James Gilliland ~即將到來的改變

James Gilliland ~ The Upcoming Shifts

FatherMotherGod Amon Ra's picture

Submitted by FatherMotherGod... on Thu, 11/21/2013 - 08:46


作者: James Gilliland


中文翻译: 林琚月 20131122 http://blog.sina.com.cn/rebeccahjlin




ECETI November 20 2013

We have been receiving some incredible information about the upcoming shifts, some from a 9th dimensional being who, when asked what system he comes from, told us we have no reference points so it does not really matter.

我們一直在收到一些非常不可思議的訊息 ~~關於即將到來的改變--- 有些來自第9維度的存有 ~~當問到祂是來自那個系統時, 祂告訴我們~~我們無法理解, 所以就不用提了, 無所謂.



These shifts peak just after Thanksgiving and just after Christmas.As in all waves they have an ebb and flow or a build up, the peak, then integration. When these waves move through the various grids and fields of energy life will not be the same. The energies are exponentially increasing, each wave building on the other.

這些改變的高點剛好在感恩節之後, 以及剛好在聖誕節之後.就像在所有波中一樣, 它們會起起落落, 或者解釋為~~升起, 一個高點, 然後整合”.當這些波浪移動通過許多不同的柵欄網絡以及能量場之後~~人生將不會再一樣.這些能量是呈指數成長的, 每個波浪都會堆出下一個波浪.


The Sun is going to be very active – agitated by the incoming comets, the alignment with Galactic Plane, Alcyone and Sirius. Unity consciousness is the end game along with Universal Law. Those who cannot align themselves with these new energies are going to have a real hard time.

太陽將會非常的活躍 --- 即將到來的彗星所激發, 以及與銀河層的對齊, 與銀河大中央太陽Alcyone以及天狼星的對齊.合一的覺知意識是這個結束的遊戲 ~~伴隨著宇宙法律而來.那些無法與這些新能量對齊協調的人將會有一個真的非常困難的時間.


It is time go get back to basics. It is time to choose to be kind and loving. It is time to set boundaries with those who choose not to be kind and loving. The separation and greed game is coming to a close. Those who willingly participate in actions against Humanity and the Earth or serve those of lesser integrity will experience the same fate as their “superiors.”

現在該是回到基本本質的時間了.現在是時間來選擇~~友善作人, 有愛作人~~的時候了.現在也是時候 ~~劃下界線 ~~與那些~~選擇不友善與無愛之人~~的時候了.

這個分別貪婪的遊戲已經到了結束之時了.那些自願參與傷害敵對地球與人類的行為, 或是去服務那些正直太少的人--- 都將會經驗與他們的上司同樣的命運!


These waves are not unconscious. Consciousness and energy is coming in with these waves. They are awakening the unconscious. The masks are coming off and deeds of the controllers and enslavers are being revealed.

這些波浪的進來可不是讓你毫無知覺的. 覺知意識與能量都與這些改變波浪同時一起進來. 祂們在喚醒潛意識與不知不覺的人.面具都在掉落中, 而那些操控者奴隸頭目的行為都被曝露出來了.


All religious and governmental agencies that do not truly serve the people will also be revealed. The cause of enslavement through dependency, manufactured lack, and misdirection of funds and resources will also be revealed. For some this has already happened. They know they have tough choices to make. Do they continue to serve the beast or do they begin creating a new world in alignment with Universal Law?

所有宗教與政府單位 --- 那些不是真誠的在服務人民的 ---也會被曝露.而奴隸制度所使用的原理 --- 透過創造出倚賴性”, “製造出來的貧乏假象”, “被誤導的資金與資源 --- 這些事全都會曝光.對某些人而言這些事已經都發生了. 他們知道他們將必須做出非常困難的抉擇. 他們是要繼續為怪物魔頭服務, 還是開始創造一個與宇宙法律對齊的新世界?


A good point of inspiration is karma will be accelerated in the days to come. The servants will follow the fall of their masters if not in alignment with Universal Law.

一個很好的 激勵點” ~~業障 ~~將在這些日子裡加快出現. 而僕人們會跟隨著老板一起殞落--- 假如不能與“宇宙法律”對齊的話!


Love is the law that supersedes all law. Love is the manifesting force behind all creation, the cosmic glue that holds it all together. All that is out of alignment with love – the wounds, traumas, blocks and patterns – will all surface. We have a choice whetherwe take responsibility to go within to our own God selves and heal or deny, project and blame – which is a good way to turn karma into truckma.

