for ALL out number those humans that continue to stall our experience in domination & control; will you personally commit yourself and your Command to STAND with Benevolent Humanity, Gaia, the Elementals, Animal, Plant & Faery Kingdoms to Honor the FREE WILL choice of the human majority in alignment with Universal Law absent limitations, excuses, delays, rationalizations or procrastination? What are you prepared to DO immediately to usher in the Promise that Our Divine Mother gave us before we agreed to incarnate in this experience? The Promise I refer to is Freedom, Peace, Harmony, Abundant resources and restoration of full consciousness in Joy-filled Unconditional LOVE.
14 hours ago · Like · 1


Not to worry. Lord Sananda and I, Lord Ashtar have been committed to Humanity’s Purpose on Earth since first we entered this Realm. We have been here through all the eons of time playing our roles in charge of this Universe. Any thoughts that we may not be committed or not doing anything are the illusion of separation. Those who look upon us with eyes that see understand there is much going on all the time. Just because it is not announced on television doesn’t mean its not happening. Cleaning the environment, dissolving illegal governments, closing the banks, ending the fiat money system, returning the land to Mother and many other activities are ongoing. We cooperate not only with Mother Earth and Humanity but all Kingdoms living within her and without. This restoration you ask about is in process now.


撒南達王和我, 阿斯塔王,

一直都奉獻在地球的人道目標上面 ~~



我們一直在這裡, 穿越了恆久的時間,




或是我們沒在做事情 ~~





在所有時候, 都有很多事情在發生當中.

只因為電視沒報導, 不代表沒事在發生.








我們不只與地球母親合作, 與人類合作,


(: 如動物王國\精靈王國\植物王國等.)


而你們所要求的 『復原工作』



Vanessa Ann Rosswick The planetary gridworkers that are here to assist Gaia with her ascension, I hear they have neurological symptoms due to carrying such a high vibration in a 3D body… any suggestions on how they can lessen these neurological symptoms?
14 hours ago · Like · 1

Each One of you are Beacons of Light. You are the Beamers. You are Transducers receiving energies from the heavens to anchor deep into Earth. It has been a long many years for those who are awake and doing the work on a high level. These Ones are great vessels of Light.


你是传導器 ~~从天上收取能量來锚定深入到地球之中。

對那些清醒的人而言 ~~~这是一个漫长的多年~~~



Neurological and Physical symptoms are a bi product of the work and unavoidable as the limits of the physical are tested. You are never given more than you can handle. Working with these discomforts is a Divine World Service.It can be expected that these symptoms will likely be more intense now. This is because doing such work is inviting in reverse aging. By beaming the Light one side effect is the physical and electrical bodies enter reverse – aging as they return to perfection within the Light they beam. When you feel overloaded allow yourself to rest. Lie down for 20 minutes and recharge your battery.






可以預期的 ~~~




~~~ 衰老』這狀況

~~~透過發射光能~~~副作用之一 ~~~

物理和電子身體都會進入衰老』程序 ~~~


如果你感覺有點不勝負荷, 就允許自己休息一下。



Constance Harvey Elizabeth Will we actually see the physical arrest of Bush and the evil ones. Not necessarily for the purpose of public humiliation (though that couldn’t be avoided) but for the purpose of completion?
14 hours ago · Like · 1

As the Announcements are made on the Stage the stories of 911 and the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars will be told. The Arrests will occur then as a part of Accountability which is necessary to Enact Divine Government on Earth.

由於 『大宣佈』是在台面上(正式發佈) ---

所以 911的故事,


然後 『大逮捕』 會發生~~~作為追究責任的一部分,這是必要的程序~~~

來頒布執行 『地球神聖政府』之工作。


Maureen MacGuire Bulat When disclosure happen would we able to have a trip in the ships to know our solar system?
14 hours ago · Like · 1

When there are Landings on Earth you will meet your Mentors and you will be invited to travel through Space again. You are already seeing private Space Travel companies being placed for this purpose. Airports will become Spaceports.


你們會與你們的 『心靈導師』們見面,


你們已經看到了 『太空旅行公司』



(: 有聽過鉅富們花大錢上外太空旅行嗎? 那些公司應是.)



