(上)(重要)揚升之前的 ‘工作清單’
新時代的新法 ~~~手牽手重建新地球
--- 大天使塔特隆Lord Metatron 20130912
--- 透過Elizabeth Trutwin傳導
The New Age of Dharma ~ Rebuilding New Earth Hand In Hand A Message from Lord Metatron through Elizabeth Trutwin, September 12, 2013
Posted by beth on September 12, 2013 at 6:24pmView Blog
中文翻译: 林琚月 20130913 http://blog.sina.com.cn/rebeccahjlin
Greetings, this is Lord Metatron.
大家好, 這是大天使塔特隆Lord Metatron,
Exciting times we are in on Earth. All of our family have come back to join the party. There will be landings. When? It is always the question as excitement builds. Similar to when little children scan the sky for eight tiny reindeer. You should be excited. The Ships are there, they are often cloaked, they are there watching over you.
我們現在正處在地球上非常令人興奮的時期. 我們全部的家人們都回來參加這個派對.會有(外星飛碟)的降落.何時呢? 你們總是問這個問題~~~隨著人們興奮的情緒越來越高昂. 就像小朋友們搜尋著天空裡的(聖誕老人的)花鹿的蹤跡一樣. 你們確實應該要興奮!飛船們都在那裡, 它們穿著隱身衣, 而且它們正守護著你們.
Everything is set for the changes coming. I am here to tell you that you are what is holding everything up. You are balanced and mature enough to hear that now. There is more work to do.
每一件事都準備好了來讓 “改變們”發生. 所以我就是來告訴你 ---到底是什麼牽制住了 ‘大轉變’ 的立即發生.你們現在夠平衡也夠成熟來聽這個答案了. ~~還有一些需要做的事!
There are some prerequisites for every Soul on Earth to Ascend or become Enlightened. There are no short cuts. You may read this and brush it off and go back to monitoring youtube for new videos of UFOs or political news, but that is not going to get you there. When you scan the papers for news each day there are only about 25 players on the stage and they play out their roles and you watch and wait. That is not going to bring you Enlightenment.
在每一個靈魂揚升或是開悟之前, 有一些事前的要求是必須要完成的. 沒有捷徑!你可以在讀到這個時, 鄙視它, 不相信, 然後繼續回去youtube網路影片去尋找最新的UFO影片或是政治新聞, --- 但是這樣做無法讓你達到揚升的目的. 當你每天搜索報紙新聞時, 其實台面上總共只有25個玩家在台上了 --- 他們扮演他們的角色, 而你看著, 等待著. ---這樣做無法讓你達到開悟的目的.
You scan the blog rolls of self proclaimed know-it-alls who are most of the time making things up to fulfill your need to escape into the add tab, read, read, mode. That will not bring your Ascension. Why have you diminished your life to one activity? Why do you allow your seeming perceived loneliness, because no one you know believes in the things you do, as a reason to narrow your life so much? Have you been lately researching the Ascended Masters to see who you are the reincarnated form of? What is that obsession?
你們掃描那些自稱是 ‘萬事通’ 的博客文 --- 那些文章, 大部份時候, 都只是虛構來滿足你的 ‘逃避’ 需求 ~~~讓你走入廣告中, 一讀再讀的模式中而已. ---這無法帶給你 ‘揚升’.你為何把你的人生消減到只剩一個活動? 你為何讓你這 ‘看起來好像孤單的人生’ ---只因為沒有半個你認識的人如同你一樣相信這些事 --- 你就以此為藉口來把你的人生限制到如此窄的程度? ---你最近是否也在研究你是那位已揚升的大師轉世的呢? 這種失心瘋的執著是從何而來?
These are immortal Beings who take on a form at Will and I assure you they are not living Earth lives at this critical moment living an UnEnlightened life scanning the web. These Ones are very busy with the Master Plan and they are on the Ships and off the Ships and doing their part 24 hours a day. They are not on the radio or blogging or facebooking who they are the reincarnation of.
確實有永生不死的存有們存在, 而且他們可以任意穿上一個形體, ~~~而且我可以跟你們保證~~他們並不是在此地球的關鍵時刻來住在地球上, 過著一種 ‘不開悟’ 的生活, 而只是不斷的掃視著網絡.這些一們是非常忙碌的在處理 ‘大計劃’的事情上, 而且祂們是在飛船上與外面跑來跑去, 做祂們一天24小時的工作. 祂們可不是在收音機上或是部落格上, 或是在臉書上尋找祂們是誰的轉世.
