(上)地球\昴宿星聯盟 --- Mytre 的回歸
Pleiadian/Earth Alliance - Mytre's Return7-11-13
Channeller: Suzanne Lie\ 20130711
中文翻译: 林琚月2030730
Pleiadian/Earth Alliance
Mytre’s Return
I have been called back to the Ship for debriefing. While I am there, I will also bi-locate to visit Mytria on our home world. I have informed Sandy and Jason that my presence will not appear as accessible, but I will still be able to communicate if they need me. It is time now for them to gather some independence in their spiritual awakening and for me to return to my greater expressions of SELF.
我被叫回到母艦上述職. 當我回到母艦之後我還同時可以 ‘雙重存在’ 去拜訪在我們(昴宿星)家世界的Mytria. 我已經告知Sandy 和 Jason~~~我的出現機率將會減少, 但我還是能夠在他們需要我時與他們聯絡的. 現在是他們獲取一些靈性覺醒上的獨立的時候了, 而且我也該回復到更大的高我的表達形式之中.
Maintaining my primary essence at this lower frequency of the fourth dimension of this reality is quite uncomfortable. Like Mytria, I have lowered my consciousness even more into my physical expressions. Yes, both Sandy and Jason are both my expressions because they are Divine Complements. Therefore, just as my Divine Complement Mytria and myself are ONE being, Sandy and Jason are ONE being. However, they are currently wearing two different bodies because they are polarized into their male and female expressions.
把我的主要本質維持在這個實相的第四維度的低頻率之中實在非常不舒服.就如同Mytria一樣, 我也降低了我的覺知意識頻率入我的物質身體表達形式中. ~~~是的, Sandy & Jason都是我的分身表達形式 ~~~ 因為他們互為彼此 “神聖的另一半”, 所以就像我與我“神聖的另一半-- Mytris” 是一體的一個存有一樣(ONE being) , Sandy & Jason也是一體的一個存有一樣(ONE being).但是他們目前都穿著兩個不同的身體, 因為他們被二元分化成男女的兩個個體表達形式中.
I am greatly missing Mytria, and she is missing me as well. We have, of course, been communicating beyond time/space, but we need to merge again. Therefore, I am returning to the Ship first for a debriefing with my beloved Arcturian mentor about my "time" on third/fourth dimensional Earth. Then, I will go to our ascending village on an ancient version of Pleiades to visit Mytria.
我非常想念Mytria, 而她也非常想念我. 我們, 當然一直超越時間\空間限制的溝通著, 但我們需要再次融合.因此, 我現在正回轉到母艦上來述職 ~~~ 跟我敬愛的 ‘大角星人’ 心靈導師報告我在三\四維度地球 ‘時’的工作. 然後, 我會回去到我們古老的版本中, 正在揚升中的昴宿星球, 來拜訪Mytria.
So far, I have primarily told my story in the past tense, but now I am shifting to the present tense as we (myself and whoever reads these messages) have come to the moment when Earth is on the threshold of Her own higher expression. Beyond the confines of Earth's 3D time our Pleiadian community is also on the threshold of ascending into the fifth dimension.
到目前為止, 我主要使用了 ‘過去式’ 來說我的故事, 但現在, 我要換回到 ‘現在式’ 語法來說話 ~~~ 因為我們(我自己以及正在讀文的人)我們已經進入了地球她自己的更高表達頻率的門崁上了. 在超越地球三維度時間限制的地方, 我們昴宿星社區也正在揚升入第五維度的門崁上.
Moving into this higher dimension will free us from the constant threat of the Galactic War with the Service-to-SELF members of the Galaxy that is waging during that timeline. I am happy to say that at the time of this writing our once enemies, primarily the Draconians, are now our allies. However, this alliance occurred because we Pleiadians were able to ascend our community into a fifth dimensional state of consciousness.
移入這更高的維度將把我們從持續的銀河戰爭威脅之中釋放出來. --- 銀河中那些 ‘只為自己服務’ 的成員在這條時間線所挑起的戰爭.我很高興的說 – 在我寫文的此時 --- 我們過去的敵人, 主要是蜥蝪龍族Draconians, --- 他們現在已經是我們的盟友了.但是, 這個 ‘契盟’ 的發生主因是因為我們有能力將我們的社區揚升入第五維度的 ‘覺知意識’ 狀態之故!!!
