


今天是20140305, 也是一個最近玄學界的熱門日期, 但是對我們而言從今晚開始到這整個月才是值得熱烈等待的開始.


ELIZABETH TRUWIN是少數我信任的通靈人, 她早就承認她是Goddess Shri, 而且她每天回飛船上, 擁有全部記憶, 而且她在耶穌轉世的劍王旗下工作~~所以換言之, 在光工當中, 如果有人知道任何關於 『地球大轉變』的事情發生的時間的話 ~~她是最可能的一個人(但當然她也不會明說) ~~因為她直接受命於耶穌與劍王, 她所給出的, 一般人根本不可能有的, 照片與訊息(---比方劍王曾給她一張小布希的副總統dick cheney911事件時蛻變成蜥蝪龍飛出高樓的高空照片.)~~而且她是一人團隊, 既不搞名也不搞利, 但是所給出的訊息卻是完全 『銀河聯邦』領導中央訊息, 含金量之高, 連普通人都可以明白 ---當然唯一問題就看你信不信或是是否能正確理解了. 而且有在上臉書的朋友們知道ELIZABETH TRUWIN在臉書上非常活躍, 經常轉發重要時事新聞並且引導解讀事件讓大家不要上當. 同時她還主持一個收音機節目, 目的就是持續鼓勵所有人不要洩氣, 繼續做該做的事,

努力冥想, 安心接受自己的揚升症狀與清理業障去毒工作,

靜待 『大揭露』的發生.

neil keenan2 benjamin fullford  


目前時事新聞與通靈文都很多, 只是內容都差不多, 時事上其實頗有進展, Benjamin Fullford3\3&3\4文都顯示了cabal的背水掙扎已經沒有力氣, 雖然他們還是鬧出了Ukrain事件與昆明事件. 而千億黃金大律師的 『推翻美國政府團隊』也由新的發言人出來做每個禮拜的視屏的說明~~說明人滿臉笑容, Neil Keenan很忙, 黑暗份子已到窮途末路, 事情隨時可能翻盤. 但是所有細節還是不能說. 可是他們團隊的網站擺出了相當的法律陣丈, 列出了關鍵法律文件指控美國政府違法根本不存在. 另外還有地下組織宣佈新的美國政府已成立, 美聯儲已關門, 未來只剩光明前景. 而天狼星影片的 Dr. Steven Greer 也對大揭露進程做許多節目解說:

: Sirius: The Next Step in Disclosure


'外星公證會'的 PRG 公司執行長Stephen Bassett 在國會做了一個正式的 '聽證會' – 也一樣動作頻頻. ...總結而言, 做事的地下反抗光工很多, 事情已經進入最後階段, 旋乾轉坤的結果隨時可能發生. ~~有關注網路新聞的人知道~~目前是目不暇給的狀態. 事情發生很多,

想搞清楚任何事~~無法! 乖乖等消息吧!

steven basset     


通靈訊息方面 ~~阿斯塔司令有再透過ELIZABETH TRUWIN傳導新訊息 ~~但新指示不多, 原則上仍是要大家勤做功課, 特別是吸收關於地球史的訊息, 然後要大家靜待事情發生, 所有該做的事都已經完成了!





而三月份則是 『集體轉變』的月份.

而且好玩的是~~這兩個月的星象圖是完全一樣的圖象, 只是是相反的一左一右圖形,

顯示出了從個人到集體轉變的過程. 巧合嗎?



而本人是靈學樣板學生, 所有(真實)通靈文上提到的所有事都會事先發生在我身上, 然後再讓我看見訊息, 所以我近期揚升症狀明顯,

個人生活轉變也很大, 非常有趣!



比較討厭的部份~~是長久以來, 網路上也出現了許多思維還卡在名利\個人ego與競爭對立的 '半通靈管道'與純粹的 『假訊息』管道上~~許多混淆視聽的假訊息還是令人煩不勝煩. 他們有可能不知道自己的上頭老板已經完蛋了, 還孜孜不倦的努力散播假訊息,

享受擁有 『假影響力』的快感呢! 在此同時感謝每天在動我的關注率的朋友們, 建議你們直接調到零! 我的ego現在已經不太有感覺了!




