()大角星人  ‘地球扬升’ 指导: 8-11-13


                                      The Opened Corridor




Channeller: Suzanne Lie\   20130811


中文翻译: 林琚月2030814




Your DNA Remembers



We are the Arcturians speaking with you in the NOW. You are aware that you are in the midst of our Arcturian Corridor, which has been opened wide by the astrological/astronomical portal that opened July 29 and closes when a similar configuration is repeated on August 25. During this earth time there is a frequency of light, which is focused directly into the core of the planet and the bone marrow of your body.

我們是大角星人當下的時間裡與大家說話. 你們明白 ~~~ 你們正處在我們大角星人通道之中 ~~~ 我們的通道現在被20130729被天文星系能量打開的星門而整個大大的敞開著, 而在20130825日類似的天文星際能量重復發生時, 會被關上.--- 所以在此段地球時間之中 ~~~ 有一個光的頻率直接的對準了地球的核心, 也同時對準了你身體裡的骨髓.


Of course opening and closing are third dimensional terms, as our portals are always open. The correct, multidimensional manner to say this is that the intense energy fields as of July 29 highlight the portal. These energy fields will be active until August 25. At that time, the energies will slowly disperse. Our Corridor will still, infinitely be awaiting your entry, but the "doorway" will not be quite as obvious.

當然, 這所謂的打開關上只是第三維度的說法 ---因為我們的通道是永遠打開的. 正確的, 多維度的說法 ~~~ 20130729日的劇烈能量場聚光點亮了這星門. 而這些能量場會持續保持活躍直到20130825.在那時, 這些能量就會逐漸消散開來. 我們的通道仍然會, 永遠的, 等待著你們的進入, 只是這門路不會那麼清楚罷了.


The incoming energy fields are focused into the core of the planet and your personal bone marrow because this light holds great transmutational abilities. As you know, transmutation begins from your core and expands into your form, then into your hologram.Those of you, who can accept this transmutation, as Earth is still a free will planet, will discover that myriad innate expanded perceptions will begin to come online.

這個光的頻率直接的對準了地球的核心,同時也對準了你身體裡的骨髓, ~~~因為這個光攜帶著強大的變異能力. 如同你所知道的 ~~~ 變異會開始自你的核心, 然後擴張入你的形體, 然後再進入你的全息場. --- 你們那些可以接受這些改變的人 ~~~ 由於地球仍然是一個自由意志的行星(: 意即你可以拒絕改變.) ~~~ 你們會發現各種不同的直覺的, 擴張性的理解力會開始不斷冒出來. (: 意即~~ 更高的更深入的理解力.)


Your expanded perceptions will assist you in activating your multidimensional thinking. With your multidimensional thinking predominant your powers of manifestation via your thoughts and emotions become greatly amplified. You higher multidimensional senses become activated and you will realize that all perceptions are your choice.

已經擴大的理解力會協助你啟動你的多維度思考力. 透過使用你的多維度思考力’, 你可以更好的~~~ 使用你的思考與情緒 ~~~來操控你顯化的能力’~~ 因為它們都被大量的放大了.你更高的多維度感受力會被啟動, 而你會理解到~~~所有的理解力都是你的選擇而已.


(RL: 所有理解事情的角度都只是你選擇的角度點而已!所以 看法個人選擇, 不代表全部的真相’. )



You can choose to perceive that which creates fear. OR, you can choose to perceive that which fills you with bliss and joy. These perceptions are the result of your ability to believe that you are ascended. Therefore, instead of “trying to ascend,” your focus is totally shifted to adjusting to your multidimensional consciousness, perceptions and thinking.

你可以選擇讓你害怕的想法. 或者, 你可以選擇去感應到讓你充滿愉快與備受祝福的事情. --- 這些理解力就是你的信任的能力的結果 --- 去相信到 ~~~ 自己已經揚升了的事實. (RL: ‘看得到\感覺得到是一種能力.)因此, 與其試著想揚升’ --- 你的焦點應該是 --- 完全轉變到調適入你的多維度覺知意識\理解力與思考力當中去!!!


For many of our Lightworkers, this has been a life-long task. Hence, this opportunity will not be novel, but greatly accelerated. As you have seen, your thoughts, sent out as manifestations hold more immediate response than ever in all your incarnations. This of course means that you must be the Master over ALL negative/fear-based thinking, as that too will manifest almost immediately.

