工作已經完成, 勝利已到手!
~~~Sananda 撒南達透過 Elizabeth Trutwin傳導20160413
The Work is Completed and the Victory Won a Message from Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin, April 9, 2016
Date: April 11, 2016 Author: admin
Greetings! This is Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin. You have just completed one of the most intense months in the history of Planet Earth passing through two Eclipses, the Spring Equinox, two Comets and Easter. An open window for the Event called Disclosure. On March 15, 2016 there was an attempted nuclear attack in Brussels. No one in the media reported it that way. It was the cabal’s final attempt to begin World War III. It was ended before it was started. One week later the well publicized false flag attack at the Brussels Airport was payback. That has all ended now. No more attempts will be successful. The dark cabal have repeatedly tried to push away the inevitable and that was their final effort.
『大揭露 的大事件』 展開的窗口。
在2016年3月15日,在布魯塞爾, 出現了一次核攻擊的企圖。
Composite image of the record comet P/2016 BA14 Panstarrs meeting the M106 galaxy, as seen from our perspective, on March 24. Image via Gianluca Masi, Virtual Telescope Project – Italy.
Back in 1987 we had Harmonic Convergence. It was at that time the 4th dimensional Astral Plane collapsed into the 3rd dimension. That was when time ended with those with the knowledge and the light to experience it. All of those Indigo Warriors, Sages and Saints began working with it back then for the sake of the rest of Humanity. Also at that time began the 6th Age of the Sun in the Milky Way Galaxy. We crash landed into the dark Matter Universe at a Star called Vega. Our Sun Sol has been rotating around Vega ever since. It has been almost 30 years since the Astral Planes were a part of Earth reality as Earth continued to move into the 6th Dimension. Very few of Humanity had the knowledge to understand this and stayed with the language of the 3rd going to the 4th and the 5th. Many channels were kept in the dark as well because their readers could not handle such advanced thinking. As fear used as a mass psychological attack, one after the other, through the years continued to bombard the collective consciousness of those waking up, the 4th Dimensional Realm continued to be used by the dark cabal to wage war within the lower Dimensions. It was from here plans were made for further false flags and from here they were launched. Actions begin in the Causal or Astral Realms before they are made manifest in the Physical Realm in the 5th Dimension and above.
在1987年那時, 我們有了『合諧匯聚』事件活動的加持。就是在那時候~~當時的第四維度的星光界崩潰入第三維度。就是在這時所謂的 『時間』與那些擁有知識和光能來體驗它的人們一起結束了! 。所有這些靛藍勇士們,聖賢和聖徒們~~祂們那時為了人類的緣故開始使用它(『時間』)。也是在那個時候開始~~太陽在銀河系的第六個時代。我們迫降入了暗物質宇宙在一個叫做維加星Vega 的星球。就從那時開始~~我們的太陽已經繞著Vega 維加星至今。所以已經有近30年以來的時間裡~~~星光層已經是地球的實相的一部分~~隨著地球持續進入第6個維度。極少數人類有這樣的知識理解~~了解了這一點, 而且還繼續停留在第3維度到第4維度和到第5維度的語言裡面。許多渠道也被蒙在鼓裡~~因為他們的讀者還無法接受\處理這樣的先進思想。由於恐懼持續被用來作大眾心理攻擊,一次又一次的,多年的持續轟炸這些已經覺醒的集體意識~~~因此第四維度領域持續被黑暗勢力用來在較低的維度範圍內發動戰爭。正是從這裡開始製成的假標誌計劃被執行了出去。所有行動\事件都開始於因果層或是星光層,然後他們才顯象在物理界和第五維度以及在更高的領域中.
A Group of Sages came together on a Mountaintop in the Mountains west of Santa Barbara, United States near the west coast March 31, April 1, April 2 and April 3rd, 2016. Sacred Vedic Ceremonies were performed for four long days which have not been done on Earth in thousands and thousands of years.
在2016年的3月31日, 4月1, 日4月2日和4月3日, 一個聖賢小組的人們走到了一起聚集在了美國聖巴巴拉市山脈以西的地方,
靠近西海岸的山頂. 幾個神聖的吠陀儀式被舉行了為期四天之久 --- 這是地球上過去成千上萬年來從沒發生過的事情。
On the first day the 5 Elements were invoked together and made to lay the foundation for putting their Blessing on New Earth. The Galactics were present throughout on the ground and in the skies assisting with the manifestation of needed energies to move through the changes. The Diamond Energies merged with the 5 Elements to set the stage for what was to come.
