
工作Part 2


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                                                                     Back On The Block--Beam Me Up



Doing the Work Part 2

做工作Part 2

Channeller: Suzanne Lie\   20140308




Beam Me Up




Because of the meeting with the Arcturian and our "dream" interpretations of that message, Jason and I began the process of changing our lives. First, instead of worrying about the “important work meetings” we missed, we took it as a divine message to remain in our simple lives. In fact, we began to cultivate the sunny area behind our small cabin, which had always been filled with weeds, and created a garden to grow our own produce.


由於與 '大角星人'的會面, 以及我們的夢對那訊息的解釋,

Jason和我開始了這改變我們人生的程序. 首先, 與其擔心

錯過 '我們重要的工作會議'. ~~~

我們把它視之為 '來自神聖的訊息'~~


事實上, 我們開始去耕耘我們小屋後面的有日照陽光的區域,

那裡總是長滿了雜草, ~~



We kept our self-employed jobs, which gave us time and energy to begin to hold small meetings in our cabin on once a month on Sunday afternoons. We started with a few friends, but soon our group grew so large that we had to rent a space at our local library.  Since, we loved doing the meetings in our home, we decided to have more meetings and keep them small.

我們持續我們個體戶\個人工作室的工作, 這給了我們時間和精力來舉行小會議在我們小屋中, 每個月一次, 在星期日下午. 我們首先與幾個朋友們開始, 可是很快, 我們的團體成長得如此巨大, 我們都得在當地圖書館租一個空間. 由於我們喜歡在我們家做會議, 我們決定多舉辦些會議並且保持是小型會議.


Meanwhile, our garden was so successful that we starting selling some of our produce at the local Farmer's Market. Also, we started selling some the myriad blankets, scarfs and small purses that I had crocheted, as well as some of the carvings that Jason had been making over many years.

同時間, 我們的花園是如此成功, 我們開始銷售我們的一些農作物在當地的 '農夫市場'. 同時, 我們開始銷售各種不同的毛毯, 圍巾

以及我自己織的小錢包, 以及 Jason多年來做的一些雕刻.


Soon we were surviving just fine because more and more the members of our small mountain community began to barter. We decided to charge a small amount, or barter, for the meetings that we held every week.  People paid us in money or something they had made or grown.

很快的, 我們生存得很好, 因為我們的小山社區的會員們開始以物易物的交換, 我們決定為我們每星期的會議收取少許費用或是做交換.



Our life had completely changed in just a few months. Just when we thought things could not be better we, Jason, I, and some of the members of our groups, began to have "sightings" of galactic scout ships.


就當我們認為事情不會再變得更好了的時候, 我們,

Jason, 和我, 開始看到銀河飛碟的巡邏飛機.

The ships did not land, but flew so low in our atmosphere that they were obviously NOT clouds. We spoke about these sightings in our meetings. In fact, we began and ended every meeting with an invitation for the galactics the join us in one of our meetings. That is when ‘it’ happened.

這飛船沒有降落, 但是飛得如此之低, 在我們空中, 祂們顯然不是雲. 我們在這些會議中討論這些 『見證』. 事實上, 我們開始並結束每一個會議 ~~透過邀請銀河人們參與我們的會議. 而這就是發生的事情.


Jason and I were relaxing in our living room. It was late at night, but we decided to go outside to see if there were any scout ships in the sky. It was brisk outside, so we grabbed our jackets and stepped out into the clearing of our garden to get a better view. It was an exceptionally clear night with a full Moon, and it looked like we could reach up and touch the stars.

Jason和我正在我們的客廳裡放鬆, 那時很晚了, 但是我們決定出去外面去看看是否天空中有任何巡邏艦. 外面有點涼,

所以我們抓了件外套, 走入了我們花園的空曠之處去看.

那是一個滿月的, 特別清楚的夜晚,




Just as we joined our hands in meditation and asked to be visited, a strange light filled that area of our yard. Then suddenly one of the “stars” started to move towards us. The “star” got bigger and bigger until we could clearly see that it was a scout ship.  We stood totally still clutching each other’s hand so whatever would happen we would face it together.

就當我們拉著手做冥想並請求祂們的拜訪時, 一道奇怪的光充滿了我們庭院的這區域. 然後突然一顆星星開始移向我們. 這星星變得越來越大, 直到我們可以清楚看見~~那是一艘巡邏艦. 我們完全挺直站立著, 抓緊彼此的手, 所以不論發生什麼事我們都可以一起對付.


We had no fear, but we did have the normal apprehension that one has when faced with a novel experience. We had had many “dream experiences,” but this time we were totally awake in our 3D bodies, which were freezing with apprehension even though we had on jackets. Suddenly, almost as if they realized our discomfort, we went from cold to warm. That was when the ship stopped directly over our heads.

我們沒有恐懼, 但是我們確實有正常的警覺度 ~~


我們已經有了許多夢中經驗, 但是這次我們是完全清醒的

在我們三維身體裡, 而且已經結冰在警覺之中, 即使我們身上穿著外套.

