能量清除Part 3:‘能量煉金術的改變’
The Sphinx Speaks Energy Clearing Part 3 The Alchemy of Clearing Energies
As channeled by PetraMargolis 20130419
中文翻譯: 林琚月20130420
As we have explained about energy programming in our previous messages, we would like to explain about thealchemical changethat is taking place as well.
To come down to earth and enter the human body you have created a long line of energy bodies in many different levels of vibration.
You did not enter the physical body from a source level,you created level after level of each body to finally enter the last levels of the spiritual bodies attached to the physical body.
Each level that was created has more density, a slower moving energy until you were able to move into the density of the 3D earth reality.
而下來的每一層身體都比上一層身體稠密一些---更慢一點的‘能量體’ ---直到你能夠轉入第三維度稠密的地球實相之中為止.
To enter the physical body an energy system was created as well, an energy system that attaches to the physical body and is part of the operating system of the physical body.
要進入這‘物質身體’ ---一個‘能量系統’也必須創建出來---附著在‘物質身體’上,變成這身體的‘作業系統’的一部份.
The physical body has its own operating system on a physical level as many of you know, the heart and brain that keep the physical body workingto some extent. The spiritual bodies are a part of this as they are connected to the heart, the brain and run through the entire physical body to keep you connected toyour spiritual bodies that are outside of the physical body.
在物質水平,這‘物質身體’有它自己的作業系統---正如你們許多人知道的--- ‘心臟’和‘大腦’維持了身體的運作到某種程度. 而幾層‘靈性體’也是這‘作業系統’的一部份---它們連接了‘心臟’和‘大腦’以及全身的每個部份---以保持你整個身體與環繞在外面的靈性體的連系.
Clearing begins on the physical level with the spiritual bodies that are attached to the physical body, such as the emotional and mental body.
From there more clearings will have to take place to move into and connect with the energy and integrate the energy of the higher bodies.
從這裏, ‘能量清理’必須開始發生,如此才能進入並連接\整合到清理更高身體的能量.
You might ask why the clearing is needed in those higher bodies, but you have been through many other incarnations on many different levels as you have used this system of energy bodies coming from source in other realities within your universe as well.
The lowest bodies connected to the physical body are related to your earth reality, the bodies above that are related to incarnation in other realities within your universe and even realities outside your universe.
Energy is programmed in certain waysbut alsoimprints remain within the energies of previous experiences and realities.
Many of you have been incarnating on earth for a long time and many of thehigher bodies are dormant,they have not been active for some time, this hasresulted in less and less energy from the sourcelevel flowing to the earth incarnation,resulting in incarnating without any previous memories of the spiritual realities.
Let me explain the system of bodies a bit more, as you all know about the chakra system within the physical body, many are thinking that these chakras are related to certain energy bodies. The energy bodies are connected with the chakras but in a different way than most think as the energy bodies connected to the physical body in a way overlap each other in many ways.
讓我對於不同的能量身體系統多解釋一些---你們都知道關於身體的‘氣脈輪’系統,而很多人認為這些‘氣脈輪’都與不同能量體相關.這些能量體確實連接著‘氣脈輪’們, ---但與大部份人想的不一樣---因為能量體們與身體的連接是層層迭迭包裹上去的.
This is why when the emotional body becomes unbalanced, the mental body and other bodies will be affected as well. In this way affecting the chakras in the physical body as well as affecting the physical body.
這是為什麼當‘情緒體’失去平衡時, ‘心智體’與其他體也都會被影響到.所以也會影響到身體中的這些‘氣脈輪’,以及影響到‘物質體’.
There are many other systems in place within the higher bodies as well to keep them connected to each other.
There is a chakra system that runs all the way to the source part of your being,there are many energy bodies all the way up to your source being,the DNA that you have within the physical body is connected to an energy DNA system running all the way to your source beingand some other systems that we will discuss at a later point.
有一個‘氣脈輪’系統是連接所有身體直到你的‘源頭存在體’中的.這一路向上回到源頭的路上都有很多‘能量體’.你們物質體中的DNA是連接到一個‘能量DNA系統’也是一路連接到你們的‘源頭存在體’中.另外還有一些系統也是. ---這些以後再討論.
It is a very complicated system as your first incarnations were not within a human physical body, but more a spiritual energy body.
Many of these systems aretrigger systems, so different parts will become active depending upon your work on your own clearings and connecting with higher levels within your being.
The easiest one to connect with is thehigher selfas this is a part of you that has been used through many incarnations asa guidance systemto connect more deeper within to allow you to find your way back within.
The higher self however has been attached to the earth incarnation for such a long time that it has become influenced and more attached to the earth reality than the spiritual reality. This because you have spent so many incarnations disconnected from the spiritual reality that the higher self has forgotten much of the spiritual reality as well, and in a way the higher self has come to see itself as the highest spiritual part of your being.
You can seethe entire system as pipelines and some of the lines are clogged upwith energies that are stuck, sometimes interferences have taken place and implants or connectors to certain false reality systems have been placed, as well as the fact that certain systems have not been used for such a long time that they are dormant, or have become distorted in some way as well.