在第一天的儀式裡, 5基本元素被一起激活了起來,並且被提出來把祂們的加持做成新地球的基礎。那時銀河人全出席遍布在地面之上,並且在天空中協助顯化所需要的能量來穿越 『地球大改變』。
The second day there was a walk taken with the Rishis around the mountain top inside which a very large yellow diamond the size of a large house, had been installed in 2014 preparing for this day. This diamond represents the energy of Mt Kailash in the west. It connects the energies with the intersecting tetrahedral diamonds in the core of Earth which line up with 19.5 degrees. 19.5 degrees north and south are the latitudes where the apex points of a star tetrahedra within a sphere will contact that sphere’s surface, when one apex is positioned at the north or south pole. The Pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuacan is at 19.6 degrees north. At these intersections on both Earth and other Planets, these points have pyramids covering the StarGates there. On Venus the Alpha and Beta Regio are near 19.5 degrees. On Mars the Olympus Mons shield cone volcano is at 19.5 degrees.
第二天祂們(聖賢小組)\Rishis賢者們在山頂周圍這裡環繞散步. 在這山裡面有一個非常大的黃鑽, 有一個房子的大小,在2014年已經為這一天做準備安裝在這裡。這顆鑽石代表了岡底斯山在西部的能量。它與在地球的核心中相交的四面體鑽石的能量相連接了~~那是與19.5度對齊的能量。南北19.5度是緯度地區一個範圍內的四面體星的頂點~~那是會連接星球體的表面,~~當一個頂點是位於南極或北極位置之時。太陽在Teotihuacan 特奧蒂瓦坎金字塔是在19.6度以北。在這兩個地球和其他行星上的這些交叉點,這些點都覆蓋在金字塔的星門們那裡。金星阿爾法和β區都接近19.5度。火星上的奧林帕斯山盾火山錐也是在19.5度。
On Jupiter the “red spot” which is an obvious vortex is at 19.5 degrees. On Neptune there is a similar spot at 19.5 degrees north. This diamond energy inside the mountain connects with the diamond waves of light energy pulsing into Earth and opened all of the StarGates on Earth for these four days. They are now fully functional and working together.
The third day the we honored 7 generations before and after the lineage on Earth now according to the tradition of Pind Daan in India. This offering can bring innumerable blessings for them that can be seen as a rare connection to Grace that might not have happened otherwise in this stage of their evolution. What happened was the Rishis on and off Earth offered a Ceremony to all sentient life on Earth, animals, plants and minerals as well as all of Humanity. We also included the Extraterrestrials living on Earth now as well as the hybrids produced in deep tunnels and laboratories on Earth such as Los Alamos, Dulce and Area 51.
第三天,我們感恩尊崇地球7代之前與未來七代人~~根據ind Daan平德大安印度的傳統。這些祭品能帶給他們無數的祝福加持~~可以被看作是一種罕見的連接恩典~~那是本來可能不會在這個階段的進化演變中出現的加持。事情的經過是~~~在地球上裡外的聖哲們提供了一個儀式~~為了所有眾生的生命,包括了動物,植物和礦物們以及全人類。我們還包括了現在 生活在地球上的外星人,以及在地球的隧道和實驗室裡被生產出來的混血兒,如在洛斯阿拉莫斯,杜爾塞和51區裡的。
From he 1930’s until the 1970s super soldiers were produced which were the size of ants. They were tiny super soldiers performing very specialized operations, breaking into bank vaults and many other special and secret places to provide intel to what was there and move small things in and out. These super soldiers went mostly unseen except for those very sensitive. They were all forms of animals which were given special abilities and also shrunk down to the size of ants, not by alchemical processes, but rather by advanced technology. They made an army of small hybrid animals, insects and humans. They penetrated into secret areas like the White House, Pentagon, Congress, China’s Forbidden Palaces, The Kremlin, Cybertechnology and Underground Secret Bases. They were retrofitted with wings and secret abilities like bilocation. These tiny animals could become directed vehicles of human technologies, including surveillance cameras, sensors, and chemical or biological weapons. Researchers are fashioning insects, beetles to be precise, with wireless transceivers and neural implants so that a human operator can dictate where the beetles fly. Currently, these beetles can be flown with a hand-held control, much like hobby airplanes are flown with a joystick.