Bluesword Angel When will we REMEMBER being on the ships in our sleep state, I really want to know what I am being TRAINED for?
13 hours ago · Unlike · 3

Remembering your night work is a result of calling forth the memory. You MUST ASK! Call on your Guides to help you with this. Archangel Michael or others. Remembering is like levitation. It happens within Bliss and it happens with Practice.


你一定必須 『請求』!




是需要 '加持' 才能發生的, 而且需要不斷練習.


Bluesword Angel After disclosure,we will meet our mentor,then taken into the inner earth to our Light Healing Chamber
13 hours ago · Like · 1

When you meet your Mentors you will discuss your next best steps. You will be invited to many new experiences including travel to Inner Earth.





Carole Lortie Ohhh Please Ashtar..from Carole Lortie born Aug. 4th..196..(for the akaschic records) (for you know who I am) I speak to you.. and I beg of you to come soon..please save us from Islamic intimidations…shine your light and come forth to stop the massacres and tortures done to us…my heart is aching..from the muslims and reborn christians that will curse you..promise that all this will come to past..and be no longer….please stop my tears and comfort us in our wake and sleep…I am strong..I will not bend…I will never be tired to fight the light daily..a message from you about this would be kindly and greatly appreciated…from and ascendent earth sister of light..I send you blessings love and light..Thank you!!!!

問話重點: 趕快來!

13 hours ago · Like

Your point of view comes from fear. Things are not as they appear. As the Event unfolds we will see a return to Earth of The Mahdi, the Maitreya, Muhammad, Moses, Jesus, Krishna and all the others. As we see the Event unfold the walking dead will leave this Realm. Those not yet awake may leave then. They may stay. There will be no upheavals as you are imagining it. No One will be in fear. No One!

Sang Nguyen AA Micheal said that there’ll 2 Earths. One ascended in 5D and the old duality Earth where 3D exist (hologram) until people are ready to ascend up. Plus, people can go back & forth. Can we be trapped in the old duality Earth when our consciousness moves back? If trapped, how can we get out?

你的意見來自於恐懼.事情並不像他們所顯現的那樣. 隨著 『大事件』的揭曉,

我們將看到一個 『地球大回返』


隨著 我們看到『大事件』的揭曉,

那些 『行屍走肉』會離開這實相.

後那些 『還未覺醒的人』也可能會離開.



沒有人會害怕. 沒有人會!




~透过Elizabeth Trutwin传导, February 28th, 2014.

What about the Evacuation, the Pole Shift? How are those going to affect us?
12 hours ago · Like

There will be no evacuation and no Pole Shift. The Wingmaker Ships, the generators under the pyramids and the rounds made by Galactic Federation Ships working with the generators have for a very long time kept Earth from having that Shift. A Shift in Poles have happened before and that is why so many hold that memory and still fear it today. This is NOT in the Master Plan! There are those who like to continue this false flag of fear because they are working for the dark.

As you have the ability to travel from 3D to 5D and back again it is not possible to get stuck or unable to return. I think that was an episode on Star Trek?

將不會有 『大撤退』發生,

也不會有 『磁極轉換』!

Wingmaker造翼者飛船們, 金字塔下面的發電機, 以及銀河聯邦飛船們與這些發電機們已經共同合作了一個非常久的時間, 不斷的循環巡邏以阻止這『磁極轉換』的發生!


以前曾經發生過『磁極轉換』, 這是為什麼許多人仍然持有那個記憶而且到今天仍然害怕這件事的發生.

這事 『不在』 神聖計劃當中!

許多喜歡持續宣傳這個 『假造的恐懼』的人 ---




我想那只是 『Star Trek星際迷航』影片中的



Caroline Oceana Ryan Everyone — this is some of the most amazing information I have ever read in my life, and I’ve studied esoteric methods and meditation for more than 25 years. Please do look into it — just incredible!


Caroline Oceana Ryan Beth, my question to Ashtar is: When are the two times this year when the Event/Disclosure/GCR etc can occur? I know mid-April is one of them. What is the other? And, is St Germaine’s violet flame the most positive and helpful image we can hold in our minds as we go through our day — in terms of paving the way for humanity’s ascension? If not, what is the best symbol to visualize? Thank you, and Namaste, Admiral.
12 hours ago · Like

Sananda is the Admiral and I, Ashtar am the Captain. Namaste! The Violet Flame of Love is the most powerful weapon on Earth. Use it widely. The two open windows of opportunity which occur each year are around Christmas and Easter.

