China cloning on an 'industrial scale'
Elizabeth Trutwin
about an hour ago ·201401150329pm
中文翻譯: 林琚月20131123
Cloned meat is nothing new. We have been doing it for decades. It does not have the same quality of the original. The body receives it as indigestible. Walmart carries cloned meat. We clone it here in the United States. Cloned Meat. Retained Waste Matter. Big Belly. Cancer. Lots of Cancer around, eh? Think about it. This is an Ascension issue. Knowing this, why would ANYONE EVER eat meat again? Do you KNOW where your meat comes from? Cloned Cows very common too. Didn't you know?
克隆肉是什麼新鮮事?! 我們已經做了幾十年了。它不具有原來相同的質量。
不是嗎?想想吧。這是一個 “揚升” 的問題。
BBC News Science & Environment
14 January 2014 Last updated at 00:35 GMT
David Shukman Article written by David Shukman Science editor
More from David
China cloning on an 'industrial scale'
You hear the squeals of the pigs long before reaching a set of long buildings set in rolling hills in southern China.
你到達了在中國南方, 坐落在連綿起伏的丘陵的, 一組很長的建築物, 不久你就聽到了豬的尖叫聲了。
Feeding time produces a frenzy as the animals strain against the railings around their pens. But this is no ordinary farm.
在餵食的時間裡, 動物們衝向他們周圍的圍欄欄杆而產生一個騷動。但是,這可絕對不是一間普通的農場。
Run by a fast-growing company called BGI, this facility has become the world's largest centre for the cloning of pigs.
The technology involved is not particularly novel - but what is new is the application of mass production.
涉及的技術是不是特別新穎的 –
但新鮮的是 ---大規模生產中的應用。
The first shed contains 90 animals in two long rows. They look perfectly normal, as one would expect, but each of them is carrying cloned embryos. Many are clones themselves.
This place produces an astonishing 500 cloned pigs a year: China is exploiting science on an industrial scale.
To my surprise, we're taken to see how the work is done. A room next to the pens serves as a surgery and a sow is under anaesthetic, lying on her back on an operating table. An oxygen mask is fitted over her snout and she's breathing steadily. Blue plastic bags cover her trotters.
出乎我的意料之外,我們被帶去看工作是如何完成的。一個房間旁邊的豬舍是作為手術室的地方 --- 此時一隻母豬已被下了麻醉在手術台上, 仰躺在她的背上, 氧氣面罩套在她的鼻子上. 她的呼吸平穩。藍色塑料袋蓋住她的豬蹄。
Two technicians have inserted a fibre-optic probe to locate the sow's uterus. A third retrieves a small test-tube from a fridge: these are the blastocysts, early stage embryos prepared in a lab. In a moment, they will be implanted.
兩個技師插入光纖探頭定位住母豬的子宮。第三個技師從冰箱拿出一個小試管, 說:這些都是囊胚,在實驗室製備的早期胚胎。在某一時刻,他們將被植入母豬。
The room is not air-conditioned; nor is it particularly clean. Flies buzz around the pig's head.
My first thought is that the operation is being conducted with an air of total routine. Even the presence of a foreign television crew seems to make little difference. The animal is comfortable but there's no sensitivity about how we might react, let alone what animal rights campaigners might make of it all.
I check the figures: the team can do two implantations a day. The success rate is about 70-80%.
Dusk is falling as we're shown into another shed where new-born piglets are lying close to their mothers to suckle. Heat lamps keep the room warm. Some of the animals are clones of clones. Most have been genetically modified.
黃昏正在到來,當我們被帶入到另一個工棚裡, 新出生的仔豬都躺在靠近他們的母親旁哺乳。熱燈保持房間溫暖。
The point of the work is to use pigs to test out new medicines. Because they are so similar genetically to humans, pigs can serve as useful "models". So modifying their genes to give them traits can aid that process.
One batch of particularly small pigs has had a growth gene removed - they stopped growing at the age of one. Others have had their DNA tinkered with to try to make them more susceptible to Alzheimer's.
