
(重要)獅身人面: 前面的挑戰20130515


The Sphinx speaks the challenge ahead

管道: Petra Margolis 20130526

中文翻譯: 林琚月 20130607


As we move further there will be more challenges ahead, many of you have gone through so many already and we know many are at a standstill as far as what to do, how to do it.

隨著我們往前走前面有更多挑戰你們許多人已經經歷過了這麼多的事了而且我們知道許多人現在是在 ‘停止狀態

 --- 思考著接下來要做什麼如何去做?

The push that was felt last year when the date of the 21st of December was in sight madeyou want to do more, gave you hope, you had waited for this event for so long.

去年20121221逼近的時候大家都感覺到了一股 ‘衝動’  ~~~ 讓你想要去做更多的事給予了你希望因為你等待了這個事件已經如此之久了.

We are almost half a year past that date and many have not seen much change, still feel  like they are now standing still almost, not having the energy to move forward.

可是從20121221到現在又快大半年了而許多人並沒有看到太多改變仍然覺得他們現在幾乎是 ‘暫停’ 的狀態 --- 也沒有能量再往前走.

It seems like everything is just a continuation of the old, nothing new is happening.

看起來 --- 每件事只是過去的一個延續而已並沒有什麼新的事情在發生之中.

It is all still about disclosure, energy portals, leaving behind attachments, moving within, living from the heart, be patient, have hope, everything is still perfect and in divine alignment with what is supposed to happen.

大部份訊息仍然在討論著 ‘大揭露’, ‘能量星門’ ,‘拋棄舊包袱(知見\習性\傷害)’, ‘往內探索’, ‘用本心生活’, ‘要有耐性’, ‘保持住希望’,  … , 所有事仍然在完美當中並與 ‘神聖在對齊矯正所有該發生的事情當中.

Some have noticed the change in energy, in fact the almost emptiness within the energy upon earth.

有些人已經注意到能量的改變事實上, --- 是個 ‘幾乎空曠’ 的感覺在地球的能量之中

The energy just after the shift was so clear and pristine that is felt like nothing was happening within it. Slowly however the energy is starting to move and moving in a different way. A bit faster, in different directions, just different.

20121221日之後能量的提升改變是如此清晰與質樸 ~~~ 那感覺就像是什麼事都沒有發生在能量當中一樣慢慢地很奇怪的能量又開始移動,而且以一種不同的方式在移動比較快了一些走向不同的方向,  ~~ 就是不一樣!

It was such a new feeling, many might not have noticed it, but only felt it through feeling different, feeling tired, feeling like they could not do nothing more than just go within, hang  in there and see what would happen.

這是如此新的一種感覺許多人可能沒有注意到但只是感覺到不一樣,感覺疲憊感覺自己無法再做更多的事情 ~~~ 除了往內去尋求把自己撐下去然後看看會發生什麼事?

The messages have kept on coming, everything that was discussed before the shift, is still discussed today, nothing really new has been added.

許多訊息不斷的進來20121221日能量提升之前所討論的事~~~ 今天仍然在討論著並沒有什麼真的是新的訊息有增加.

(RL除了Suzanne Lie傳導的大角星人的 ‘創意的煉金術’  ‘多維度’ 訊息以及Elizabeth Truwin不斷爆出的時事進展以及少數其他管道,   Sheldan Niddle之外幾乎沒太多可靠的新的訊息出現. )

When you think about work, it is almost like you do not want to work, what is there to do, what is needed, why should you do it, you have worked so hard before the shift, now what, you have to do more?

當你想到工作時你感覺起來很不想工作, --- 到底有什麼好做的有什麼是需要做的你為什麼應該做這件事? ~~~ 20121221日能量提升之前你已經工作得如此辛苦了現在還有什麼是你必須做的?

Maybe it is time to just think about you and you alone, maybe it’s time to work on you and you alone, what is there to do there but just follow what you have been doing all along, what you did before the shift and what you have continued after the shift.

或許現在是時候~~~ 只是好好想想自己關於自己的一切就好了或許,是時候來在自己身上做些什麼就只是為自己而做那裏還有什麼要做的事? ~~~ 除了繼續遵循在20121221日能量提升之前你已經在做的事以及提升之後你繼續在做的事?

Everything seemed to have slowed, the energy is so different, adjusting to it is hard, is takes  time, and there is nothing to really look forward to. There is no special date, no special time or event that is going to happen in the future that would at least give you some time frame of when to expect something happening.