對我們許多光之工作者而言 ~~~ 這是一生的功課.因此這機會不是什麼新鮮事, 會逐漸增強. 正如同你所看到的 --- 你的思考 --- 被放射出去時就是一種顯化’ --- 現在它們得到立即反應的機會比在你任何其他轉世之中都多得多. 這當然代表了 --- 你已經是個控制恐懼思想的大師了, --- 因為這些(恐懼)也會几乎立即的在現在這種能量場下顯化出來.


It is vital now that your desire body include all of Gaia’s inhabitants, as personal desires will lower your consciousness. On the other hand, living the FACT that YOU are the planet will allow you to maintain your newly awakened expanded consciousness/perceptions. These abilities come to you as a butterfly silently landing on your open palm.

非常重要的是 ~~ 你的 欲望體, 包括所有蓋亞地球的所有居民的, ---因為個人的欲望會降低你的覺知意識. 從另一方面講 --- 生活在你就是地球這樣的想法當中~~~ 可以讓你維持住你才剛覺醒過來, 才剛擴大的覺知意識與理解力當中.


If you try to grab them or use them in any fashion, you will lose them. Instead, these abilities are here to guide you into your true SELF, so that eventually you can guide others. You, meaning all those who can accept these energies, are entering into Mastery Training.To remain in your expanded state of multidimensional consciousness you must be the master of your EVERY thought and emotion.

假如你試著用任何方法去抓住它們(: 你的多維度覺知意識\理解力與思考力), 或是想利用它們, 你會失去它們.


(RL: 多維度存在方式是一種自然而然, 不特意也無私心的方法. 沒有奸詐狡猾, 所以沒有做作, 也無法騙取能力’! 心正則能力在!反之則無!)


取而代之的, 這些能力是在這裡來引導你走入真實的自我之中,所以最後, 你可以去引導別人. 這裡的’ ~~~ 指的是所有能夠接收這些能量的人 ~~~ 都正在進入一個關鍵技術訓練(大師訓練)Mastery Training”. 若要停留在你已經擴張的多維度覺知意識’ ~~~ 你必須成為你的每個思想與情緒的大師!


This training is more of a memory than a unique experience, as you are truly remembering your SELF.  Doubt is your worst enemy, as is judgment of your self or of others. If you are among the ones whose life path is to be an Opener, a living portal of light, you must know that everyone has a role and each being will perform their assigned task at the appropriate moment of the NOW.

這個訓練比較屬於是一個 回憶的訓練而不是一個特殊經驗 --- 因為你是真的在回憶起你自己.懷疑’ --- 是你最糟的敵人, 對自己與別人的批判也是!

假如你人生的路線是去成為一個 開門者的人 ~~~ 一個活的光之星門的人 --- 你必須知道~~~ 每個人都有一個

角色要演, 而每一個存有都會執行他的任務’ ~~~ 當下合適時刻.


Everyone’s DNA is coded with everything they have ever known. You have specific roles that will be triggered at the appropriate moment of the NOW.  You are all being activated, so it is best to relax and trust your SELF. In the manner you can more fully accept this great gift.

每一個人的DNA中都儲存著他們曾經懂過的每一件事. 你有幾個特殊角色要扮演 ~~~ 它們都會在當下合適時刻裡面被啟動. 你們現在都在被啟動之中, 所以最好是讓自己放輕鬆, 同時信任你的本我. 以這種方式, 你可以更完整的接收到這個偉大的禮物.


It is important to release all trying and to allow your consciousness to float as a feather in a soft breeze.In the fifth dimensional world “doing” is an expression by your “being.” However, in your 3D world your “being” is defined by your “doing.” Therefore, your 3D world you became too focused on output and you forgot about you input.

釋放所有的嘗試努力是非常重要的, 同時要允許你的覺知意識去自由飄浮~~~ 就好像在微風中的羽毛一樣. 在第維度世界裡~~~ ” --- 的真正意思 ~~~ 就是你的存在狀態(: 只要存在那思維裡.) --- 但是在你的三維世界, 你的存在狀態是被你所做的事所定義的. (: 你是士農工商的那種? 是小富\中富\富二代...)因此, 在你的三維世界中, 你太注意結果, 而你忘了你的 投入部份了.