撒南達是海軍上將, 而我阿斯塔是船長.






Caroline Oceana Ryan Another question for Ashtar: Has the Vatican Bank effectively closed??!!

: 梵蒂岡銀行已經實質上結束營運了嗎?
12 hours ago · Like

Indeed! Also, the Market is Crashed.


Enlightened Buay · 2 mutual friends
violence is still going on in places like South Sudan and Tibet. Will this come to a stop before the announcements or soon after?
12 hours ago · Like · 1

Immediately after Announcements we will Activate Zero Point Energy with MT Keshe and linked with the technology of the Ships. At Zero Point Energy no weapons will work. This is the Vibration of Love. HH The Dalai Lama has a Plan to reunite all Buddhists.The suffering will end for everybody instantly.


立即在 『大宣佈』之後,

我們會啟動 『零點能量場能量』~~~

MT Keshe博士一起,




HH The Dalai Lama達賴喇嘛




Sixtina Friedrich I would like To ask bout a special vortex in Costa Rica, that we passed on a boat now about 7days ago, and Ashtar came to me at that moment, close to the moment where you came to my heart, Beth, thanks Sixtina
11 hours ago · Like · 1

Ah yes. This area held one of the many wormholes located within the Seas which take One directly down through the water into Inner Earth. When entered then there is no problem with breathing underwater. It is a shortcut to the sentient pristine Lagoons and Bays at Inner Earth.

! 是的! Costa Rica哥斯達黎加區域





有覺知的, 質樸的潟湖和海灣


Linda Gentry Cassity Is the list of the names of the ETs guiding us updated or are there more out there that we don’t know about yet? I always wondered if the list is infinite. Thanks to everyone for all that they do.
11 hours ago · Like · 1

The list of names is only restricted to your memory of the names. In some cases it is the same Soul who incarnated under many different names. Often people want to know their past life names – who they were – but those names are not important because you do not now have the ability to remember and connect with the name. You can be told a name but without the memory intact it is meaningless.



而且在很多情況下, 是同一個靈魂多次轉世的許多不同名字. 往往人們想要知道他們過去世的名字們 --- 他們曾經是誰 --- 但是那些名字並不重要, 因為你們現在沒有能力去記得並且與這些名字連接上. 你可能被告知了一個名字, 可是沒個完整的記憶, 那就沒有意義了!



Fleur De Lys Dear Lord Asthar, how to connect my galactic origin family ?

( ^-^)

Sit quietly in your chair. Call Archangel Michael to Guide you. Close your eyes. See before you your galactic family. The image will come with practice. Welcome them. Ask them questions. When it is time for them to depart, share hugs and ask you meet very soon again. Continue this practice and it will add a lot of happiness to your life.

安靜的坐在你的椅子上. 呼喚大天使麥克來引導.

閉上你的眼睛. 看看在你眼前的銀河家人們.

多練習就可以看到這影像. 問他們問題.

而該是他們離開時, 互相分享擁有,

並請求儘快的再次見面. 持續做這個練習,



Vicki Dean Mayhew Won’t some of us be contacted telepathically first, before full disclosure? To help lead the way?

: 我們一些人不是會首批被以心電感應的方法先接觸到~~~在 『完全大揭露』之前? 來協助開路?

Yes. Millions. Anyone who wants this may ask and must do the work to learn to be telepathic.

是的, 幾百萬人.

任何人想要被 '首批接觸'~~可以 '請求'!



Rhonda Landon Elizabeth, Thank you for this opportunity. I am interested in knowing more about the dust particles visually seen in the air. I can see these shimmering, very colorful, tiny, almost with a mind of their own, particles of varying sizes floating around in the air. The sun must be streaming very brightly through to see it but the particles are very thick in the air all around us. I am wondering if these dust particles are related to the elements that is mentioned in this paragraph from your Galactic Healing Techniques? I read this information, very much appreciate you sharing it and totally resound with the healing gifts mentioned…”Remember, the crystalline core of earth is changed. <specifically, ‘The cosmic rays beaming in from the Central Sun now carry elements never seen before. These are to be absorbed by the new crystalline bodies.’> Crystalline bodies respond to light technology for healing. This will bring about eradication of disease.” My questions: You say that the elements are coming from the Central Sun, does comet Ison, or perhaps a combination of comets that have been in our area over the last few years, have anything to do with these, never seen before, elements? What are these elements? Can they be seen? Do these elements contain light codes? How does one ‘absorb’ these beneficial elements? Are these elements related to silica? Does an accumulation of these elements, or particles, have a taste, like a metallic taste? Please share anything more that relates to these cosmic rays beaming in from the Central Sun and how we can utilize these elemental gifts. Thank you so much.
10 hours ago · Like · 1

