Elizabeth Trutwin: (part 1)
WHO IS THE KING OF SWORDS? KOS by Elizabeth Trutwin
- Posted by beth on August 3, 2013 at 9:16am
- http://ElizabethTrutwin.org/SanadaKumara
- 中文翻译: 林琚月 20130802 http://blog.sina.com.cn/rebeccahjlin
- http://vera2013rl.pixnet.net/blog
WHO IS THE KING OF SWORDS? KOS by Elizabeth Trutwin
LMN Is The One Who Will Announce and Thereby Enact NESARA Law
娜達夫人 ~~~ 是會宣佈並執行 ‘NESARA法案’的大師
Lady Master Nada, Divine Consort of KOS
娜達夫人(大師) ~~~ 是劍王的雙生光靈魂
We are at this moment actually under the joint jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice/World Court and the President of the Solar Tribunal , Lady Master Nada, who has been appointed by the ICJ as Special Prosecutor with power to arrest the indicted ones; dissolve our corrupt judiciary and Announce NESARA. Agents from Interpol and ICJ are present in D.C. Along with the 82nd Airborne and others. We have been well advised that Galactic Ships are over every major city and will decloak when the signal is given.
實際上我們現是這一刻確實是在國際正義\世界法院以及太陽審理庭的聯合管轄下, 娜達夫人,被任命為國際正義\世界法院ICJ 的 ‘特別檢察官’---她有權力逮捕被起訴的人; 解散我們腐敗的司法部門, 並且宣布NESARA法案。國際刑警組織人員和ICJ人員目前都在華盛頓DC. 連同第82空降師隊人員和其他. 我們一直被告知 --- 銀河聯邦飛船們停留在每一個主要城市上空,並會在給出信號時脫去隱身罩。
No one gets any money from the enactment of NESARA until Lady Master Nada makes her Announcement on TV, at which time she will tell us the date of release that will be within 72 hours of her announcement. She is Special Prosecutor authorized by the Solar Tribunal, of which she is President, and the ICJ. She is expected to dissolve our Supreme Court; appoint Patrick Fitzgerald as Acting Attorney General and then authorize the arrests and removals of all cited ones.
沒有人能領到任何NESARA執行款項 --- 除非娜達夫人在電視上做宣佈之後 --- 在那時, 她會宣佈放款日期 --- 這會是在 ‘大宣佈’之後的72小時之內. 她是太陽審理庭授權的特別檢察官, 同時也是 ‘庭長’, 同時也是國際正義\世界法院ICJ人員. 她被附予解除我們的高等法院的職責; 並任命Patrick Fitzgerald作為 ‘代理司法總長’, 然後再授權他去逮捕和移除所有被公告的人員.
King of Swords 劍王
The One we know as Sananda Kumara has had seven Earth incarnations: Sananda Kumara, Melchizedek, Zoroaster, King Tutankhamen, Shem, son of Noah, Jesus the Christ, and the King of Swords (KOS).
我們稱之為Sananda Kumara的這個人到目前為止有七個地球的轉世: Sananda Kumara, Melchizedek, Zoroaster, King Tutankhamen, Shem, son of Noah, Jesus the Christ, and the King of Swords (KOS).
Sananda Kumara
The Vishnu Purana is one of the canonical Puranas of Hinduism, a branch of post-Vedic sacred literature which was first committed to writing during the first millennium of the common era.
Vishnu Purana毗濕奴往世書是典型的印度教往世書 --- 這是第一次寫在第一個千年的共同的時代後期吠陀神聖的文學的一個分支。
Like most of the other Puranas, this is a complete narrative from the creation of the current universe to its destruction. The chronology describes periods as long as a hundred trillion years. It includes extensive sections on the genealogy of the legendary kings, heroes and demigods of ancient India, including those from the epics, the Mahabharata and Ramayana. These Epic stories are the same story highlighted throughout this book.
就像大部份其他往世書一樣 ---這是一個完整的敘事史 --- 從目前宇宙的創造起源直到它的毀滅。這年表敘述的階段期間長達百萬兆年hundred trillion years。它包括了廣泛的內容---從古印度傳說中的國王,英雄和半神半人,包括那些從史詩“摩訶婆羅多”羅摩衍那“的基因家譜。這些史詩般的故事也在這本書中通篇被強調著的 --- 都是同樣的故事。
They are about how we first came to Earth. It also tells us about the five Earth Creations. Earth has always been a realm of duality, which means it is a realm of free will. Subsequently we have blown ourselves up with nuclear weapons and turned ourselves, Stars and Planets into subatomic particles. We have been reconstituted by Archangel Metatron on more than one occasion.