由於個人生活的改變再加上目前時局的不清楚態勢 ~~雖然山雨已來風滿樓, 這世界就即將崩塌在我們眼前, 但是看不到的人仍然很多. ~~而我個人翻譯不為名利, 更不為ego, 所以我覺得許多訊息目前翻了是多餘, 也趕不上變化. 就只能看著辦了!以下列出一些有趣訊息,




有一些人在邏輯思路上還加減不出~~ 『大揭露』是一種必然事實的人~~~那大家就等著吧! 反正最晚就四月21號了! 合理時間應該就這幾天了! ~~不然你以為Keshe博士20140101日報告中為何報告完一月直接跳六月? 又為何在六月才 『住者有其屋』全球實現?!




--- 上禮拜Keshe基金會又開幕了一個太空學院要把所有有關健康\食品\農業...以及太空旅遊等所有超越地球目前科學的高科技免費傳授給所有民眾.





『等待』確實煩人! ~~但是 '轉變一個地球'是何等大事? 其複雜度以及牽涉層面之廣, 不是我們這些看戲的人, 坐著說話腰不疼,

所看得到的! 但是從已經看得到的事實證據來看~~Keshe基金會\Neil Keenan律師等人之存在已經讓我們知道cabal之存在是真實不虛的, 所以 『地球大轉變』非發生不可!












不給日期, 不准核武, 不接受寄生蟲

When we speak of the Event we know there is a sequence of events taking place in a very particular order. Very recently, this month, the Extraterrestrials who came back from in the future to repair this Timeline placed Earth within the new Timeline.That means it is possible now to dissolve the old timeline which will uncreate those negative ET’s who were the few wanting to control the many. Nothing else more need be done.Disclosure, Announcements and the Enactment of NESARA Law. That’s it. It’s a lot.Seven to ten days after Disclosure there will be Landings of Extraterrestrial Ships on Earth. It is the establishment of Divine Government on Earth. It fully brings in the Golden Age.


當我們談到 “the Event”~~~ 我們知道~~~那是一連串的事件~~~依照一個非常特定的順序發生。最近,這個月,來自於未來的外星人~~~他們為了修復這條在地球上的新的時間線而回來的外星人。這意味著~~~現在有可能可以解散那些負面外星人所創造出來的舊時間線--- 這些負面外星人是為數不多想要控制數人的少數份子--- 但是再沒有別的工作需要做! 大揭露』, 『大宣佈』以NESARA法的頒布會發生事情就是這樣。已經多了。大後七到十天就會有地球上外星降落這同時也是地球上神聖政府成立。它將完全將黃金時代來。


Now we can look at the effects of DNA manipulation.The dark cabal made many experiments including removing strands of DNA. They are missing the 11th strand of DNA which governs emotions and the 12th strand of DNA which governs the ability to Love. One thing that humans must heal now is the effects of these genetic experiments which introduced animal DNA into your bodies. Your DNA is a memory stick for your bodies. When it is activated it produces cells identical to those there, it multiplies your physical cells in their exact likeness. Looking at the Triune Brain we see the Neocortex where Higher Thoughts originate. We see the Limbic System which controls the emotions and we see the Reptilian Brain responsible for our survival. All of humanity have animal DNA within their cells. This is part of the final cleansing and healing.

現在我們可以看看DNA弄所產生的影響。黑暗份子們做了許多實驗,其中包括去除DNA鏈。他們缺少DNA11--- 那是掌管情緒, DNA的第12是掌控愛的能力有一件事~~人類現在必須治療的~~那些將動物的DNA引進入你的身體這些基因實驗的影響。你的DNA是你們的身體記憶棒。它被激活時,它會生出與原來那裡相同的細胞,它會以精確的相似度來擴大你的質細胞。縱觀三位一體腦,我們看到了負責更高思考起源大腦皮層裡。我們看到控制情感的邊緣系統,我們看到負責我們生存的蜥蝪腦。所有人類都有動物的DNA其細胞內。



This is the reason you are experiencing some illnesses and also Ascension symptoms. It stems from the DNA repairing itself. There are practitioners now doing these cleansings. All the healing we need will be made available to us in Divine Timing.


