

回歸揚升中的地球: 那是夢嗎?

Back On Ascending Earth Was That a Dream?



Back On Ascending Earth




Channeller: Suzanne Lie\   20130910

中文翻译: 林琚月2030913


Was That a Dream?那是夢嗎?




I had the most unusual dream last night. I was in this room with beings from many galactic nations. Most important, Mytria and Mytre were there. I was so excited to see them that I ran over to them to try to get their attention. However, no matter what I did they did not seem to know that I was there. 

我昨晚做了一個最不尋常的夢. 我在一個房間裡與來自許多銀河國家的存有們在一起. 最重要的是~~~ Mytria and Mytre也在那裡. 看到他們我好興奮, 我跑過去要引起他們的注意, 但是, 不論我怎麼做, 他們都好像沒看到我在那裡.


At first my feelings were hurt. When they walked right through me I realized that we were resonating to very different frequencies. The room was filled with many galactic beings all communicating with each other at the same time. They seemed to be able to understand what everyone was saying with their minds.

剛開始, 我感覺有點受傷, 當他們直接穿過我走過去時, 我明白了我們正共鳴在非常不同的頻率中. 這房間充滿了許多銀河存有, 而且全都同時與彼此在溝通. 他們好像能夠理解每個人用心靈在說的話.


I could not understand anything and soon became overwhelmed by the intense, higher frequency energy field. Then the picture began to dim from my perceptions, and then, the room disappeared in a beaming white light. Just before I awoke, I saw a building that is close to our small airport and heard the words "twelfth floor."

我無法理解任何事情, 而且很快就被這非常強烈的更高頻率能場所淹沒. 然後這景象開始變得暗淡 ~~~從我的感應當中, 然後, 這房間消失在一陣閃亮的白光中. 在我醒來之前, 我看到一棟建築物是接近我們的小機場的, 而且聽到 ‘12這句話.



As soon as I awoke, I tried to wake up Jason. Yes, we are living together now. Once Mytria, then Mytre, left we were too lonely to live alone. Besides, we were usually sleeping together in one place or another, so we found a cute cabin just out of town and moved in together. To continue my story, just as I tried to wake Jason again he sat up and said, "I just had the most amazing dream."

當我醒來時, 我試著叫醒Jason. 是的, 我們現在住在一起了. 自從Mytria先離開, 然後Mytre離開, 我們覺得單獨住太孤單了, 此外, 我們通常都一起睡在這或那裡, 所以我們找到了一間可愛的小木屋, 就在城外, 然後一起搬進來住. ~~現在繼續我們現在的故事 ~~當我再次試著去叫醒Jason, 他坐了起來, 我剛做了一個最不可思議的夢.”


"I was in this room that had waterfalls, deserts, beaches, mountains and all kinds of nature on the walls. However, all the pictures were real and I could walk into them and experience the scene, like the holographic world you and I have been talking about. Then the room went suddenly blank and..."

我在一個四面牆壁上有瀑布, 沙漠, 海灘, 山巒以及各種大自然狀態的房間裡, 但是所有的照片都是真實的, 我可以走進去經驗這些美景, 就像個全息影像世界 ~~你跟我提到過的那種. 然後突然間這房間變空白, 而且…”


"You saw Mytre and Mytria," I interrupted.

你看到Mytre and Mytria,"我打岔說.

"Yes," Jason replied. "Did you see the building by the airport too?"

是的,” Jason回答. “你也有看到在機場那附近的建築物嗎?”

"Yes," I replied in an excited voice. "There really is a building there, isn't there?"

是的,” 我興奮的說. “確實有一棟建築物在那裡, 不是嗎?”

"Yes," I answered. "Let’s go look at it now."

是的,”我回答. “我們現在過去看看.”

"Great." was his response.

, .” 他回答.

We were out of bed, dressed and in the car in less than thirty minutes. We got in our car and took off to the airport. It was still early, so there were only a few cars in the parking lot when we got there. The building was quite modern, but the aerospace company that built it went bust years ago. Since then different companies had rented out sections of the building, but it had fallen into disrepair for lack of funds.

我們起床, 在不到三十分鐘的時間內穿好衣服上車. 我們上了車出發去機場. 時間還早, 所以我們到達時只有幾輛車在停車場. 這棟建築物很現代化, 但當初建它的航空公司十年前破產了. 從那時開始, 不同的公司們承租過部份的層樓, 但由於基金缺乏, 所以這棟建築物已經缺乏維護很久了.


"Did you hear the words 'twelfth floor?'" asked Jason when we arrived at the building. "It doesn’t look like it is that high."

你有聽到 “12這話嗎?” Jason, 當我們到達這棟建築物時. “它看起來沒那麼高.”


I agreed. I could doubt that I got the floor wrong, but both of us getting the wrong floor seemed unlikely. Since Mytria and Mytre left we had been having meetings with a few friends with whom we could share our real experiences and had been practicing expanding our consciousness to regain our higher perceptions. Perhaps, that was the answer.