What you see in Earth’s atmosphere is the Gold Dust. It is actual gold ions floating in the atmosphere. These are taken into the Body and used in the pineal gland for interdimensional travel. The gold particles are stored by dark skin people in their melanin and in light skinned people in the pituitary gland. The gold ions float through the blood stream and are introduced through an uptake process in the lymphatic system.





黑人的 '金砂'是儲藏在黑色激素之中,






There must be a certain level of gold dust ejaculated by the pineal gland in order to raise the brain chemicals needed to leave the body and travel through the ethers in the Etheric Body. Astral travel is a misnomer. It is Etheric Travel which occurs at and above the 5th Dimension.

必須有一定程度的 '金砂'松果體被射出來 ~~~







The Cosmic Rays are also ions. Over the past many years these ions have changed from the heavier carbon based ions to lighter silica based ions. These ions float through Space from the Central Sun or Source Energy down through the Stars and onto Earth and eventually are absorbed through the crown chakra into the chakra energy system, the nadis and the meridians. These are the Ones imparting healings. Everybody experiences this all the time though they are unaware.





這些離子漂浮穿過太空 ~~~

從中央太陽或是源頭能量來源 ~~


而且最終, 通過頂輪入脈輪能量系統中,






Susan Sacco Elizabeth I thought you might enjoy this “real” illustration of Ashtar during a galactic meeting on the ships. It was done at Ashtar’s request by my friend (crew member) Marc Brinkerhoff. On his website you can also find UFO photos that he has taken.…/mystic_art-Ashtar… – Actual UFO Photography and Extraterrestrial Contact by Marc Yale…
9 hours ago · Like · 1 · Remove Preview

[Thank you Susan for this. Beautiful!]

Isabel Maria Thank you Elizabeth… I was told last year by another Channeller while at a meet up group meeting that ASHTAR had implanted a chip in my right hand … Since I can’t see it or even feel it it true that its actually there and if so what will its purpose be?… Thankxx Namaste
9 hours ago · Like

It is not true. Nothing had been inserted.



Dinesh TheCentral Sun Thank You Elizabeth. Hello Ashtar. Why isn’t Obama or the people in the government from other nations making any announcements about full disclosure? When will the odds be in favour for the full-disclosure announcements to take place. I’m not asking for specific dates, but for example, could you tell us if its gonna take place within 2 years or so? The Unawakened ones refuse to believe in free energy and ufos. They only believe what their government says to them. So its very important for our governments to make these disclosure announcements as soon as possible. Ashtar, you see people like Elizabeth, Steven Greer to name a few are only the ones who are making us know about our star family and we are grateful to them and thankyou for your support and guidance.
8 hours ago · Edited · Like · 2

There is no need to worry more about how this is happening because it is in process as we speak. You will see the Event come to fruition this year and sooner than you think.








Evlyn Locke May I ask a question please… When we meet our twin flames and maybe choose to be with them will it be a spiritual relationship or will it be a couple relationship as in what we now consider like a husband and wife … Also how will relationships be in 5 th dimension…will it still be one to one or will we be able to love each other openly and have loving relationships with who ever we choose with out causing other to be hurt…
8 hours ago · Like

Understand. Your Twin Flame is the other half of you. You two are never separate. You were created together at the same moment and when you come into the dense realms incarnate one as male and one as female. You have always been his wife. He has always been your husband. The whole point of living on physical Earth is to enjoy all the infinity of bliss that can be experienced in the physical.

請明白, 你們的 『雙生光靈魂』另一半的你.





