
How What Matters Manifests into Matter

January 16, 2014 by The Golden Light Channel

source: http://spiritualconnectedness.wordpress.com/2014/01/14/how-what-mat...

original message: http://enlighteninglife.com/matters-manifests-matter/

by Jennifer Hoffman

中文翻译: 林琚月20140117 http://blog.sina.com.cn/rebeccahjlin



Whenever something is important, meaningful, and relevant to us, we say that it matters. Isn’t it interesting that this word is also how we define physical form, which we call matter. And because we send a lot of energy towards what matters to us, it is what manifests as the reality of our life. Whether this is intentional or unintentional manifestation, what matters manifests and if we aren’t happy with what we’re manifesting, we need to take a look at what we are including in what matters to us.

當每次有些重要的, 有意義的, 而且與我們有關連的事情出現時 ~~~我們就會說這有關係’(重要性)matter!” 而這不是很有趣嗎? ~~因為我們把物質也叫做 “matter” !? 而這正是因為我們發送許多愛給對我們而言重要的事情” ~~所以這些事就顯化成現實在我們的人生中. 不論這些顯化是蓄意而為的, 或者是沒有企圖的作為 ~~與我們有重要的事情會顯化出來, 而且假如我們對於我們所作出的顯化不喜歡的話 ~~我們就必須要檢查一下 ~~我們自認為重要的事情都是些什麼.


We defend what matters because these are our life principles and standards. We define ourselves, who we are, what we believe, our ethics and morals, by what matters. But do we ever look at what matters and ask ourselves why we are supporting this belief or whether it belongs to us? Sometimes our life’s ‘matters’ are those we inherit or learn and we don’t question them. But it all becomes part of our matter (or reality) because what matters to you is manifesting in your life right now, whether you are aware of it or not, or want it or not.

對於我們覺得重要的事 ~~我們會衛護它 ~~因為這些是我們人生的原則和標準. 我們定義我們自己, 我們是誰, 我們相信什麼, 我們的倫理道德以及重要的標準. 但是我們是否有審視過自己那些重要的東西”, 並且問我們自己 ~~為何我們現在支持這個理念, 以及這真是我們的理念嗎? 有時候我們的人生的重要事情” ~~是那些我們繼承或是學來的觀念, 而且我們從來不懷疑它們. 但是那都變成我們的物理現實” ~~因為對你重要的事正在顯化在你的人生之中 ~~不論你是否警覺到它的存在, 或是要不要這事實的顯化.


So much of our energy goes towards what matters that we need to do a ‘matter review’ occasionally, to ensure that we are connected to what we want to empower and create, and that it is still relevant and important to us. A matter review is not an opportunity to judge what we have manifested — remember, energy is neutral and non-judgmental so we can’t judge or criticize our creation as good or bad. But we can take a look at situations and events in our lives from the point of discovering what mattered so much to us that we created this situation from it.

由於如此多~~我們的能量會走向 ~~ “重要的事! ~~因此我們有時需要做一個重要性檢討單”~~來確定我們有連接上 ~~我們想要加強與創造出來的東西~~

而且這些事真的對我們而言 ~~

仍然是相關的, 而且重要的.



記住! 能量是中立的, 而且沒有批判性的. ~~




~~從這個點來發現 ~~




Judging ourselves for past actions never accomplishes anything, but making sure that we are channeling our energy into creation in a intentional, thoughtful, conscious and purpose-ful way by ensuring that what we say and believe matters is still relevant and useful, and is aligned with our intention, accomplishes a lot.


但是要確定我們是正在傳輸我們的能量進去創造顯化之中~~以一種有目的的, 深思熟慮的, 有覺知意識的, 而且目標清楚的方式~~來確定我們說的話和所認定的事情仍然是相關的” “有用的”, 而且與我們的企圖心是對齊一致的~~如此一來我們才能完成許多顯化’.


As we enter into this action packed, fast moving year of love, and I call it that because ‘love’ is the energy of the universe and we have a lot of it at our disposal this year, we have an even greater ability to create transformation and movement in every area of our lives. And since we’re always creating our reality in every moment, we can be more aware of what we are creating by looking at what matters to us. The matter we are creating (which is our physical reality) unfolds from what matters, meaning things that are important, relevant, uplifting and empowering. And that includes our need for healing, validation, value, acknowledgement, and transformation.


正在進入一個充滿行動的”, “進行非常快速的”, “愛的一年” ~~ 我如此稱呼它是因為愛是宇宙能量”, ~~

今年我們有許多愛的能量可以使用, 我們有更大的能力來創造轉變與行動”~~在我們人生的每一個區域.




我們所正在創造的事情’ ~~

(那是存在於我們的物質實相中的) ~~

顯化自 ~~對我們重要的, 有意義的事情 ~~

那些很重要的, 相關的, 可以提升我們的, 可以增益我們的. 而這包括了我們接受療癒的需要, 被肯定的需要,

價值的需要, 被確認的需要, 以及轉變的需要.


It’s never too late to do a matter review and if you did one now, you must might discover a few things that have once mattered to you that may or may not be as important now. If you release them, can you bring some new aspects of matter into your life that will create new potentials for your reality. We create our intention through what matters to us, because we use what is important to us as the basis for our intention. Then we see the results in our physical reality, or matter. If we don’t like what we see, we can look at what mattered to us at that moment and change what matters, so we can change our matter (reality).

從來不會太遲來重新做一個重要性審視” ~~

而假如你現在做完了一個, 你必然有可能發現一些事情~~那對你曾經是重要的, 可是現在或許或者沒那麼重要了.



~~而這 (新的重要性)將會創造出新的潛力在你的實象之中? 我們創造出來的企圖心” ~~












Read more: http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/profiles/blogs/how-what-matters-manifests-into-matter#ixzz2qf41wqxE

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