Elizabeth Trutwin: 20140323
--- Elizabeth Trutwin陪大家倒數計時
Full Galactic Disclosure by Elizabeth Trutwin, March 23, 2014
Full Galactic Disclosure by Elizabeth Trutwin
As long as we believe we are at the most advanced period of time we will not look for other answers. Shaman all over the world today know that in our normal state of consciousness we will not have a supernatural experience or even a spiritual experience. The supernatural is all around us, all the time, unseen and our senses cannot sense them. This is why it is wise to dissolve the ego mind in order to become in charge of your senses. Our education and the knowledge so called scientists share with us, for example; what is accepted as physical properties, dumb us down. Almost every day someone writes me to ask if what they are reading is true or false. The basic knowledge is missing and that makes discernment almost impossible. Knowledge is Power.
只要我們持續相信我們正處於科學最進步的時期, 我們就不會尋找其他的答案. 全世界的薩滿祭司都知道 ~~~
在我們 '正常'的覺知意識狀態---
我們就不會有一個 '超自然經驗'
或甚至是一個 '靈性經驗'.
'超自然現象' 就在我們四周, 所有時候都存在, 不被看見, 而且我們的感官無法感應到他們.
透過 '消除自己的小我心智ego'
我們所受的教育, 以及我們所知的 '科學家'們告訴我們的事 ~~
例如, 一般認定的 '物理性質' '知識' ~~~讓我們 '變' 笨了!
基本知識~~是不存在了! ~~~這讓 '分辨力'几乎不可能存在.
而 (真)知識是力量!
The Peace Band is Where we Find Zero Point
就是 '零點場'所在之處
At the geodesic center of the world you will find pyramids clustering at six distinct sites; Abu Rowash, Giza, Abu Garab, Abusir, Saqqara and Dashour. There are 22 pyramids in the Band of Peace. These sites are connected. Today they are isolated sites or only partially excavated. The treasure of free energy is hidden from us today. We had superior science long ago. Each of these sites is built on an electrical ley line within Earth’s Energy Grid. Likewise, each of these is built upon an aquifer. A short camel ride from the Giza pyramid is Abu Garab with three pyramids and the largest Obelisk which ever existed on Earth. It was made completely of quartz crystal. The many quartz basins formed a water channel where energy was produced. These structures have hieroglyphic carvings on them in the traditional Sufi language which is still spoken today.
在全世界的測地線中心, 你會發現金字塔集結區域分佈在六個特殊地點: 阿布Rowash,吉薩,阿布Garab,Abusir,薩卡拉和Dashour。Abu Rowash, Giza, Abu Garab, Abusir, Saqqara and Dashour.
這每一個地點都建在地球的能量矩陣的電子能量網路之上. 相同的, 這些個金字塔也都建在含水層之上.
Abu Garab. 它是完全由石英晶體所製造的.
Sufi 語言的象形文字雕刻在上面.
The water when the Sun’s beam hits it raises the energy up through the tunnels of water into the apex of the pyramid providing free energy. The core of the Pyramids are made out of Dolomite Limestone and has a high magnesium content which conducts electricity well. The sheaths covering the pyramids, just like an electrical wire, were made of Tura Limestone which is mostly calcium carbonate, a poor conductor of electricity. Within the Pyramid are granite tunnels and this is a transmission stone. The ancients made precise calculations connecting their lives on Earth to their lives in the Stars. The cluster of Pyramids at Abusir are exactly in alignment with the Pleiadian cluster. The Giza Pyramids align with Orion’s Belt. For seventy days each year the Sun of our Trinary Sun System, Sirius, falls out of sight in the nighttime sky. Along the Peace Band are Sun Temples built between Abusir and Giza where the Sun crosses the Milky Way in a procession over these seventy days each year. It is exactly precise built on the ground according to the Cosmic procession in the Sky. This is a passion play for our Solar System.
當太陽光照射到水上時, 會提升水的能量而穿過水道進入金字塔頂端而提供出 『免費自由能源』.