突然, 就像祂們了解了我們的不舒服一樣, 我們從冷變溫暖. ~~



Jason and I stood like stone statues not wanting to do anything to jinx this long-awaited moment. Were we about to consciously, and in our earth vessels, visit a starship. Of course, this was actually a scout ship, which was similar to a taxicab on Earth. As we stood very still awaiting another great adventure, a huge golden light began to slowly beam out from the bottom of the ship.

Jason和我像雕像一樣直直站立, 不願做任何事來搗亂這長久等待以來的時刻. 難道我們即將清醒的, 在我們的地球載具之中去拜訪一艘星船嗎?! 當然, 這其實是一艘巡邏艦, 祂與地球上的計程車是差不多的. 當我們直直站著等待另一個偉大的冒險時,


We were aware that the Pleiadians, as we could feel their presence, were putting this experience into slow motion to allow us the illusion of time to adapt to our first experience of being beamed into a starship. Jason and I looked at each other as if to say, “let’s do it,” and the beam of light instantly encircled us.

我們很清楚~~昴宿星人, 當我們可以感覺到祂們的出現時,

祂們是把這經驗放慢速度來給我們 '時間幻覺'


Jason和我看看彼此, 彷彿在說 『做吧!



As the beam of light encompassed us we felt a very strange sensation of being lifted up without any movement. We learned later that it was our frequency that was lifted up, as our earth vessels were simultaneously reduced to a cellular level. In other words, our consciousness was lifted out of our earth vessels so that our bodies could be stored as third-dimensional codes on Gaia’s 3D matrix.




我們後來了解 ~~那是我們的頻率被拉上去,

而同時我們地球的載具被降低到一個細胞層次. 換言之,




被儲藏在地球蓋亞的三維矩陣中 ~~



We later learned that we were being trained to maintain a presence on Gaia’s holographic expression while our 4D astral body simultaneously visited the Ship. We were to discover that most of the inhabitants of the galactic ships resonated to the fifth dimension and beyond, as did the ships. They were able to lower their frequency to be more perceivable to human vision, but they did not enjoy remaining at the frequency.

我們後來知道 ~~~

我們是被訓練來維持一個'存在形式' ~~





以及超越的地方, 飛船也一樣.

祂們有能力降低祂們的頻率來讓人類視線可以感應得到, 但是祂們並不喜歡停留在這頻率上.


Most of the ships we had seen had been scout ships.  These ships could more comfortably take on a lower frequency as their smaller size could more easily adapt to the density of the third/fourth dimension. Still, they preferred to only blink into the lower frequency, as that density felt to them much as it feels to earthlings to go to the bottom of the ocean.




仍然, 他們比較喜歡只是閃入較低頻率,




When the ships are “hiding in clouds” they can resonate to a higher fourth dimension and still be seen by some. Better yet, at night they can return to their fifth dimensional resonance and appear as a sparkling star. Jason and I had seen both “cloud ships,” ships hidden in clouds and “star ships,” ships looking like stars. But we did not understand the difference in their frequencies until we were within the light beam.



而且仍然可以被一些人看見. 比較好的是 ~~在晚上,



Jason和我都看過 '雲船', 躲在雲中的船,




Without the encumbrance of our dense earth vessel we found that we could somehow “read” and understand the innate messages within the light beam. Furthermore, we experienced the sensation of being released for all time. Thus, beaming up to the ship felt “instant” while we also gained more knowledge than we had in our entire lives.




除此之外, 我們經驗到

'從所有時間中解放出來' 的感覺. 因此,

'被光束帶上去'~~感覺起來'立即' ~~




We did not learn or hear this knowledge. It was as if certain latent codes in our consciousness were turned ON, and we suddenly realized what we had always known. Since we had already been guided to meld our multidimensional mind with our third dimensional brain, the information that we received could enter through our multidimensional mind and link to our physical brain.



某種特定的, 在我們覺知意識中的潛伏密碼~~~








Instantly, and simultaneously a lifetime later, we were aboard the scout ship. To us the scout ship seemed huge, but we had learned/remembered while in the light beam that star ships are bigger than most cities and Motherships are a big as many planets. I was just wondering if I would have a body on the scout ship when a form looking just like my human self manifested about my consciousness.

立即的, 而且在同一時間之內, 像一生那麼久, 我們已經進入了巡邏船. 對我們而言, 這巡邏船似乎很大,

但是我們已經學會, 而且記得 ~~

在光束之中, 星船比大部份的都市都大,

而母艦們是像許多顆行星一樣, 那麼的大.

我只是懷疑 ~~是否我有一個身體, 在巡邏船上~~~

當 一個形體, 看起來就像我的人形自我~~



I was quite surprised to realize that I could hear the thoughts of everyone in the room and knew somehow that Jason was having the same experience. That is the norm for most galactic societies,” we heard as Mytre came to greet us with a big smile.

我很驚訝的發現 ~~


而且不知怎的知道~~ Jason也正有著相同的經驗.


我們聽到 Mytre帶著一個大笑容來迎向我們.



Mytre,” Jason and I said at once. “You have taken us onto your ship,” Jason added.

Mytre,” Jason和我一起同時說. “

你把我們帶上了你的船,” Jason.