You forgot to recognize and accept the constant inflow of the higher frequencies of energy that reminded you of your true SELF. Then, instead of believing that you created your reality, you believed that your reality created you. Hence, you were buffeted around from situation to situation like a ball in the midst of a game--the game of 3D life.

你忘了去識別出同時接受’ ~~~ 這持續流進來的更高的能量頻率’ ~~~ 那個提醒你你的本我的更高能量.而且, 你沒有去相信是—‘你自己創造了你自己的現實,你反而相信是--- ‘你的現實創造了你’.因此, 你就一直在各種狀況裡跑來跑去像顆球賽中的球一樣 --- 屬於這三維度的人生遊戲.


That game is coming to a conclusion and none too soon. Far too many were injured in this game and far too many never even knew it was a game. Instead, they believed that the game was reality. Worse yet, too often they were observers of this game and never had the experience of being the creator of their own life.

這遊戲已經到了結束的時候了, 而且一點也不快. 有太多人在這遊戲中受傷了, 而且有太多人根本就不知道這只是一個遊戲而已. 相反的, 他們認為這遊戲是現實的. 更糟的是 --- 有太多時候他們只扮演遊戲的旁觀者’, 而從沒有經驗 --- 去做為自己人生的創造者.


Victimization and loss of hope overtook those who had fallen into the illusions of the 3D Game. They became depressed--anger turned inwards--or combative--anger turned outwards. Either way, they chose anger to disguise their fear, which only created sorrow. Now with the doorway open just in front of them, they are too exhausted from the fight to even look up and see it.

受害\受創的經驗以及失去希望--- 佔據了那些上了這三維遊戲的幻覺的人. 他們變抑鬱症患者 --- 把憤怒轉向內在 --- 或是具有攻擊性\火爆--- 把憤怒轉向了別人. 不論是那一種, 他們都選擇憤怒掩飾他們的恐懼---而這只會創造出憂慮’. 而現在通道打開了~~ 就在他們面前, 可是他們卻在掙扎中精疲力竭到甚至不會抬頭去看到它.

()大角星人  ‘地球扬升’ 指导: 8-11-13



Therefore, it is the assignment of those who did not forget their SELF, and those who found their way to remembering, to assist those who have become so desperately lost. Some of you will assist people; others will help animals, plants, weather, world systems etc. As we remember that we chose to play the game and we can remember to BE our SELF who joined the game to assist.

因此, 任務就交給了那些沒有忘記他們的本我的人, 那些有找到路\方法去回憶起來的人, ~~~來協助那些變得如此絕望的迷失者.你們有些人會協助人們; 其他人會協助動物, 植物, 氣候, 世界的系統建立, 等等. ~~~當我們記起了我們自己選擇來參與這個遊戲, 而且我們能夠記得去成為我們的本我’ ~~ 那個報名參加來協助的人.


Once the "helpers" are able to enliven the "helpless" changes will progress in an exponential manner. In fact, these changes have commenced. However, you see what you want to see. If you choose to see what is wrong, there is plenty of "wrong" left for you to ponder and worry about. However, if you choose to see that which is rooting towards the higher light you will find that great changes are occurring in your world everyday.

一但協助者們有能力可以搞活這些無奈又絕望的人之後 --- ‘改變就會呈指數的方式跳躍成長.事實上, 這些改變已經開始了.但是, 你還是只會看到你想看到的(答案\現象\事實). 如果你想看到錯誤的事情, 那就會有許多錯誤的事讓你去思索和擔心.(RL: 欲加之罪何患無詞? 倒楣鬼也總有一張大嘴巴, 惟恐天下不亂.)但是如果你選擇去看到目前正在生根發芽的事情往光明的方向走去 ~~~ 你會發現許多偉大的改變已經每天發生在你的世界之中.


What you chose to think about and where you place your point of perception will set your state of consciousness. If you focus on what is fearful and damaging, you will become depressed, sad, angry and helpless. On the other hand, if you focus on what is loving and transmutational, you will feel empowered, happy and purposeful.