If you cannot break away from these very small and limiting pursuits then you will be left behind when the landings come. When we have landings then there will be an upliftment of love on the Planet with an upliftment of Consciousness. Therefore, these nuns and grannies and grampas who are deeply religious but have nothing to do with being a Lightworker, will have awakenings and some will have instant Enlightenment. It will happen in an afternoon because for the last 40, 50, 60 years they have been doing the Inner work and these Universal Truths are taught in all religions.
假如你無法從這些非常小的, 有限度的追尋中解放出來,那你就會被拋在後面 ---當 ‘大降落’發生時.當‘大降落’發生時, 地球上會有一個 ‘愛’ 的提升, 以及同時會有一個 “覺知意識” 的提升.因此,這些修女\尼姑們, 爺爺\奶奶們 ~~~這些非常有宗教信仰,但是完全不知道什麼叫做 ‘光工’ 的人 ~~~他們會覺醒,而且有些人會立即開悟. ~~~這件事將在某個下午發生 ~~~因為在過去的40\50\60年來, 他們一直在做他們內在的工作~~~而且這些 ‘宇宙真理’在所有宗教裡都有教導.
The Universal Truths have been laid out for the Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, Christians, Jews, Sikhs, Confucius's Shinto's and on and on. The Universal Truth is out there and One must not be a “Lightworker” to have Enlightenment right away after the Ships land. It will be shocking for some Lightworkers to experience this. There are a lot of haughty Lightworkers out there who constantly turn away from their dharma. If you have some knowledge then you are responsible by your karma and your practice to follow your sworn duty. Are you not a part of the Ground Crew?
這些 ‘宇宙真理’在印度教, 回教, 佛教, 基督教, 猶太教, 錫克教, 儒學, 神道…等等等等都有教導.這些 ‘宇宙真理’到處都是, 而一個人並不需要是 ‘光工’才能在‘大降落’時立即經驗\體驗到 ‘開悟’.現在有許多傲慢的光工存在, ---他們距離他們的 ‘真法’ 越來越遠.假如你有一些知識的話, 那你就依照你的 ‘業因’與 ‘因果行為法則’~~而必須負起傳播法的責任~~~你矢志效忠的職責.難道你不是地面部隊的成員嗎?
What does ‘will be left behind’ mean? After the Event there will be many meaningful job openings as we work together to build a New Earth. The Light Cities will become uncloaked and will be open for business. There will be healings, pollution clean-up, new seed technologies, free energy and flying cars. Anything you can dream we can and will do. These will be exciting jobs doing what you have always dreamed you wanted to do on Earth.
什麼叫做 ‘你就會被拋在後面?’ ---
在‘the Event大事件’發生之後,將會有許多有意義的工作需要人才來做 ~~~當我們工作在一起來建立 ‘新地球’ 之時.
將會有‘療癒’工作, 有‘污染處理’工作, 有‘新的種子科技’工作, 有‘自由能源’以及‘會飛行的車’等工作.
任何你能夢想得到的, 我們能夠而且會做. 這些將會是非常令人興奮的工作 ~~~你們將會做你們一直夢想可以做的事 ~~~在地球之上.
Those invited to fill the new jobs will have done the Inner work necessary to Serve Humankind this way. No insecure, unable to handle challenges, self-involved individuals need apply.
那些會被邀請來做這些新工作的人將會是已經做好了 ‘必需做好的內在的工作’的人~~~
有 ‘不安全感’, 沒有能力去面對挑戰, 自我中心\自艾自憐的人---請不用來申請這些工作.
These Ones still playing with their phones while pretending to talk to others, self-centered and scanning for news will be perceived as less mature, as a teenager of sorts. They will be offered jobs in food service or delivering papers. You get the idea.
這些仍然在玩手機的~~~當他們假裝在與別人說話時, 自我中心,然後一直在流覽新聞的 ---會被認為是 ‘不夠成熟’,就像個青少年一樣. (RL註:現在有不少很成熟的青少年特別是綻藍, 但是很多很不成熟的 ‘大人’.)
這些不成熟的人 --- 將會被提供在飲食業服務, 或是送報紙. ---你們明白我在說什麼.