金字塔核心是由白雲質灰岩所做成, 所以有一個高的鎂的含量 ~~適合傳導電力. 而金字塔外壳,
就像一條電子管線, 是由圖拉石灰石所做,
這大部份是碳酸鈣, 是一種品質很差的電子導電物質. 在金字塔之內, 有花崗岩管道,
在 Abusir的金字塔群是完全與昴宿星群完全對齊的. 而吉薩金字塔則與獵戶座星帶對齊. 每年有70天時間, 我們的三元太陽系統的太陽, 天狼星, 會掉出夜空的視線之外. 那是完全精確的依照天空中的大宇宙進展程序而建造的. 這是我們太陽系統的一場激情戲.
The band of millions of Pyramids on the Planet are built to connect with the Earth Grid, the Ley Lines, the system of Pyramids, Obelisks, Ziggurats, Zero Point Modules, Portals and StarGates to create a Band of Peace called Zero Point. The Megalithic site Stonehenge is built on an aquifer on ley lines, as are all of the other Pyramids found in Europe, South America, China and Africa. The largest Pyramid in the World is in Bosnia and the oldest Pyramid in the World is in Crimea.
地球上幾百萬的金字塔是建造來連接地球矩陣能量網絡的, 這些金字塔系統, 方尖塔, 通靈塔, 零點模組件,
入口Portal, 星門~~~
都是為了來製造一條 『和平區帶』~~被稱為 『零點』.
英國Stonehenge 巨石林的巨石區~~就是建在含水層的能量網絡上, 一如所有其他在歐洲, 南美洲, 中國和非洲的金字塔們. 世界上最大的金字塔在 Bosnia波斯尼亞, 而最老的金字塔在克里米亞Crimea.
Nikola Tesla built a Free Energy Tower on Long Island and it was shut down by JP Morgan.Edison produced electricity for a regulated monopoly which we are still paying today.As we discover the natural free energy all around us we realize free energy is tied in directly with #FullGalacticDisclosure.
尼古拉·特斯拉Nikola Tesla在紐約長島建造了一座
免費自由能源塔, 但是被JP Morgan摩根所關閉.
然後 Edison愛迪生開始生產一種被管制的專利能量
--- 那是我們到今天仍然在付錢的東西.
『免費自由能源』 與
Between 1901 and 1917 the Tesla Tower was built in Shoreham, New York. It was built on an aquifer with descending tunnels just as the Pyramids are. It provided free transmissions for telephone across the Atlantic as well as free energy.
在1901到1917年的 Tesla 塔是建在Shoreham,
New York. 那是建立在含水層之上, 其下有往下的管道, 就像金字塔們一樣.
自由免費傳輸,以及 免費自由能源的傳輸.
JP Morgan made all his profits off charging for electricity.Since Tesla wanted to produce the energy for everybody for free, JP Morgan shut down his funding. Free wireless energy has always been on our Planet and it is available today.
JP Morgan摩根從販賣電力賺取他所有的利潤. 由於Tesla 想要生產免費能量給所有人使用,
所以JP Morgan摩根就關掉他的運作基金的來源.
所以免費自由能源一直都存在我們行星之上, 而且到今天仍然是可以使用的!
When the ancient Egyptians went to Anubis to have their heart weighed against the feather of truth that was meeting Archangel Michael, the co-titular head of the Karmic Board with Maitreya. If your heart weighed the same as the feather, if it was very light, you were given permission to move on. If your heart was heavy because you had committed many crimes then you were not allowed to go on to the other side. Instead of having another lifetime you would be uncreated and move back through the Scorpi Black Hole as if you never had been born.
當古代埃及人到了 Anubis阿努比斯來稱他們的心相對於'真理的羽毛' 的重量之時~~那就是與大天使麥克見面, 這位在 '因果審議會' 上, 與彌勒佛Maitreya一起的雙會長.
假如你的心稱起來與羽毛一樣, 假如它很輕,
假如你的心是沉重的, 因為你犯過許多罪,
那你就不會被允許去到另外一邊. 不但無法轉世, 你會被消融掉,
然後穿越 Scorpi Black Hole天蠍黑洞---就如同你從未出生過一樣.
Under the Command of Ashtar from the technology on the New Jerusalem, to MT Keshe at the Keshe Foundation, the Zero Point Modules will be activated and the Peace Band will produce a Band of Horizontal Energy which will place Earth once again in Zero Point. In this energy no weapons work and we will have Peace on Earth. It is within this setting of no nuclear weapons where our Galactic Family may land on Earth. This will be an environment where Free Energy will be made available to Everybody on Earth.