你選擇去思考的事情, 以及你把你理解的角度放在那裡 ~~ 設定了你的覺知意識狀態.如果你專注在恐怖的, 具有傷害性的事務上 --- 你會變憂鬱, 壓抑, 生氣和無助. 從另一個角度而言, 如果你專注在有愛的, 具有轉變能力的事務上, 你會覺得精神一振, 快樂, 而且有使命感.


Many of you have forgotten that you are the creators of your life, in fact many never realized that you were the creators of your reality. Instead, you believed the illusion. You believed in what you feared because you were on the edge of survival. When you are on the edge of survival adrenalin takes over and your brains differ to the fight/flight behavior of a wounded animal.

你們許多人都忘記了你是自己人生的創造者, 事實上, 許多人從沒意識到是你自己創造了你的實相的. 相反的, 你相信幻覺. 你相信你所恐懼的事, 因為你活在生存線上, 存活邊緣.當你活在生存模式中時, 你的腎上腺素就掌控了你, 而你的大腦會判定一種如受傷的動物一般的反擊猙獰行為模式.



Fortunately, more and more of you are realizing that being a wounded animal is a choice. The only thing you have to change to alter your perspective of realty is your state of consciousness. Once you raise your consciousness enough to feel the higher frequencies of light around you, you will be able to believe that you can shift your perspective from victim to victor.

幸運的是, 越來越多的你們已經開始了解到 ~~~一種如受傷的動物一般的反擊猙獰行為只是選項之一. 你唯一需要改變來替換掉你的實相覺知力 --- 就是去改變你的覺知意識狀態. 一但你提高了你的覺知意識狀態到足夠的高度 ~~~ 你就會開始感應到你身旁更高頻率光能量的存在, 而你將會能夠相信~~ 你是可以調整你的理解力’ ~~~ 受害者心態變為勝利者心態的.


From this perspective of reality, you have the courage and ability to change everything. Your earth vessel will still live in "time," so patience is important.However, if you really think about it, time is always just NOW. The past in which you were wounded is over and the future has not occurred.

從這個 實相理解力的角度, 你就會有勇氣與能力去改變每一件事.你的地球載具會仍然住在時間, 所以耐性是很重要的.但是, 如果你仔細思考的話, 時間事實上永遠只是當下而已.讓你受傷的過去已經結束了, 可是未來還沒發生.


However, if someone enjoys the role of being the victim they can curl up in their fear and sorrow and be angry at anyone who tries to show them the light. All Lightworkers have had experiences of people being angry at them when they attempt to show a higher perspective of their life. Why?

但是, 假如某些人很享受扮演這個被害的角色的話, 他們會縮在他們的恐懼與憂傷之中, 而且會對所有人生氣 --- 任何試圖告訴他們光明的人. 所有光工都經歷過被人群怒氣相向的經驗 --- 當他們試圖讓他們明白一種更高的人生觀點的時候. 為什麼呢?


Why do people get angry when others are trying to assist them? It is because they have lost HOPE and are so beaten down that they are afraid to try. These people cannot be helped--yet. They have become their sorrow and will need many role models of transmutation before they can find the courage to come out from undercover and see a better world.

為何人們會對想協助他們的人怒氣相向呢? 那是因為他們已經失去希望, 而且是如此的失志\洩氣\萎靡, 他們已經害怕再去嘗試了. 這些人無法救 --- 時候未到. 他們已經變成了他們的憂傷, 而且會需要許多轉變的角色範例才能夠找到勇氣去走出陰影, 並看到一個更好的世界.


Yes, the world is better if you look for better. If you look for worse, you will find that too. In fact, that is how you create your life.

是的, 這世界會變得更好, 如果你尋找更好的話. 如果你尋找更壞’, 你也會找到. 事實上, 你就是用這方法在創造你的人生的.


·          Your belief sets your state of consciousness.


·          Your consciousness sets your perception.


·          The reality you perceive is the reality you live.



Therefore, you need to take the risk to believe that your reality is shifting NOW into a higher frequency.If you choose (as it is a choice) to believe that you are transmuting into higher frequencies of your SELF, and hence of your world you set a state of consciousness filled with hope, joy, forgiveness, gratitude and unconditional love.

