()獅身人面: 認知理解20131027

The Sphinx speaks understanding


Channeler: Petra Margolis

Posted by Meindert Arends on October 28, 2013 at 7:27pm

中文翻译: 林琚月 20131029 http://blog.sina.com.cn/rebeccahjlin



We see your insatiable need for understanding of the many things that are happening within and outside of your reality and many of the explanations even though they feel so right are a bit off track as understanding the energies is something that is difficult for many.

我們看到你們對於了解許多正在發生的事情有著貪得無厭的需要--- 這些正發生在你實相內部和外部的事情--- 而許多這些解釋, 即使它們感覺起來是如此的正確, --- 其實都有點偏離了正軌--- 因為對許多人而言 ---



We would like to explain this a bit more as your human brain is trained to know and understand your reality as it is right now.

我們想要多解釋一點這部份 ~~




Let us give you an example, you are being taught from the moment you are born all that you know and understand. For example, you have learned that one plus one is two.

讓我給你一個例子你打出生就被教導所有你知道和理解的東西. 舉例而言, 你學過了1+1=2這事.


Your brain has learned this and much more and uses this to find ways to explain realities you have not learned about.

你的大腦學了這個, 以及許多其他, 並且




Any experience by the human is translated by the brain, and the brain is like a huge google engine trying to find the answer to anything it doesn’t know yet by going through the database and find answers.

所有人類的經驗都被大腦所翻譯, 這大腦就像一個巨大的搜尋引擎--- 試著在尋找所有它還不知道的對任何事情的答案 --- 透過搜查檔案資訊去找答案.


All that you have seen, have read and have experienced is part of that database.

所有你看過的, 讀過的, 經驗過的 ---



When something happens to you that is new and you have not seen or experienced before, the brain will go through that database and give you a multitude of possibilities with on top the one your brain thinks applies the most.



然後給你列一堆 可能性 ---



Remember the database contains all you have read, heard about, and maybe seen somewhere.

記住這這檔案資料庫裡的資訊是你全部讀過的, 聽說過的, 甚至在那裡看過的.


So when you see something within the spiritual reality all that is being included in trying to find an explanation for this new experience.

所以, 當你看到發生在靈性實相中的事時, 你所有努力去尋找答案的全部過程 --- 對這個新經驗的答案 ---



In this way any experience or description that you have read by others can be used by the brain to find the closest to what the brain thinks it is seeing or feeling or thinks is happening.

以這種方式, 任何你所閱讀過的別人的經驗或是描述就能夠被大腦用來找到最接近被大腦所認可的 --- 是它認為

它正看到的, 或是感覺到的, 或是認為正在發生的事.


This is why it is so important to have an open mind and to know that there is much more than what feels right to you.


如此的重要, 而且能去知道 ~~

還有許多事的存在 ~~



For many they will gravitate to certain explanations, certain experiences by others and they will see some other explanation and experiences as not true or not what they want to experience.

許多人, 他們會傾向於某些特定的解釋,

其他人的某些特定的經驗, 而且他們會看待其他某些解釋和經驗是不真實的, 或不是他們想要經驗的.


When we say the brain is like a big search engine, it also works like that and the most visited will be on top of the list.

當我們說~~大腦就像一個巨大的搜尋引擎 ---

它的運作方式確實就是如此, 而且最上面那個答案



While in reality something that is on the bottom of the list is really what is happening. The subject might be the same, the explanation might be completely different, but your brain will use what is on top of your list.

可是在實相當中, 往往在明細最底層的那一條 ~~~


項目可能一樣, 但是答案可能完全不同, ---



This is why we would like you to pay attention to all that is and can be an explanation and not discard anything just because at that moment it does not feel right or it is something that you really do not want to know or would like to forget as soon as possible as it makes you feel uncomfortable and maybe even causes fear.

這就是為什麼我們要你去關注所有全部可能的解釋’, 而不丟棄任何一個只因為在那時候 --- 它感覺起來不對’, 或者那是你真的不想要知道, 或者是你希望儘快的忘掉的答案 --- 因為它讓你不舒服, 甚至讓你害怕.


There are many questions out there and the answers you pick are the ones that feel good, make you feel good and in reality are the ones you like the most as it confirms sometimes something that you are really hoping for, or want to happen in certain ways.

外面現在有許多問題存在, 而你挑的答案通常是你感覺舒服, 讓你感覺良好, 但在真相 --- 你最喜歡的那些答案是因為 ~~它們肯定確認了在某時的你真正希望發生的某事, 或是想要它以某種你認可的方式來發生的某事.


