
    (重要)大角星人: 20130723

   離開 全息影像 釋放’ ‘時間

            Leaving The Hologram and Releasing Time

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Channeler : Suzanne Lie 7-22-13


中文翻译林琚月 20130723 


Leaving the Hologram and Releasing Time


We the Arcturians hear the collective call from those of you on ascending Earth who have attended meetings on our Mothership while in your night bodies. Many of you had a brief memory of this visit upon waking, but quickly forgot everything but a vague image. However, many of you had a dream just before you awoke. This dream was an energy package, much like a syllabus of a lecture that was placed in your consciousness. I will now translate this energy package into a third dimensional language.

我們 大角星人聽到了在揚升中的地球的你們集體的呼喚 --- 你們一直透過 夜身在參加著我們在母艦上的會議. 你們許多人在醒來的時候有一個短暫的會議記憶, 但是很快就全部忘記而只剩下一個模糊的印象. 但是你們許多人在醒來前確實都做了個 ’. 而這個 很像是一個被置入了你的覺知意識中的講座的教學大綱. 而我現在就把這 能量包翻譯成為一個三維的語言.


Many of you had a dream of a being of light taking your hand and asking you if you were ready to leave the hologram. Before you could answer, we informed you that you would leave your holographic reality on ‘automatic run’, which means that the 3D hologram would appear that you were still there.  Then you would return a few seconds before your left. Hence, you would leave the hologram by leaving time and returning seconds before you left.

你們許多人做了一個夢 ~~~夢中有個 存有拉著你的手並問你: 是否已經準備好了來離開這個 全息影像? 而在你能回答之前, 我們其實就已經告訴了你 --- 你會離開你的  全息影像實相!~~~ 自然而然’ ‘automatic run’ 的時候! --- 這意思就是 --- 在這三維的 全息影像實相 ~~~ 你會看起來好像仍然在那裡. ~~~然後, 你會在你離開之前的幾秒鐘回到原位.因此, 你會離開這個 全息影像實相’! --- , 你只是 離開’ ‘時間’!然後在你離開之前的幾秒鐘你又回去了.


(RL: 巴夏在他的訊息中也給過相同的訊息 --- 意思就是 --- 不是離開之後幾秒鐘內回來, 而是在 離開之前幾秒回來.因為你是完全 離開時間’ ~~~ 所以不存在 線性計算的問題. 佛法的無來無去亦是這個意思! 這也是 多維度存在的意思 --- 一個 已成就者可以同時存在許多不同地方, 同時與許多不同人見面說話. 但當然這其中奧妙與學問還很多. 咱們慢慢來吧!)


Once you left the 3/4D limitation of time, your resonance returned to your innate fifth dimensional Lightbody. You then had many images of walking through your daily life. However, you could walk through all forms of matter. To your perception, when you walked through matter the molecules of matter would temporarily disperse. Then the molecules would return to their prior form once you had moved through that object.

一旦你離開3/4維度的時間限制, 你的共鳴度就回到你天生自然的 第五維度光體’.然後, 你會有許多關於你日常生活的影像飄過. 可是, 你卻可以 穿透各種形式的物質. 對你的理解力而言, 當你穿越這些物質時, 那物質的分子會暫時移開. 然後在你穿越之後, 這物質的分子會恢復入你走過的東西裡.


This phenomenon occurred because you were out-of-sync with your 3D, holographic reality. Since you were resonating to a higher frequency than the matter of your environment, you were not limited by any physical structures. To the perception of those resonating to the 3D hologram nothing unusual occurring. In fact, they believed that they saw you walking around the obstacles. Since third dimensional belief creates the illusion of 3d reality, that is what they saw.

這個特殊的現象會發生在當你與你三維的 全息影像實相不同調的時候. 由於你與你環境中物質的振動頻率更高, 所以任何物質的架構無法限制住你. 可是對於振動頻率共鳴在三維的 全息影像實相中的人而言 --- 卻什麼事也沒發生.

事實上, 他們相信, 他們看到你繞過那個物件而行走--- 由於 三維信念會創造這個三維實相幻覺 --- 所以那確實是他們所看到的!


(RL: 這說明解釋了很多鬼片中的情節.)


I will now guide you into an expanded version of this exercise. I say exercise because this experience was merely a lesson for you to realize that you could leave time and return without ever appearing to have left. In this manner, you will begin to remember how to bi-locate from 3D Earth to your higher frequency realities. When you bi-locate you appear to be in both realities at once, but you have shifted your dominant state of consciousness from one reality to another.

