

(阿斯塔司令答客問Part 5 --20120206),,,,

Elizabeth Trutwin


中文翻譯: 林琚月20140222

Marit Grendstad What a lovely occasion Beth!





Alisa Alonso awesome ashtar popped in to say hi briefly …. holding light yes is difficult, but what I call bridging is necessary too, dip in and dipout ofdimensions to do what is the requiredor chosen action. Its not like weforgot 3D if we are calledback it as always for a “wrapup” to learn some lesson not fully integrated




January 29 at 4:44pm · Like · 2




Dehx Starr another question: re: “walk-ins”…i have a friend thats a walk-in (quite an amazing story) n have read bout them but id like to know alot more detailed info. if possible…to have a walk-in in this lifetime, must u already have a soul contract made with that soul BEFORE incarnating here? or can u ask for a walk-in at some point in this life now if u so choose? (ex: deciding u no longer want to be here, want to leave the planet, instead of suicide u request a walk-in)…i’ve heard there are many higher dimensional souls waiting to incarnate into a body on earth now…so is it an option to request a walk-in if u didn’t previously have a contract? if so how do u do this? n IF was possible, n ur soul left the body/earth n another soul stepped into ur body/life, would YOUR soul (that left) end up right back in the karmic wheel of reincarnation, having to come right back in? ive heard much bout us souls here being trapped in a continous pattern, being forced to reincarnate with no free will NOT to, that when things finally shift/ascension etc. that our souls will finally be free…is this true? please offer as much intel n details as u can on these topics…thanks so much!!




January 29 at 4:51pm · Edited · Like · 2




This is a much, much larger answer than we have space for. All of the Universal Laws would need to be read, understood and studied a very long time to understand all there is to know about walk-ins. The channel writing this piece is a walk-in and she too has very in-depth knowledge of how it works having experienced it first hand.


這是一個非常非常大的(關於 walk-in借體還魂)~~

超過我們有空間來解釋此事。所有宇宙將需要閱讀,理解并研究很長的時間才能了解所有關於(walk-in借體還魂)的事。寫這篇文章的通靈人就是一個(walk-in借體還魂), 她也有很深入的知識關於它是如何實際操作的第一手經驗


Almost all of the time, 99% of the time, you could say, – YES there must be in place and there is in place an agreement between the two Souls BEFORE the incarnation takes place. There are requests everyday from Starseeds to GO HOME and please allow a walk-in to come in to take over the rest of the life. It is simply not that simple. It is not allowed due to the Karmic Board and the rules in place for karma on this Planet. The walk-in is responsible to walk all of the karma back for the other Soul who leaves as well as being responsible for their own karma. Only a handful of Beings can handle that much responsibility. It is an extremely harsh existence working that all out. No one is given an easy short cut off Earth.


由於業報董事會以及此星球目前既有的業力規則 ~~








How it works is usually there is an accident or an illness where the person is in a coma or not conscious for a period. In this condition the Soul inhabiting the body passes on to other realms as if they died. The Soul walking in is surgically placed into the unconscious body. That’s it. When the person ‘wakes up’ they are living with a new Soul and this Soul is not a part of that family. They feel like a stranger in their new world. When High Beings of Light come in they are often unfamiliar with


通常是出現意外或疾病的時候該人是昏迷或是失去意識的時間~~~在這種情況, 原本身體中棲息的靈魂其他~~如他們死了一樣(walk-in借體還魂)靈魂是以外科手朮方式植入到沒有知覺的身體當中過程就是這樣。人醒過來時他們已經與一個新的靈魂生活在一起這靈魂不是原來家庭的成員。他們感覺自己像是一個陌生人在新的世界。當光的高級存有進來,他們往往不熟悉原來的家庭.




Earth life, like paying the house payment and the survival game. Depending on the circumstances, it can take a lot of time to adjust to the new body. All of the imbalances, diseases and karma must be shed off and cleared. This must happen simultaneously with fulfilling the Mission they came in for.





This is not true in the question about Souls being trapped in reincarnation. There is no correlation at all, that is a fabricated story. When the Soul walking out makes room for the walk-in by passing on then they go through the process after death that all of Humanity goes through. They may have written inside the contract before incarnation just what would follow as they have sacrificed something for the Greater Good. They are in no way trapped. The after life experience is different for each individual and also the same. That is another long story I will tell you another day.