When it is being said by some the world is really changing it might not seem to be changing on the outside but you can feel it within you, the reality is that whenever you feel something you will say this is the reason, you can feel it.

就像某人說過的 --- 世界是真的在改變當中~~~或許從外面看不太像, 可是你卻可以從你的內在感覺到這改變的事實 --- 事實是 ~~任何時候你說這就是答案的時候 --- 是因為你感覺到了’ --- 因為你可以感覺到此事.


Some are very interested in solar flares and have been told through many messages it is the higher light coming in. in reality solar flares contain all frequencies and they express themselves in colors.

有些人對太陽耀斑很感興趣, 而且也被許多訊息文告知 ---這就是更高光能的進入. 事實上, 太陽耀斑包含了所有的頻率, 而且它們還用顏色來表現自己.


This means the solar flares or photons coming in through the solar flares are of all type of low and high frequencies.




When you can see them spiritually you will notice that the higher frequency photons or energy light packets are staying more higher up in your reality and mostly the lower energy packets are the ones reaching you as humans.

當你可以從靈性角度看到它們, 你會注意到~~~

較高頻率的光子們或是能量包是停留在你們實相上面一點的地方, 大部份的低能量包才是這些達到人類身上的.


This is caused by the waves they admit; lower frequency packets have a lower or slower wave and are able to adjust to the slower frequency within your third dimension more easily than the faster waves.


低頻率包有一個較低或是較慢的波, 而且可以容易的

調適入你們第三維度之內, 超過這較快的波.


The faster waves are slowed down through the lower frequencies upon your earth.

What you are feeling is the photons hitting your physical body, they do not pass through or enter the physical body as the density of the physical body prevents this from happening.



它們不會穿透或是進入物質身體 ---



These photons or energy packets can pass through your energy bodies as they are less dense, but this is important to know, they pass through.

這光子或是能量包能穿透你的能量體因為它們不那麼稠密, 但這是重要的事 ~~要了解~~~它們會穿透.


Photons move in a forward direction, these photons or energy packets move in a forward directions, they can bounce of a dense object but will never go back where they came from.

光子們移動的方向是向前的, 這些光子或是能量包




This means with all the buildings, even trees and more, many of these packets will in reality be bounced into a different direction before they even hit your energy bodies.

這代表了所有的建築物, 甚至樹木和其他許多許多,




And even if they hit your energy bodies, they only pass through most of the time.

而即使它們撞入了你的能量體們, 它們也只是穿越而過而已. (不停留)


This in reality explains why you are feeling something happen during those solar flares, you feel the energy packets moving through you most of the time, some might actually stay within you, but many do not.

這在實際上說明了為何你在太陽耀斑期間感覺到有事發生, 你大部份時候感覺到這些能量包穿越而過,

有些可能真的停留在你來內, 但許多能量包不會.


()獅身人面: 認知理解20131027

So yes, you feel a lot happening within you, but it passes and you return back to normal or regular feeling state after they have passed.

所以, 是的, 你感覺到你的內在有許多事情發生,

但它又過去了, 而你回復到正常或是通常的感覺狀態



Whenever you cannot see all that is happening within the spiritual reality it is important to keep an open mind as the many explanations out there contradict each other in many ways and to just find yourself hanging on to one of them is not a knowing but another belief system that you have created for yourself.

任何時候當你無法看清全部正在發生在靈性世界的事情時~~~非常重要的是~~你要保持一個開放的心智 --- 因為外面的許多說法\解釋常常在許多方面互相相反, --- 而如果你把你自己吊死在他們其中之一的話 --- 這不是真知, ---而只是另一個 信念系統’ --- 你為自己創造出來的‘信念系統’.


It has also been discussed that you are not told everything, not really know what is going to happen as the many messages are divided on this as well.

曾經討論過 --- 你們並沒有被告知所有的事,




There is much that is happening in the so called dark and light, we have talked about this before and in reality no one really knows what is going to happen.






The future is very fluid and creation is taking place within every moment, but many of these creations are in balance, by this we mean, light and dark.



但許多這些‘創造’都是平衡的 ---

我們在這裡的意思是 ---



The focus on light is just as great as the focus on dark.




This means that changes are not happening very much on a human reality level, some of them are happening on an individual level.





The individual level however is more belief based creations instead of real change for the human.

而這個人層次上的改變 ~~都比較是信念改變” ---



Your beliefs are changing; this does not mean the reality is changing.