(下)(重要)揚升之前的 ‘工作清單’
新時代的新法 ~~~手牽手重建新地球
--- 大天使塔特隆Lord Metatron 20130912
--- 透過Elizabeth Trutwin傳導
What you are dreaming of for your life on New Earth will not be immediately handed to you if you do not do the Inner work first. There is time. That is why I came to share this message today.
你對你在新地球的人生的夢想將不會立即送給你 ---假如你不 ‘先’做好 ‘內在的工作’的話.
現在還有時間. 這是為什麼我今天來分享這訊息的原因!
Where to begin. Meditation. Meditation is not a religion or science. It simply means quieting the mind. Being in Silence. Cutting off the ego’s chatter. Silence. Connecting with nature and the cosmos.
要從那裡開始呢? ~~~冥想!
它只是代表靜下心來. 存在於寂靜之中. 關上你小我自尊心的喋喋不休. 安靜下來.
Remembering you are but a part of the Whole. In the web which makes up All That is, you are only a small part and everything you do effects the Whole. Your lack of fulfilling your Duty effects the Whole. Your refusal to acknowledge your Highest Self by finding the Silence at least once a day is the reason we have not had landings yet. You as a Group are not ready. Will it happen before year end? That is entirely up to you - and you and you and you working together on this.
記得你只是全部的一個部份. 在整個組成 ‘萬有所是’的網絡中, 你只是很小的一個部份, 而且你做的每件事都影響全局. 你對自己職責的怠忽影響了全部的人.
你拒絕來承認你的最高高我的存在 ~~~透過一天至少一次的 ‘靜心’活動 ---是我們至今還沒有 ‘大降落’ 的原因. 你們作為一個團體 ---還沒準備好.
---在年底之前 ‘大降落’會不會發生呢?
這完全要看你們 ---以及你們以及你和你 ~~~
Why do you think Ashtar, the Supreme Commander of the Galactic Federation says: ‘No Dates, No Nukes, No Flukes’. He does not wish to discourage your valiant efforts by saying, the date is all up to you and the effort you put in to waking yourself up! His next in Command is Lord Sananda who has incarnated seven times on Earth teaching the Universal Truths!
“沒有日期, 沒有核彈, 沒有寄生蟲\吸血蟲.”
他並不希望讓你們洩氣在你們英勇的努力上, 而告訴你們, ~~~日期要全看你們, 以及你們在覺醒自己之路上所付出的代價!
他之下的總司令是耶穌撒南達 ~~
Following daily meditation the most important thing anyone can do is live their Dharma.
跟隨你每日的冥想之外, 任何人能夠做到的
‘最重要的事’ ~~就是‘活出他們的’法’!!!
(RL註: 就是淨空法師一直說的
“以身作則, 行為示範”!!!)
Living a life of duty will give the strength from any confusion, from any doubt. When you devote your life to the Service of others then you no longer seek seek seek outside of yourself for signs of the Event. You are too busy helping others. You are too busy being Happy in Your Heart to care about that stuff. You go about your day happy and fulfilled helping the Planet Ascend and having such deep Inner Peace that you know it will be wonderful, but you do not contemplate it. You just fall into bed at the end of the day with a smile on your face at how wonderful the precious Day on Earth was.
過上一個盡責的人生 ~~~能夠在困惑與懷疑之中給你力量!
當你奉獻你的人生去為他人服務時,你就不會一直在你自身之外不斷的找, 找, 找, 尋找 ‘the Event大事件’發生的徵兆了.因為你會忙著幫助別人.你會在自心之中太快樂而不再關心那些事. 你會繼續過著你快樂又充實的每天, 協助這個地球行星的揚升而擁有如此深刻得內在和平 ~~~所以你知道如果 ‘the Event大事件’發生了會很棒, 但你不再思考這件事. 你只會每晚帶著微笑入夢, 而高興在地球上這珍貴的每天是如此的美妙!
You have to be very truthful. Self-assessment and honesty are very important.
At the end of the day, reflect upon how well you have done. Ask yourself: What is my True Light? True Self? What can I do better? This is part of growing up.
你必須非常誠實\真誠. 自我反省\反思和誠實是非常的重要!在每天結束之前, 反省一下自己做得多好. 問問自己:
If you are facing challenges and you are not daily Self-Assessing what needs changing then it is time to grow up. Wake Up. How do you expect to reach Mastery with a selfish attitude?
