
(非常重要)獅身人面: 20130526




 The sphinx speaks the new world requires an overhaul of everything you thought you were

管道: Petra Margolis20130526

中文翻譯: 林琚月20130607


 This is a new beginning, it is not a continuation of the old.


There are new ways of bringing change, yet you are still using the old ways to try and get change.



You are in uncharted territory, a new age, a world where old rules do not apply and new rules have not been made yet.



At this moment many of you are in the in between stage, a place where you feel like the world has not changed, yet somewhere you know change is happening. You cannot see it within your outside reality, yet inside you it feels like something did happen.


You are still moving forward, the forward motion will never stop as this is the nature of evolution not matter where you are.



It is a feeling of standing still, a feeling that you have to start moving, a feeling that you have no idea of where to move.


Working on all the old things you have worked on for years, the female and male energies and everything else you have worked on within you and within the reality outside of you. It never seems to stop, it is never enough, and all that you have done so far has not brought the real change you were looking for, hoping for.


Time for a complete overhaul of all that you thought you were, all that you have learned so far, all that you understand so far and also how you have worked on all this so far.

現在時間到了! ---你要完全的翻修你所以為的自己---所有你到目前為止學過的東西, ---所有你到目前為止所懂得的一切, ---以及你是怎麼做努力? ---在所有事情上? ---到目前為止?

Start thinking, acting and working in a way that is entirely different from anything you have been used to, different from anything you have done and learned so far.



Think about the way your higher being works, what does it do, how does it see the world, how does it guide you, how does it bring you information, and how would your higher being, your higher parts work on bringing changes.









What if you did not have a human body, you were just energy, energy particles floating in the cosmos, but with consciousness, creating, experiencing, and directing your own being where you want to be.

假如你以前根本就沒有一個肉身呢? 假如你以前只是純能量,能量分子~~~漂浮在大宇宙中,但是有覺知意識,而且不斷地創造著,體驗著,而且指揮你自己的存在’ ---到你要的地方去呢????

All you would do is direct the energy, work with the energy particles, know how to direct the energy and understand each different type of energy and frequency in a way that is very much new to you as a human.

你全部會做的事~~就是指揮能量,運作你的能量分子, ---懂得如何去指揮能量?懂得每種不同種類的能量與頻率的學問~~~~這對做為人類的你應該是非常新鮮的事情吧!? 


You have done this before, you will do it again, and yet doing it as a human is something that seems impossible, as the human reality is so dense that you cannot see the energy with your naked eyes.



When you start working on the level of the higher parts of you, you will find that it is no longer about sending energy just for the highest good of all, it is about exactly knowing what energy to send and direct for the highest good of all.


This requires an overhaul of all that you know and understand at this moment.


The new world is all about you doing what you do best, creating realities, experiencing realities, exploring realities and knowing that what you are doing is going to have an effect on this reality for the highest good of all.


 It is not just about what you think as a human is the highest good of all, it is about bringing a balance into the energies present within this reality, allowing certain flows to continue no matter what you actually think is the highest good of all.

這不是只是關於~~~你作為一個人類所認為的~~~對全部人的最高利益是什麼, ---而是關於讓這個實相中的能量平衡’~~~允許某些流動去持續~~~不論你個人所確認的對全部人的最高利益是什麼.


From the viewpoint of the higher spiritual parts of your being, you might find that what the human thinks is for the highest good of all, is something that on higher levels is not really decided by the rules of good and bad you as humans have at this time.

你的更高的存有部份的你的角度來看,你可能會發現~~~人類所以為的對全部人的最高利益’ ---在更高的層次上的決定方法---並不是由人類目前’ ‘所有的好壞標準來決定的.

You start with learning to understand the energies, seeing them inwardly and allowing your being to show you inwardly without human mind interference of how it should be.



This is how you are going to be the real change you have been waiting for.




From one source to another 從一個源頭到另一個源頭

May 26, 2013

Petra Margolis

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