Then, within that state of consciousness we could advance our society to the state of consciousness that we could be allies with the Arcturians, who have taught a great deal. Now, we Pleiadians are serving as guides for those incarnated on Gaia during your timeline. However, timelines are never static and infinitely in the process of construction and re-construction.
然後, 在這樣的 ‘覺知意識’ 狀態之下, 我們才能提高我們社會的 ‘覺知意識’ 狀態到達能與 ‘大角星人’ 結盟的狀態 – 而‘大角星人’他們又教了我們許多的事情.現在, 我們昴宿星人也可以做為轉世在地球蓋亞身上的那些人, 在你們這條時間線上的 ‘導護’.因此, “時間線們”並非是一成不變的, 而且是一直持續的在被創造\架構與重新被創造\架構的連續過程之中.
Furthermore, there are myriad versions of reality running along different spectrums of frequencies, and each of these versions of the same reality represent different states of consciousness. You see it is your state of consciousness that allows you to "login" and experience any given frequency of reality.
此外, 有許多實相的版本跑在許多不同的頻率光譜之上, 而每一個這 ‘同一個實相’ 的 ‘許多(可能)版本’ ~~~代表的就是不同的 ‘覺知意識’ 狀態. --- 所以看到了嗎?
--- 是你的 ‘覺知意識’ 狀態讓你 ‘連線上’ 並經驗到任何可能的實相的頻率的!!!
Mytria’s and my return to the timeline in which our home world was having great difficulty with ascension will prepare us to better assist Gaia. Furthermore, if we can ascend that version into the fifth dimension, it will also expand the frequency range of the Pleiades in your timeline.
Mytria和我回歸到我們的家世界~~~正在經歷揚升困境的那條時間線這件事 --- 的經驗~~~讓我們可以有經驗來更好的來協助蓋亞的揚升. 此外, 假如我們能揚升那個版本的實相進入五維實相,這同時也會擴大在你們地球此條 ‘時間線’的 ‘昴宿星團’的頻率寬度.
In other words, all of reality is free flowing and able to shift into higher expressions. In fact, Earth's ascension into the fifth dimension is a component of a galactic ascension, which is a component of universal ascension. Much as a stone thrown into a still pond creates many ripples on the water, the ascension of one small planet creates huge ripples on the Cosmic Sea.
換言之, 所有的實相都是自由漂浮的, 而且能夠提升入更高的表達方式中.事實上, 地球的揚升入第五維度是 ‘一個銀河揚升’ 的一個部份(而已) --- 而‘這個銀河的揚升’ 又是 ‘宇宙揚升’ 的一個部份(而已)!這就像一顆石頭被丟入了一個安靜的湖水中, 創造出了許多漣漪, 而一個小行星的揚升會在 ‘小宇宙海the Cosmic Sea’中會產生出較大的波浪.
In fact, Earth is the corner stone of a universal acceleration into the next octave of primary dimensional existence. You see every planet, galaxy and universe has a huge spectrum of operation. Also, all reality is multidimensional and simultaneously resonates to many frequencies within the NOW of the ONE. The evolution of any given universe is determined by the collective "primary dimensional existence," which is the dimension to which the greatest percentage of life-forms resonate.
事實上, 地球是一顆宇宙揚升入下個八度更高音階的維度存在的一個基石.所以你現在可以看到 --- 每個行星, 銀河系, 以及宇宙都有一個很大的光譜操作空間.同時, 所有的實相又都是 ‘多維度’ 的, 而且同時與許多在 ‘當下’與 ‘合一’ 之中的許多頻率共鳴.所以任何宇宙的 ‘發展’ --- 都是由‘集體的’ ‘主要維度存在體’ 來決定的! --- 而這 ‘主要維度存在體’又是由這個維度裡‘大多數的’生命體所共鳴的頻率來決定的!
Earth is the cornerstone because Her primary dimensional existence is still the third/fourth dimension. Also, Gaia is a planet on which members of myriad different planetary and galactic members have taken embodiment in the third and fourth dimensions of Her planetary form. Also, since so many galactic societies have "immigrated" to that world, they have been very involved in the evolution of Earth long after their galactic society left Earth.
