關於 『超靈』
做工作Part 3
Doing the Work 3 - About Oversoul
Doing The Work Part 3
做工作Part 3
About Oversoul
關於 『超靈』
Channeller: Suzanne Lie\ 20140314
中文翻译: 林琚月20140316 http://blog.sina.com.cn/rebeccahjlin
As soon as we began to follow Mytria we blinked off the Ship and found ourselves in the living room of our house. We could remember being beamed up and our wonderful greeting, but as soon as we began to follow Mytria we arrived instead in our 3D house.
當我們開始跟隨 Mytria之後, 我們立刻從船上閃走, 並發現我們是在我們房子的客廳裡. 我們記得被光束帶上去, 以及我們在船上的美好的會面. 但是我們一開始跟隨 Mytria之後, 我們立刻到達了我們三維的房子裡.
OH, we felt so very lonely. Maybe we forgot what happened in the rest of the ship so that we could return to finish our mission on Earth. In fact, that is the thought that Sandy and I both had in our minds whenever we wondered why we had forgotten so much.
唉, 我們感覺得如此的孤獨. 也許我們忘記了其他在船上發生的事情, 所以我們可以回轉回來來完成我們在地球上的任務. 事實上, 這就是Sandy 和我心裡所想的, 每次當我們懷疑為何我們會忘記那麼多的事的時候.
Also, when we looked at the clock on the living room wall, we saw that it was just a few minutes after we had decided to go outside. Therefore, if our experience was an illusion it began not with the ship but when we first went outside to check the sky for scout ships. NO, we both proclaimed. The events we just experienced were NOT an illusion. They were real, but could they be in a different reality?
此外,當我們看著在客廳牆上的鐘,我們看到,它只是我們決定到外面去 的一個幾分鐘之後而已。所以,如果我們的經驗只是個幻覺 ~~~那它不是開始於飛船上, 而是當我們剛開始去外面檢查天空裡的偵察員船。 不,我們都宣稱 ~~我們經歷的事件不是一種錯覺。他們是真實的,但或許他們可能會是存在於一個不同的實相當中?
We did not know if we had switched realities. We also did not understand why we were returned before we went outside as opposed to returning us to where we first saw the ship. Either way, since we returned before we even went outside we had definitely “left time.” Sandy and I both decided that they planed our return in this manner to clearly show us that we could, and did, leave time.
我們不知道我們是否已轉換了實相。我們也不明白為什麼我們回到我們的地方, 在我們跑到外面之前,而不是,把我們回轉到我們第一次看到船的地方。無論是哪種方式,由於我們回到我們跑到外面之前, 所以我們絕對是“離開了 '時間'了。”Sandy 和我都確認~~他們以這種方式安排了我們的回轉, 以像向我們展示~~
我們可以,而且真的~~離開了 '時間'。
“Or else, we were hallucinating,” we both said at once.
We were just about to go to bed when we heard a many knocks at the door. We were wondering if that could be the Arcturian again, but then we heard several familiar voices. We rushed to the door and four of our neighborhood friends who shared our beliefs all starting talking at once about the scout ship they saw hovering over our house.
There went another night’s sleep, for we stayed up till dawn talking about our visit. It was actually very good, as our friends forced us to remember every detail while one of them wrote down everything we said. However, we still did not recover what happened when we followed Mytria. Finally, just before dawn, we all went into the kitchen to find what we could eat. After scavenging together a meal, our friends helped up clean up and went home.
一整個晚上的睡眠就這樣不見了,因為我們一直談論我們在巡邏艇上的拜訪直到天亮。這實際上是非常好的,因為我們的朋友們強迫我們去記得每一個細節,而其中一人記錄下我們說 的這一切。但是,我們仍然沒有從發生的事情中恢復過來~~當我們跟著Mytria走了之後那段。最後,在天亮之前,大家都走進廚房去找些可以吃的東西。隨便湊合著一起吃了飯之後,我們的朋友們幫著收拾完然後回家去了。
Sandy and I somehow found our way to our bed and collapsed on top of the covers. Sometime in early morning I felt Sandy cover us with a blanket, and we went back to sleep till noon. It is a good thing we did not take those “good jobs” we wanted, as now we would have gotten fired for sure.
Sandy和我終於找到我們的床而倒頭在床單上睡著. 在清晨的某個時候, 我感覺到 Sandy 拿棉被蓋住我們, 我們又直睡到中午. 真慶幸我們沒有接受我們想要的那些好工作, 因為到目前為止, 我們鐵定已經被開除了.
We decided to take the day off so that each of us could meditate about our experience write down any guidance that we received. We planned to have a wonderful, peaceful day, which even rained to make it extra cozy. We made a big fire in the fireplace and settled in for the day.
我們決定休息一天, 所以我們每個人都可以去做個別冥想, 並寫下我們所收到的任何指示. 我們計劃去享受一個美妙的, 和平的一天, 而且今天還下了雨變得更溫馨. 我們在壁爐裡點了一個大火, 然後安定在家裡.
However, there were more surprises in store for us. Once again we heard a knock on our door and whom did we see but Mytrian. Mytrian was wearing a very humanoid form of a rather short, 5 foot 4 inches, male. He had a full head of hair and wore a brown suit.
但是, 還有更多的驚訝在等著我們. 再一次, 我們又聽到了敲門聲, 而這次我們看到的是 Mytrian. (註: MYTRIA & MYTRIAN的合體) Mytrian穿著一件類人形式, 但只有五尺四吋的男體. 而且他有一頭濃密的頭髮並且穿著一身棕色的西裝.
With a bright smile he said, “How do you like my new body?”
帶著燦爛的笑容, 他說: “你們喜歡我的新身體嗎?”
We laughed, let Mytrian in the house and gave him a big hug.
