

The Sphinx speaks you want answers?

That’s the question these days, answers, and where do you expect the answers to come from?

這是最近大家的問題是吧?你想要答案? ---而你認為答案會來自那裏?


We have given suggestions, we have answered some of your questions.



They are all through our messages, the answers, and suggestions, and options available to you.



Where to go from here, what is it you can do, start creating in a serious way, it is your time, not ours.

從現在開始要怎麼做?你能做什麼?---開始做你人生的嚴肅認真的 ‘創造’---現在是你的時間到了!---不是我們的!


We could give you all the specific answers, yet, you have not learned the basics, how to see and work with energies.

我們可以給你所有特定的答案,但是,你還沒有學會 ‘基本課題’---如何去看並運用 ‘能量’!


Yes, we know how you feel, many think that if the reality you see gets better, you will feel better, if everything is in divine order, all will be well, yet you still are feeling the suffering as many call it, of being human.

是的,我們知道你的感覺,你可能覺得如果你眼睛看到的現實能夠變好的話,你會感覺好些, ----但即使每件事都進入 ‘神聖秩序’ 之中了,全部的事就都會好了,你仍然會覺得 ‘你在痛苦’---就像許多人說的 ‘做為人類的苦’!


No matter how many times people tell you, it’s all perfect, it’s all happening now, if you don’t feel it, don’t worry it is still happening. We are already there.



This is what you are being told, but all experiences others have are however not your own, and many are having problems really seeing a difference. The ones that see a difference see it because they changed their own view of reality. They see the outside reality in a different way, it doesn’t mean they see the outside reality for what it really is, they just changed their belief about what the outside reality is.

以上是大家對你們說過的話,但是別人有的 ‘經驗’ 畢竟不是你自己的! ---許多人都有問題---真的去看到一個 ‘差異’.而那些看到差別的人是因為他們改變了他們自己對現實的看法.他們看到的外在的實相是不同的---而這也不代表他們看到的外在實相就是事實.---他們只是改變了他們的信念---關於外在實相的狀況究竟是什麼而已.


Truth is, no matter how much you change your own view of the outside reality, it doesn’t mean the outside reality has changed, it is you who has changed.



This is what is bothering many of you, and even though some will say, it doesn’t bother me, no matter how high you go, you will always fall back to the 3D reality upon your earth. Yes, 3D, even though the energies of the 4th and 5th dimension have been added to the 3rd dimensional frequencies, your world reality is still a 3D reality.

這就是困擾許多人的問題,即使有人說---我不覺得困擾啊---不管你爬得多高---你總是會掉回這三維實相在你的地球上.是的,是三維---儘管四維與五維能量已經加入了三維頻率之中了,你的世界的實相仍舊是一個 ‘三維實相’!


No real changes have been made to this, and no real changes will happen anytime soon. There might be some changes in the overall scheme, like different governments, but this will not change much as most humans are still within a 3D consciousness.

並沒有真正的改變發生,也沒有真正的改變會在近期內發生.也許整體而言,會有些改變,比方---不同的政府, ---但這不會改變太多事情---因為大部份人類仍然在一個 ‘三維的覺知意識’ 之中.


They will not change unless they can see real changes within you, concrete changes, not a different view of the reality you are in, even more loving and compassionate is not something that will change the mind of many.

他們不會改變---除非他們看到了--- “你”內心真正的改變! ---而不只是一個對你所存在的實相的不同看法而已---即使有更多的愛與同情被給了出來---也不是能夠改變大家的心意的東西.




Real concrete means, something that Jesus did, he made a real change, although at that time still many did not change. This means to make a greater impact you are going to need more than 1 person to show a concrete change.



Jesus however fell short on really showing what he did, the transformation into a light body, as he did not revert back to a physical body and in this way was not ready to show this concrete change to all that were present upon earth.



Reason for this was that he had not completed his own transformation, he went through the transformation with the help of others supporting the energy and taking the energy to a level where the full transformation was possible.




The timing of his example was early as there was a need to show and make sure some of what was possible would be implanted within the human consciousness.

耶穌基督的這個例子發生在早期,因為那時有需要來做個‘表演’ ---來確定‘在人類覺知’當中置入這樣的一個‘人類轉變的可能性’!


It was never about obtaining the Christ consciousness or anything like that, it was never about creating a religion around him, it was and has always been about bringing the possibility of full transformation back to your original state into the human consciousness, returning this information back into the human consciousness as it was removed a long time ago.