地球是這個基石 --- 因為她主要的 ‘維度存在體’仍然是第三\四維度的. 同時蓋亞是一顆行星 --- 其上的許多不同行星與銀河會員們都在這裡的第三和第四維度穿上了身體. 更由於, 有如此許多銀河社會都 ‘殖民’到這裡來, 所以他們一直很深入的參與地球的演化 --- 甚至在他們的銀河社會離開了地球許久之後(仍然很深入的參與地球的演化工作. )
We the Pleiadians, as well other galactic members came to Earth when we were younger societies. Because we were young, we made many mistakes and actually caused great damage to the Gaia and Her inhabitants. Hence we, as well as other galactic members, are assisting Gaia during Her time of ascension. We can do so now because we have ascended our primary state of consciousness into the fifth dimension and beyond. The Arcturians are our mentors, as it is their "cosmic specialty" to assist people and planets on the verge of ascension.
我們昴宿星人, 以及其他銀河成員們, 來到了地球當我們的社會還很年輕時. 由於我們的年輕我們犯了許多錯誤, 而且真的對蓋亞和她的居民製造了很大的傷害. 自那時開始, 我們以及其他銀河成員們, 就一直在協助蓋亞在揚升中的這條時間線. --- 我們現在可以這樣做, 因為我們已經把我們主要的 ‘覺知意識’ 揚升入第五維度以及超過. ‘大角星人’ 是我們的 ‘導師’, 而且這是他們 ‘小宇宙的專長’ --- 來協助在揚升邊緣上的人們以及行星.
I have a greater understanding of the third-dimensional mind from working with Sandy and Jason. Therefore, I have great sympathy for the amount of confusion you may have about what I have just shared with you. Therefore, I will take moment to talk with you about the concept of infinity. Infinity is difficult to explain, as it is beyond all third-dimensional mental constructs. Hence, I will need to speak in metaphors. In fact, learning imagistic language is a huge component of learning to translate higher dimensional Light Language into third dimensional language.
我從協助SANDY與JASON的工作中學習到對 ‘第三維度’ 心智的許多理解. 因此, 我很同情你們現在有的巨大困惑關於我跟你們分享的這許多事情. 因此, 我將花點時間與你們談談 “無限" 的這個概念. ---“無限" 的這個概念~~ 很難解釋 --- 因為它是超越第三維度心理構造的.因此, 我需要用比喻的方法來解釋. 事實上, 學習 ‘想像力’的語言是學習翻譯 “更高維度的光語言" 進入第三維度語言的 ‘巨大步驟’!
Infinity is similar to a huge circle that has no beginning and no ending. Therefore, this circle always was and will always be. Infinity is not bound by any third dimensional constructs such as time, space, polarity or limitation. Infinity IS! Infinity is not to be understood, especially via third dimensional thinking. Instead, it is to be accepted and felt. Yes, you can actually feel infinity within your higher states of consciousness, but it is not a feeling that can be expressed by the language of the physical world. It can only be felt, and can only be felt once you accept it.
“無限"很像是一個巨大的圓圈 --- 它沒有開始也沒有結束. 因此, 這圈圈永遠是也永遠會存在. “無限"--- 不會被任何第三維度的構造如同時間, 空間, 二元性, 或是限制性所控制住. “無限"就是 “無限"! “無限"--- 無法被理解!
--- 特別是透過三維度的思維. 取而代之的, 它只能被接受與感覺到. 是的, 你確實可以感覺到 “無限"在你更高的‘覺知意識’ 狀態之中. --- 但這是無法使用物質世界的語言來表達的. 它只能被感覺到, 而且只能在你接受了這個概念之後才能感覺得到!
Within this circle of infinity are countless smaller circles that represent all forms of life that is manifested in the realities in which there is form. In the lower frequency circles, the form is static and often polarized, as with Earth. Conversely, in the higher frequency realities the forms are shifting into different expressions in different frequencies and dimensions. In third/fourth dimensional worlds such as Earth there is time, and travel through space takes time to complete.
在這個 “無限"的圈圈中 --- 有無數的更小的圈圈 --- 那代表了所有 ‘顯化’ ~~~ 在這個實相中的所有生命形式. 在更低的頻率圈圈中 --- 形式是固定而且通常是二元分化的!--- 就像地球也一樣. 相反的, 在更高頻率實相當中, 生命形式被揚升入許多不同表達方式在許多不同頻率與維度中. 在三\四維度實相中, 例如地球, 有 ‘時間性’, 所以旅行過 ‘空間’就需要 ‘時間’來完成!
In higher frequency worlds time is not sequential as on 3D Earth. Time is mutable and serves more as an address or location of a given reality rather than an actual experience. In other words, I say that my Pleiadian world was long, long ago in relation to your present world. However, once we ascended our community into the timeless fifth dimension, we were beyond time and live in the NOW.