你一直都是他的妻子, 而他也一直都是你的丈夫.


~~~ 『生活在物質地球』的意義 ~~~




Those who agree to experience physical love making will. Others will be more interested in higher forms of love making. There will be no limitations. You each will only have open physical relationships. If someone is married or living with another their Twin Flame will know and will not make them selves known until the person is single and has prepared themselves for such a relationship. From their perspective they will not rock the boat, they will not enter the scene. They will not break up families. Everything will be out in the open. Twin Flames do not play around.They are always with you and they know your requirements. They will wait.

那些同意來體驗 『物質界的做愛方法』


而其他人可能會對 『更高形式的做愛方法』更感興趣. 這不會有任何限制.你們彼此都會有開放的物質關係. 如果某人已經結婚, 或是與別人同居,


而且不會出現讓別人知道, 直到這人是單身狀態,


從他們的觀點, 他們不會去震撼任何人,

他們不會出現. 他們也不會拆散家庭.








Will-Alpha Vandervelde-Zen …Dear Commander, my Heart is not clear about buying Iraqi Dinars to elevate the financial poverty of myself and some relatives. Can you give me some more clarity about the situation with the RV announced by St. Germain through a Channeled message on the 24th Feb 2014, and the Truth about the situation with the Prosperity Funds. Can I be of Service in the Distibution of the Prosperity Funds and the New Technologies?… …Much Love and Gratitude… … …
7 hours ago · Like · 1

You are reading a false channel. Maybe that is why you are unsure? You sense the information is false.





Danka Kubickova Elizabeth – Mr Ashtar, my personal problem is that I do not have a permanent connection, why? How will it further with EU parliamentarians only get richer and more and more people are poorer, the unemployed, hate. thank you
7 hours ago · Like

A permanent connection is not made on the first, second or third attempt. It is nothing to worry about or to self criticize. As you practice the bond becomes deeper and in time the bond becomes ‘turned on’ and stays on.

All of the issues within all the governments of the world, the banks, the royalty is becoming solved more each day.

一個永久的 (與銀河家人)的連接~~




隨著你練習這連接, 這連接就會變更深,


'連線' 就會被啟動, 而且保持住. ~~~








~透过Elizabeth Trutwin传导, February 28th, 2014.


: 第五維度.
7 hours ago · Like

It is a location in time and space. The First Dimension is a point in time. A point. A dot. The Second Dimension is a plane of existence. A horizon line. The Third Dimension is a point in space. The x axis and the y axis as in geometry. The Fourth Dimension is Time. Time on Earth now has collapsed into the 3rd Dimension. Time and only Time. The Fifth Dimension is a point in Space and Time within No Time. The x axis and the y axis and the z axis as in geometry. This is where Z = Zero Point.


第五維度是在 時間\空間中的一個地點.

第一維度是在時間中的一個點. 一小圓.

第二維度是一個 '存在層'. ~~一條水平線.



第四維度是 '時間'.

而現在 '地球時間' 已經崩潰踏塌入第三維度了.


第五維度是在 '空間---時間連續線'上的一個點

~~~處於 '無時間' 之內.


在這裡, Z等於 『零點』!!!



Marit Grendstad Greetings Ashtar and Beth!
All the new technologies – what will the effect be on our physical bodies? Many of us are supersensitive to radiation – smart technologies etc.
Blessings and Love
6 hours ago · Like · 1

The technologies which will be brought form the Ships are based on science thousands of years ahead of what you know on Earth. There will be clothes made of fabrics that never need washing. There will be computers replicating food which is completely organic, completely vegetarian and tastes exactly like anything you want, even a T-bone steak. The technologies are bio plasmic and sentient and will be free from negative effects.





會有 '電腦食物複製機'可以複製出完全有機,

完全素食, 可是嚐起來完全就像任何你要的食物味道 ~~甚至是 T-bone牛排味.


這科技們是 『生物離子』

而且是 『有覺知』,




Janina Giedraitiene Dear Elisabeth and Beloved Ashtar, my twin flame Oleg died in 2006 middle of the summer. Meline Lafont said we are from Pleiadians both. Is it so really? Is my twin flame now in the summerlands or in the command of the Ashtar. He was a good clairvoyant.
5 hours ago · Edited · Like

Please know your Twin Flame is never separate from you. As the Ships land those who have passed before will join us again, in the physical to live with us here now. This is a personal choice for each individual. Some will come to Earth and others have decided to go on.

