請大家聽好了 ~~~
There is a divine plan in everything, everyone!(部份簡譯)
Tara: There is a divine plan in everything, everyone!
Rama: Yes.
Tara: On this eve of the celebration of Buddha’s birthday, let’s remember that peace about the Wesak Valley where Lady Di and Dodi are presently, and I think they brought their children this year.
Rama: Yes they did.
簡譯: 在佛陀生日那天, 黛安娜王妃與丈夫Dodi
Wesak 浴佛山谷的佛誕慶祝活動.
(RL註: 自從克隆的黛安娜王妃與丈夫Dodi 車禍之後,
真人的他們一直住在西藏, 而且生育了幾名子女.)
Tara: They stay there for a good forty days and forty nights. That has to do with something very, very powerful and potent because this is the descent of light on the planet - the great invocation of the Kalki Maitreya. This young lady who was talking about the double eight vibration, and if you understand the eight by itself is the Cosmic Christ energy. It’s the return of the Cosmic Christ, and talking about the return of the higher light vibrations influencing all of humanity, so that we can do world group service. As our magical greeter said; “We are indeed all one.”
因為有非常非常強大有力的事件發生了 ~~
有道光降落在地球之上 ~~~
『八』 本身是
~~代表了 『大宇宙耶穌』的回歸,
我們都確實在 『合一』之中,
我們都是同個 『一』的部份.
Rama: Yes.
Tara: There are no boundaries. Yet the play that we’re in the middle of right now you could have fooled anybody with what it looks like going on. Just know that we’re in transition in a very, very big way, and that President Putin is playing a very large role in making this transition. There is this article that just came out. It’s called Welcome to Nulandistan - A multimedia look at what the United States and Europe have unleashed on Ukraine.* Ukraine is in the thick of – it appears to be a microcosm, yet it’s the macrocosm of the bigger story. What’s going on is, for a long time even before Ukraine came into the limelight of the news, Putin has been working to get the U.S. dollar out of its position as being the main currency. I don’t know if this is the article that sister Fran was talking about in their Hard News section. There is another article about this called Russia Holds “De-dollarization Meeting” -China, Iran willing to drop the United States dollar from bilateral trade.** You know, not only are we not going to have TPP [Trans Pacific Partnership], we are not going to have the U.S. dollar which holds the Powers-That-Were’s still in their powers, their fingers of darkness and the archonic age.
有篇文章Welcome to Nulandistan -
解釋整個 Ukraine烏克蘭事件, 這整個美國歐洲在其中的 『生態』.
另一文 “De-dollarization Meeting” -
TPP [Trans Pacific Partnership]
我們也不會再有美元勢力 ---
Rama: Right.
Tara: And it has passed away a while ago, and those are illusionary thoughts. This is complicated. You know how they say the story goes. what’s the story here? It’s complicated. This beautiful story that our sister Suzanne Lie told.
Rama: Mhmm.
過去的都是幻覺思想 ~~
一如 Suzanne Lie的故事中說的.
Rama: And we’ve been going over this for a couple of weeks now. And she discussed that you know, in the beginning of the ancient Lemuria and Atlantian times the divine plan was that there would be a marriage there, Lemuria the feminine - divine feminine, and Atlantis the divine masculine. Instead, at the time, since we were being tested, we ended up in a divorce as a matter of speaking. And there’s a..
Rama: ..A contested divorce instead.
~~神聖計劃要一個 『婚姻』.
利慕里亞是這女性能量 ---神聖女性,
在那時, 由於我們被考試,
我們結束在離婚當中 ~~可以這麼說.
所以是個 『鬥爭的離婚』.
Tara: I was talking with one of my dear sisters who always brings up some wonderful stuff. The book Pistis Sophia came up in the conversation. Pistis Sophia means faith in divine wisdom.The teaching is given to the disciples of Jesus after the resurrection. When did we have ascension? We had it here just some time now. Not too far along here. Ascension Thursday.
Rama: Mhmm.
Pistis Sophia意思代表 『神聖智慧』.
Tara: The point is that Christ, He was teaching about the thirteenth, you might say tribe, which is that divine Ophiucian way,which is really in the stars. It was the dolphin constellation that was blown out of the sky, lock, stock, and barrel during the Orion War by the fallen angelic energies of beingness. There was a reason for that, because they did not want Mother [Sekhmet] around.