從1930年的,直到20世紀70年代的超級士兵們被製造了出來~~而他們是螞蟻般的大小。他們是微小的超級士兵~~進行非常專業化的操作,闖入銀行金庫等許多特殊和秘密的地方~~提供在裡面的訊息,並移進移出小東西。這些超級士兵大多是看不見的, 除了那些非常敏感的人會注意到之外。他們都是以動物形式出現,它們被賦予特殊能力,也縮小到螞蟻的大小,~~這並不是煉金術的功勞,而是通過先進的技術做出來的。他們做出了小雜種動物,昆蟲和人類的這種軍隊。他們滲透到像白宮,五角大樓,國會,中國的紫禁城宮殿,克里姆林宮,網絡技術與地下秘密基地秘密區域。它們被附予翅膀和秘密的能力~~如可以同時現身於兩地。這些微小的動物可以成為針對性的人類科技如~~監控攝像機,傳感器和化學或生物武器的指揮車輛。研究人員正在塑造昆蟲,甲蟲準確地說,具有無線收發器和神經植入,使得操作人員可以決定甲蟲飛到哪裡去。目前,這些甲蟲可以與手持遙控飛行器,很像遙控飛機愛好者用操縱桿飛行一樣。
During this long Ceremony we did include all sentient Beings and healed their karma going back 7 generations and going forward for 7 generations. We also included those on the verge of passing and not yet passed. Everyone living on Earth has had their karma end now. No one has karma anymore. The 4th Dimension has closed and that means we are in No Time which only happens at the 5th Dimension and above. It is all forgiven, dissolved, gone. There is Amnesty for all. This prepared the way for mass arrests, removal of clones and solid holograms and all members of the dark cabal to be removed from Earth never to return. We also reunited the Shadow Side of the dark cabal to return to Unity Consciousness. The entire DNA system of all these groups was repaired completely. No matter where you are in your evolution at this moment, the decision has been made. Either you are to progress at Earth evolving back to the 12th and finally the 100th Dimensions or you have been reassigned. Some few will need to be uncreated. In order to repair the Timeline and take Earth back to it’s rightful place in the Milky Way Galaxy, this had to be done now.
在這漫長的儀式中,我們涵蓋了所有的有情眾生,治好了他們的業障直到7代以前和未來七代。我們還包括了那些在過關的邊緣,但尚未過 關的。每個生活在地球上的人的業力現在都被結束掉了。
這是為 『大逮捕』,移除克隆人和固體全息圖, 而黑暗陰謀集團的所有成員將從地球被移走而永不復返所做的準備工作。我們也將黑暗勢力的陰暗面重新返回到合一意識之中。
所有這些團體的整個DNA系統都被完全修復了。無論你是身在進化演變的任何階段上,決定都已經被作出了。無論你現在在地球上的進化是回返到第12維度, 而最後回到第100維度的進化,或者你已被分配好了。很少人會需要被消滅。為了修復時間線,並把地球帶回到它在銀河系應有的位置,~~這些事現在都不得不做了。
Balance was returned to the Planet and all living on her and this prepared Earth for the Ceremonies which would follow.
On Day four Earth was taken back to it’s beginning 5 creations ago. It was a very difficult process with many in attendance on Earth as Unseens and in the Skies. These were benevolent Archangelic Beings and Galactics. Having Blessed all of Earth and her StarGates two days before and all of Sentient life the day before, it was now appropriate to close the 4th Dimension and remove all of the dark cabal, all the Souls living as clones and solid holograms, all the demons and dark Ones. 100s of thousands of souls were removed. It took a good portion of the day to complete this Blessing. The Souls had to move through Mother God with the assistance of Father God through her Yoni and back through the Scorpio Black Hole to be returned to the Light Matter Universe and so permanently removed from the Timelines.
地球的平衡被回返了, 以及所有生活在她之上的生物的平衡~~
許多在地球上和在天空中, 看得見以及看不見的銀河人都出席了
To understand the Gaya Ceremony we look at the story of the Ganges River descending from the Stars and taking it’s place on Earth. The Mystical and Esoteric meanings hearken us back to the last time this Ceremony was performed on Earth millions of years ago at the beginning of the 5th Sun Creation. This was an extremely rare and special multidimensional experience. The Himalayanheadwaters of the Ganges river are in the Garhwal region of Uttarakhand, India. It is as the mouth of a cow. The cow represents Earth and the Ganges represents all knowledge. This is considered a sacred gift from Mother Earth to all her creations. As the changes take hold on Earth it is required that the TRUTH be revealed so everyone who wants to can make their ascension. It is impossible to do without the highest knowledge. Meditation, Contemplation, Asanas, Pranayama, reading the Ancient Texts and a healthy and clean lifestyle are required for ascension to be possible. Completing these ceremonies quickly and in secret were required to bring about the reformation and a New Age on Earth.