我同意. 我本會懷疑是我聽錯樓層, 但是我們兩人都聽錯不太可能. 自從Mytria and Mytre離開之後, 我們有與一些朋友聚會, 分享我們真的經驗, 而且一直練習擴大我們的覺知意識來重新獲得我們更高的覺知理解力. 或許, 那是個答案.


We both got out of the parked car and walked to the building. When we entered, a sleeping man at the reception desk jumped up and said, "Most of the offices are closed. There are only a few people working now. Who are you looking for?

我們都一起走出車子, 走向這建築物. 當我們進入之後, 接待櫃台有個睡眼惺忪的人看到我們跳起來問: “大部份的辦公室都是關閉的. 只有一些人在這裡上班. 請問你們要找誰?


"We have a meeting on the twelfth floor," Jason said.

我們在12樓有個會議,” Jason.

"What," the sleepy receptionist said. "There are only ten floors on this building. You must have gotten the floor wrong. Who do you want to meet with?"

什麼,”這一臉睡意的接待人員說. “這裡只有10. 你們一定是把樓層搞錯了. 你們要去見誰?”


"Isn't there an international travel company on the twelfth floor?" Jason bluffed.

12樓不是有間國際旅行社?” Jason故意吹牛.


"No, no," replied the receptionist, "but there are several on the tenth floor." He pointed to his left and said, "You can check out the registry by the elevators."

沒有沒有!”接待員說, “但在10樓有幾間國際旅行社.” 他指向他的左邊說你們可以查一下電梯旁的公司指南.”


We thanked the receptionist and went to read the registry. I was thinking that maybe we were wrong about the floor number when Jason said, "I know that I heard the twelfth floor." We did that a lot now, shared thoughts or responded to what the other one did not say. We had become very close, and even though we often disagreed, we always talked it through (eventually) and got back to our deep friendship.

我們謝過這接待員, 走過去讀這指南. 我正想著或許我們真把樓層給搞錯了, 這時Jason, “我知道我聽到的是12.”---我們倆個現在常常這樣 ~~有共同的想法, 或是對對方沒說出口的話做出反應. 我們已經變得很親密, 而且即使我們常有不同的意見, 我們總是能夠在最後把話討論清楚, 然後恢復我們深度的友誼之中.


My thoughts were interrupted by Jason saying, "Let's try this room. It is called M&M Travel," he said with a smile. We got in the elevator laughing at the cue of M&M--Mytre and Mytria--and pushed the button for the tenth floor.

我的思想被Jason的話打斷, “讓我們試試這個房間. 這間叫做M&M旅行社,”他笑著說. 我們笑著走進電梯裡 ~ M&M--Mytre and Mytria—然後按了10.


As I have said, the building was a bit in disrepair, but we had expected that the modern looking elevator would work. However, it seemed to move up in bits and spurts, then suddenly went very fast. When the elevator stopped and the door opened I said, "I am taking the stairs down. I don't care how many floors there are."

就如同我說的, 這建築物需要整修, 但我們期望這看起來很現代化的電梯能夠運作良好, 但是, 它往上走走停停了一下下就又突然快跑起來. 當電梯停時, 門打開了, 我說, “我等一下要走樓梯下去. 我不管這裡有幾樓.”


Jason agreed with a weary smile that revealed that he did not like the elevator ride much ether.

Jason同意的笑了一下, 帶點憂慮, 顯然他也同樣不喜歡這電梯.


Fortunately, M&M Travel was down the hallway a few doors. We stopped in front of the door and agreed that we were both unusually nervous. Jason protectively opened the door and peered into the office before he took my hand and we walked in. The office appeared worse for the wear, as did much of the building. There were uncomfortable chairs lining three of the walls with small tables in front of them scattered with old magazines and brochures.

幸好, M&M旅行社只是走道下幾個門而已. 我們停在門口, 而且互相同意我們都超乎尋常的緊張. Jason防衛性的開了門, 瞥見辦公室裡, 然後拉著我的手走進去. 這辦公室就跟這建築物其他部份的破敗現象一樣, 年久失修. 靠牆邊有三面不舒服的椅子擺著, 椅子前各有一張小桌子, 上面零亂的放著一些老雜誌與說明書.


The rug looked old and worn and the pictures of destinations on the walls were faded. How could this place be the entryway into the room of our dreams, we said together. We smiled when we realized had read each other’s thoughts. Directly across from the door was a wall with a window into the reception area. We noticed that there were also closed doors on each of the sidewalls, likely leading to inner offices.

地毯看起來又舊又破, 而牆上的旅遊景點照片也退色了. 這地方怎麼可能是進入我們夢中那房間的入口呢? ---我們同時說. 我們相對笑了 ~~~當我們讀出了對方的思想時. 而直接在門的對面是一道牆壁, 有一個窗戶通往一個接待區. 我們注意到在每個分隔牆壁上也都有關上的門, 好像是連到內部的辦公室去.