一批特別小的豬已經有了生長的基因刪除 - 他們會停止生長到一歲時為止。其他豬的DNA被修改,
Back at the company headquarters, a line of technicians is hunched over microscopes. This is a BGI innovation: replacing expensive machines with people. It's called "handmade cloning" and is designed to make everything quicker and easier.
The scientist in charge, Dr Yutao Du, explains the technique in a way that leaves me reeling.
負責人,Dr Yutao Du(杜玉濤博士科學家?),
"We can do cloning on a very large scale," she tells me, "30-50 people together doing cloning so that we can make a cloning factory here."
A cloning factory - an incredible notion borrowed straight from science fiction. But here in Shenzhen, in what was an old shoe factory, this rising power is creating a new industry.
一所克隆工廠 –是一個令人難以置信的概念,直接從科幻小說借來的。但在這裡,在深圳,在這原來是個老鞋廠的工廠裡,這個崛起的大國正在創造一個新的行業。
The scale of ambition is staggering. BGI is not only the world's largest centre for cloning pigs - it's also the world's largest centre for gene sequencing.
這野心的規模是驚人的。BGI巴克萊國際投資管理不僅是世界上最大的克隆豬中心 - 這也是世界上最大的基因測序中心。
In neighbouring buildings, there are rows of gene sequencers - machines the size of fridges operating 24 hours a day crunching through the codes for life.
在相鄰的建築裡,還有一排排基因測序的 – 像冰箱大小的機器每天運轉24小時,做生命代碼的運算。
To illustrate the scale of this operation, Europe's largest gene sequencing centre is the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute near Cambridge. It has 30 machines. BGI has 156 and has even bought an American company that makes them.
為了說明這個操作的規模,歐洲最大的基因測序中心是在劍橋附近的威康信託基金會桑格研究所。它有30台機器。 BGI有156台,甚至還買了一個美國的公司來生產這機器。
BGI's chief executive, Wang Jun, tells me how they need the technology to develop ever faster and cheaper ways of reading genes.
Again, a comparison for scale: a recently-launched UK project seeks to sequence 10,000 human genomes. BGI has ambitions to sequence the genomes of a million people, a million animals and a million plants.
Wang Jun is keen to stress that all this work must be relevant to ordinary people through better healthcare or tastier food. The BGI canteen is used as a testbed for some of the products from the labs: everything from grouper twice the normal size, to pigs, to yoghurt.
王軍是熱衷於強調,所有這些工作都必須對普通人而言達到 ---更好的醫療服務,或更美味的食物。在華大基因食堂被用作為測試從實驗室來的一些產品的平台:
I ask Wang Jun how he chooses what to sequence. After the shock of hearing the phrase "cloning factory", out comes another bombshell:
"If it tastes good you should sequence it," he tells me. "You should know what's in the genes of that species."
Species that taste good is one criterion. Another he cites is that of industrial use - raising yields, for example, or benefits for healthcare.
他引用的是工業用的標準 –
"A third category is if it looks cute - anything that looks cute: panda, polar bear, penguin, you should really sequence it - it's like digitalising all the wonderful species," he explains.
“第三類是,如果它看起來很可愛 - 任何看起來可愛:大熊貓,北極熊,企鵝,你應該測序它 –
I wonder how he feels about acquiring such power to take control of nature but he immediately contradicts me.
"No, we're following Nature - there are lots of people dying from hunger and protein supply so we have to think about ways of dealing with that, for example exploring the potential of rice as a species," the BGI chief counters.
“不,我們跟隨自然 - 有很多人因為飢餓和蛋白質供給不足而死亡,所以我們不得不考慮處理這一方式,例如探索水稻的潛力作為一個物種”的華大基因首席反駁說。
China is on a trajectory that will see it emerging as a giant of science: it has a robotic rover on the Moon, it holds the honour of having the world's fastest supercomputer and BGI offers a glimpse of what industrial scale could bring to the future of biology.
中國是在一個軌道之上 --- 將會看到它正在成為一個科學巨人:它在月球上的機器人月球車,它擁有世界上最快的超級計算機的榮譽, 而且華大基因提供了產業規模生產可能帶來的生物學未來的一瞥。
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