但是在更高頻率世界裡, 時間並不像在三維地球一樣是連續性的. 時間是可以變異的, 而且只是某個 ‘實相’ 的一個 ‘住址’或是 ‘地點’而已, 而不是一個真實的 ‘經驗’.換言之, 我說的~~我的昴宿星世界與你們現在的世界相比 --- 是很久很久以前的事情. 但是無論如何, 一但我們揚升了我們的社區進入沒有時間的第五維度 --- 我們就超越時間而是居住在 ‘當下’ 了!
When I visit Mytria, she is in a reality on the cusp of releasing time, just as Earth is on the cusp of releasing time. As we blend our ascensions, even though according to your 3D time our ascension occurred long ago, we can remember and review what was learned during our Pleiadian ascension to better assist Gaia. However, please remember that we Pleiadians, along with the Arcturians and other members of our Galactic Family have been assisting Earth for millions of years.
當我拜訪Mytria時, 她是正在一個 ‘即將釋放時間’ 的實相中, ~~~ 就像現在的地球一樣即將釋放掉時間. 而隨同著我們混合我們的‘揚升’ --- 雖然依照你們三維時間, 我們的揚升是發生在很久以前, 我們能夠記得並且複習我們從 ‘昴宿星揚升’ 中所學習到的功課來協助蓋亞揚升. 但是, 請記得, 我們昴宿星人, 與大角星人, 以及其他我們銀河家庭成員們都已經協助地球幾百萬年了!
Also, since our society is free of time we can assist Gaia a million years ago and also assist Her in your NOW. We do this by entering the circle of infinity to find the appropriate "time address" to enter either, or both, timelines of Earth. We are also able to use the circle of infinity to enter the timeline of the Pleiadian ascension. We enter this infinitely spinning circle by setting our intention on the FEEL of the era that we wish to experience. Then we allow that FEEL to connect us to the time/space of that location.
同時, 由於我們的社會是沒有時間的, 所以我們可以在一百萬年前就協助蓋亞, 同時也在此刻 ‘你的當下’協助她!我們這樣做的方法就是進入 ‘無限’ 的圈圈之中來尋找適當的 ‘時間住址’來進入, 或者, 當然也可能同時, 進入地球的多條時間線!!!我們也可以利用 ‘無限’ 的圈圈來進入 ‘昴宿星揚升’ 的時間線. 我們進入這不斷旋轉的‘無限’ 的圈圈的方法 --- 就是把我們的‘企圖心’放在 ~~~ 我們想體驗的 ~~~ 那時代的‘感覺’上. 然後我們允許 ‘那感覺‘來將我們與那個時間\空間點連接.
Do not be concerned if you are still confused by my message, as we have been traveling through time since we became fifth dimensional. Fortunately, as you remember your true SELF who is wearing your earth vessel, you will clearly understand what I am saying. You will understand it because you will remember the adventures of your Multidimensional SELF. Thus, you own higher dimensional SELF will remind your time-bound third-dimensional self of what you already know.
如果你仍然對我的訊息感覺到紊亂的話───別擔心! 因為我們自從變成第五維度之後, 我們已經旅行穿越時間了. 幸運的是 ~~~ 隨著你們記得你們真實的‘本我’ ~~~ 就是穿著你的地球載具的那個人之後, 你會清楚的理解我現在在說的這些話. 你會理解它們~~~ 因為你會記起自己 ‘多維度本我’ 的冒險.因此, 你自己的高我會提醒你這個被時間控制住, 第三維度的 ‘自我’~~~ 關於你早就知道的事情!
I just took Jason and Sandy on a long, sequential journey through the fourth dimension. Thus, before I tell how I will return to the Ship I want you to know that the journey through the fourth dimension was long because the fourth dimension is still ruled by time. Granted time on the fourth dimension is much swifter than time on the third dimensions, but life there still runs in a sequential, time-bound manner. Hence, it takes time to go through each sub-plane of the fourth dimension until you arrive at the least polarized reality of the Spiritual Subplane.
我剛剛才帶了Jason and Sandy去做了一個穿越第四維度的系統化旅行. 因此, 在我告訴你我是怎麼回到母艦上來的之前, 我要你知道 --- 這穿越第四維度的旅行是很長的, 由於第四維度仍然受到時間的控制. 第四維度的時間控制是快速許多, 但是生活在那裡仍然是以系列方式在時間約束下跑. 因此, 要穿越每個附層就需要時間—直到你到達了最不二元化的 ‘靈性層’.