There are exceptions to every rule. Requests are granted from time to time for changes which were not contracted first and it is exceedingly rare.





Barbara Buckley L.Ashtar,I have so much hope for my better future

and I know everything is in Yours Light Heands.




January 29 at 4:55pm · Like · 1




Bluesword Angel The healing ships will land world wide




January 29 at 4:56pm · Edited · Like · 1




Kenneth Goodrich Can we ascend with our concious mind desiring it even if our higher self is not for it, but would rather spend another lifetime in 3rd dimension to continue education?




January 29 at 6:26pm · Like · 2




There is no such distinction. Only little mind could formulate such a question, ego mind. There is absolutely no separation between the subtle bodies of the conscious, subconscious and superconscious minds.Where the Dimensions are does not correspond to duality and oneness living.Earth will continue with no more duality. We are going to Zero Point. Anyone continuing to require more life experience in duality will do so somewhere not Earth.








--- 但那裡是地球。


Deborah Sharples DeCambra I am waiting with an open heart glowing with patience to remember ALL that I know and experience…I have no questions because I know and I can’t even tell you how I know that I KNOW…I would appreciate a direct experience, Ashtar… You are welcome to enter the space that I live in.…….Ring the door bell and I will answer…….




January 29 at 7:09pm · Like · 2




Repeated concerted efforts do produce this kind of meeting. Invite me first into your every meditation and connect with the days Orders and this way stay in contact with your night work. I am always here for you to call on.


重復統一一致的努力(冥想等修行功課)才能這種(與我們的)首先請邀請我到你的每一個冥想, 並且持續續數日都這樣做 ~~~這樣一來, 你就會與你的夜班工作保持連(的知覺)我會一直在這里等待呼吁


David Porter I read that “Lord” for Ashtar may not be a fit. As it is a miles long/wide computer? Does anyone have Intel on this?




January 29 at 7:21pm · Like · 1




I, Ashtar assure you I am no computer! (laughing) There is a tradition in the west of The House of Lords and within that group has been much corruption which has hurt many. Westerners especially become queasy at the mention of Lord. Lord as it were is a rank, a title of a rank. General, Captain, Major and Petty Officer all conjure different perceptions.

我,阿斯塔向你保證,我沒有電腦! (笑)有一個傳統,在上議院The House of Lords 的西部和而在該組中已經有很多腐敗傷害了許多所以西方人在聽到 'lord'()時會反胃,'lord'()~~~因為是一個等級,等級的稱號。不論是將軍,上尉,少校和士官都會跑許多不衕的看法。



I do not call myself Lord. I do not ask anyone else call me Lord. Those who Serve in the Heirarchy prefer to call me Lord in recognition of my role in this Universe. There are many, many Lords out there serving within the Galactic Federation.




Brandon Loveladdy First off thank you Elizabeth! We are so thankful for all the love and light you provide! Much love soul sister! Also thank you Ashtar, my wife andi have been inviting him into our meditations since you mentioned being of service to the plan! You can feel his love! I would like to know how we know if we are members of the ground crew? Besides a inner knowing it would be nice to have something tangible! We love you Ashtar, we are ready! Let us be of service. And also does Ashtar have any beings he would recommend contacting for healing work? We have a family member suffering from cancer and he is here to serve a divine mission, we learned reiki and would love some pointers from our space brothers and sisters! All the love and light of my soul to you both! And beyond!




January 29 at 8:36pm · Like · 1




[Years ago Ashtar asked me to post these Galactic Healing techniques and I have had them on the web in some form or another since. ]





You may go outside on any evening and call the Ships to you. They will resemble twinkling StarLights. You will be able to feel their love. When you are with them ask them to fully dim their lights. Or you may ask them to move to the right or move to the left. These are your own Crew and they will show you positive proof. Also, you may all know if this message has crossed your path HAVE NO DOUBT – YOU ARE GROUND CREW, Salut!




毫不懷疑 - 你是地面部隊人員,



Steve Shindler Do you have 100% mankinds spiritual integrity for all your assistance??




January 29 at 9:09pm · Like




Humanity on Earth have Free Will Choice. The Ashtar Command follows the Prime Directive which Mother Sekhmet put into place for Earth. No outside Forces may interfere with the Grand Experiment at Earth called Duality Consciousness in any case with the exceptions of Nuclear Holocaust or Mass Psychological Attack. The 911 Attacks were considered a Mass Psychological Attack and we have intervened in ways which will bring Zero Point and Changeover.



