



The sphinx speaks make war not peace



This is going to be a difficult subject as it requires a lot of understanding and explaining of the human reality upon earth at this time and before your time.

這會是個困難說清楚的題目, 因為它需要許多對眼前以及


The earth has been, from the moment she was to be used as a planet for experiencing and experimenting with lower frequencies, a planet that has been under siege as you might say.

這個地球一直都是 ~~ 打從一開始~~~她就是一個用來經驗和實驗低頻率能量的地方 --- 就如同你們會說的 ---


There is and has always been war as you call it upon earth and around the earth.

在地球之上以及附近 --- 一直都有戰爭存在.

Atantis and Lemuria were destroyed through wars; many great civilizations have been destroyed by wars. Yet war has also been the start of great civilizations.

亞特蘭提斯Atantis 與列穆利亞Lemuria都是被戰爭所毀掉的; 許多偉大的文明也都是被戰爭所毀滅的.

可是戰爭卻一直, 同時, 是許多偉大文明的開始.


When you read the story about Adam and Eve in the bible, what do you see and understand?


你看到了什麼? 你又了解了什麼?

Two people in paradise, and what happens, they get thrown out. Why?

兩個住在樂園中的人, 結果發生什麼事?

他們被趕了出去. 為什麼?

Because no two people will ever ever agree with each other fully at each point in time. You could call this a form of war as well.

因為在每個時刻的每個點之內, 都不會有兩個意見完全一樣的人. 因此你也可以稱呼這個也是一種形式的戰爭!

War is about disagreement, free will, choices, different opinions and can come from many states of being as even the ones that are kind and loving beings are in a way in a state or form of war with ones that are considered not to be as kind and loving.

戰爭的發生就是關於不認同’, ‘自由意志’, ‘選擇’, ‘意見不同’ --- 而且可能來自各種狀態的存有 ---

包括那最友善充滿愛的存有 --- 在某時某種狀態下也會與彼此存在一種戰爭狀態 --- 那是被認為不友善也沒有愛的.

At this moment the ones that are living in countries that are not within a state of physical war, are having a feeling of guilt, sadness, emotional disturbance within themselves as they see the countries that are at war.

此時一些生活在沒有實質戰爭狀態的人們, 在內在都覺得有點罪惡感, 憂傷感, 情緒上的困擾 ---


The troops are gathering to use their love and kindness to support the ones that are at war, to send peace and love to others that are at war, hoping they can change the minds of the ones that are at war and the war or actually hoping the death that occurs during these wars will end.

在以愛和友好前提下被送去支持戰爭中的友邦的軍隊們 --- 認為自己是去輸送愛與友誼給戰爭中的人們的,


然後讓這戰爭或是由於戰爭所造成的死亡事件 ---


These troops of people are sending their light energy to influence or hoping to influence the ones that are involved in these wars no matter on which side of the war they are at the moment.

這些軍隊裡的人都輸送著他們的光能量去影響或是期望能影響參與戰爭的那些人 --- 不論他們目前站在那一邊.

There is a great misunderstanding taking place at times when you see wars like the ones that are playing out right now.


有時, 很巨大的誤解\誤會也展開在眼前.

These are people who have made the choice to stand up by their own free will to defend their own free will. Sometimes this can and will result in death, and yet they fully and willingly stand up knowing this.

這些作了決定來為他們的自由意志而堅持立場去 ~~

護衛他們的自由意志的人們. ~~~

這選擇可能造成死亡, 可是他們完全也情願為此抗爭 ---


This requires a short story to explain it a bit further as it was relayed to my channel by a small shop owner living in the USA right now, but born in Cambodia.

這狀況 ~~ 我們需要使用一個短故事來說明 ~~



His explanation of how and why the country was taken over through war.


The Cambodian people, mostly Hindu religion, converted to Buddhism, a very peaceful religion. A religion that made them not fight when the time came to fight. This resulted in thousands, millions actually being killed, as they had been taught through their religion to be peaceful, stay loving and kind.