我們笑了, 帶他進屋來, 並給了他一個大擁抱.
“I guess you are a male now?” asked Sandy with a big smile.
『我猜你現在是男的?』 Sandy帶著一個大的笑容問.
“I can become a woman if you like,” Mytrian responded.
『如果你喜歡的話, 我可以變成女人.” Mytrian回答.
“We are happy to see you in any form you chose,” said Sandy as she gave him another hug.
The three of us curled up in front of the fireplace and Sandy and I retold our story again. However, Mytrian’s explanations were very surprising. As soon as we finished our story Mytrian said,
我們三人捲曲在壁爐前, Sandy和我又重述了故事一遍. 但是 Mytrian的解釋是非常驚人的. 當我們說完時, Mytrian說,
"Well does this mean that you are ready now?" Everyone is waiting for you."
『 Well, 這是否代表了你們現在已經準備好了呢?』
Sandy and I looked at each other in confusion. Did we miss something?
Sandy和我在困惑中看看彼此. 我們是否那裡沒搞懂呢?
"Yes," said Mytrian responding to our thoughts. “It is all lined up for you to go into the core of Gaia to help recalibrate the Central and four Cornerstone Crystals. But, first we will make a stop off at the Oversoul.”
『是的』Mytrian 回應了我們的思想. “一切已經安排好了讓你們去進入蓋亞核心去協助協調對齊中央水晶與四個基柱水晶. 但是, 我們必須先在 『超靈Oversoul』處暫停一下.
"Wait," I said, "The Oversoul is in a much higher frequency than the core of the planet.
『等等』我說, “這『超靈Oversoul』是在一個比行星核心更高的頻率中.
"No, no," chided Mytrian. "The dimensions do not travel UP they travel IN. Our multidimensional reality is not like a road that takes time to travel from the beginning to the end.
『不, 不』 Mytrian指正說. “維度區們並不是往上擴張而是往 '內' 擴張. 我們的多維度實相並不像一條路那樣, 需要花時間從開始走到結束的.”
"The dimensional aspects of our SELF bloom from within our core, like a flower blooming on a tree. The outer edges of the flower are attached to the 3D hologram of physical Earth. That is why we look out to see our physical environment. On the other hand, we you meditate we look IN to find our higher dimensional guidance.
『我們 '本我' 的這維度層面~~是從我們核心往外盛放的, 就像一朵花在樹上盛放一樣. 花的邊緣連接著物質地球的三維全息影像. 這是為什麼我們是往外去看我們的物質環境. 而從另一方面, 當你我們冥想時, 我們是往內看去尋找我們更高的維度指引.
“To find the core of the planet, we must find the core of our SELF, which is within our Oversoul. Our Oversoul holds the signature frequency for our “Soul Stream,” as well as all the myriad rivulets that flow that our Soul. Earthly streams travel down, but the streams of our consciousness travel out into denser and denser expressions of reality.
『想要找到行星的核心, 我們必須先找到我們 '本我' 的核心, 那是在我們『超靈Oversoul』之中的. 我們的『超靈Oversoul』持有我們 '靈魂流' 中的頻率特徵. 地球流是往下, 但是我們的覺知意識流是往外流入更稠密更稠密的實相表達.
“Our seventh-dimensional Oversoul represents all the realities in which we held a form. Thus, our Oversoul maintains the patterns for the myriad versions of our signature frequency that are used to create each version of our Multidimensional SELF.
『我們第七維度的超靈代表了所有我們持有一個形式的實相. 然後, 我們的超靈維持了~~我!們許多版本的頻率特徵的模式 ~~那是用來創造我們每一個多維度本我的版本的.
“Our Oversoul than distributes the many patterns of our ONE signature frequency down through all the dimensions of reality. The sixth dimensional frequency is manifested as wavering light which dances from one possible form to another.
『我們的超靈然後會分派這許多 '我們合一頻率特徵'中的版本~~下到所有維度的實相中. 這第六維度頻率是顯化為 '閃爍的光'~~那會從一個可能性跳躍到另一個.
“In the fifth dimension our body takes more of a form, but it is made of translucent, crystalline light. In the fourth dimension our body is comprised of astral energies, and our third dimensional body is composed of matter.
『在第五維度, 我們的身體會穿上一個形式~~那比較是透明的, 水晶光. 在第四維度, 我們的身體是由星光體能量組成, 而我們第三維度的身體是由物質所組成的.
“From our Oversoul, we can choose whatever frequency of body we wish to wear so that our frequency of expression can hold the “login code” for an specific reality. Once our login code is calibrated to a specific reality, our form can enter that reality with the boding force of unconditional love.
『從我們的超靈, 我們可以選擇我們想穿的任何頻率的身體所以我們頻率的表達可以持有這特定實相的“login code登錄密碼”. 一但我們的“login code登錄密碼”被協調對準到一個
特定的實相, 我們的形式可以透過 '無條件的愛' 的身體製造能量以進入那實相.
“Since you, Sandy and Jason are within my Oversoul I have been chosen to assist you to return toour seventh-dimensional expression of Oversoul. Mytre and Mytria are waiting for us there. Our Arcturian SELF who resonates to the eighth through tenth dimension will over-light our experience.
『自從你們 Sandy and Jason進入了我們的超靈之後, 我被選擇來協助你們去回轉到我們第七維度的超靈的表達. Mytre and Mytria正在那裡等我們. 我們大角星人本我是共鳴到第八到第十維度的 ~~會光照我們的經驗.
“Are your ready NOW?” concluded Mytrian.
『你們 '當下'準備好了嗎?』Mytrian結論說.
Sandy and I looked at each other and said, “There is only NOW!”
Sandy和我看了一下彼此說: “只有 '當下' 而已!”
Little did we know the adventure we would have?
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