耶穌教導了 『十三』的智慧~~
也可說是 『族群』 ---
是神聖Ophiucian 道路 ---
海豚星系曾被墮落天使們爆炸出天空中, 被鎖上,
被儲存, 然後桶裝起來~~在獵戶座戰爭之時.
原因是因為他們不要Mother [Sekhmet]出現.
Tara: And Mother’s saying right now, “Let’s dance, because it’s too late. Mother’s got four paws on the ground." The return of the divine feminine in its highest form.See, we volunteered, and there’s nobody that’s got an exclusive on being male or female. We've had many, many, many lifetimes as both. As a matter of fact Akhenaten here - an aspect of Akhenaten had the hermaphrodite experience.
“太遲了! 讓我們跳舞吧!
~~ 這是最高形式的神聖女性的回歸!
看吧! 我們志願來了.
事實上在這裡的 Akhenaten –
Rama: Yes.
Tara: And now we’re watching this stuff on TV where men and women - same sex - are wanting to, you know, have surrogate children and adopt them and raise them as their own, and this has been going on. This is all process - a part of a process. The Sophia, is the wisdom part. Sophia means wisdom. Pistis means faith. So there’s divine faith in the divine wisdom.So faith has its fallen aspects. In the West, it’s been the very fundamentalist born-again teachings. In the East, in the Muslim teachings it’s had the fallen aspect of the church integrating fundamentalist teachings.
同性戀者在爭取領養孩子的權力 ~~
這些全是 『程序』!
Sophia是智慧部份. Pistis是信念部份.
所以 『信念』有墮落層面.
在西方 ~~這是 『基本教義』派 『重生』的教導.
在東方, 在回教教導中 ~~
教會的墮落層面曾也結合了『基本教義』派 的教導.
So there’s two feminines going on here. There’s the fallen concept of the feminine, which erased 520 years of Mother Sekhmet’s time on the planet of 3000 years - 520 of her 3000 years on the planet were completely erased, where dark priesthoods of Atlantis came to Egypt and they saw to it to erase that whole story, because for 13,000 years now the fallen aspect of the divine feminine has reigned with the archonic age.
所以這裡有兩個女性主義在這裡. 有墮落的女性層面 ~~
抹煞掉了獅子母在地球三千年中五百二十年的歷史 ---
Rama: Right:
Tara: With the archons which have all the gifts, yet have used them for black magic. The whore of Babylon was the depiction of the divine feminine in the fallen state.
Rama: Yes.
Tara: Yet again, that energy has been volunteered so that the experiences could be had of how to learn the lessons of the consequences of choices. Yet Mother said, “You got it! Free will choice everybody!”
Rama: Here you go.
可是話說回來 ---
天庭還是給出了這 樣(負面)『能量』
~~讓這 『(墮落)體驗』可以發生 ,
獅子母說: “沒問題! 人人有自由意識選擇權.”
Tara: Here we go. Let’s see what you do with it, and boy, the pickledilly that we are in right now. NESARA, the New - that’s what I said, I think it was the last time or the time before, the New Sara Law! This is where it began when Magdalene and Yeshua got together. They had their firstborn child and she was a girl. Her name was Sara.
Rama: Mhmm.
所以啦! 現在就看你怎麼做啦!
~~NESARA,新的一切 ---
the New Sara Law! (新莎拉法)
~~這事開始於耶和華與 Magdalene 在一起之後
他們的頭胎是個女兒, 名字叫莎拉 Sara.
Tara: Sara is back again in the form of Lady Di, and right now Lady Di with her consort Dodi, bringing the Muslim world back together with the Christian world, East and West in the celebration of the divine Buddha in the Wesak Valley. Let’s get this straight, the Buddha’s soul and the Christ’s soul are the identical soul in different incarnations.
Rama: Yes.
莎拉 Sara已經以黛安娜王妃的形式回來了.
在Wesak Valley.
先說明 ~~
Tara: East meets west, and that’s the deal here. The study of religions and psychology, and parapsychology, all of those things that we’ve taken along this path are coming together in a grand conclusion, which looks like masters of the fusion and confusion, you know, right now. Yet keep your eye on the prize.