從新耶路撒冷號飛船上, 在阿斯塔司令所管轄的科技之下, 以及 MT Keshe博士的Keshe基金會的合作之下, 這零點模組件會被啟動, 而 『和平區帶』會生產出一條水平能量~~~可以將地球再次放入零點.
在這能量中, 沒有武器能運作,
Sananda Jesus Admiral of the New Jerusalem
“The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are described in the last book of the New Testament of the Bible, called the Book of Revelation of Jesus Christ to Saint John the Evangelist at 6:1-8. The chapter tells of a book or scroll in God’s right hand that is sealed with seven seals. The Lamb of God, or Lion of Judah (Jesus Christ), opens the first four of the seven seals, which summons four beings that ride out on white, red, black, and pale horses. Although some interpretations differ, in most accounts, the four riders are seen as symbolizing Conquest, War, Famine, and Death, respectively.The Christian apocalyptic vision is that the four horsemen are to set a divine apocalypse upon the world as harbingers of the Last Judgment.”(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apocalypse)
'四個騎士' 的啟示在聖經新約的最後一本書中有描述到 ~~~被稱之為 The Book of Revelation of Jesus Christ to Saint John the Evangelist at 6:1-8.
在這一章中談到了上帝右手中的一本書或是一捲軸, 那是被七個封印所封起來的. 神的羔羊,或猶大(耶穌)的獅子,打開了七印中的前四個,因此召喚出了4個存有, 騎著白色,紅色,黑色的和灰色的馬出來。
雖然有些解釋上的差異, 但在大部份的紀錄中,
這四個騎士都被認為依照順序, 是代表了
~~~征服, 戰爭, 饑荒與死亡的代表.
基督教啟示的看法是認為 ~~
這四騎士是來執行'神聖的啟示' 到這世界上來,
Secret Empire Briefing Book – Definitions (http://www.amazon.com/The-Secret-Empire-Cushman-Cunningham/dp/0970096607)
“Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse” – Edward Snowden (Conquest),Julian Assange (War), Glenn Greenwald (Famine), Chelsea (Bradley) Manning (Death).
“Apocalypse” – From the Greek for Disclosure of Knowledge
希臘的 Disclosure of Knowledge知識揭密一書中說: 聖經啟示中提到的四騎士---Edward Snowden (Conquest)
Julian Assange (War)
Glenn Greenwald (Famine)
Chelsea (Bradley) Manning (Death)
Elizabeth Trutwin: 20140323
--- Elizabeth Trutwin陪大家倒數計時
The above describes the first four Seals of the Seven Seals opened by Jesus (Sananda ~ KOS) the 5th Seal is Arrests the 6th Seal is Announcements and Enactment of NESARA Law and the 7thSeal is #FullGalacticDisclosure. There is no need to hide Disclosure from your “Christian based” friends. No. Just tell them Jesus Drives a UFO.
第五個封印 ~~是 『大逮捕』,
而第六個封印是 『大宣佈與 NESARA法案的執行』, 而第七個封印是 『完全的銀河大揭露』.
所以不需要對你們的 '基督徒朋友們' 隱瞞 『大揭露』. 只要告訴他們 ~~耶穌基督是開飛碟的.
When President Obama comes to the Podium for Announcements he will reveal publicly to the World that our government has had interactions with Extraterrestrials. He will be revealing the Secret Budget and the Secret Space Program.
當歐巴馬總統上台去做 『大宣佈』,
他會公開 『秘密預算』以及
President Kennedy was Briefed on the 1942 UFO Crash, Roswell and Admiral Byrd’s Flight to Inner Earth
“The very word ‘secrecy’ is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths, and to secret proceedings.” ~John F. Kennedy
“秘密'這個詞'是在一個自由和開放的社會是令人厭惡的;而我們作為一個民族, 天生自然的,而且從歷史上是反對秘密社團,秘密宣誓,以及秘密程序的”
James Forrestal began as a Journalist and Investment Banker. He became friends with Joseph Kennedy and they worked on Wall Street Reform together. It was Occupy Wall Street your Great Grandfather’s version. They made enemies. Not long after Joseph Kennedy Jr was killed did John F. Kennedy take his role in the family as the first Irish Catholic President. Under FDR James Forrestal became the Under Secretary to the Navy and very quickly took his place as Secretary of the Navy (Sec Nav). The United States was at this time preparing to join the Second World War against that Time Traveling War Criminal, Adolph Hitler.