要了解這Gaya 加耶儀式,我們來看看恒河從星星上下降到地球上的故事。要了解這神秘的密意~~我們必須傾聽並回到以前在太陽的第5時代剛開始之初, 這個儀式在地球上億萬年前最後一次被舉行的時候。這是一個極為罕見和特殊的多維體驗。恒河的源頭是來自喜馬拉雅山是來自印度北阿肯德邦的加瓦爾地區。那裡就像是牛的嘴巴一樣。
由於要發生在地球上的變化~~需要 『真相被揭示』
冥想,沉思,Asanas 體位,Pranayama 調息,
Now Earth continues to move back toward the Eye of An preparing to return to Alcyone in the Pleiades, Source Energy, healing Earth’s journey down into the lower dimensions. With the 4th Dimension healed, no dark Ones will have access back to Earth ever again. In physics the 4th Dimension is Time. We have closed off Time. We are at No Time and the ZPMs are all charged up to 100%. We are able to go to Zero Point on Earth any day now. In the right timing. Nothing can stop it.
現在,地球繼續移動走向the Eye of An 在昴宿星的Alcyone~~
我們現在是在沒有時間之中, Zero Point Module (ZPM)零點磁場模式都被充電到了100%強度。我們隨時有能力可以到達去地球上的零點磁場點了。當這時間到時~~將再也沒有什麼可以阻止這事(大揭露)發生了。
These processes which were necessary to take place before the Event Called Disclosure the 6th Age of the Sun on Earth is now possible. The rest of the changes are inevitable and expected to appear in the Physical Realm of Earth within this window of opportunity during this Easter Season. It is unfolding right before your eyes. We Are All Going Home Now. Keep all of your thoughts positive as we move through unexpected and long anticipated changes. This is Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin, April 9, 2016. © All Rights Reserved. http://CosmicAscension.com
這些都是必要的程序必須在 『太陽的第6時代發生在地球上被稱之為 '大揭露'的大事件』能發生之前發生,但現在可以了。其他的變化將不可避免的發生,預計在這個復活節季節的這個機會之窗中會出現在地球的物理領域。事件現在已經在你眼前展開了。我們現在都是要回家了。保持你所有思想的正面~~隨著我們通穿越這些無法預知的意外和預期很久的變化。這是Sananda通過伊麗莎白Trutwin傳導,4月9日,2016年©保留所有權利。 http://CosmicAscension.com
Greetings Everybody! I attended these 4 days of ceremonies and helped with the energy work. I have to travel again for another event this week. This is a special call for donations. Please if you are able, send a small amount today, everything helps. If you are able to send more I am truly grateful. I have had some travel and ran into bumps on the way. I am finally home safe and preparing for the next steps to the event we all have been working toward. I share freely as part of my duty. From time to time I need more help and today is that day. Not all can help and that is ok. I am free for readings now and I will contact those who have waited to hear from me. If you are interested in a reading please book from my website Private Sessionand schedule soon, I only have a few free days now before the next. Thank you for your generosity and kind compassion. All My Love, beth. http://cosmicascension.com scroll down and here is a link that may work Travel Donation … Namaste!
問候大家!我有去參加了這4天的儀式,並協助能量的工作。我必須再為本週的另一個事件再度前往。所以這是一個捐贈的特殊請求。請,如果你有能力,今天送少量的捐款, 任何一些都有幫助。如果你能給更多的我真的很感激。我一直在做一些旅遊,也遇到些麻煩。我終於安全到家,並為 『大事件』的下一個步驟~~我們都一直在努力朝向的事件在做好準備。我自由分享作為我的職責的一部分。但有時,我需要更多的幫助,今天就是那一天。並非所有人都可以幫助,這是沒關係的。我現在又可以做 『通靈服務』了,我會聯繫那些等著我的客人。如果您有興趣需要『通靈服務』,請從我的網站私人訂時間,我只有幾天時間現在。感謝您的慷慨,善良的同情。所有我的愛,貝絲。 http://cosmicascension.com,這裡是一個可以工作行程捐贈的鏈接...合十!
Posted in: Uncategorized.
Last Modified: April 11, 2016
中文翻譯: 林琚月20160413