我現在會引導你們進入一個延伸練習之中. 我說 練習’ --- 因為這經驗只是一個功課, 來讓你領悟理解 --- 你是可以離開時間的! 而且你回來時看起來好像完全沒離開過一樣!” --- 以這種方式, 你會開始記得如何去 雙重存在’ ~~~ 從三維度到你更高的實相之中.

所以當你  雙重存在, 你看起來是 同步存在兩個實相當中, 但事實上,



(RL: 所以肉體沒變, 精神覺知狀態變了! 看不見的靈魂移位了! )


To leave the time-hologram and bi-locate to a higher dimension of reality,

為了要離開一個 時間--全息影像實相”, 然後  雙重存在入一個更高的維度實相, 你必須

·      Place you earth vessel in a safe place. In other words, make sure you are sitting in a safe place and not walking or driving.

*把你的肉體載具放在一個安全的地方. 換言之, 確定你是坐在一個安全處所, 而且沒在走路或是正在開車.

·      Believe that you can leave time to travel inter-dimensionally.


·      Trust that you imagination is real.


·      Step out of time as simply as you may step out of your shoes.



As you step out of time, you step out of your earth vessel. Therefore, turn around and look at your earth vessel. Tell your body that you will be back one second before you left, which you will. This experience is not the same as astral travel. You are not in your fourth dimensional astral body, for that is a component of the hologram. Instead, you are out of time, and thus out of the hologram.

隨著你從 時間裡走開, 你就走出了你的地球載具.因此, 轉過身看一下你的地球載具吧! 告訴你的人身 ~~~ “你會在你離開之前的一秒鐘回到原位.”~~~而且你也真的會. --- 這個經驗與 星光體旅行不同. 你不是在 第四維度星光體之中 ~~ 因為那也是你 全息影像的一部份. 可是 --- 你是走出 時間之外, 所以也走出了  全息影像’!


You are now experiencing reality via your multidimensional consciousness. Your body is in a safe place, and you will return one second before you left. Hence, your earth vessel can easily maintain life support while you are away. When you release the illusion of time, you remember that your multidimensional consciousness can travel throughout any time or space of any of your incarnations that you have experienced.

你現在正在透過你的 多維度覺知意識來經驗實相. 你的肉體載具正在一個安全的地方. 而且你會在你離開之前的一秒鐘回到原位. 因此, 你的地球載具可以很容易的維持它的 生命支援’~~~ 當你不在的時候. 當你釋放了時間的幻象, 你記起了~~~ 你的多維度覺知意識是能夠旅行穿越任何你以前所經驗過的轉世的時間與空間的.


At first you may appear to be limited to visiting your own incarnations. However, after you have accustomed yourself to this type of travel, you will no longer need the ‘marker’ of one of your own earth vessels. These markers/incarnations are similar to video games. The player must have an avatar self (your earth vessel) in order to login to that game, as well as a programmer self (your Higher SELF) to take charge of creating your own life.

起先, 你會好像只能拜訪你自己的轉世. 但是, 在你習慣了這樣的旅行之後, 你就不會再需要這樣的自己前世轉世的 地標\時間標”. 這些 標誌與轉世就跟電動遊戲很類似. 玩家必須有個 真我\聖者身”(也就是你的地球載具), 才能登入來玩遊戲, 然後你需要有一個 節目中的自己” (你的高我) 來負責創造你自己的人生.


Many of you ascending ones have created very difficult video game lives. You created this life because you realized it was the life in which you would have the opportunity to leave the hologram and return home to your Multidimensional SELF. Consequently, you wanted to clear up any unfinished business.

你們許多 揚升中的一們都創造了幾個非常困難的 電動遊戲人生. 你們創造了這個人生 ~~ 因為你們明瞭在此生中 ~~~ 你們會有機會離開這個 全息影像然後可以回家到你  多維度本我. 因此你們想要一次就清算清楚任何未完成的事情!


If you can remember that you created your life before you were born, it will assist you in releasing any remnants of feeling like a victim. Once you expand your consciousness from the avatar within the game to the programmer of the game, you can create the game in which you ascend.

如果你能夠記得在你出生之前你創造了自己的人生, 這會大大的協助你釋放掉任何剩餘的 受害者的感覺.一但你擴張了你的 覺知意識從你的 遊戲中的聖者真身 遊戲中的設計者身上 --- 你就可以創造你 揚升的遊戲.


You were all very brave to choose such difficult earthly challenges. Also, from the perspective of your Higher SELF it was easy to forget how very challenging life could be in a third dimensional reality. Fortunately, as you continue to remember more of your Multidimensional SELF, it becomes increasingly natural to remember that you are visiting your time-bound 3D Earth, but you are a multidimensional being who simultaneously lives in myriad realities.

