聖哲曼大師: 靈魂伴侶與雙生光靈魂
Twin Souls and Twin Flame
Saint Germain
Channeled by Méline Lafont
注:兩天前Méline Lafont重貼了此舊文出來,本來不想翻的,但連續兩日都感應到聖哲曼大師出現,想來祂有特殊目的,所以就翻了.另外,由於最近的很多文都談到地球大轉變要開始了,所以與聖哲曼大師此文中所談到的‘雙光子’使命似乎又有關係.所以請大家自己看看吧!
Dear Ones,親愛的一們,
I Am Saint Germain and today I would like to explain the difference between twin souls and Twin Flames. It is generally understood by now that everyone has only one Twin Flame but has several twin souls. A twin soul, or soulmate, is a soul with whom you already have had several incarnations and pretty much always, the both of you were very close to one another. This kind of bond can vary from a relationship with a partner; it can take the form of a family member or even a very tight friendship.
我是聖哲曼大師,今天我想解釋關於‘靈魂伴侶’以及‘雙生光靈魂’的差別.現在大家有一個共識–就是每個人都只有一個 ‘雙生光靈魂’以及幾個‘靈魂伴侶’. ‘靈魂伴侶’是一個你與他共同轉世了幾次的靈魂,而且幾乎大部份時候,你們兩個人與彼此都非常親近.這種‘連結’可以是一種‘伴侶’或‘夥伴’的關係,也可能是同一個家庭裏的成員,甚至可能是一種緊密的友誼關係.
Twin souls are always close to each other and have a tight bond with one another. In each incarnation you both will meet and share life’s experiences together. Every twin soul has made the choice in the higher realms to be connected with each other in specific incarnations. It can even take the form of some sort of guide, someone who helps you get through a tough situation, someone you are inclined to ask advice from when things get hopelessly complicated and there seems to be nowhere out.
‘靈魂伴侶’永遠是很親密的兩個人,而且有一個彼此之間緊密的連接.在每次轉世,你們兩人都會相遇而且一起分享人生的經驗.當在更高維度裏時,‘靈魂伴侶’會共同決定在特殊的轉世經驗裏與彼此連接. ---或許是以‘保護天使’的方式, ---一個會協助你渡過難關的人,或是一個你會在絕望時或是問題變得複雜時去請求指導的人---當你無路可走的時候.
On a conscious level you are not aware who your twin soul is, but that will become quite obvious now that you, as human beings, have evolved further in your spiritual evolution. Intuitivelyyou can sense who might be a twin soul because of the intense force of attraction between you or because of some kind of recognition.In case you have strong feelings about a certain person, you can be assured that you have a history together.Consider how many times you shared an incarnation with a twin soul and you will conclude, one way or the other, that you were brought together as if by magical force.Your own child could be a twin soul; whatever the case,you both are tightly connected and are very fond of each other. Twin souls comprise two different forms of energy, who share things together and are always very close.
在明意識上,你並不知道你的‘靈魂伴侶’是誰,但這事現在已經變得很明顯了---因為你們,做為人類,已經在靈性發展上又更進化了.直覺的,你可以感應到誰可能是一個‘靈魂伴侶’,由於兩人之間的強力吸引力,以及其他的一些辨識方法.所以當你對某個特定的人有強力的感覺時,你可以確定你們之間絕對有一段過去的歷史.只要思考一下你和你的 ‘靈魂伴侶’所共同存在過的轉世,無論如何,你都會下這個結論---那就是你們兩人是被一個神奇的力量拉在一起的.甚至你自己的小孩有可能也是一個 ‘靈魂伴侶’;無論狀況如何,你們兩個人是緊密相連,而且很喜歡彼此.‘靈魂伴侶’是兩股不同能量的組合,他們共同分享許多東西,而且總是親密.
A Twin Flame, on the other hand, is a whole different story.A Twin Flame is one and the same soul, the same energy form, that was split from the Source, All That Is, and divided instantly thereafter into two parts: one part consists primarily of feminine energies, whereas the other part consists primarily of masculine energies.Together, both parts form one great unit.Your incarnation as a human being is one facet of your total Self and you represent the feminine or the masculine aspect.
另一方面,‘雙生光靈魂’ ---則是完全不同的故事.一個 ‘雙生光靈魂’是一個同樣的靈魂,是同一個能量型式,分離自‘源頭’的‘萬有所是’,然後立即在出生之後分成兩股靈魂:一股的組成成份主要是女性能量,而另一股則主要是男性能量.在一起,兩部份合成了一個偉大的組合單元.你作為人類的轉世就是你完整本我的‘一個面向’而已,然後你在這裏又代表著男性或是女性的能量層面.