當東方遇見西方 ~~這事情是 ~~
所有宗教研究, 心理學研究, 以及超心理學研究,
~~所有這些事情已經走了很久了 ~~~
它們都將進入一個偉大的結束點 ~~
看起來像 『融合與混亂』 ~~在現在.
--- 緊盯著你的獎品吧!
And I just wanted to read the last paragraph in this article. It’s just amazing. People are doing their work, everyone, and so this article - Where did it go? Here. The one about Welcome to Nulandistan.** I’ll read the first paragraph first so you understand.
"The Yatsenyuk*** regime and anti-terrorism operations in the Southern and Eastern oblasts (regions) of Ukraine are really a use of martial force against Ukrainian civilians opposed to the coup-installed regime in Kiev. Predominantly peaceful Ukrainian citizens opposing the coup leaders and not armed separatists have been the main target of the regimes militias. The discourse about pro-Russian separatists is a misleading attempt to hide the real nature of the protests against the regime, which is opposition to a coup. The main issue is one of anti-coup protesters versus a junta and not separatists and federalists versus Kiev. To refer to the junta as the government in Ukraine is to reject or ignore its illegality."
And we've got the same thing. We've got a junta here in the United States.
It’s called the New World Order.
Rama: Right.
美國的軍政府叫 『新世界秩序New World Order』.
Tara: That’s why we have two judicial branches of two judicial systems, one for the 1% who never go to jail, at the moment, and one for the rest of us.
所以我們有兩套司法系統 ---
Rama: That has to do with the absolute high crimes and misdemeanors we have watched since 2008 with the banking system. Why has Jamie Dimon**** not gone to prison, and been tried, convicted, and executed for high treason? Or Lloyd Blankfein or the rest of these folks who play on Wall Street? Tom Hartman talked about this one day where it’s about 80 people, I think, on Wall Street. They own more money than most of the people of the United States.
Tara: So Ed addressed this in a very convincing way.
Rama: Yes, Ed Shultz today he kind of lost it, and went on a roll and brought up the Reformation Act [NESARA], and all the issues that are going on with-
Tara: Well he said that there’s a whole lot of distractions going on right now.
Rama: That’s right.
Tara: Yet how come so many weather changes going on at the same time? And he started talking about the Mayan calendar.
Rama: Right.
Tara: And he said that we’re not really in 2014 right now actually, that we’re in 2015 headed towards 2016. He didn’t say the date, but August 18thwe’re in 2016, everybody. I mean it’s pretty amazing when you start hearing spiritual messages coming from regular news people. Especially a mid-western he called..
Rama:.. redneck.
Ed Shultz(名記者播報員)說 ~~
他沒說日期, 但在2016年八月18日我們就在2016年了.
~~大家 ~~你知道這是非常令人驚訝的事情
~~就是這種正常的新聞人員會開始說 『靈學訊息』
Tara: He called himself a farmer. No, he’s not a redneck.
Rama: No.
Tara: But he called himself a mid-western farmer. He’s working on trying not to eat meat which is very awesome. But the thing is that he even brought up the 520 years of the missing history that gets us all confused. And the teachings in Christianity and the religions as presented in the West are confusing because they leave out so much history, and that doesn’t leave the truth in. And you might say that he’s saying that the Reformation Act corrects the timeline.
Rama: Yes.
Tara: That’s a big concept. Yet what Suzanne Lie was saying that there are numbers of people who - and in the Pistis Sophia, they say that too. A large group of people cannot rise up from where they are, and the timeline is up, and the resetting of the timeline is in place now. So let’s send them Love and be glad to know that there’s a plan, a divine plan where they are being moved to other planetary systems, where they can still learn more about this idea of separation.
Rama: Mhmm.
Suzanne Lie也提到,
一如在the Pistis Sophia中所說~~
Tara: The busting now of these stories coming out everywhere in the news. The dollar is the plan of keeping the separation in place, and so it’s going. Yes we need to get humble in this country and as well as Britain and Canada and Australia. All these countries, and Germany, the pan-German Alliance was never solid. There was never an agreement done in WWII. It's behind the scenes. It just went underground, and it’s been going on. And we got Fourth Reich all over the place. Yet we’ve got Maitreya and we’ve got the Mahdi. And you know 8 and 8 is 16, and 6 and 1 is 7! We got St. Germain! St. Germain’s is in here with balls on, he's got the money, Mr. Moneybags, but it’s not about the money.