你們在選擇如此艱難的地球挑戰之前都是非常勇敢的. 而且, 從你們高我的理解力來看 ~~~ 這確實很容易忘記在一個第三維度的實相中的人生是多麼的具有挑戰性. 幸運的是 --- 隨著你們持續記憶起更多的 多維度本我” --- “拜訪你的, 受時間所限制住的三維地球這件事就會變得越來越理所當然! --- 但你仍然是一個同時居住在許多不同實相的多維度存有”.


We see that many of you are remembering multiple expressions of your Multidimensional SELF. Therefore, I will assist you to remember your SELF in a higher dimensional reality. In this case, it will be the reality of fifth dimensional New Earth.

我們看到你們許多人都在逐漸記起你們  多維度本我的多種自我表達方式. 因此, 我會協助你們去記得你們的 本我在一個更高的維度實相裡. 在這個案例中, 會是你們 第五維度新地球的實相.


·      Direct your intention and attention to the higher frequency expression of your Multidimensional SELF living on New Earth.

*把你的企圖心與注意力轉到你們  多維度本我, 生活在新地球上的,  更高振動頻率的表達方式.

·      This fifth dimensional experience of SELF is very similar to the SELF that you are in your present incarnation.

*這個 第五維度的自我經驗與你 目前轉世的人身自我是非常類似的.


·      Allow yourself to imagine that you are visiting and/or living on the New Earth.

*允許你自己去想像--- 你正在拜訪或是正生活在 新地球.


·      Surrender into your imagination so that you can believe that this fifth dimensional person is YOU.

*對你自己的想像臣服 ~~~ 這樣你才能相信這 第五維度的人是你自己.


·      You do not need to follow a sequential process, as you are merely shifting your dominant state of consciousness into a higher frequency of your Multidimensional SELF.

*你無需跟隨一個系統化的步驟, 因為你只是純粹把你主要的 覺知意識狀態揚升入一個更高振動頻率的 多維度本我之中去.


·      Once you have shifted your perception of SELF to your fifth dimensional expression, you have automatically left time. Time, as you know it, does not exist in a fifth dimensional resonance of reality. 

*一但你揚升了你的 自我理解力進入你 第五維度的本我表達之中去, 你就自然而然的離開了 時間!時間’ --- 一如你所知的, 並不存在於 第五維度所共鳴的實相之中.


·      All you need do is believe that you are that SELF.

*你唯一要做的就是 ~~~ 相信自己就是那個 本我’!

·      See that SELF before you and transfer the primary focus of your consciousness on your SELF on New Earth.

*先讓自己看到那個 本我, 然後, 轉移你主要的 覺知意識狀態 你在新地球之上的 本我’!”


·      Think that you are in the fifth dimension, and use your loving emotions to merge into your SELF within that reality.

*先想 ~~~ 你就正在第五維度之中!然後用你 充滿愛的情緒融合你在新地球實相之上的本我!”


·      Trust that your imagination is your fifth dimensional thought, and remember that your thoughts and emotions create your reality.

*相信你的想像力是你在第五維度之中的思想, 然後記得~~你的思想與情緒創造你的實相.


Know that it may take a while for your third dimensional thinking to remember how to perceive this frequency of reality. Therefore, surrender into this “imaginary experience” so that it can take form within your consciousness.

要記得~~~ 你可能要花些時間, 第三維度的思想才能記得如何來感應到你在第五維度之中的實相振動頻率.  因此, 臣服入這個 想像的經驗之中 --- 這樣這個感應才能 成形在你的覺知意識之中.


Many of you have already left the hologram of 3D Earth and have transitioned into this higher expression of your SELF, but you are not aware of this shift because your thinking is still third dimensional. Hence, you consciousness is actually fifth dimensional, but your thinking is still third dimensional. However, you are quite happy about the myriad ways in which your world is changing.

你們許多人事實上已經離開了三維地球的 全息影像而且已經移轉入了你們高我的更高表達之中, 但是你並沒有覺察到這個 揚升’, 因為你的思考仍然是第三維度. 但是, 你對於這樣多元化的改變方式~~~在你正在改變之中的世界中 ~~~你感覺到滿快樂的.


Those of you who are the openers of the portals into the higher expressions of Gaia are conscious of your transition. You remember your meditations and purposeful intentions toward aligning your consciousness with the higher frequencies of energy in order to assist Gaia in her transition.

你們那些做為 進入地球蓋亞的更高表達 星門開啟者” --- 你們對你們的轉變是清楚的(有覺知的). 你們記得你們的冥想打坐, 以及你們蓄意的把自己的 覺知意識與更高的能量頻率協調對齊的 用心過程” --- 以此來協助蓋亞進入她自己的轉變.