因此, 你需要去冒險來相信你的實相正在改變當中 ~~~ 當下’ ~~ 進入一個更高的頻率. 假如你選擇(因為那真是一個選擇) --- 去相信你正在轉變入一個更高的頻率的你的本我之中的話 --- 然後你就會在你的世界中設定一種覺知意識狀態~~ 是充滿希望, 愉悅, 諒解, 感恩, 以及無條件的愛的.


Within this state of consciousness your body releases, not adrenaline, but endorphins. Your Pineal Gland is signaled to open to higher frequencies of light, which further stimulates your inner pharmacy of consciousness expanding and joyful "drugs." You feel "high on life" as your body is calibrated to that experience by your own inner pharmacy.

在這種覺知意識狀態之下, 你的身體會釋放出 --- 不是腎上腺素, 而是安多芬. 你的松果體會接收到訊號來接收更高的光頻率能量, 然後它會刺激讓你覺知意識擴張以及變快樂的內在藥物. 你會覺得high’, 因為你的身體正被調整協調對齊到你自己內在藥物所提供的經驗之中.


Because you feel so joyful, elated and focused, you find that you focus only on that which fills you with love and joy. Because of this choice of perception you begin to see and hear solutions, creations and new ideas for how to improve your life. Your creative channel into the higher frequencies of reality is turned on. Thus you dedicate yourself to helpful and creative endeavors.

正因為你感覺到的是~~~ 如此快樂, 興奮, 和專注, 你發現你只會專注在讓你充滿快樂與愛的事情上. 由於這個理解力的選擇, 你開始去看到和聽到解決辦法’, 創意, 和新的點子 ~~~關於如何去改善你的人生的事. 你連線到更高頻率實相的創造性管道已經打開了. 因此, 你會奉獻你自己到有益的, 和有創意的活動裡去.


Instead of stealing time to have fun or be creative, you grab a moment in your wonderful day to take care of whatever remaining 3D tasks call you. We move to the place you love. You quit the job you hate. You see the people you enjoy being with and share your joy with the very atmosphere of the planet.

所以, 你會找到時間偷得浮生半日閒來娛樂自己或是做有創意的事, 你會在你美妙的一天中花一點時間來處理這剩餘的三維世界對你的要求. 我們會搬去你愛的地方居住. 你會離開你痛恨的工作. 你會看到你喜歡在一起的人們, 能夠一起快樂分享這地球的環境的.


Solutions to problems are found inside and patiently waited for knowing that you are infinitely guided. At this point you KNOW you are protected because you commune and communicate with your inner guidance, which you realize is higher frequencies of your Multidimensional SELF.

你會在內在找到問題的解決方法, 並且可以耐心的等待~~~因為你知道你是永遠無止境的被引導著的. 在此時你知道’~~~ 你是被保護著的~~~ 因為你與你內在的指導靈一起旅行一起溝通事情 ~~~ 而且你已經明白那就是你自己更高頻率的多維度本我’.


Yes, fear threatens to take you down into victimization. However, you have the map that shows you the way to be your SELF. You remember how easy it is to just give up and be a victim of your "awful life." But, since we have traveled the path, you also know the way back into your SELF.

是的, 恐懼會威脅要把你扯入受害經驗. 但是, 你有一張地圖告訴你方向去成為你的本我’. 你記得要放棄很容易, 成為你糟糕的人生的受害者. 但是, 由於我們已經旅行過了這條路, 你也同時知道如何走回自己本我之路了.


From the peak you have created, you remember to remember to choose love. You remember to go inside your SELF for guidance and reassurance. Most important, you remember that YOU are great multidimensional beings who took a form HERE in the NOW to assist with planetary ascension.

從源頭至高點你被創造出來, 你記得去記得要選擇愛. 你記得走入自己內在高我 去尋求協助引導與確認. 最重要的是 --- 你們記得你們就是偉大的多維度存有‘~~ 祂選擇在這裡’, 在這當下’, 穿上一個形體, 來協助地球行星的揚升.


You remember that: 你記得~~

You are NOT your body. 你 不是你的身體.

You are NOT your job or your chores or your bills.



YOU ARE New Earth--NOW!

你是新地球 --- 當下’!


Posted by Sue at 1:06 PM 3 comments: 


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    Rebecca Lin

    安琚樂月 生靈昇靈

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