這些故事是關於我們如何第一次來到地球的經過。同時也告訴我們地球的五個創意。地球一直是一個二元性的世界 --- 這意味著它是一個自由意志的世界。之後,我們用自己擁有的核武器並把自己,恆星和行星爆炸成亞原子粒子。我們一直被Archangel Metatron大天使塔特隆不止一次的重新組裝回來過。
Metatron holds the Divine Blueprint and has the capability to do so. Lord Sananda Kumara is first mentioned in the Indian Puranas. In the Vishnu Purana it describes the story of the fallen angels and how we first came to Earth. This story is told again and again in different religions and their sacred texts.
Metatron塔特隆持有的人類的基因神聖藍圖並有能力這樣做。’Lord Sananda Kumara主薩南達庫馬拉’ 那時是第一次在Indian Puranas印度往世書中被提到。在Vishnu Purana毗濕奴往世書中,它描述了墮落天使的故事, 以及我們第一次來到地球的經過。這故事在不同宗教和神聖的文本中被複述了一遍又一遍。
In the Srimad-Bhagavatam it describes Sananda Kumara as one of the Mind Born sons of Brahma. This is a description of Sananda Kumara’s first incarnation.
在聖典博伽瓦譚Srimad-Bhagavatam介紹了Sananda Kumara薩南達庫馬拉的第一次轉世為人 --- 作為一個Brahma婆羅門透過心靈出生的兒子。這是一個描述,庫馬拉薩南達的第一化身。
From the Vishnu Purana: 毗濕奴往世書
“MAITREYA.--Now unfold to me, Brahman, how this deity created the gods, sages, progenitors, demons, men, animals, trees, and the rest, that abide on earth, in heaven, or in the waters: how Brahmá at creation made the world with the qualities, the characteristics, and the forms of things.
“彌勒佛 - 現在讓我知道 --- 婆羅門Brahman,這個神是如何創造的神,聖人,祖,魔,人,動物,樹木,和其他東西的! --- 這些目前存在地球上的,在天上的,或在水中的:婆羅門Brahman是如何創建世界的本質, 特質,和形式的東西的?
PARÁŚARA.--I will explain to you, Maitreya, listen attentively, how this deity, the lord of all, created the gods and other beings.
PARÁŚARA - 我會向你解釋,彌勒,仔細聽! 這個神,是如何創造神和其他存有的!
Whilst he (Brahmá) formerly, in the beginning of the Kalpas, was. meditating on creation, there appeared a creation beginning with ignorance, and consisting of darkness. From that great being appeared fivefold Ignorance, consisting of obscurity, illusion, extreme illusion, gloom, utter darkness. The creation of the creator thus plunged in abstraction, was the fivefold (immovable) world, without intellect or reflection, void of perception or sensation, incapable of feeling, and destitute of motion.”
雖然他(梵天)以前,在劫的開始, 沉思創作,在開頭的創造出現了無知與黑暗。從這個偉大的存有出現了五個無知--- 包含了混沌,錯覺,極端的幻覺,陰鬱,與黑暗。因此造物主的創造陷入了抽象之中 --- 就是這五等(不動產)的世界,沒有智力或反射\反省力,沒有知覺或感覺,無力去感覺,而且無法運作\運動。”
From the Srimad-Bhagavatam 3:12:4:聖典博伽瓦譚3:12:4:
Brahma created the four great sages Sanaka, Sananda, Sanatana and Sanat to entrust them with these four principles of spiritual advancement, and they inaugurated their own spiritual party, or sampradaya, known as the Kumara-sampradaya, or later on as the Nimbaraka-sampradaya, for the advancement of bhakti. All of these great sages became great devotees, for without devotional service to the Personality of Godhead one cannot achieve success in any activity of spiritual value."
梵天創造了四個偉大的先賢,Sanaka,沙那卡,Sananda薩南達,, Sanatana聖沙拿塔那,以及 Sanat薩納特 --- 委以精神文明進展的四項原則,然後他們開創了自己的精神的黨sampradaya,或師徒傳Kumara-sampradaya,被稱為庫馬拉師徒傳,或稍後作為Nimbaraka-sampradaya,師徒傳承 ‘奉愛的進步bhakti’。所有這些偉大的先賢,都成為了偉大的奉獻者. 在任何活動中, 如果沒有對源頭造物主的奉獻服務精神 --- 沒有人能夠成功在傳承具有靈性價值的活動中。“
The Four Principles for Spiritual Advancement are outlined below.