愛就是這個法律 ~~超越了所有的法律.愛是這個顯化的能量 ~~是所有創造的動力 ~~是大宇宙的膠黏物 ~~把所有東西都拉在一起.所有與愛不對齊的東西 --- 傷害, 創傷, 障礙, 以及模式 --- 全都會浮出表面. 我們有一個選擇 ~~ 看我們是要負起責任來往內回歸到我們自己內在的神識本我, 並且獲得療癒,還是要否認, 製造假象並且責怪別人? --- 這是一個好方法來轉變業障成為Truckma(沒這字 ~~作者意思是成為 沒有業障’.


We are going to be tested as to whether we can hold an unshakeable loving space and get beyond the need for love, acceptance and approval outside of ourselves.We are going to have to set boundaries and choose not to participate in the dramas, unloving acts, or engage in harmful acts to humanity and the Earth.

我們將受到 考驗 ~~~看我們是否能夠持有一個無可動搖的愛的空間”,同時走超越需要被愛, 被別人接受, 被別人認可”--- 被外人而不是他們自己對自己.我們將必須去劃定範圍, 並且選擇不要去參與戲劇, 無愛的行為, 或是參與會傷害到人類與地球的行為.


We will also need to break free of the archon network, the mainstream programming that keeps us endlessly seeking externally for love, joy, acceptance and approval through material acquisition. It is an internal process the best of which done in nature.

我們也會需要解放自己 ~~從光明會\黑暗政府的控制系統中, 主流媒體的洗腦 --- 那些把我們綁在無止境的 向外追尋, 歡樂, 被接受, 以及被認可 --- 透過累積物質”.這是一個 內心的處理程序~~

真正屬於自然的最好的一切 ~~處理恢復!


We are going to have to listen to naturein the days to come because she is on the move in her own awakening and healing process, one that will include cleansing. It is time to drop the petty separation games, learn to work together, get our priorities in order and own what is agitating us, why we can’t cooperate in building a better tomorrow.

我們將必需傾聽自然 ~~在接下來的日子裡, 因為(自然)也在移入她自己的覺醒和療癒程序之中, ~~而且包含了

清理”! 現在是時候 ~~來放下那小心眼的分別遊戲, 學習去工作在一起, 同時把我們的優先順序理清楚, 同時承認接受讓我們不快的部份, 以及為何我們無法合作一起建立更好的明天的原因. (: 認清屬於自己與自然的事實才能解決問題並持續在愛中往前走下去.)


The 9th wave the Mayans speak of is unity consciousness.It will press hard on all that separates and divides. This leads us back to basics. Being loving and kind to everyone, and setting boundaries with those who cannot.It is really that simple.

馬雅人所談到的第九波就是合一的覺知意識”.這能量波浪會對所有分別區隔產生很大的壓力.這件事會引領我們回到基本本質上去. ~~也就是有愛作人” “友善對人”, 同時與做不到的人劃定範疇”!



We can find a million reasons why we can’t be kind and loving, validate them in the intellect and drudge up painful childhood memories to validate why we have to be contrary to “kind and loving.” Yet they are all based on fear, wounds and traumas of the past. Focus on them and that is what you will create and attract. Focus on kind and loving and see where that takes you.

我們可以找到一百萬個理由為何我們無法友善有愛, 同時在智能裡找到理由來證明自己, 或是挖出自己痛苦的童年記憶來給自己理由 --- 為何我們必須與友善與愛背道而馳. 但是, --- 這些行為想法都是立基於過去的恐懼” “傷害創傷.持續專注在這些事上 --- 這些就是你會創造並且吸引來更多的東西. ~~專注在“友善與愛”上面吧! ~~



Practice kind and loving in thought, word and deed. That is the path to enlightenment and the path to freedom. Sometimes the most kind and loving thing you can do is tell someone what they need to hear, not what they want to hear.Set boundaries when they are not being kind and loving.

在思想與言\行中練習“友善與愛”的思想. ~~這是走入開悟自由的道路.有時, 你所能做的 ~~最最有“友善與愛”的事情 ~~是告訴人們他們需要聽到的話,而不是他們想要聽的話.劃清界線--- 當他們無法“友善與愛”時!


Let us not forget being kind and loving to self. It is a great beginning. Teach through example.

讓我們別忘了要對自己“友善與愛”! 這是一個很棒的開始. 請以身作則, 行為示範!


Be well. 保持平安!


James Gilliland



作者, 译者与著作权! 请小心因果报应! 并请大家不要转载刨窃的作品, 不要成为帮凶并分担业障! 请大家协助保持灵学界的清净!

修行路上大家加油! 无限祝福!








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