那時的重點目標---不是讓人類去獲得‘基督意識’或類似的事情,更不是去以此故事為基礎來創造出一個宗教, ---其目的---從頭到尾都是---要把‘人類覺知意識’帶回‘原始狀態’‘完全人類覺知意識’的‘轉變可能性’之中!!!---是關於‘轉變可能性’的訊息重新放入‘人類覺知意識’之中---因為許久以前---這訊息被拿掉了!


All that have followed him and are still following him are not able to find this information within until it is brought into creation, into action, one person needs to complete this full transformation into light and back. Even more important, from there, more are needed to complete this transformation, as at this time it requires more than one person to set the example to have it move through the human consciousness at lightning speed.

所有後來跟隨祂所發生的事,以及仍然在跟隨著祂的事(指:宗教) ---‘無法’在內部看到這個訊息---除非這訊息---被帶入創造之中,進入行動中. ---那就是---一個人必須完成這個‘轉變為光體’‘恢復回人身’的完整過程!更重要的是---從那裏開始---又需要更多的人來示範相同的例子---因為在此時---我們需要更多的案例才能讓此事實像閃電光速一樣掃過所有人的‘人類覺知意識’之中!


The question on how to do this is one you have to answer yourself, we can give you the guidance, the information about the possibility, but we cannot complete the full answer as this requires you to find it yourself. It is present within the human consciousness and not just the human consciousness, it is present within your own consciousness, for some only parts, and for others it is fully present.

而關於‘如何做到這個’? ---你們自己必須回答自己的一個問題.我們可以給你們指導,訊息關於做到的可能性,我們無法‘完成’ ‘全部的答案’給你們---因為你們必須自己找到‘全部的答案’.而這是存在於‘人類覺知意識’之中的東西! ---而且不只是存在於‘人類覺知意識’之中,還存在於‘你自己的’ ‘覺知意識’之中---某些人只擁有‘一部份’,而其他人則‘全部都在’!

(RL注:這就是我向來不是很喜歡通靈問問題的主要原因---因為跟猜謎題差不多.祂們不會全盤托出的.總是要我們自己想,思考,找資料,實踐看看,有問跟沒問差不了太多.但在實際生活中,任何時候其實祂們都緊盯著,看著,護著,指導著,有時干擾一下,有時變花樣給訊息,有時就直接‘魔音傳腦’ ‘心電感應’ ---總之,飯自己吃,工作得自己做,後果自己承擔.---雖然在看不見的地方,像個慈母一樣,祂們偷偷的為我們承擔了很多的事.)


This is depending upon what you have done in previous lifetimes, as well as how you connect within and find the answers within.

關於為何在‘人類覺知意識’之中的東西--- “某些人只擁有一部份,而其他人則全部都有---這與你前面幾個轉世所做的事有關---以及你現在是如何在自己內心找答案?如何與自己內在本我做連接的?---是重點!


There are some out there who are close, they have been following the teachings of the mystery schools, the teachings that are present at this moment. These teachings are however not complete yet as the changes that have taken place through the shift have an effect on the process.

有些人距離‘答案’---很近! ---因為他們一直跟隨著許多玄學的指導,那些目前存在的教導.這些教學仍然是不完整的---因為目前透過‘頻率揚升’而在發生中的改變---對於‘教學程式’也有影響!


The energies at this moment are more supportive of the process as well and will become even more supportive in the future.



There is a  lot of work to be done to get there for many, but the more that complete the process, the faster the process becomes as it will be merged into the human consciousness for all to start experiencing and learning about the changes that can be made to your reality.



Like we said, the change is not dependent upon different governments, the aliens coming to earth, different views of the reality, or different belief systems about your reality. Even the fact that control systems have been removed is not going to make a change as you still carry the energy of those control systems within you.



That is your prison that you have to unlock as we cannot do this for you.



The changes will take place through each person as they find their way to return to their original state of being.


(RL注:請大家一起努力作可以燎原的星星之火,從連接自己的‘高我’ ,學會恢復‘心意識’開始,別繼續再在‘三維世智辯聰’當中繞住自己了! ‘覺知意識’之改變由生活中每件小事開始!奇跡由此開始!)

From one source to another從一個源頭到另一個

Petra Margolis May 17, 2013





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