每件事好像都慢下來了能量是如此的不同與它對齊調整是困難的--- 這需要花時間而且又沒有什麼值得可以真正期待的事再沒有特別的日期,沒有特別的時間點或是可期待的在未來會發生的事件~~~ 一些能至少給你一些時間概念關於何時能預期什麼事會發生的徵兆.

You just plow ahead, and many seem to have given up in some way, just following the flow, just waiting for the divine to happen at the right moment for you.

所以你只是不斷的向前走而許多人好像在某種程度上已經放棄了而只是跟隨著潮流走只是等待著 ‘神聖意旨’ 在適當的時刻來為你發生.

Yes, there have been some new energies, there are some things happening at times, you feel like you made another step into more connection with something higher than the human.  Something deeper within.

是的確實有些新的能量而且偶爾有些事情發生, ~~~讓你感覺到你往前跨了一步 ~~~ 進入了一個更高的連接當中~~~ 超越人類的層級 ~~~ 連接上了一些更深的內在!

Others have created a reality around themselves that is full of acceptance, whatever happens  happens, whatever needs to happen will happen, whatever is in the future, we’re already  there. We are free already.

其他人則為他們自己在自己四周 ‘創造’ 了一種 ‘接受感’ ~~ 不論發生什麼事不論需要發生什麼事~~~ (自然)接受它都會發生,  不論未來是什麼,我們都準備好了我們已經 ‘自由.

Human life catches up with them now and then, but it’s all an illusion in some way, no matter what happens.

人類(現實)生活在這裏或那裏這時或那時會抓住他們一下下但他們覺得那些都是幻覺~~~ 在某些層面而言不論發生了什麼事!

More beings have come to give you messages, they don’t really have something new, but just the fact that they are beings that have not spoken before makes it news.

有更多新的存有在通靈界出現來給出訊息他們其實沒什麼真的新消息可以提供, ~~~除了他們以前沒出現過而現在出現了~~~這事是新的之外,其他沒有什麼訊息是新的!

Many are still looking for the truth, the truth about their origins, where they came from, most search for these answers amongst beings not upon earth but on other planets.

還有許多人仍然在尋找真相關於他們來源的真相他們從那裏來大部份人都透過不在地球之上而是在其他星球的存有們--- 在尋求這些答案.

Some think they have found their origin on other planets and are, or have been building  certain realities around that.

有些人以為他們已經找到他們在別的星球的 ‘起源’, 或是已經自行建造了一個特定的 ‘現實’ 在這件事情之上了.

Some are trying to find their answers higher up even, and are building certain realities as to what this higher up is and how it feels.

而有些人試著在尋找他們的答案 ~~~ 從更高的地方而且  建造了一個特定的 ‘現實’ 在這 “更高的層級是什麼這件事情之上以及, ‘’(這個更高的層級”) 感覺起來 ‘應該’ 是什麼樣子?

We have talked about this before, your origins, so we are only going into it with a small  explanation. You came from source, you can call it God, or the Divine.

我們以前就談過這個了~~~ 你的來源, 所以我們只再做個簡短說明你們都來自源頭 ~~~你可以稱之為 “上帝” 或是 “神聖”.

But you all came into being from the same energy. When you came into being you were like  a new born baby, and even more like a new born than within the human reality. Nothing  within your energy, no memories, no connections to a past or future.  Everything is blank. From that moment exploration begins.


Now many stories have been built around this, some call it source, mother, father, god, and many more explanations have been given according to the human thought system.

所以現在~~~ 許多故事就環繞著這個被建造出來了有些人稱之為 ‘源頭’, ‘天母’, ‘天父’, ‘\上帝’, 以及其他更多的解釋都被給了出來~~~ 依照人類的 ‘思考系統’!

We would say, source would be the most appropriate as the energy you came from does not  act like what you see as a mother, or father, or god, or even creator. Creation is taking place through each of you.

我們會說 --- ‘源頭’ 可能是最恰當的說法

--- 因為你來自的 ‘能量源頭的行為 --- 不太像你認為的天母’, ‘天父’, 或是 ‘\上帝或甚至不像一個 ‘造物者’.

 --- 因為 ‘創造的程式’ 是透過你們每一個人而發生的.


Many different realities are being and have been created upon earth to have you move within, to guide you, to inform you, to have you find your way back to your original state.

許多不同的實相的存在~~ 都被創造出來在地球上~~~ 來讓你 ‘移入’ ~~~來引導你來教導你來讓你找到你回家的路回復到你原來的狀態.

It does not really matter what words you use to represent where you came from, it only matters if you are so attached to these words that is starts to interfere with your progress of moving within.

