
能量清除Part 2: 能量的二元性


The Sphinx Speaks ~ Clearing Energies Part 2 ~ Dual Energies ~ viaPetraMargolis

As channeled by Petra Margolis
中文翻譯: 林琚月20130420

As you experience reality as a human, you experience or in fact see everything, understand everything as dual energies.

Each particle of energy comes from the same source and at that point is no different than any other particle of energy.
It changes the moment you assign a program to each particle of energy.

the experience of duality is experienced through the mind, the mental thought process of each being.
但是, ‘二元性’的經驗是透過每個存有的‘心智’, ‘心理思考程式’而產生體驗的.

Explaining duality is something that is very difficult as your reality is based upon the fact that certain actions are to be considered as good actions, and other actions are to be considered as bad actions.


You all use this process of good and bad to give yourself guidelines in life.


And you are not the only ones; many beings out there are using the same guidelines.


Within every moment duality is being used by each person whether they recognize it or not.

每個人無時無刻不在使用‘好壞二分法’ ---無論是有意識還是無意識.

Duality is understood and explained in many different ways, as duality is experienced on the physical level and on the spiritual level.


Duality at the basic level is two energies that are opposing each other.
基本上--- “二元性”就是兩個相互抗衡的能量.

You will experience this within many levels of your being no matter what level or how higher the level of your being.

你們在你們存在體的很多層次都會經驗到這個“二元性” ---不論你存在體的層次在那裏或有多高.

Duality is used in most belief systems as each system uses the good and bad at the basic level, and expands from those points of good and bad to explain the belief system and actions that should be taken from within that belief system.


If we take for example unity or oneness, can someone explain why this is better than not being one, or not being in unity?


Can someone explain that not being one or not being in unity means that you cannot be compassionate, cannot be loving?


Can someone explain why it is better to act from the heart than the mind?


Why someone is considered to be more loving if they act from the heart instead of the mind.

為什麼一個人被認為比較‘有愛’? ---當一個人做的事是從心而出而不是從心智而出的時候?

These are all seemingly logical considerations, but only for the dual mind.


Duality is not only experienced within your outside reality, but also within your inside reality.


If you are one within, then there would be no need to say I act from the heart, or I act from the mind, you would be acting in oneness within your own being, so there would be no separation between the heart and the mind, they would not be seen as two different parts of you.

假如你是你內心的那個人---那就不需要說---我的行為是‘從心而出’或是‘從心智而出’的---因為你會是與你內在本我‘合一’的行為,所以就不會有‘心或心智’的分別差異, ---它們也不會再變成兩個不同部份的‘你’.


Each of your actions is decided based upon duality, as you use the good and bad reality duality.

只要你們使用‘好壞二分法’實相概念在生活中,你們每個人的行為就是“二元實相’的! (RL注:三維思想行為生活.)
There is in fact a lot of focus on the good or bad ways to act.

In this way duality is always present, even in the future.

在這種思考狀況之下--- ‘二元性’永遠會存在直到未來.



What would a no dual world look like?


A world where every person acts in a compassionate and loving way?


This would still mean that the reality is based upon duality as you will within each given moment think about the fact if each person is acting enough in a loving or compassionate way. Could they be more loving or compassionate, or even are they too loving or compassionate.

這就仍然代表了---這個實相世界仍然是以‘二元性’為基礎的---因為當你無時無刻不在思考\衡量---一個人的行為是否夠‘有愛心’“悲憫”時?以及他們是否可以更‘有愛心’更有“悲憫心”時? (RL注:夠與不夠=二元對立.)

As each soul continues to follow their own path, you will always see certain actions as good or bad from the human level, no matter at what level of the soul they are decided.

隨著每個靈魂繼續跟隨著自己的路線,你總是會看到某些行為是好或是壞的從一個人類的角度而言, ---不論這靈魂的層次到達那裏.

From within higher levels of your being this will change as you find that
higher levels of your being are not as much affected by the dual moving energies.

Meaning that
duality at the basic level is two different energies bumping against each other.
這意思就是說---在基礎維度水平--- ‘二元性’是兩個不同能量對彼此的碰撞.

At higher levels of your being labels are not given to different types of energy.


Energies are only experienced as movements within or around you.
能量們’ ---只是被你的內在和外在所經驗到的運作動態’而已!


However within thehuman realityand many other realities that you and others have created, this not labeling of energies is not possible in many ways, as this reality and many others are based upona learning processthat requires certain labels in a way.
但是,‘人類實相’之中,以及你們和別人創造的許多其他實相中---不去對能量貼標籤幾乎是不可能的一件事---因為‘人類實相’以及其他實相是奠基在一個“學習程式”之上的--- 所以為了‘學習’上方便--- ‘標籤’就必須了!

The labels are needed to give you understanding of how the energies work, how you can use the energies and how you can learn to at one point move beyond it back into your more real state of being one within.


But moving beyond it will require you to release attachments to labeling energies as good or bad,releasing attachments to labeling actions as good or bad, releasing attachments to labeling reactions to actions as good or bad.

(RL:每個人給的‘標籤’意義並不一定相等,所以學習看穿‘標籤’的虛假\空洞,走入‘探討\追尋’實相的能力---就是‘不思善不思惡’的正知見之路---直到我們能開悟角度理解‘二元性’的空虛與不切實際,而生活在與實相合一的生活當中!平衡!和諧! )

As this is what allows you to move beyond the attachment to the earth duality experience and move back into the oneness within your own being.

Experiencing the oneness within, acting from the oneness within isthe greatest challenge you have given yourself.

But it also requires to you to release the attachment to oneness within.

,這同時也需要你--- 去釋放掉---內在‘合一的真我’的‘倚賴’.


As oneness is just as much a label as not being one.
因為‘合一本我’ ---又是另一個‘標籤’!


Now why does this apply to clearing energies?


You live within a duality reality where you have programmed certain energies to be negative and certain energies to be positive.


When you start clearing you will probably start with the negatively programmed energies, but in fact you will also have to clear the positively programmed energies to return back to a neutral state.
當你們開始清理能量時你們很可能會從‘清理負面能量’開始,‘事實上’ ---你們也需要‘清理’ “正面能量’----來回歸到“中立狀態”!

This is why it is important to understand dual energies and the effects of dual energies upon not only the world outside of you, but also the world inside of you.
這是為什麼---瞭解‘能量的二元性’是很重要的,以及‘二元性能量’不只對你的外在世界,更會對你的內心世界所造成的影響. (---我們都必須深入瞭解才知道如何面對清理.)

From one source to another從一個源頭到另一個
Petra Margolis

Posted by
Greg Giles

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    安琚樂月 生靈昇靈

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