司令部跟隨Mother Sekhmet



被稱為 '二元意識'的大實驗---

除了 '大屠殺或大眾心理攻擊'


'911攻擊' 為是一個大眾心理攻擊,




Humanity’s individual spiritual integrity does not play a role in receiving assistance. It is offered to all.


人類個'靈性正直' ~~~

在 『接受援助』方面的考慮之內是提供給所有人的東西

(: 如銀河聯邦援助\nesara款項\食衣住行協助...)


(RL: 哈哈! 知道自己是壞人的人, no sweat!別冒冷汗了! 你幹的壞事你自己知道, 老天也知道, 昴宿星人已為你拍照存證, 你們那點心思, 小鼻子小眼睛的兼自大狂... --- 在老天眼中都了解你失去純真的過程與原由 --- 簡稱之為 '有限度的覺知意識' --- 而現在所有人都將目瞪口獃的再次面對真理. --- 你所有認為上天與社會對不起你的地方都將得到平反 --- 所以接下來就看你啦! 如果到了該感動得痛哭流涕的時候 ~~~希望你們不會頑固得流不出眼淚!

咱們的愚蠢控制在合理程度內, okay?”


Chelsea Bear I would like to say thank you to both Beth and Ashtar for sharing their precious time. My question is. If someone has a physical disability like MS / paralysis or are bed ridden are they able to ascend with that body? Or do they leave it behind? And ascend spiritually? I would also like to know if I am ground crew? Thank you




January 29 at 9:25pm · Edited · Like · 2




Anyone in this space reading this message is Ground Crew. Very few remember their work each night on the Ships of the Galactic Federation. You will remember these details and more. It is a condition of being on Earth to serve in the Ground Crew.





Physical Immortality in the Physical is available to all now – even those living in broken bodies.The healing technologies which will become available with Landings will reverse age the body including accidents, including disease processes.Yes! They will keep these bodies which will come into their perfection.As time goes on their will be options for changing the body and these will be available to everyone alike.



包括那些生活在破碎或是壞掉的身體的人可以修復(身體\健康)技朮~~隨著 『飛船大登陸』之後提供給大家~~~其中有 “返老還童”科技~~~可以逆轉包括車禍受傷以及逆轉疾病的程序. 是的, 他們將保有這個身體





Rain Webb I lost my memory and I want it back…!




January 29 at 9:41pm · Like · 2




Ardent effort daily brings in the glimmers. When Disclosure happens the memories will be fully restored.




Jack Foo Beth,about Buddha Princess Zheng Hui the Maitreya Buddha, Female Sakyamuni Buddha,Allah bless ,thank you.…/static/2280200882014086751849/




2014年元月一日無始劫以來最偉大最殊勝的彌勒佛降生之千佛臨凡加持地球的加持語記錄 – 妙盛蓮的日志 – 網易博客








January 29 at 10:02pm · Like · Remove Preview




[Thank you Jack Foo please update me with the Questions for Ashtar from China and I can do an additional post for the website there. ]




Earl Thibert hi Beth and Ashtar I was just thinking when we see the ships showing up will the ships be showing up one at a time or all at once




January 29 at 10:08pm · Like




To begin with Ships will be decloaked over Major Cities and these will be armadas of Ships. As consciousness raises over the hours and days to follow the Ships will be decloaked everywhere.






Susan Sacco Golden Eagle reporting for duty! Lord Ashtar please provide me with the details surrounding my mission.




January 29 at 10:16pm · Like · 2




[I am not asking Ashtar for individual comments in this setting]




Petra Soreia when do we move forward from this “so felt” endless loop? Will you intervene on Fukushima area? thank you , lots of love




January 29 at 10:22pm · Edited · Like · 1




Special Crews from Pleiades as well as helpers from the Wingmaker Ships have been working at mitigating Fukushima since the Earthquake and Tsunami in March 2011.




Everything is lightening up faster now. The perceived endless loop comes from the deep purging and purifying many of you have agreed to now. You will see an end.

現在每一件事都更快速的亮出光來了你們現在覺到的 『沒完沒了的循環感覺~~~你們所衕意在此時進行的和淨化工作~~





Rabbie Helpfived Disclosure will happen after the Currency revaluation and release of the prosperity funds. The Cabal are being arrested now and they were only ones blocking it from happening. Love wins1




January 29 at 10:40pm · Edited · Like · 4




The currency revaluation cannot take place until after the Enactment of NESARA Law. This will take place at the same time as Full Galactic Disclosure.