“The Four Paths for Spiritual Advancement are:
1) Karma Yoga is the way of selfless service.
1)Karma Yoga噶瑜伽是無私服務的方式。
The selfless worker is called the Karma-Yogin.
2) Bhakti Yoga is the path of exclusive devotion to the Lord.
2)’Bhakti Yoga奉愛瑜伽’是唯一能奉獻給主的道路。
She who seeks union through love or devotion is called the Bhakti-Yogin.
任何通過愛和奉獻來尋求 ‘合作\合一’ 的人 --- 被稱為Bhakti-Yogin奉愛Yogin
3) Raja Yoga is the way of self-restraint.
She who seeks to have union with the Lord through mysticism is called the Raja-Yogin.
任何通過神秘主義來尋求與主 ‘合一’ --- 被稱為Raja-Yogin
拉賈 – Yogin.
4) Jnana Yoga is the path of wisdom.
She who seeks to unite himself with the Supreme Self through philosophy and enquiry is called the Jnana-Yogin.”
任何意圖透過哲學知識與研究來達到與自己高我的 ‘合一’的人 --- 被稱為Jnana-Yogin知識Yogin。”
Additionally Hindu mysticism shares the Four Principles of Spirituality:
The Four Principles of Spirituality.四個靈性原則:
“The First Principle states:“第一原則:
“Whomsoever you encounter is the right one”
“不論你遇到誰 ~~~ 都是你該遇到的人.”
This means that no one comes into our life by chance. Everyone who is around us, anyone with whom we interact, represents something, whether to teach us something or to help us improve a current situation.
這意思就是說 ~~~ 沒有一個進入我們生命中的人 ~~ 是意外.每一個在我們身邊的人, 我們與之互動的人, 都代表了一些意義, 或許是來教導我們一些事, 或是來協助我們改善一個眼前的狀況.
The Second Principle states:第二原則:
“Whatever happened is the only thing that could have happened”
“任何已經發生的事 --- 都是唯一可能會發生的事.”
Nothing, absolutely nothing of that which we experienced could have been any other way. Not even in the least important detail. There is no “If only I had done that differently…, then it would have been different…”. No. What happened is the only thing that could have taken place and must have taken place for us to learn our lesson in order to move forward. Every single situation in life, which we encounter, is absolutely perfect, even when it defies our understanding and our ego.
沒有一件事! 完全絕對沒有一件我們經驗過的事 --- 可能以另一種方式發生.連任何最重要的細節都不可能更改! 沒有 “假如我沒那樣做的話…, 然後事情就會不一樣….” --- 這回事. 沒有. 所有發生的事 --- 都是唯一會發生的事! --- 而且必須發生來讓我們學習到我們的功課 --- 我們才能往前走.人生中的每一個時刻 --- 我們所遇到的事 --- 都在絕對完美中發生 --- 即使那讓我們百思不得其解, 並且讓我們自尊心受損面上無光.
The Third Principle states:第三個原則
“Each moment in which something begins is the right moment”
“任何事發生的時刻 ~~~ 都是’正確的時辰’!”
Everything begins at exactly the right moment, neither earlier nor later. When we are ready for it, for that something new in our life, it is there, ready to begin.
每件事情都開始於最正確的時刻, 沒有太早也沒太晚. 當我們準備好的時候 ~~ 當那件新的事情可以開始的時候 ~~ 那件事就會發生 ~~~ 而且準備好了來開始!
This is the Fourth Principle, the final one: 這是第四個原則,最後一個:
“What is over, is over”
“任何結束的事 --- 都結束了.”
It is that simple. When something in our life ends, it helps our evolution. That is why, enriched by the recent experience, it is better to let go and move on.就是這麼簡單. 當我們人生中的某些事結束時, 它會幫助到我們的成長. 這就是為什麼 --- 在我們受益於一個近期的經驗之後, 最好讓它\事情過去, 並往前走吧!
I think it is no coincidence that you’re here reading this.
我想~~~ 你現在在此閱讀這個 ~~也不是一個 ‘巧合’!!!
If these words strike a chord, it’s because you meet the requirements and understand that not one single snowflake falls accidentally in the wrong place!
假如這些話起了共鳴的話, 那是因為你符合了條件, 而且明白 ~~~ 沒有一片雪花是意外的掉在一個錯誤的地方的!!!
Be good to yourself. 對自己好些!
Love with your whole being. 用你全部的存在來愛!
Always be happy.” 請永遠保持快樂!