如果你正面對著一些挑戰, 可是你沒在自我反思~~~需要做什麼改變?
醒過來吧! 帶著一個自私的態度,
If a crisis shows up in your life, you have not done your homework. It means you have not gathered the knowledge you need to handle life crisis. Masters do not have Crisis. They do not see anything as being a Crisis.
假如有一個危機出現在你人生之中, 而你沒有做好你的功課.那代表了你沒在 ‘收集你需要的知識來處理人生危機’.--- 大師們不會有 ‘危機’! 他們不會把任何事情當做是危機!
Daily meditation. Live Your Dharma. Little mind has to die. Little mind has to dissolve. That is number three on this short important Immediate To Do List. The Ego must once and for all be completely dissolved. You may think you are following the Path of Truth, but maybe you are not. Your little mind may be taking you down the Path, but you are not. So One has to be careful. I predestined You Before The World Began to DO My Service. Come HIGHER!
做每天的冥想! 活出你的法!
小心智\小鼻子\小眼睛~~必須拆除消溶! ---
這是我們這張簡短的 “必須執行清單工作項目”的第三項工作!
“膨脹的小我自尊心”必須完全的, 一次性的,
---你或許認為你在跟隨 ‘真理的道路’ ---但是或許你不是!?你的小心眼\小度量\小遠見或許帶著你走上了 ‘真理的道路’ ---但是---你的人沒跟上來!!! ---所以每個人都必須小心!
我, 在這‘世界’ ‘開始’ ‘做我的服務’ 之前 ---
(RL註—Lord Matraton是所有有形世界藍圖的持有者. 所以幾次地球在遠古歷史中被核彈炸毀, 都是倚仗祂手中藍圖拼湊回來的. 所以祂是 ‘造物’ 的總工程師.
祂知道我們眼前是塊什麼料? 進步多少?
以目前進度能達到什麼境界? ---祂瞭若指掌. 不是開玩笑!)
Take in theses Truths. Those grannies who love their God in whatever religion, Serve everyday right in their homes Being Love. They cook. They offer advice. They do the simple things simply. They meditate daily - it matters not if they have religion or what they believe in but those grannies go into the Silence daily. They unfailingly Self-Assess and Self-Correct and have made a commitment to be their Best every single day of the Earth walk. They do not think of themselves as Lightworkers and do not contemplate UFOs. They have done the Inner work.
仔細思考這些真理!那些在所有宗教中 ~~~熱愛著她\他的上帝的老爺爺\奶奶們,他們每天在他們家中都在做服務, 以行為展示愛! 他們煮飯, 他們提供建議. 他們簡單的處理所有簡單的事. (RL註: 他們不簡單複雜化任何事.)
他們每天都做冥想--- 不論他們屬於的是任何教派, 或是信仰什麼, 但這些老爺爺\奶奶們每天都冥思在寂靜當中. 他們從不例外的 ~~ 自我檢討, 自我改進, 而且下定決心在地球上活著的每天都要表現出最好的行為.他們不認為自己是光工, 也不想外星飛碟UFO. 他們已經做了自己內在的工作.
(RL註: 當一個人以絕對的信心對待神佛上帝天使, 而且日日自我反省, 表現出自己最好的一面, 做出自己能做的最大貢獻~~這就給足了自己高我最大的面子. ~~他當然有連接上了高我, 也因此連接上了上帝與所有神佛天使. )
They will Ascend. Will YOU? This is Metatron through Elizabeth Trutwin, September 12, 2013. © All rights reserved. http://ElizabethTrutwin.org
他們將會揚升. 你會嗎?
這是Metatron 透過Elizabeth Trutwin傳導, 20130912.
Read more: http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/profiles/blogs/the-new-age-of-dharma-rebuilding-new-earth-hand-in-hand-a-message#ixzz2ehcLtAEu
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RL注: 欢迎大家转载, 但请勿删修任何文字, 特别是渠道名称与译者名称. 尊重作者, 译者与著作权! 请小心因果报应! 并请大家不要转载刨窃的作品, 不要成为帮凶并分担业障! 请大家协助保持灵学界的清净!
修行路上大家加油! 无限祝福!