Therefore, you are actively awaiting the release of the manyrestricted patents. You are aware of the great increase in UFO sightings and actively wait for the landings to begin. You also know that these landings will only be perceivable to those who can accept and believe that the landings were real.

因此, 你們是非常積極的在等待這許多被限制住的 專利patents” 的釋放. --- 因為你們很了解這 UFO外星飛船出現得越來越大量的事情, 而且你們積極的等待 “UFO外星飛船的大降落的開始. 你們同時也知道 ~~~ 只有能夠相信並接受 “UFO外星飛船的大降落的人能夠感應到這些 大降落是真的!!!


Many people walk along side you that are completely unaware of these changes. Their body was resonating to the expanding frequencies of Gaia, but their thinking is still locked in the limitations of the third dimension. These ones need your help. If they cannot align their consciousness with the higher frequencies of New Earth, they will not be able to remain in this frequency of Earth. These people are loving and kind. Otherwise, they could not resonate to this reality. However, their thinking is still trapped in the beliefs of a reality that has ended. You can kindly talk to these people and tell them what is happening.

許多走在你身邊的人是完全沒有察覺到這些改變的. 他們的身體在過去也與蓋亞正在擴張之中的頻率一起共鳴, 但是他們的思想卻仍然卡死在 第三維度的限制之中. 這些人需要你的協助! 如果他們無法把他們的 覺知意識與新地球更高的能量頻率協調對齊, 他們將無法留在這個高頻率的地球之中. 這些人是充滿愛而且友善的. 否則, 他們將無法與這個實相共鳴. 但是, 他們的思考仍然被困在一個已經結束的實相當中. 你可以友善的與這些人談談, 告訴他們正在發生中的事.





Now, holding this timeline in your consciousness, return to the remnants of your third dimensional reality. Feel how exhausted you are with that low frequency of third dimensional reality. Remember that you are ready to return (and have already returned) to a higher expression of your SELF. Yet, you still wonder how that will occur, and your wondering creates doubt. This doubt lowers your consciousness, and you are no longer able to perceive New Earth around you.

現在, 把這條時間線記在你的覺知當中, 然後回到你們第三維度實相的殘留實相之中. 感應一下你有多筋疲力竭的感覺 --- 存在於第三維度實相的低振動頻率之中. 記得你已經準備好來回歸 (而且已經回到了)一個 更高表達的本我之上. 可是, 你仍然還在懷疑~~~(揚升)要怎麼發生? 而你的懷疑就創造了疑慮. 這疑慮會降低你的 覺知意識”, 然後你就再也無法去感應到你身旁的新地球了.



Therefore, release the concept of time from your awareness and live only in the NOW. Within the NOW there is no future to move into and no past that has hindered your way. Within the NOW, you are your SELF in your daily life. Hence, remember to relax into each moment that you are experiencing while you continue to release your third dimensional thinking.

因此, 時間從你的 覺知之中釋放掉吧!而且只生活在 當下之中! 當下之中沒有可以移入的未來, 也沒有會障礙你的過去! 當下之中, 你就是你的 本我, 在你的日常生活之中!  因此, 記得把自己放鬆入每個你正在經驗的時刻~~~ 當你持續的釋放掉你 第三維度實相的思維方式時.


Release the concepts of how, when and where. Surrender to your confusion. Surrender to your desires. Surrender to your fatigue, and surrender to your thinking. Release the time-bound, cause-and-effect reality that has become too small for you. Feel your SELF and BE your true, Multidimensional SELF NOW.

釋放掉 如何做” “何時做” “在那裡做的概念! 臣服入你的混亂當中! 臣服入你的想望當中! 臣服入你的疲憊當中! 臣服入你的思考之中! 釋放掉這個 受時間限制住的”, “因果實相  --- (思維與實相)現在對你而言 --- 太小了!去感應你自己的 本我”, “\成為 真實而多維度的本我”! 現在就這樣做!



YOU are New Earth!



(RL: 對這句話不懂的人, 我稍微解釋一下 --- 這叫做 行星意識! --- 密宗修行有所謂 佛慢有類似意思 --- 意即假設自己為佛, 那我該怎麼做? --- 在這裡則是 假如我是地球, 我會怎樣& 怎麼想\?” --- 修行必要修為程序!


但是, 宇宙中的 假如其實沒有 假如’! 你就是佛! 你就是行星! 合一是一! 一即合一! 一粒沙可以充滿整個宇宙, 也可以小如細胞! 只要離開了肉體, 你就是無限大無限小的實相! 色空不異! 究竟涅盤! )



Posted by Sue at 10:19 AM 


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    創作者 Rebecca Lin 的頭像
    Rebecca Lin

    安琚樂月 生靈昇靈

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