大天使麥克: 20130515
Archangel Michael on the Reval, NESARA, Putin and theBostonBombings by Steve Beckow
- Posted by Meindert Arends on May 14, 2013 at 6:30pm
Posted bySteve BeckowonMay 14, 2013
Thanks to Ellen for this very fast turnaround. Here are Archangel Michael’s answers to current-events questions.
An Hour with an Angel, May 13, 2013
Steve Beckow: I have a few current-events questions to ask you. And one concerns the Iraqi dinar revaluation and NESARA, and the other concerns theBoston bombings, and the last concerns Vladimir Putin. First of all, can you confirm for us that the Iraqi dinar revaluation payout is happening in tiers or concentric circles, please?
Steve Beckow:想請教關於時事的一些問題.關於伊拉克幣值重估事件, NESARA法案,俄國總理Putin以及波士頓炸彈事件您可以解釋一下這些擔憂嗎?首先請教一下伊拉克幣值重估事---您可以確定這付款方式會是分批次,在幾個同樣的範圍內發放嗎?
Archangel Michael: Yes, that is correct. There are various levels that have been in place for some time. And we have said, and I will not go further than that, simply that this process has begun and is underway.
SB: All right. What is the relationship between the revaluation and the commencement of NESARA?
AAM: It is a political connection but do not draw them too close together. It is a restructuring of your financial system and your belief systems that are reflective of your financial systems. So it is sequential.
SB: Okay. There’s a line of commentary going on on the internet that says that NESARA is not going to happen. The revaluation will leave the same financial elite in place and we’ll just have some minor improvements. Is that a correct line of commentary?
SB: Okay.網路上有一種說法說--- NESARA不會發生了.這幣值重估事件會將原來的金融精英留在原來的權勢位置上,我們只會有些小小改善而已.這說法正確嗎?
AAM: That is a completely incorrect assessment.
SB: All right. Anything further you wanted to say about that?
AAM: Pay attention. We have talked to you not about an event, buta turn of events, plural. And that this is one of those turns of events. So, for all of you who are seeking not only financial relief but signals that the shift in terms of what you perceive as Ascension is underway, this is one of your landmark signals. But it is a turn of events. It is not simply one or the other. And we will tell you very clearly, your Earth - the systems, the planet - is not going to remain status quo. It cannot.
AAM:要注意了!我們已經告訴了你們不是一個‘大事件’要發生,而是‘一系列的大轉變事件’要發生!是複數不是單數!而這件事就是其中一件.所以對你們全部的人而言---尋找的並不只是一點金錢上的解脫安慰,而是你們所能理解感應到的‘揚升\改變的訊號’的人---這就是你們要的‘地標性’訊號.但是這是‘一系列的大轉變事件’!這不是簡單的一件事或是那件事!而且我們可以很清楚的告訴你們---你們的地球---這系統, ----
這行星--- ‘不會’維持目前的狀態!
And very rarely will you hear me use these words. It cannot remain the same because that is not the unfoldment of the plan of the Mother. Has there been flexibility and adjustment to accommodate the desires and the heart yearnings of the collective human race? Of course. But let us be clear. The old 3rd, of what we have been talking about, of false masks - for systems, for governments, for people -is going.
這舊的三維---我們一直談到的部份---關於那些‘虛假面具’ ---在系統上的,屬於政府的,屬於人們的‘虛假面具’ ----全部‘得走’!!!
Now, it can go smoothly, because as you disintegrate your mask, you do so for many, or it can be rather abrupt. It matters not. It is going.
現在, ‘它’可以很平順的走---因為你們自己拆除了你們的面具,你們可以為大家做到這件事,或是‘它’可以走得很突然! ---都無所謂!‘它’走定了!!!
SB: Okay. Thank you, Lord. I’m going to put the Vladimir Putin question ahead of the Boston bombing question. I think a lot of Russian readers and listeners are wondering if they can trust Vladimir Putin.
Now, you’ve said he was in containment and he’s coming out of containment. Can you direct yourself to Russian listeners, please, and tell them what they need to know about Vladimir Putin, please?
SB: Okay. Thank you, Lord.那我先問一下俄國總理VladimirPutin事情然後再問波士頓炸彈事件.有很多俄國讀者與聽眾都在想該不該信任VladimirPutin.
AAM: Well, I will say that he has been gradually coming out of containment, and reintegrated, shall we say, into society and into his role and decisions. So what I say to you is be vigilant and be the observer. Do not get caught in what appears to be the drama of this readjustment of power. So, allow the shifting of the core and the centers of power to be adjusted.
AAM: Well,我會說他是逐步的在走出‘限制箱’的狀況中,並且重新整合自己---我們應該說---重新回到社會上,並進入他的角色與該作的決定之中.所以我會告訴你們---要警覺!要觀察!不要捲入權力重新調整的戲劇之中.允許權力核心與中心的改變去調整.
Russia has a very important role to play in the future years, as I have said before. So, stand back, my friends. Be the observer. I am not asking you to extend your wholehearted trust and empathy to this individual. What I am asking you to do is to extend trust to your own discernment, because it is not 100 per cent clean, but it is not dirty either.
蘇俄在未來幾年有非常重要的角色要扮演. ---這我以前說過.所以,請後退,朋友們.做個觀察者!我沒有要你們全心的信任與同情這個人.我要求你們的是去延伸並信任自己的判斷,因為目前它不是百分百乾淨但也不是骯髒的.
SB: Thank you, Lord.
Last question. A lot of people are feeling very confused about theBoston bombings. They don’t know, for instance, if the Tsarnaev brothers- well, I think Matthew has said the two brothers were involved in some way. You have said they have some involvement. But then it’s been said that the people responsible for the Boston bombings are on the far right, and they’re domestic.
SB: Thank you, Lord.最後一個問題---很多人對波士頓炸彈事件感到很混亂.他們不知道,舉例而言,這Tsarnaev兄弟--- Matthew是說他們有參與到一部份.你也說過他們有參與到一部份.但,有個說法說---該為波士頓炸彈事件負責任的人是極右派,而且是在地人.
So there’s a lot of confusion about whether the authorities have the right suspects in custody, the wrong suspects, people who are partly responsible…. Can you help us clarify the situation with the investigation?
AAM: The fullness of this action has not truly come to light as yet. And yes, there are many factors, shall we say, that are being, mmm, kept under cover while those in authority, as you put it, take care of what they believe they need to in terms of discerning the truth of this matter.
The boys were somewhat involved. We do not deny that. But it is not as it appears. Stand back. You know this what I am teaching you today.
SB: Yes.
SB: Yes.
AAM: …to stand back and watch the unfoldment. But do not - in theUnited States or Canada,Yugoslavia,Russia - do not become involved in the drama.
AAM: …退後看,但是不要參與入戲劇中去---不論是在美國,加拿大,南斯拉夫或是蘇俄.
SB: Okay. Well, thank you very much, Lord. Again, a great deal to think about and reflect on. Thank you so much.
SB: Okay. Well, thank you very much, Lord.再次給了我們許多去思考與反省的事.非常感謝!
AAM: Go with my love. Farewell.
SB: Thank you, Lord. Farewell.
SB: Thank you, Lord. Farewell.
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