This has influenced the flow of source energy, the main line that runs through everything and the flow of source energy is stopped at a certain point, so the human operates on the lower levels of their entire being only.
超級重要: 眼鏡蛇訊息20130103: 乙太體的(光明會)執政官的柵欄網路
能量清除Part 3: 鈥樐芰苛督鹗醯母谋溻" title="此博文包含图片" height="15" align="absmiddle" border="0" width="15">http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_66630cce0102elso.html
(5-1) “你為什麼可以揚升” 以及 “顯化水晶星球(宇宙合一的耶穌基督意識)”
There is still a flow of energy to be felt, but this flow is from for example the higher self down into the physical and energy bodies connected to the physical.
For many the connection to the higher self is the only one present at this time as the rest of the system has been shut off just above the higher self. Mostly through interference of certain control systems where connectors have been placed that once you move or connect with the higher self, you are connecting in to the fabricated realities from the groups that have placed the control system.
對許多人而言, ‘與高我的連接’是唯一存在的狀況---在此時,因為其他在高我之上的系統都被關上了.---主要原因來自---某個‘控制系統’的干擾---有‘連接器’被插入了你與更高本我的連接線路上,你被這群(黑暗份子)人置入了一個‘虛構的\人造的’實相中.
Many will not see that and cannot see this, as their belief systems and even their higher self have become distorted over time, interfered with in many ways. The realities of the higher dimensions being presented to many are what they can see as this is what they belief is present.
These controlled systems can be adjusted to the individual human or groups of humans.
This is why we have putsuch a great focus onreleasing attachments and belief systemsas when you do this you will start seeing these influence systems that are present as well as see what needs to be cleared and either reprogrammed or removed.
這就是為什麼我們目前把最大的‘重心’放在“清除牽絆與信念系統’之上的原因---因為當你這樣做時,你們就會開始看到這些目前存在的‘影響系統’---以及‘你們需要清除什麼?’---或是‘重新設定程式’或是‘取消某些程式’! !!
The first start is the physical and energy bodies as many of the human belief systems are present within those parts of you.
From there you can move up into the higher self and start clearing there.
Clearing can be done in many ways, but many do have a connection into the fear matrix system as well. Now fear can present itself in many ways, as it is not as simple as being scared of the monster under your bed.
Fearis connected into many emotions and strengthens many emotions without you ever realizing fear is involved.
It is a very powerful control system that has been used for a long time, connected into many religions and belief systems, even light workers or new age beliefs systems as well.
這“恐懼”是一個非常強有力的‘控制系統’,而且被使用很久了, ---它也與著許多宗教系統與信念系統相連接---就連‘光之工作者們’或是new age信念系統中,也有“恐懼”的存在.
Thinking that you are not loving enough, not compassionate enough is part of this system. As well as the focus on being loving or compassionate enough.
(RL注:請別誤會---這裏不是叫大家不要做善事---只是叫大家‘自然一些’ ‘由心出發’ ‘與高我合一’而不要為了自卑或自傲或是討好別人而去做作或是偽善.)
Many of these clearings include alchemical changes, changes of the properties of the energy. Reprogramming of the energy.
許多這些‘能量清理’包含了‘煉金術改變’---也就是‘能量成份的改變’. ---亦即:能量程式設計的改寫與重灌.
This is why many are talking about the old knowledge returning, mystery schools returning as the knowledge of the past is being brought into the future. The systems will have to be adjusted though as the energies upon earth have changed and some are already working on this.
這也是為什麼許多人都在說“古老知識的回歸” “神秘學校的重建” ---因為過去的知識被帶回到未來來了.雖然這系統需要做些調整,因為‘地球上的能量改變了’,但一部份知識也已經在工作運用當中了.
The most important part at this time, the first start is to disconnect from the fear control system,even though you think you have no fear, and in a way many higher levels of you do not have fear, the human and the spiritual bodies of the human are connected into the fear control system.
There is a difference between what you think and what is presentwithin the physical and energy bodiesas many of you rely upon thought systems and are not yet capable of seeing these energy bodies.
Clearing can be done without seeing them.
We will speak more about this in our next message
From one source to another從一個源頭到另一個
Petra Margolis
Posted by Greg Giles
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RL注: 地球即將 ‘外星大揭露’ 之後就很快會 “外星大接觸”與NESARA的宣佈.NESARA的設計顯然也與 “清除掉恐懼”有關.然後人類能量的大清理與 ‘再教育’ 會開始.所以 ‘獅身人面’ 對於 ‘能量清理’ 的指導顯然就是為這些事先開跑做事前準備的.想要先 ‘恢復全意識’ 的人最好詳細閱讀.
下一篇文將是關於 “銀河聯邦的 ‘大接觸’ 之後的地球工作規劃”---大家會很清楚看到未來重頭戲都在 ‘能量清理’與‘恢復全意識’之上.
~~~~一起加油! 加油!~~~~