So, how do I return to the Ship? I merely switch channels in the holographic projector of my brain. I have expanded my consciousness into the third/fourth dimension so that my mind patterns can resonate to the fourth-dimensional container that is shared by one of my expressions of SELF, Jason or Sandy, who are wearing physical earth vessels.
所以, 我是怎麼回到母艦上來的? 我只是調整了我大腦中的 ‘全息投影’ 頻道.我有擴大過我的 ‘覺知意識’入第三\四維度, 所以我的心智模式可以與第四維度容器共鳴 --- 而這‘容器’ 是我的人身化身表達Jason or Sandy與我共同使用的.
To return to the Ship I simply expand my consciousness back into the fifth dimension and beyond so that I can upload my mind patterns back into the vessel that awaits me on the Ship in the meditation cubicle.
要回到母艦上來, 我就是直接擴大我的 ‘覺知意識‘ 回到第五維度以及超過, 所以我可以上傳我的 ‘心智模式’回到我在母艦上, 在冥想箱當中等待著我的 ‘載具’中就可以了.
My reality of assisting Sandy and Jason still exists, but I am "logging out" of that time/space and returning to a higher frequency of my Multidimensional SELF. Within that expression of my SELF, I will be free of my lower states of consciousness. Thus, I will be able to merge more completely with both the Arcturian and Mytria. Furthermore, Jason and Sandy will have time to digest what I have taught them.
我協助Sandy and Jason的實相仍然存在著, 但我是 ‘連線出去那個 ‘時間\空間’ 之外, 並且回轉到一個更高維度的 ‘多維度本我’頻率中去. 在那型式中的自我表達化身 ~~~ 我將可以超脫低的 ‘覺知意識’. 因此, 我將可以與‘大角星人’ 和Mytria都融合得更完全一些. 此外, Jason and Sandy也將會有時間去消化我教他們的事情.
Therefore, I leave the 3D reality on pause to be experienced from the perspective of those who believe that their world is "real." Meanwhile, I will return mydominant state of consciousness to my Multidimensional SELF on the Starship. I do no go anywhere. I am merely changing channels. When you change channels on your television the other channels do not disappear. They are still there, but you are not attending to them. Thus they are not a part of your reality.
因此, 我 ‘暫停’離開了三維地球, 把這實相留給那些自認為他們的世界是 ‘真的’ 的人去體驗.同時, 我將我主要的‘覺知意識’轉回到我在母艦上的 ‘多維度本我’身上.我那裡也沒去. 我只是掉換頻道而已! 當你換電視頻道時你的電視機或是其他頻道並不會消失. 它們仍然在那裡, 但你只是沒對準它們而已! 所以, 它們不是你眼前實相的一個部份.
If you had a very sophisticated television and a very large screen you could watch all the channels at once. However, you would need your multidimensional consciousness to be able to simultaneously perceive and interact with more than one channel/reality within the same NOW. Once you return to the fifth dimensional resonance of your Multidimensional SELF, you will gradually remember how to maintain constant contact with more than one of your myriad realities.
假如你有一台非常高檔的電視機, 和一個非常大的銀幕, 你就可以同時觀看所有頻道. 但是你會需要你 ‘多維度覺知意識’來同時理解感應, 並且在 ‘當下’ 中, 與超越一個管道的實相互動.一旦你回到了第五維度多維度本我的共鳴中來 ~~ 你會逐漸記得如何來同時持續維持與你自己多元的實相中, 並與超越一個以上的實相的連接.
I am returning to the Ship NOW and will continue my communications from there. I am sure that my visit with the Arcturians will assist me to activate old memory files that have become dimed from my long stretch in the time and space of 3D Earth. Also, my reunion with Mytria will open my heart and replenish my Soul.
我現在要回到母艦的 ‘當下’中來, 而且會從那裡持續我們的溝通. 我確定我拜訪了 ‘大角星人’ 之後, 他將可以協助我啟動我的老記憶檔案 ~~~ 自從我延伸入三維地球之後, 那些變模糊的記憶檔. 同時, 我與Mytria的重聚將可以打開我的心並且重新充填我的靈魂!
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修行路上大家加油! 无限祝福!