詹姆斯·福萊斯特James Forrestal 剛開始時是作為一個記者和投資銀行家。他後來與約瑟夫·肯尼迪成為了朋友,他們共同努力改革華爾街。這是 '佔領華爾街運動'的曾祖父版。他們製造出了許多敵人。沒多久,約瑟夫·肯尼迪二世被殺死了之後, 約翰肯尼迪取代了他在家裡的角色而成為了第一個愛爾蘭天主教總統。James Forrestal 詹姆斯·羅斯福福萊斯特在 FDR之下, 首先成為海軍秘書, 然後很快成為了海軍副局長, 。美國在這個時候準備加入第二次世界大戰, 並對抗該時間旅行戰犯Adolph Hitler.阿道夫·希特勒。
Three months after the attack at Pearl Harbor there were unidentified Space Crafts over Los Angeles and the United States Military launched anti-aircraft missiles in a long battle. It is reported that there was a Crash of a UFO during the battle and the Navy took possession of the UFO. It was referred to as an InterPlanetary Vehicle. The InterPlanetary Phenomena Unit was formed then as a part of Naval Intelligence. Forrestal was briefed then and knew all about the crashed Craft and it was studied to see if it could be used in the War effort.
在珍珠港被攻擊事件三個月之後, 有不明飛行物飛越洛杉磯上空, 而美國軍隊也發射出了防空導彈並且展開了冗長時間的戰鬥。 報告說, 在戰鬥中有一艘飛碟墜落, 而且海軍也捕獲這艘飛碟. 這艘飛碟被稱為 '星際飛行車' . 這'星際飛行車' 現象的單位因此成立而成為海軍情報的一個單位. Forrestal在那裡也聽取了報告, 而且知曉墜落的飛碟, 也知道他們正在研究它以使用於戰爭之中.
During the time of the Air Raid President Kennedy was in Naval Intelligence and was responsible for sending information through the Naval Channels. In 1945 he was a guest of James Forrestal in a post war tour of Germany where he witnessed all the Nazi Super Weapons. These were Extraterrestrial Technology. There is a 1947 InterPlanetary Phenomena Unit Report which lists then Congressman JFK as receiving a copy of the report. John F Kennedy was briefed on The Roswell Crash. All of this lead up to the Cuban Missile Crisis when the Galactic Federation stopped the Russian Ships carrying nuclear missiles and drove them back out to Sea.
在空襲的時候肯尼迪總統正在海軍情報單位中,並且負責通過海軍渠道發送信息。 1945年他做客詹姆斯佛瑞斯塔的一個單位, 那是他在戰後德國做巡迴旅行時, 他目睹了所有納粹的超級武器。這些都是外星科技。有一個1947年的星際現象單位報告~~在該報告中列出了當時肯尼迪眾議員有收到報告的副本。約翰·F·肯尼迪,聽取了有關羅斯威爾飛碟墜毀事件的報告。所有這一切都導致了古巴的導彈危機, 當時,銀河聯邦停止了攜帶核導彈的俄羅斯船舶並且逼迫他們回到大海。
President Kennedy was briefed by Ashtar in the White House and knew where the Divine help came from. Ashtar has been a part of the United Stated Military working with the Alien Contact Intelligence Organization (ACIO) since this time. He continues to brief President Obama in the White House on matters about Disclosure and helps him interact with The Ships.
甘迺迪總統也在白宮中聽取了阿斯塔司令的報告, 並且知道神聖協助的出處. 從這時開始, 阿斯塔司令就一直是美國軍方與外星聯絡情報單位(ACIO)的一員. 他仍然持續對歐巴馬總統做關於大揭露的報告, 並且協助他與飛船們互動.
In 1947 James Forrestal was in Command over Project Paperclip. He also was Sec Nav when the Navy sent Expedition High Jump by Admiral Byrd into Inner Earth on a Navy Mission where they uncovered a UFO Command of protecting Nazi’s who had left surface Earth to escape after the war. In searching for answers to who killed President Kennedy we need to start with the death of his mentor, James Forrestal in 1949. Forrestal became the first Secretary of Defense in 1947, a position he held until March, 1949.