請記得你們的 『雙生光靈魂』



當飛船降落時, 那些已經死亡的人會立即加入我們~~ 以物質方式, 並且與我們在現在在這裡生活在一起.

這是每個個人的選擇. 某些人會決定來地球,




Linda Adalina Aronsen Greetings Dear Elizabeth and Master Ashtar ★ With all my love and gratitude, thank you for your guidens, protection, love and support (and in all dimensions) ★ In my own soul vision, I realy look forward when all the new Crystall Light grids and our n…See More
3 hours ago · Like · 1

[the rest of this question was lost - please submit it again]

Isaiah Anderson Dearest Ashtar, it has been said that the U.S dollar is set to collapse and be replaced on March 4th of our Gregorian Calender. Is there any truth to this? Thank you!
about an hour ago · Like · 3

No Dates. No Nukes. No Flukes. Beth is fond of saying, if they say dates they are lying to you.

不给日期, 不准核武, 不接受寄生虫.


如果有人告訴你日期, 那他們在對你說謊.

Vikaas Rajput Thanks Ashtar & Elizabeth, I Would like to ask about Pole Shift, I have been reading many articles about pole shifts that it is going to happen, most of them creates Fear among all that it would happen in a year or so, but i am not able to find what is real & earth peoples would not be able to survive, please guide us on this & what precautions & measures we have to keep to stay protected & onto the upgradation of our self & our knowledge to keep up with the high energies that are coming. Thanks & Gratitude.
54 minutes ago · Like

No Pole Shift. Read truth. Stop reading false flags of fear. Read your Galactic History.

不會有 『磁極移轉』!





From Email:

I had DREAM ones in PLACE where I WERE THIS LOVE , I felt so , so deep inside of ME.
I sow HIM sleeping , I want so much to tach HIM , smell HIM …but I have to live …But
I got the MESSAGE I WILL se HEM very SOON !!!
I LOVE MY NEW LIFE but…I have MISSION !!! Now is the Time !!!
I know I come on this world with this MISION .Even my husband knows a lot about my Dream
both the 3-D version & My 5 D , with hi is not familiar with , I mean he is very understanding (?).
Day of LOVE is coming ,and I’m on The Sheep JERUSALEM to GREAT MY TWIN FLAME !!!
…and I fill will be my TRUEEEEEE LIFE in 5D, yes ?????

When you have prepared for this then it will be yours, yes.

當你為這個轉變準備好了, 那它就會是你們的, 是的.


Hello Beloved Lord Ashtar,

I feel blessed by your grace and the answers you provide. My question is: there is so much talk of a currency revaluation. There are many, many lightworkers that did not have the funds to purchase dinars. But many who had money, did. Will this revaluation not continue an imbalance in wealth? Or how will it actually work… what will it do for us and the world.

St. Germain has arranged it so that every woman, child and man will receive $10 million dollars each. Some who have a Mission in place will receive more of the Humanitarian Funds to carry out their work. In order to receive the funds One must hand sign for their package and it is required to sign a non disclosure agreement saying you will talk with no other person how much you received. If you do discuss the amount you receive with others you will lose everything.

St. Germain聖哲曼大師安排了

讓每一個女人, 兒童, 和男人~~





為了能收到這款項 ~~


而且必須簽一份 『不公開同意書』

~~意思是: 你不會告訴別人你收到多少.

如果你與別人討論的話 ~~~



Those who bought the Dinar funded Black Ops and St Germain had to take over the revaluation of the Dinar because of this. Selling Dinars was a plot by the dark cabal.No revaluation will take place until after the Event. There is no need to worry about who has what. Everyone will have all they need.The Ones who bought Dinar bought into the greed of the dark. There is still much karma around being attached to money. That is the lesson. This is not about money. It is about Divine Government.Those focused on the money may be left behind in some ways based on their inability to detach from money.