你們的信念在改變當中; 這不代表實相在改變.


You are able to understand more, but you base your understanding upon beliefs many times as well as you use your database search system in compliance with your beliefs.


但是你是把你的認知理解擺在信念之上, 而許多次, 就像你在使用你的資訊搜索系統一樣 --- (只是)與你的信念在相互確認而已.


What does the future hold?



Remembering, but remembering is in a way just as much about beliefs as well, you remember what you belief at this moment to be true.

回憶 ~~~

但是回憶就某方面而言也是一種信念’ –



Integrating, but you integrate according to what you belief and your belief is based on what you think is truth at this moment.




你所相信的真相\真理 在整合.


What is integration?



Integration would be becoming more you, but becoming more you is understanding the you from every perspective to integrate the all.




去認知理解你自己’ ~~


In reality this is not easy as the beliefs systems and we have spoken about this so many times prevent you from all that you can achieve many times.

事實上 --- 這件事很不容易 ---

因為你的信念系統 ~~

而就這件事我們已經討論許多了 ---

你的信念系統在很多時候 防止\擋下



(RL: 這才是佛法 放下的最重要定義,

也是 心經內容. )


Some would call it the ego, yet the ego is only the spokesperson for your beliefs. The ego is not the decision maker; it is only the translator for your mind and brain and even the heart at times.

有些人稱之為小我心智ego” ---


發言人而已! ---

這“小我心智ego”並不是決定者’! ---

而只是你的心智與大腦, 有時也包括你的心 --- 翻譯機而已.


This is not a popularity contest about who can give you the most wonderful explanation, as this is what you are in reality mostly hoping for within each message.

這並不是一種暢銷書或是最受歡迎度\人氣王的比賽 ~~~關於誰能夠給你最精彩的解釋?! ---




We are not here to delude ourselves or you.



Knowing and understanding are sometimes two different things. Knowing is more a feeling, understanding goes beyond the feelings and gives you a more complete truth at times if you can leave your belief system behind you.


“知道”比較是一種 感覺, “理解”超越“感覺而給你一種比較全面的真相\真理~~

在某些時候 --- 當你可以放下你的信念系統之時.


Energy workis different from just thinking and believing, it is based upon understanding and ability to work with the energies.

能量工作 ~~

思考相信’ --- 是不同的,

它是基於理解’, 以及 運作能量的能力!


Working with energies needs an ability to really see and understand the workings of each energy particle no matter how big or small.


需要一個真的 看得到以及 理解

每個能量包的運作方式的能力 ---




This brings us to dark matter, dark matter is something that cannot be explained but only understood if you can see it. Since it is dark matter it is more difficult to view than the normal energy particles.

這就讓我們談到了黑暗物質’ ---

‘黑暗物質’是某些無法被解釋的, 而只能被理解的東西 --- 如果你能看到它們的話.




The last subject we would like to speak about shortly is ascension in the many varieties it is presented to you.




There are many different forms that relate more to the earth reality than the spiritual reality. Within the spiritual reality we would call them transformations.

Ascension in the physical reality is a slow phenomenon that seems to take place, but many times is only a feeling of changes.

有許多種類的“揚升” ---- 是比較與地球實相有關的, 超過與靈性實相的關連.

靈性實相’中, 我們會稱(揚升)轉變”!


好像有在發生 --- 但許多時候 ---

只是一個 改變的感覺而已!


Ascension in the spiritual reality is a transformation and leads to more understanding, but this can only be accomplished through everything else we have spoken about in this message and more.




但這件事只能被達成 ~~~




We would love to explain this further as we can see many in need of more understanding, yet we are limited at this time by the understanding and beliefs that we see present and giving you another belief system is not our goal.

我們會很樂意再繼續闡述這點 ~~因為我們知道許多人需要更多這方面的理解, 但是我們在此時是受限於我們的認知理解系統以及信念系統那是我們在此談到的, --- 而給予大家另一個‘信念系統’那並不是我們的目標.


We are here to lead you to understand in your own way, we are not here to give you more beliefs.




From one source to another


October 27, 2013

Petra Margolis





RL: 欢迎大家转载, 但请勿删修任何文字, 特别是渠道名称与译者名称. 尊重作者, 译者与著作权! 请小心因果报应! 并请大家不要转载刨窃的作品, 不要成为帮凶并分担业障! 请大家协助保持灵学界的清净!

修行路上大家加油! 无限祝福!









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