Will-Alpha Vandervelde-Zen …Commander, where does The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Krishna fit in and is he Present on The New Jerusalem… … …




Yesterday at 1:16am · Like




Yes, Indeed. Lord Krishna as an Avatar of Lord Vishnu, also known as Maitreya or Father God is a constant companion on the New Jerusalem. He is also now incarnate on Earth. He has His role here and He has his role on Earth. He comes and goes as he pleases. He is able to be everywhere at the same time and no place at all.



克里希那王Lord Krishna

Lord Vishnu,毗溼奴神王的化身,

衕時又被稱為彌勒佛或Father God ~~是新耶路撒冷號上的一個位長期的伙伴。








Will-Alpha Vandervelde-Zen …Commander, which dimension is no longer Maya. Is there a way of perceiving and entering this state of being continually? Do our eternal Souls need a different body to perceive/experience this?… … …




Yesterday at 1:30am · Like




Earth now is at the 5th Dimension and above. Maya runs through the Dimensions. This may be perceived in the body you have now, nothing special needs to be done.








What is needed is a shift in perception. It is possible to be in presence, to be in Beingness, to be in the perception of what is called The Golden Age. It is like looking out the corner of your eye. It is a different perception and one must make an effort to see it that way.


現在所需要的~~~是感應認能力的轉變提升。這是可能的事~~~衕時存在在現在又衕時是在 “本我的存在狀態beingness』,而且又衕時是在所謂黃金時代的存在狀態裡。這就像你的眼角看出去。這是一個不衕的感應認能力而且是一個必須作出努力~~才能這樣看到的狀況


Most people do feel this occasionally and continue to go back and forth between the Highest Vibration which may be experienced on a walk in nature, playing with an animal companion or a baby as they are almost unaffected by Maya. Or it may be perceived in times of euphoria or in love making.


大多數人偶爾會感覺得這個,然後繼續來回在兩個高頻率中擺盪當他在大自然中散步時, 可能會遇到最高振動頻率或是在與動物伴侶或孩子玩,因為它們几乎是不受蓋亞影響。或者,他可能會在興奮的時候,或在做愛時感受到這樣的狂喜


The issue is when the ego mind’s thoughts are invited into the conversation. That is the path back to Maya – listening to the ego mind and its ongoing comments. This is why there is so much emphasis in this discussion about becoming Ascended through dissolving ego mind. When that takes hold then Maya no longer exists no matter what Dimension it is perceived from.




這就是為什么有這么多的通靈訊息討論重點在有關 『通過溶解心智來達成揚升』



Izaäk Dickie Imagery I am curious : Is there a link between the Western Semite god Ashtar(Attar) and the Commander, are they the same and if so what is true and useful about the surviving stories of those days? Does the god of the morning star Venus mean the same as the later Lucifer? Thank you for your information

() 艾薩克迪基意象我很好奇:Western Semite god Ashtar(Attar) 和指揮官之間有沒關連? 們是衕一個嗎? 如果是的話什麼是真正的, 有用的那些天的流傳故事?請問晨星金星之神的意思後來路西法是一樣的?謝謝你的信息



Yesterday at 2:02am · Like · 2




[Izaäk Ashtar asked me to write his whole history into a book which I did and he asked I post it for free for all to read. His one Earth incarnation and other interactions at Earth are noted in detail there. ]


[艾薩克阿斯塔讓我他的整個歷史寫成一本書,我做了,他我它免費張貼供大家閱讀。他的一個地球的轉世化身,以及在地球的其他互. 細節在那裡。]


The Gate of Ishtar is for Ashtar and can only be gone through with love. No other way to go through this StarGate.

伊什塔爾Ishtar 門是為了阿斯塔而存在~~而且只能用愛通過。沒有別的辦法可以通過這個星門。



The Morning Stars are from Venus and all the Kumaras are Morning Stars, mourning stars, waiting for Earth to Ascend. Lucifer has returned to love now.




Izaäk Dickie Imagery Oh, yes! Do you have any tips for me how to improve my work on earth? Thank you again!