這是為什麼你們正在經歷一些疾病以及揚升症狀的原因。它來源自DNA自我修復。目前有些已經在做這些清理工作的修行人在神聖的時間之中 ~~我們需要的所有治療提供給我們。


There is a Master Plan in place behind the scenes. As soon as the New Timeline went into effect the Minister Louis Farrakhan publicly asked President Obama to remove the Classified Status from the Top Secret Area 51. He asked Area 51 be opened and revealed to Americans and the World. This is part of the delicate chess game being played.Each part of the sequence of events is unfolding right before your eyes. You only need eyes which see and ears which hear. Continue your Inner Work and this will raise your consciousness to comprehend the esoteric and mystical meanings of current events happening in your everyday life. Connect the Dots Back to the Future by taking the time to know your Galactic History. This is the Path to Peace Within. This is the Path to Peace Without. This is the Path to a Planet of Peace. Salut! This is Ashtar through Elizabeth Trutwin, February 28th, 2014. © All Rights


在幕後~~有一個神聖大計劃。一旦新的時間線生效之後, Minister Louis Farrakhan 部長路易斯會公開請求奧巴馬總統從將最高機密51區從保密分類中解密出來。他會要求開放51區,並對美國人和世界做公佈。~~~這是目前正在玩的棋局微妙的部分。』 『大事件』序列的每個部分都目前在你眼前展開。你只需要能看到得眼睛和能聽到的耳朵來接收。持續做你的內在的工作,這將提高你的意識來理解當前的發生在你的日常生活中的事件的奧秘和神秘的含義。通過學習你的銀河歷史上,你可以將故事點串連比對起來而看入未來。這是通向和平的內在道路。也是通向和平的外在道路。這是通往一個和平星球的和平之路。

敬禮! 這是阿斯塔透過Elizabeth Trutwin傳導, February 28th, 2014.





There is no need to worry more about how this is happening because it is in process as we speak. You will see the Event come to fruition this year and sooner than you think.





The Ships are Etheric in the Etheric realm and Physical in the Physical Realm. They are constantly evolving as they are sentient. They update automatically.

乙太飛船們是存在於乙太層, 物理飛船們是存在於在物理層。祂們都在不斷演變中,因為祂們是有覺知的。祂們會自動更新。


The Shakti is born within the Body when the individual is ready. There is a lot of misunderstanding thinking that some form of exercise must be done to activate it. It becomes activated from Source energy in bursts. It does not rise or fall according to One’s exercises. Receiving the light codes coming from the Great Central Sun is another aspect of Shakti Energy. They are not separate. As the individual Consciousness develops then more Shakti is imparted to the individual. The rate and flow is controlled by the individual and is determined by the rate they are raising their Consciousness. Increased Shakti allows for more wisdom and advanced gifts to be mastered.

Shakti 會產生在身體之內~~~當一個個人準備好的時候。有很多的誤解,以為某種形式的運動可以來激活祂。祂只能被源頭能量的爆發所激活。祂不會因為一個人所作的練習而上升或下降。接收從大中樞太陽所發出的代碼是Shakti沙克蒂能量的另一個層面。祂們沒有分別。隨著個人覺知意識的發展則更多的Shakti沙克蒂能量就會發射給這個個人。速度和流量也是由個人所控制,而且是通過他們提高他們的覺知意識之速率來決定。增加的Shakti 沙克蒂可以讓更多的智慧和先進的才能可以被掌握到。

NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | Breakthrough In The Global Accounts - March 2, 2014


NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | Breakthrough In

The Global Accounts




Video Highlights

  • Peter Eyre – reporting for THE KEENAN TEAM, takes our Jakarta news desk!

  • While Neil has taken on the cabal from the top down, Peter has been taking them on from the ground up – and they’re meeting in the middle as they ravage our common enemy of mankind.

  • We have a high calling.  As Gandhi said, “the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”

  • Neil is having breakthroughs in the required process of the opening the Global Accounts for the first time in our existence.

  • 尼爾第一次在我們全球帳戶的打過程中做出了必須的突破 。

  • Peter calls on everyone who supports Neil Keenan to pull together as one family, quit finger pointing and backstabbing, for the sake of our dramatically important common cause, especially now that victory is within our grasp.

  • 請大家支持! 特別是我們已經成功在望!

  • We have to stop being sheeple, and become shepherds – in control of our thoughts and lives.

  • While our body may be imprisoned or destroyed, our mind may be forever free.

  • There is something happening here.  What it is ain’t exactly clear.  There’s a man with a gun over there, telling me I have to beware.”



Vatican: Pope creates new department to oversee finances



The Vatican bank is one of the world's most secretive financial institutions

A new department at the Vatican has been created by Pope Francis to oversee its finances following scandals at the institution.