在1947年, James Forrestal負責 Project Paperclip單位之主管工作. 他同時也是海軍秘書長 ~~當海軍派出由海軍上將伯德所帶領的 '遠征跳高隊'依照海軍命令 ~~~進入地球內部時,~~在那裡他們發現了一隊飛碟單位在那裡 ~~~保護離開地球表面戰後逃脫的納粹人。而在尋找是誰殺了肯尼迪總統的答案時--- 我們需要開始從他的導師之死, 詹姆斯佛瑞斯塔在1949年去世, 開始談起。佛瑞斯塔成為國防部的第一秘書長在1947年,他擔任此職位直到1949年的三月。
When Kennedy was on the verge of succeeding, by forcing the CIA to share classified UFO information with other government agencies (Russia) on November 12, 1963, he was assassinated ten days later. President Kennedy sent a memo to the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration regarding Cooperation with the USSR on Outer Space Matters.
We know that NSA Astronauts landed on the Moon in 1961 with the help of Extraterrestrial technology. President Kennedy was aware of this. Edward Snowden has released tons of evidence about the covert operations of the NSA. The NSA spying is simply the tip of the Iceberg. As The United States and other governments admit publicly the Global Reach of the NSA we are being warmed up for #FullGalacticDisclosure. When Apollo Astronauts landed on the Moon in 1969 they were met by NSA Astronauts as well as Extraterrestrials already living on the Moon. NSA Astronauts invited NASA to leave the moon and never come back.
我們知道,美國國家安全局的宇航員在1961年登陸月球是透過外星科技的幫助。肯尼迪總統明白這件事。愛德華·斯諾登Edward Snowden 發布了許多證據有關國家安全局NSA 的秘密行動。國家安全局NSA 的間諜業務僅僅只是冰山的一角。當美國和其他國家的政府公開承認~~~美國國家安全局NSA 的全球業務時,我們也在為 『完全的銀河大揭露』做暖身。當阿波羅宇航員在1969年登陸上月球時,他們會見了早已經生活在月球上由的美國國家安全局NSA 的宇航員,以及外星人。國家安全局NSA 宇航員 '邀請' (告訴) NASA美國宇航局離開月球,永不回來。
Neil Armstrong had said NASA kept this secret to prevent a panic on Earth. He simply said the CIA was behind the cover up. The National Security Agency screens all films and radio communications from the Rockets as well. We have the statements by Otto Binder, Dr. Garry Henderson and Maurice Chatelain that the NASA Astronauts were under strict orders not to discuss their UFO sightings on the Moon. Gordon Cooper has testified to a United Nations committee that one of the Astronauts actually witnessed a UFO on the Moon after they landed. Each of the moon walks was only a few hours and they never stayed long at the Moon. After a few visits they never went back.
尼爾·阿姆斯特朗Neil Armstrong曾表示NASA 美國航空航天局一直在保持這個秘密,以防止地球上產生恐慌。他簡單就是說, CIA中情局就是遮蓋這事的單位。美國國家安全局篩選了所有電影和無線電通信, 以及從火箭上的。我們有來自Otto Binder, Dr. Garry Henderson and Maurice Chatelain 作證 --- NASA的宇航員們在嚴格的命令之下不準談論在月球上的UFO目擊事件的陳述。 Gordon Cooper戈登·庫珀是已經對一個聯合國委員會作證了的宇航員之一,親眼目睹了不明飛行物在月球上,在他們降落之後。而每個月球漫步都只有幾個小時之久,他們從來沒有長時間停留在月球上過。經過幾次考察之後,他們從來沒有再回去過。
Now we can understand why Edward Snowden has asylum in Russia. President Kennedy had been persuaded by Ashtar to make Peace with the Soviets after the Cuban Missile Crisis. He understood first hand that another escalation of that magnitude could mean death for Mother Earth. He decided to be brave and be the One to take the steps for A World of Peace. The evidence that President Kennedy was working towards a peaceful solution with the USSR on the Outer Space issue and he was thwarted by the NSA and CIA is in Russia. In their files the evidence remains. Now we can also understand why Putin is helping President Obama with Disclosure.