Yesterday at 2:03am · Like




[I am not asking Ashtar for individual comments in this setting]




The entire Galactic Federation is at Earth only for one reason: The good feeling received from a job well done.





Be integrity and celebrate your hard work. You all are doing a wonderful job in the harshest conditions. Do not waste time in worry. Be Happy!

請成為 『正直』本身





Embark to work with a happy attitude and do work which uplifts you. If you must do work that does not uplift you, find a reason to be happy no matter what.






Quimby Sackett Campbell · 6 mutual friends

This was helpful to me…/embracing…/




Embracing possibilities as YOU anchor TRUTH




It is to be noted that as you begin to work with the New Earth frequencies and b…See More




Yesterday at 7:40am · Like · Remove Preview




Rose Jackson How can I lift my energy…? I am excited to connect.




Yesterday at 9:42am · Like · 1




Be Positive. Sing. Dance. Read. Volunteer to help others all throughout the day. This cleans your heart and frees more positive energy. Be kind. Improve yourself. Take time to rest. Be vegetarian. Be green. Love MORE.




Brandon Loveladdy If its not to late Beth,I would love one more question for Ashtar. When I was 12 my friend his little brother and dog and I were playing in the street. We were surrounded by a white light coming down from space. It felt like we were being x- rayed. …See More


()布蘭登Loveladdy如果不, 貝絲,我很願意多問阿斯塔一個問題。當我12歲時我與我的朋友他的弟弟和狗,在街上玩耍。我們被從太空下來一個白色的光包圍了來。這感覺就像我們被X光掃描。 ,...查看更多


15 hours ago · Like








In this beam you and your friend and brother were being beamed with effulgent light. You were beamed aboard the Ship for a short visit and returned a few minutes later. This kind of contact is reported by many Starseeds and it serves to help those in the Ground Crew to remember their Missions no matter how deep they go into the 3D world.








Bobby Love · Friends with Ron Van Dyke and 2 others

Will there be chocolate in the new paradigm? Lol


Computer: Chocolate Sundae, please. Namaste!


Ashtar through Elizabeth Trutwin, February 6, 2014 © All Rights Reserved.,,,,,,


An Invitation: Many have benefited from this and I would like to continue to offer it. For a one hour booking you may email me at It is amazing what comes through from Lord Sananda, the Higher Self of Jesus. This is a question and answer session on video Skype or telephone and you may ask anything you like. I have several written testimonials. Sananda’s Invitation through Elizabeth Trutwin: Many here are looking for answers about their personal life, Mission and what direction to take at this time. I have information I would like to share with certain individuals. As you read this you will know if it is for you. I have asked Beth to offer her Service for 1 hour telephone consultations where she will channel me, Sananda to you over the phone to answer your questions. You have worked very hard and it is time we sat down together to discuss your next steps. I thank you for your enduring service to the light. ~Lord Sananda For more information please visit






Be Ready Members of the Ground Crew ~ A Message from Lord Ashtar through Elizabeth Trutwin, February 6, 2014

We Have Arrived At New Earth ~ Make It Real A Message from Lord Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin, January 27, 2014.

Sliding Into New Earth A Message from Lord Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin, January 12, 2014

Merry Christmas from Admiral Sananda and Captain Ashtar a Message through Elizabeth Trutwin, December 24, 2013

Twin Flames a Message from Mother Sekhmet 12.15.13

What Will Happen A Moment AFTER The Event ~ A Message from Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin, December 5, 2013

Comet ISON is not a Comet rather A MotherShip circumventing the Earth Unfolding the Event a Message from Lord Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin, November 26, 2013

What Exactly is The Event? – A Message from Lord Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin, November 22, 2013

Earth Ascension ~ Warp Speed Ahead! A Message from Lord Ashtar through Elizabeth Trutwin, November 1, 2013

Leave Everything Behind a Message from Lord Ashtar through Elizabeth Trutwin, October 13, 2013

WEEKLY WORLDWIDE Meditation to Make Contact with ET for Peace

WEEKLY WORLDWIDE Meditation to Make Contact with ET for Peace

Elizabeth Trutwin



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January 2014

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Elizabeth Trutwin


RL: 迎大家轉載, 修任何文字, 是渠道名稱與譯者名. 尊重作者, 著作! 小心因果報應! 大家不要轉載的作品, 不要成為幫凶并分擔業! 大家助保持靈學界的清! 修行路上大家加油! 限祝福!">安琚()">






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