The moment you are reunited with your Twin Flame, you will again become one and whole: one Source of Love.The time of the reunion of most Twin Flames, worldwide, according to your soul contract, is now upon us!Most ofThe Archangels, the Ascended Masters and Lady Masters, as well as other Light Beings returned to Earth to be reunited with their Twin Flames who are already in human form.
而當你與你的 ‘雙生光靈魂’重新結合時,你會再一次成為‘完整的合一’: ‘一個愛的合源’而全世界性的,‘雙生光靈魂’們重新結合的時間---依照你們的轉世合約---就是現在!大部份的大天使們,揚升大師們,女神大師們,以及其他‘光的存有們’ ---都回到地球上來與他們的,已經穿著人身的‘雙生光靈魂’們重新結合!
The New Worldthat is about to be createdcan only be createdthrough this reunion of Twin Flames.Your own New Worldcan only be created when you are reunited with your Twin Flame.Together you will create your future and create your own World in the Higher Dimensions to remain there for the rest of eternity, to evolve further and higher, and to Ascend, for Ascension is an eternal, ongoing process.That’s why it is so important to know that we are here, and the time of our reunion is now!By coming together, the both of us, as Twin Flames, willanchor the Lighton Earth to create the New World, as well as toraise the frequencieseven higher, and that can only be achieved from Love.
RL注:這段解釋頗有道理---讓我有茅塞頓開之感---因為‘無條件的愛’是宇宙最高的能量,而這能量即使存在大家身上,大概也很分散或稀薄不集中,所以只有透過‘雙生光靈魂’們那強烈的‘愛’與‘重逢的熱情’可以將宇宙最高的能量點燃發射出去.而‘雙生光靈魂’們都是五維以上高靈轉世才能有與‘雙生光靈魂’重逢的殊榮,所以智慧與能量都非比尋常. ‘地球揚升’的頻率助力確實非他們不可.難怪‘大角星人’ ‘地面部隊’ ‘聖母瑪麗亞’和‘耶穌’都強調過此事之重要.以及‘雙生光靈魂’對地球揚升使命中的特殊重要性!他們似乎是火箭推進器的爆炸力!
The Love of the Twin Flames is the strongest Love possible to instigate all this.You create from Love. In the Higher Dimensions there is only Love.It is a fact that every soul who is a Twin Flame of the Ascended Master orArchangelwill be reunited with his or her Twin Flame in this life, and the time for that is NOW!It will all be made known; it will be announced to everyone.You will not only be informed of who you really are, but also who is the other half of your own Source of Love.Do not worry,everything goes according to a Divine Plan;so don’t ask too many questions about how this will all turn out for yourself and others. You can rest assured that most of you will be reunited harmoniously with your Twin Flame; it will all be arranged in a divine way.
‘雙生光靈魂’之間的愛是最強烈的愛---最可能去‘點燃’這一切.你們也是從‘愛’中被創造出來的.在更高維度世界裏---便只有‘愛’而已.這是一個事實---就是任何靈魂--- ‘只要是’揚升大師們或是大天使們的‘雙生光靈魂’的話---會在此生與他的‘雙生光靈魂’重新結合,而時間就是‘現在’!
I, Saint Germain, wish to come forward with this message, asit is divinely decreed that we, the Ascended Masters, have to come to Earth to be reunited with our Twin Flames and to assist on Earth.Many of our Twin Flames are already incarnated on Earth and are awaiting our reunion and this also refers to my beloved Twin Flame, Lady Portia, who is presently incarnated on Earth.
我是聖哲曼大師,為大家帶來這訊息---因為這是‘神聖旨意’---我們---揚升大師們,來到地球來與我們的‘雙生光靈魂’們重新結合,同時在地球上提供協助.我們許多人的 ‘雙生光靈魂’們都已經轉世在地球上了,而且等待著與我們的團圓.這同時也包括了我親愛的‘雙生光靈魂’Lady Portia,她目前也轉世在地球之上.
Now, the time has come to announce this publicly, for we have arrived in times of great changes.All will come to pass in Divine Timing. Enjoy the coming Love energies which will be arriving with the next Summer Solstice, a time of balancing the feminine and the masculine energies. Those energies will benefit the Twin Flames greatly and much shall come to pass on account of them.
I Am Saint Germain.我是聖哲曼大師
Note; this is a general message speaking about the Ascended Masters, Archangels and their Twin Flames and can differ from being to being, according to your personal soul,contract.
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