現在我們可以理解為什麼愛德華·斯諾登在俄羅斯獲得庇護。因為肯尼迪總統在古巴導彈危機後, 曾被阿斯塔說服,去與蘇聯和平相處。據他第一手的了解~~~如此規模的另一種升級的爭端~~~可能意味著地球母親的死亡。他決定要勇敢做第一個~~採取步驟走向一個和平的世界的總統。有證據表明,肯尼迪總統正努力爭取與蘇聯的外太空問題的和平解決,但是他在俄羅斯議題上是受阻於NSA 美國國家安全局和CIA 中央情報局。在他們的文件中的證據依然存在。現在,我們也可以理解為什麼普京是在幫助奧巴馬總統做 '大揭露'的原因。
Bill Clinton and the Rockefeller Initiative
Decades after President Kennedy, President Clinton became the Disclosure President. President Clinton, like President Kennedy was a member of the 13 Families, the dark cabal. His natural born Father was Laurance Rockefeller. He had an arranged marriage to Hillary who is Adolf Hitler’s granddaughter through a mistress. Hillary is a Rothschild. This was the name taken by the family as they immigrated to the United States. The original family name was the Bauers.
肯尼迪總統之後幾十年,克林頓總統成為'大揭露'總統。克林頓總統,就像肯尼迪總統, 是黑暗勢力的13個家庭中的一員。他真正的親生父親是勞倫斯·洛克菲勒。他有一個被安排的婚姻與希拉里, 而她是阿道夫·希特勒的一個情婦系統的孫女。希拉里是一個羅斯柴爾德人。這是他們移民到美國的家族所採取為名字的名字。原來的姓是Bauers。
Laurence Rockefeller became the financial backing needed to help President Clinton become the Disclosure President. He had launched a Plan where he planned to buy the Front Page of every prominent Newspaper in the Country printing the UFO story. Many years and meetings went into devising this Plan. Ultimately President Clinton feared he too would be assassinated and bowed out of the Plan. He did sign NESARA into law on October 10, 2000 paving the way for the Plan.
勞倫斯·洛克菲勒成了需要幫助克林頓總統成為'大揭露'總統的金融支持。他發動了一個計劃,他打算買每一份顯赫的報紙的頭版, 在全國刊載有關不明飛行物的故事。許多年的時間和會議都花在制定本計劃。最終,克林頓總統擔心他也會被暗殺,而退出了該計劃。
但他確實簽署了NESARA成為正式法案在2000年10月10日, 並為這大計劃鋪平了道路。
The Congressional Hearings Initiative by We The People and the Paradigm Research Group
由We The People (我們的人民組織)和範式研究團體the Paradigm Research Group所發起
After the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure we have outlined a Plan to testify at the General Assembly at the United Nations about the worldwide issue of the Extraterrestrial presence on Earth. The next obvious step is a Congressional Hearing of the Witness Testimony from top military and government officials. This is scheduled to take place Spring 2014. We the People must make right on Earth those things which are required to make Earth a Planet of Peace. There are members of Congress who are a part of the problem. They are part of the Cover Up. Some Congressional Members do not invite this public awareness to their Crimes against Humanity. It will not be easy to get inside the Capital Building with this issue. A large sway of public opinion with a focused concentration of requesting the media to cover the issue will be needed.
自從'外星揭露公民聽證會' 之後,我們已經提出了一個計劃要在聯合國大會作證關於地球上的外星存在事實的世界性問題。而下一個明顯的步驟~~~
There remains so many things hidden from sight. The mass psychological attack of 911 as an inside job was devised by the same parties involved in The Truth Embargo. Connect the Dots. See with Eyes Which See. Support the Efforts of those Being the Change. Those Riders of the Apocalypse have launched #FullGalacticDisclosure which will Free this Planet from the few who wanted to control the many. President Obama will be the Disclosure President. Watch for It. Disclosure Now! by Elizabeth Trutwin, March 23, 2014 © All Rights Reserved. http://ElizabethTrutwin.org, http://GalacticRoundTable.orgThank you for your ongoing contribution to this work. Donate.
仍有這麼多隱藏在視線之外的東西。911的大眾心理攻擊,是一個內部作業 --- 是由參與 '真相禁運' 的同一團人所做。自己連連看吧! 看看眼睛能看到的。
啟示錄的那些騎士們已經啟動了 '完全的外星大揭露' ~~~~這將釋放這個星球從想要控制的許多少數手中。
奧巴馬總統將會是 『大揭露總統』。
Elizabeth Trutwin,2014年3月23日©版權所有。 http://ElizabethTrutwin.org,http://GalacticRoundTable.orgThank您對這項工作正在進行貢獻。捐贈。