柬埔寨人民 ~~ 多數為印度教信徒, 被轉化為佛教徒 ---



這造成了幾千人, 幾百萬人被殺, ---

因為他們的宗教教育他們要和平, 要停留在慈愛當中,


Just imagine if they would have fought back, would millions still have been killed?

想想看 --- 如果他們有反抗 --- 幾百萬人仍然會被殺嗎?

There has been war between small groups, large groups, but never there has been no war upon and even around the earth.

地球上曾經有大團體間的戰爭, 小團體間的戰爭 ---




Yes, there have been many wars about earth, who was to be in control, who would be living upon earth, and this is still an ongoing subject even though many might not know it at this time.

是的, 地球上發生過許多關於爭奪地球的戰爭 ---

誰可以控制? 誰可以住在這裡? ---

而且至今, 這仍然是一個持續在發生中的事情 ---


Anyone who thinks that any type of war or even just difference of opinion can be eliminated is deluding themselves into a reality that cannot exist upon earth. It does not even exist around earth or even further out within your universe.

任何人認為 --- 所有形式的戰爭都只是意見不同 ---

紛爭都可以被解決的 ---

是在欺騙自己進入一個想像的, 不會存在於地球之上的現實之中. 這種(和平)實相不但在你們地球附近找不到,


With billions, even more than that, but that many souls present, either upon earth or any other place, there will always be differences, there will always be some friction as each of these souls has free will, and each soul will have a different path to follow.

在有著幾十億的靈魂的地方, 不論在地球上或是其他地方 --- 永遠會有意見差別, 永遠會有爭執, ---



The friction is a lot harder to handle within the so called lower physical energies than the higher frequencies, but it doesn’t mean it is not there.

在低頻率的物質能量所產生的糾紛較難掌控 --- 而高頻率者間的糾紛較容易控制, 但這不代表糾紛不會存在.

Trying to interfere with any ones free will and free choice is friction as well.

而當一個人想要干涉\干擾任何別人的自由意志以及選擇權力時 --- 這也是一種紛爭\爭執.

Even though your intent is to bring love and peace and kindness, how would you feel if someone would try to interfere with your free will?

即使你的企圖心是去帶來愛與和平與友善你會怎麼覺得? --- 假如別人也要來干涉你的自由意志的話?

In fact you already know the answer as many of you know it is and has been throughout time.

不用說, 你們許多人都知道答案, 而且一直都知道.

How would you feel if someone tries to interfere by sending their energies into you, whether they have good intentions or not.

你會怎麼覺得? ---

假如某人試著送來愛的能量給你來干涉你? ---


Many think this is not what they are doing when sending their love and kindness to others, yet it is exactly what you are doing.



You are surrounding others with your energy trying to make them act and think in a way that is more to your way of acting and thinking. No matter how you sent your energies, with intent, without intent, just the mere fact you are sending your energy, or even universal energy, or angel energy.



不論你是好心還是無心的寄送這些能量 ---

光是你寄送這些能量的行為本身就是在干涉別人 ---

不論你寄的是自己能量, 宇宙能量或是天使能量.

The intent is to change the ones that you are sending the energy to.


You might say, but it is only love, it is light, it is not a dark energy. Does that make a difference, trying to influence another person’s free will, free choice is interference no matter what energy you send.

你可能會說 --- 可是這只是’, 只是’, 不是黑暗能量. 但當你試著去影響別人的自由意志時, 有差別嗎? ---

當自由選擇權力已經被干涉影響了? ---


Another question is, did they ask you to send it?

另一個問題是 --- 人家有請你寄送這些能量嗎?

You are following what you call your guidance, but what guidance, the emotional human feelings?

你以為你在跟隨你稱之為 內心的引導, 但是, 是什麼引導? --- 這個情緒化的人類感覺?