那些誰買了Dinar 第納爾資助的黑色行動 的人---






~~直到 『大事件』 發生之後。








這是有關 『神聖政府』的問題。


可能會被留下(: 無法揚升) ---



Dearest Lord Ashtar,

You are soooooo Darling. You have remained steadfast in your commitment to Earth despite all drawback and difficulties stemming from them helping/guiding this beautiful little blue planet and her people as well as all the other kingdoms established on her to ascend. Too sweet you are! Hugs and kisses (hoping your twin flame lovely Athena does not mind).


hi my name is john. I was born with generalized anxiety which means alway being in a state of fear.
If i am going to the light ships at night in my sleep. Why haven t i seen a doctor while i m there to
cure me so i can excel into ascension
love john

Each One is going through their Ascension at their own pace. Some are walking, some go by car and others fly. Each is as it should be and the speed is chosen by the individual in what they can handle. To heal a disease which started at birth may take some prep work first. Many people have the same issue as you. Before healing the core issue, other issues must first be resolved as the layers of the onion are peeled away at a rate you can handle. Continue to have faith and know this is in process and will be taken care of.

每個人都以自己的速度在走這 '揚升之路'.

有些人用走的, 有些人開車, 其他人用飛的.








在治療'核心問題'之前, 其他議題必須先被解決,









Ashtar when speaking to our higher selves do we merely think to ourselves, “Higher self I require thoughts intending to raise my vibration.” Or, “Higher self I require thoughts inserted into my conscious mind that will form beliefs that will demonstrate a higher vibration and reprogram my subconscious mind to keep drawing that into my life?” Thank you for your time.

Appreciate it Beth

Kenneth J. Goodrich

When speaking to your Higher Self it knows exactly what you need at the moment. You may say to your Higher Self, “Show me what I need now, inspiration, information, or other and don’t let it be subtle. Show me in no uncertain terms just what I need this moment for my growth. Show me in a way that I will have no doubt it has come from you, My Highest Self.”




『請讓我知道我現在需要什麼? 激勵? 訊息?

或是其他東西, 而且請不要太模糊. 給我看 ~~

以不模稜兩可的方式 ~~



請用一種我不會懷疑的方式來告訴我 ~~~

這訊息是來自祢 ~~我的高我的』



Questions for Ashtar:

How can we come aboard to your ship? Is it through astral projection? Meeting somewhere else?


All that need be done to meet on the Ships is to ask right before going to sleep at night. You may ask Archangel Michael show you the way. You will be traveling by entering your Etheric Body. It is not astral projection. As you lie down your Body for sleep you enter into your 5th Dimensional Body and connected with your silver, gold and platinum cord you will visit. You may also be beamed up physically from your bed, sleeping or waking. It takes some preparation to beam up, but some are doing it.



就是在晚上睡覺前先 『請求』!

你可以請求 大天使麥克來帶路!


這不是 『星光體投射』.

當你躺下來睡覺時, 你進入了你的五維身體,

而且連線上你的 『銀\\白金線』


你也可能從床上被光束把你物質的拉走 ~~







I understand Ashtar and Sanada are in the etheric and can, when needed, materialize bodies. But what about the ships. Are these etheric
As well—and if so, can they then materialize when needed? And—this sound so silly, but it’s got me stumped—are there such things as technological updates- and if so,
Are they automatically incorporated into the ships which I assume have been around forever?

(Oh brother, I hope you don’t print this, it sound like Woody allen trying to contemplate the subtle.)

The Ships are Etheric in the Etheric realm and Physical in the Physical Realm. They are constantly evolving as they are sentient. They update automatically.

乙太飛船在乙太層, 而物質飛船在物質層.

祂們一直在變化中~~~因為祂們是有覺知的. 祂們會自動更新.




Here another question:

Could Ashtar talk about the Shakti and how it aids in our evolution and sources for it other than realized beings and avatars? How is the Shakti different from the coded energy coming from the sun at this time?

With love,

The Shakti is born within the Body when the individual is ready. There is a lot of misunderstanding thinking that some form of exercise must be done to activate it. It becomes activated from Source energy in bursts. It does not rise or fall according to One’s exercises. Receiving the light codes coming from the Great Central Sun is another aspect of Shakti Energy. They are not separate. As the individual Consciousness develops then more Shakti is imparted to the individual. The rate and flow is controlled by the individual and is determined by the rate they are raising their Consciousness. Increased Shakti allows for more wisdom and advanced gifts to be mastered.

Shakti 会产生在身~~~


















增加的Shakti 沙克蒂~~





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