Yes, we knew that you were ready.”

是的, 我們知道你們已經準備好了.


Ready for what?” Jason and I both thought, forgetting that everyone in the ship heard our thoughts. We then heard all the members of the ship respond with their own answers that somehow blended in a manner that was perfectly understandable.

準備好了什麼?Jason 和我同時想,



那是一種混合的方式 ~~可是完全聽可以聽得懂.



When we are in such a small ship, we all commune as one being,” Mytre answered our unasked question. “You see this ship is not calibrated to time, so thoughts are not laid out in a line and separated into words, sentences and concepts. Free of time, all thoughts can flow into unity. Just as birds flying as a huge flock can understand the cry of every other bird, our thoughts are received and understood by all.




你們看~~這船沒有與 '時間' 協調對齊,


然後再分成字, 句子和概念.

沒有了時間, 所有的思想

可以流入 『合一』之中.





WOW,” was my intelligent response, which was followed by what I would have to call a “group smile.” There was no condescension to this response. In fact, Jason and I felt totally accepted and supported. We even felt comfortable, even familiar, as if we knew all these people.

WOW,” 是我的聰明反應 ~~然後得到了一個我用我稱之為 '集體的笑容'的笑容反應.

在這反應中沒有 '紆尊降貴'的屈就問題.

事實上, Jason和我感覺完全被接受而且被支持著.

我們甚至覺得舒服, 甚至有熟悉感,



You do know them all,” said Mytria as she came into our view. “You know them all through our consciousness. Since your consciousness is joined with ours, you know everyone we know, and we know everyone you know. Yes, your friends do know us, but most of them do not remember, yet, that they know us.” Mytria answered our thoughts.

你真的認識他們全部的人,Mytria ,



由於你們的覺知意識已經與我們的聯結在一起了, 所以你們認識了我們認識的每一個人, 而我們也認識了你們認識的每一個人 . 是的,



, 事實上他們真的認識我們. “



Before either Jason or I could ask any more questions, Mytria and Mytre simultaneously said, “Come, let us take on a tour of our Scout Ship.


Mytria and Mytre同時說,

, 讓我們參觀一下我們的巡邏艦. “




Dear Blog Friends,

As you may or may not know, I have been in involved in the huge process of transferring over twenty years of information over to my new site. Please check it out if you have not seen it. There is still a lot of fine-tuning and postings of the many new things we will be offering, but the major transition/transmutation is complete.






As you can imagine, going over 20 years of my life and seeing what I wanted to keep, what was no longer needed and what new things I wanted to create brought on a major initiation. I know that many of you are also reviewing your lives in some fashion. These “life-reviews” are brought on by the higher light that is now entering our multidimensional mind and transmuting our third-dimensional thinking.

正如你所想像的那樣,在20年我的生活,看到我想要的東西,以保持,什麼是不再需要以及我想有什麼新的東西來創建~~的一個主要發起。我知道,你們中許多人正種方式在審查你的生活。這些“生命的檢視”是由更高的光,現在是進入我們的多維思想之中, 並且會嬗變我們的第三維的思維的光所帶來的。

This higher light is entering not just our thinking, but also our physical bodies. We are changing what we eat, what we do, how we do it and, most important, why we do it. As our consciousness is expanding and the higher light is revealing ancient wounding that call to be healed, we are on a roller coaster ride of up into our higher SELF and down into our subconscious.


There are, in fact, two paths to ascension. One is the expansion of our consciousness so that we can perceive the higher expressions of reality. Once we can perceive these higher frequencies of reality, we can choose to live them. The other is to enter into the quantum portals of our cellular body and ancient memories. Furthermore, these two processes are simultaneously occurring. Therefore, as we ride the roller coaster of ascension we become aware of components of our self that we need to release.

還有, 揚升』~~其實路徑







因此,當我們乘坐揚升的 雲宵飛車時~~~



It is this awareness that brings on our initiation into our higher frequencies of SELF. As I look up the term “initiation” in the dictionary, it says, “1. action that makes something start  2. ceremony  3. introduction to something new” If we honor the something new with a ceremony of reverence towards our process, we can better understand that the Humpty Dumpty’s 3D egg has cracked. No, we still can’t put it back together again, but we can—and are—hatching into our true, Multidimensional SELF.

正是這種意識帶上來我們的啟發~~進入我們更高的頻率的我。正如我在字典中查到的 “initiation啟發”一詞,它說,“1。這一行動使事情開始2是個儀式。3. 開始學了一些新的東西“~~~如果我們尊敬一件新的事物~~用虔誠的儀式進,我們就可以更好地理解he Humpty Dumpty矮胖3D的蛋已經裂開了。不,我們仍然無法把它重新復原回去,但我們可以而且也正在被孵化成我們真正的『多維的我』之中

Thank you for your support during my few and far between postings. I am “back on the block” and ready to beam up to my SELF. Also, thank you so much for assisting me when I thought/feared I had lost so much of my site. Of course, I had to release that which I thought I had LOST before I FOUND my SELF again.




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    Rebecca Lin

    安琚樂月 生靈昇靈

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