Many are being guided by channels sending out messages, asking for prayers, asking to send love and light to certain places. But is this really what is asked of you, or are the messages sometimes a bit too much adjusted to what the human who is channeling is feeling at that moment?

許多人被通靈管道引導著去發送訊息, 請求為之祈禱, 請求寄送愛與光到某些地方去.

但這真的是你該做的事嗎? ---



Sometimes to get to peace, it requires war and this is true for the physical as well as the spiritual reality at times.

有時候, 為了要得到和平, 需要有戰爭 ---


If you really want to help, send a supporting energy to the ones that are now standing up for their free will and free choice, a supporting energy that allows them to follow their own path and inner guidance no matter what it involves death or life.

如果你真的想幫忙 --- 請寄送支援能量給那些為了自己的自由意志和自由選擇權而站起來抗爭的人 --- 一個支援的能量讓他們能夠走在他們要的道路上, 接受他們內心的引導去抗議 --- 不論代價是生是死!

This requires a different intent, a different energy, an energy that might not feel good to you but might be a strong supporting energy for the ones that are making their choice for free will at this moment.

這需要你給出不同的企圖心, 一份不同的能量 ---

一份或許對你而言不是很舒服的能量 ---

但是對別人是一份支持能量’ ---

對那些為了自己的自由選擇權而戰的人 --- 在此時.


Yes, there have been examples of peaceful protest, many will use this as an excuse and do not take into account the human nature of where and how other wars are taking place.

是的, 過去有一些和平抗議者’ --- 許多人會用這個做為藉口而不考慮人性中 --- 在那裡, 那些部份, 以及戰爭是如何發生的問題.

To ask of the ones that are fighting for free will and free choice to be peaceful would mean a certain death, as the ones they are fighting against will walk over them, just like they walked over the Cambodians and in fact walked over the Atlanteans and Lemurians at that time.


去遵守和平 ---

無異於叫他們去死 ---

因為他們抗議的對象會直接擺平他們 ---

就像柬埔寨人被擺平了一樣 ---

事實上, 亞特蘭提斯Atantis 與列穆利亞Lemuria


Atlantis was a place where peace resided, and they could not fathom the fact that others would not want that peace. It made them vulnerable and in fact destroyed them. Many in Atlantis had closed their eyes for what was really happening around them and it cost them dearly.


他們無法想像別人會不要和平. ---

這個認知的缺失讓他們脆弱! ---


許多亞特蘭提斯Atantis人在那時都閉上了自己的眼睛 --- 不想看正發生在他們身旁的事 ---


We hope this message has given you more understanding of how the human reality, and not just the human reality, but also the spiritual reality is something to see with truth in your eyes, instead of closing your eyes.

我們希望這訊息給你更多一點關於人類實相的理解 ---

而且不只是人類實相, 還包括了靈性實相’ ---



(RL: 提醒大家幾句話:

1)   佛法提倡善巧方便圓融智慧, 而不是死背標準答案.

請參考了凡四訓電影結尾的解說, 以及淨空法師解釋.

庸師不但害人害己而且誤國誤民, 請練自己法眼. 原則上 --- 叫你死背答案\知識的都在洗腦人而非傳授智慧.

而真正的智慧授課 ---

一定挑戰啟發你智慧, 考得你滿頭金星 ---


2)   宇宙自然人各有命

     別老是自作聰明想改變別人或是救誰 ---

                 應該學習 ---

         在討論中學會尊重不同意見 ---

             這是民主風度. –



     請喜歡干涉別人的人 --- 與時俱進一下.

3)   Sphinx就是當年亞特蘭提斯Atantis的主神之一 ~~




         當縮頭烏龜通常死得更難看. ---

       請參考湯姆克魯斯 “Company”電影.



       沒有智慧與擔當的人 --- 哪教信徒也不是!

             ~~~無限祝福! 一起努力!~~~~


From one source to another



August 17, 2013

Petra Margolis







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