The new ministry would study the "organisational and economic problems of the Holy See", said the Vatican.

An auditor will also oversee the department's dealings, it said.

In January, Italian police reported a senior Italian cleric was charged with laundering millions through the Vatican bank.

Monsignor Nunzio Scarano allegedly planned to smuggle 20m euros (£16.5m) into Italy.

Australian Cardinal George Pell will lead the new department.

The Vatican said the Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See, which manages the Holy See's financial holdings, would become the Vatican's central bank, with "all the obligations and responsibilities of similar institutions around the world".

Vatican's restructuring

But the change would not immediately affect the Institute for Works of Religion (IOR), said a spokesperson.

The IOR is one of the world's most secretive organisations. It has 114 employees and 5.4bn euros of assets.

It is undergoing a major restructuring on the orders of Pope Francis, after a commission of inquiry was set up in 2013.

He has also hired a US financial services company to examine all 19,000 accounts to ensure that international rules against money laundering are being correctly observed.

Announcing the startup of the Keshe Foundation's weekly "Knowledge Seekers Workshop" series!



People will now be able to get the latest information directly from the knowledge seekers of the Keshe Foundation's Spaceship Institute.
The first Knowledge Seekers Workshop will begin on Thursday March 6th at 8am Central Europe time. (11pm Pacific time on Wednesday March 5th)
第一個求知者研討會將於週四36日上午8點歐洲中部時間。 (晚上11點太平洋時間週三35日)
People will meet in Skype up to 2 hours before the Workshop to discuss ideas, and formulate questions to present to the knowledge seekers of the Spaceship Institute. 
We will also use GoToMeeting live to communicate, and a Livestream feed and recording at
Contact Rick Crammond or Vince Roncalio to participate in this weekly Workshop series.


Keshe Public Teaching Workshops

Vincent Roncalio describes the new Youtube page for news of the Keshe Spaceship Institute:

"We have created a new youtube page for the release of news from the Spaceship Institute. This will be the place for Press and new information in smaller releases. Information is received from the Knowledge Seekers, including Mr. Keshe."



10th Keshe Public Teaching Workshop
Lots of revealing information in more ways than one...
Mr Keshe wants this sensitive information sent to media worldwide.

This is the raw Livestream recording.
There were some mysterious technical problems...


Benjamin Fulford Update - March 4, 2014
monday, March 3, 2014

Benjamin Fulford March 3, 2014 Secret cabal surrender negotiations continue as their Ukraine bluff is called after an exchange of nuclear threats

本傑明·富爾福德201433日秘密結社投降談判仍在繼續 ---



Posted by John MacHaffie at 10:52 AM


The WDS has proposed a very different scenario from the Nazi/Zionist
cabal nightmare future planned by Fuehrer Bush, madman Netanyahu and
their fellow Satan worshipping cabalists.



If the WDS is able to cash the Kennedy bonds pictured above (which
are fake according to MI5) or otherwise get usable funding from the
dollar and Euro based Western central banking system,
it proposes a
massive campaign to turn the deserts green, replenish the oceans with
fish, explore space etc. The plan would start with Operation Santa
Claus, a major push to end poverty and stop environmental destruction.


It is becoming increasingly obvious the Western system of
privately owned central banks is a massive, 300-year old Ponzi scheme.

It may thus be necessary to shut down the entire global central bank
computer networks of ATMs, credit cards etc. and reboot the system minus
all the cabalists’ fraudulent numbers.
This would entail handing out
enough cash to everybody for two weeks or so of essential supplies and
the use of hand-written account books until, a new system based on real
things like land, commodities, factories, precious metals etc. can be
booted up.
In the meantime watch as senior cabalists vanish one by one.


Matthew’s Message via Suzy Ward – March 3, 2014

C.I.A. Employees Face New Inquiry Amid Clashes on Detention Program



Elizabeth Trutwin shared a link.

10 hours ago

The CIA is Toast! They are maybe THE BIGGEST STUMBLING BLOCK to Disclosure. Say Buh-bye to the OLD. (they all look really perturbed THEY KNOW THEIR FATE is jail at best)

中情局焦頭爛額了!他們或許可以說是最大的 『大揭露』的絆腳石。跟老時代說再見吧。 (他們都看起來很不安,他們知道他們的命運最好的狀況就是入獄裡服刑)


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