不論你用那個詞來代表你的來源都無所謂, --- 唯一會有問題的地方~~~是假如你對這個 ‘名詞’ 產生了 ‘倚賴’  --- 而開始妨礙到你 ‘深入內在’ 的成長程式的話.  (--- 就產生反效果了.)

So many are still asking, what am I supposed to do, I want specific answers, how to do this,  how to do that, if you don’t have specific answers than what is the point.

許多人仍然在問 --- “我應該要做些什麼?” “我要特定答案.”

如何做這個?” “如何做那個?” --- 而如果你沒有一定的答案的話 --- 那這一切事有什麼意義呢???

I want someone to tell me what to do. Or on the other side you say everything is within me, I don’t need you to tell me what to do.

我要某個別人來告訴我該做什麼或是從另一個角度來講 --- 你又說 “一切答案都在我之內!”  “我不需要你來告訴我要做什麼!”


You see that in this way each has their own path either with guidance from the outside, guidance from the inside, or guidance from both the outside and inside.




Now we get to the challenge ahead, this year is the top year of the sun, solar flares have  been popping up all over and they have an effect upon the earth and your energies.


This week has started a period of solar flares opening up space, portals within the earth reality to allow for even more energy to flow through. This energy is energized through the solar flares and will give you a boost to start working again in a different way than before though.


(RL:最大基本差異---過去是透過死亡拋棄肉體的涅盤,但現在可以不一樣. )

It is time to realize that even though it seems the control systems are still present, they have been removed, they were dissolved by the earth going through the shift. If you are looking for signs within your outside world, thinking about your belief systems and attachments, they will prevent you from seeing sometimes what is really present upon earth.


(RL:此訊息與Elizabeth Truwin之訊息相同. )

The old control systems, and we will explain more about what they are and how they are created, have been dissolved, but it doesn’t take long to place new ones, you actually carry  still some of these control systems within your own being through your belief systems and attachments as well.

這些舊的控制系統’  ----我們會解釋更多關於它們是什麼,以及他們是如何被創造出來的,如何被解除? ---但是,新的控制系統’  ----很快就會被創造出來---你還真的仍然攜帶了一些這些控制系統’  ----在你的內在


This is something that only you can do, you are the only ones that can dissolve any control system within you, with or without help from others, it can be done.




The challenge ahead is to start moving again, start your journey, jumpstart your journey in fact as many are moving slowly at this time, and the engines are just sputtering, not running full force.





That is a challenge, as you have done it before and are tired of it most of the time, some of  You  have gone in a stasis position at times and are trying to move out of it, but without any expectations of what might happen it is hard.



Your still getting used to the energies from after the shift and now new energies have been coming in as well. Sometimes feeling like it is too much.



Yet, this new phase of solar energy, which is in fact amplifying the universal and cosmic energies being added to your earth system are coming, and they are not waiting for you to be ready.


Many would call this the sacred fire, the divine cosmic energies coming to earth, in fact this will lift the earth up even further into her new reality and even higher dimensional frequencies then what you are expecting at this moment.


(RL: Mother Sekmet確實在年初就說~~~地球不只是進入第五維度而已事實上入六與七了.但這距離大家太遠,所以不想提這事. )

Time for you to jumpstart that engine and move full force ahead again into the golden age, creating the new reality upon earth.



Take advantage of the support you receive through the sun, the divine cosmic energies and all else that is being presented to you, as you are now moving fast forward to the completion of the rebirth stage that the earth has been going through since the shift. The earth is completing her rebirth, as the earth was in need of some rest as well, and is now ready to take on a new role, not as protector of the earth reality and all upon the earth, but as energizer of the earth reality, moving fast forward into the Golden Age.

利用太陽現在提供給你的支援~~~這來自大宇宙的神聖能量,以及其他提供給你的東西,因為你現在已經快速移入地球重生階段工作的完成了! ~~~自從20121221日的能量提升以來地球現在正在完成她的重生---而且地球前段時間也確實需要一些休息, ---但現在地球已經準備好了來承擔一個新的角色了,不是去成為地球所有生命以及地球實相的保護者,而是成為新地球實相的充電者!



From one source to another從一個源頭到另一個源頭

May 15, 2013

Petra Margolis




      ,我的關注率開始掉了一些! ---黑暗份子的詭計常讓人很   





















 RL: 歡迎大家轉載, 但請勿刪修任何文字, 特別是渠道名稱與譯者名稱. 尊重作者, 譯者與著作權! 請小心因果報應! 

         並請大家不要轉載刨竊的作品, 不要成為幫兇並分擔業障! 請大家協助保持靈學界的清淨! 

         修行路上大家加油! 無限祝福!



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    Rebecca Lin

    安琚樂月 生靈昇靈

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