I looked at Jason as he said, "This place looks more like..."

我看了一下Jason~~當他說, “這地方看起來像是..”

"A doctor's office," I finished.


We both smiled as we finished each other's sentence again. Our moment was broken when we heard,

"Can I help you?" coming from the reception area.

我們兩個人都笑了, 當我們再次接下彼此的話時. 我們的時刻被打破, 當我們突然聽到有人說, “我可以為你們服務嗎?” 有人在接待區說.


Without thinking we both muttered something about being in the wrong room and left. We closed the door behind us, ran down the ten floors, walked straight through the lobby and out the door. We got into our car and drove from the parking lot without saying a word. Jason instinctively drove to a nearby meadow where we often went for picnics and to meditate or reflect.

不用思考, 我們兩人同時說走錯路了’, 然後離開. 我們關上了身後的門, 跑下十樓去, 直接走出大廳, 走出門去. 我們上了車, 然後一句話也沒說的開出停車場. Jason直覺的開到附近的草地, 那是我們常去野餐和冥想或只是做反思的地方.


Still without talking we walked to a fallen log that often served as our chair and said at once, “Something is very wrong there.” We then had a good laugh because we said the same sentence again. The laughing calmed us now, and we took a few minutes to meditate and regain our center.

仍然沒有說話, 我們走到一根倒下來的木頭 ~~那是我們當椅子坐的地方, 然後同時說: “這裡面有些非常不對頭.” 然後我們又大笑了, 因為我們又再次同時說同一句話. 這笑聲讓我們冷靜下來, 然後我們花幾分鐘做了個冥想, 並重新穩住自己.


When we opened our eyes, we pondered why we both felt the urgent need to leave that building. It was definitely the building in our dreams, and the twelfth floor was obviously at a higher frequency as the building only had ten floors. The room we saw in our dreams was of the highest frequency that we had ever experienced.

當我們打開眼睛, 我們思考了一下為何我們都感覺到一股快速離開那建築物的衝動? 這建築物絕對是我們夢中那棟, 而第12樓顯然是在一個更高頻率因為這建築物只有十樓. 而我們夢中的房間顯然是在我們所曾經驗過的最高頻率之中.


Thus, we had to wonder why the rest of building resonated to such a low frequency? Also, why would they choose to have an inter-galactic landing area so close to such a dense building? The questions hung in our minds without an inner answer. We were just thinking how much we wished we could ask Mytre and Mytria for assistance, when they instantly came into our joint consciousness.

因此, 我們不得不思索為何其他的建築物部份是共鳴在如此低的頻率之中? 而且, 他們為何會選擇把一個國際銀河降落區 放在靠近如此稠密的一棟建築物? 這問題掛在心上而沒有一個內在的答案. 我們思索著多麼希望能跟Mytre and Mytria請求協助 ~~~就在此時, 他們立即出現在我們聯合的覺知意識之中.


They appeared in our mind’s eye as their combined Divine Complement and said with one voice, “We are happy to commune with you again. We are sure you realize that we were among the members of the room on the twelfth floor.”

他們出現在我們的心之影像中 ~~以一個聯合的神聖的另一半之合一形象出現, 而且用同一個聲音說 : “我們很高興再次與你們溝通. 我們確定你們知道我們就在12樓那會議人員之中.”


We both nodded yes.


“We had no awareness of the density of the physical structure in the lower frequencies of that building. However, we have observed your experience today and wish to assist you in finding your answer. Both of you have come far in your ascension process. Thus, we will assist you in a similar manner in which the Arcturian assisted us, by asking you a question to which you must find the answer.”

我們沒注意到那建築物的底層的物質稠密度. 但是我們有觀察到你們今天的經驗, 我們也希望協助你們找到這個答案. 你們兩人在你們揚升的程序上都走了很遠的路, 因此, 我們會用大角星人協助我們的方式來協助你們 ~~~我們要問你們一個問題~~~而你們必須找到這問題的答案.”


We both had a feeling that they would do that. It was time for us to own our ascending nature and release the illusion that assistance comes from beyond our own being.

我們兩人都有種感覺 ~~他們就是會這樣做.現在是時候讓我們自己來擁有我們揚升中的天性’, 並且釋放掉協助會來自我們自己以外的存有‘的幻覺.



“Yes,” replied Mytria/Mytre. “You are ready to find the answer to that question within your SELF. Of course we will remain ever-present if you need us.”

是的,” Mytria/Mytre的合一體說. 你們已經準備好了來尋找那問題的答案 ~~在你們的 ‘本我’ 之中. 當然我們會一直都在你們左右假如你們需要我們的話.”


“It looks as though we have a mystery to solve,” Jason said with eagerness in his voice.



I smiled and nodded in response.


Posted by Sue at 4:21 PM 4 comments: 


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    安琚樂月 生靈昇靈

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