8+8=16 雙倍彌勒佛能量
6+1=7 聖哲曼大師能量
聖哲曼大師的球已經在線了, 而且祂有錢,
Rama: No it’s not.
Tara: Unless we comprehend fully that piece, that we are each other’s brother and sister keepers. And that this money is in our care to set that timeline right for others, to help others to get involved as a group of world servers so that we can go forward now, and to not get all caught up in these distractions.
There was one more wonderful thing. Elizabeth Warren was a guest on Sunday on Both Sides Now with Mark Green, he was the former head of America-
Rama: Air America.
Tara: Air America. She said you know when they were discussing the Benghazi thing she said when asked by Mark; “What’s this all about? You know it just sounds like a dog and pony show.” And she said it’s all about the United States wanting to steal Gaddafi’s money, his gold. That doesn’t go as far as we go. Just to remind you Hilary Clinton literally did steal 800 metric tons of gold, and you’ve got to look back. Who set up the bombing of Libya by NATO?
NATO is going to be gone with NESARA.
RAMA: Yes.
TARA: Hilary Clinton. She went over there to Paris and arranged for that to happen. And Barack Obama went down to Brazil and Chile he talked with a lady, and said let’s talk about you know, without saying reformation, let’s talk about that.
Barack Obama去巴西去智利,
他跟一位女士談說 『咱們談吧!』
而沒使用 『改革』這字.
Rama: Right.
Tara: Let’s talk about you know, the new wold - one world, not the New World Order. That was a real turning point. So all of these issues about creating death and destruction, they’ve all been at the hands of these characters. So at the end of this story it says, just to read this one page, this piece here.
他要談的是 『新世界』但不是 “新世界秩序”!
"The real terrorists and fascists are the coup leaders (In Nulandistan, that’s another name for Ukraine’s New World Order plans for them. Nuland is the last name of the woman- spokesperson for, you know, the West, you might say) that had sold themselves and Ukraine to foreign powers. Also among the real terrorists and fascists are the foreign backers of the Yatsenyuk regime in the name of the United States, Great Britain, France, Poland, Canada, and Germany, which have brought division, ruin, and destruction across this entire globe. from the former Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Mali, Central African Republic, Sudan, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, all Black Ops."
As Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said, and this brings me back to the King of Swords [KOS]because he told us all that Ahmadinejad would end up being a prophet. And here it is.
"Mahmoud Ahmadinejad the former president of Iran is mistranslated and misrepresented by the mainstream media in North America and Western Europe about saying he wants to wipe Israel off the map during a conference. The United States government and the European Union have field days condemning Iran."
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad,
前任伊朗總統將來會成為 『先知』, 而他現在已經是了.
以及錯誤的解釋說 ~~
Really, remember what this is about. I’m not going to read any more, but that’s enough. This usurpation of Palestinian land..
Rama: Mhmm.
Tara: ..by so called Israeli’s. They’re not Jews, they’re Khazarians***** And they’re the white Anglo-Saxon families that decided to call themselves Jews - to cover it up.
Rama: They’re not Hebrew.
所謂的 『以色列』 ~~
(德英國種族) ~~
他們只是決定自稱為Jews -
他們根本不是猶太人 Hebrew.
Tara: And to try to claim. We read something from a book calledWhen the Rocks Cry Out that tells us that Jerusalem is not over there. Jerusalem is Cusco in South America. Now into the West we go. This is where it all begins again as the New Atlantis, the united states of Altia America as written by St.Germain when he was Sir Francis Bacon, and he said he would be back, and now is the time. I Love you all, Everybody! I pass the talking stick. Namaste.
Transcription by Julie.
When the Rocks Cry Out(當岩石哭泣)
耶路撒冷在南美的 Cusco庫斯科.
這是 『新亞特蘭提斯』重新開始的地方 ~~
依照聖哲曼大師轉世的Sir Francis Bacon,
所寫下的united states of Altia America
亞特蘭迪亞美國 ~~
他也說祂會回來, 而時間就是現在.
I Love you all, Everybody!Namaste.
*** http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/mar/04/who-governing-ukraine-olexander-turchynov