

銀行家們狀況更新 - 20131226

Mass Arrests, The Event, Bankster Update from Drake’s FB Page - December 26, 2013

This seems to be a recap of the Batman call with MR. S

這似乎是蝙蝠俠與MR S的電話交談內容回顧。



蝙蝠俠與特邀嘉賓MR. S電話訪問記錄回放。

Phone # 805-399-1099


PIN: 184762#






Source Link - http://2012thebigpicture.wordpress.com/2013/12/27/mass-arrests-the-event-bankster-update-from-drakes-fb-page-dec-26th/


中文翻译: 林琚月20131123




Mass Arrests, The Event, Bankster Update from Drake’s FB Page; Dec. 26th


- 20131226

Thank you, Jane. This is a transcript from Drake’s Cosmic Voice FB page for a recent teleconference. Take it for what you will.   ~ BP

謝謝你,簡。這是從德雷克的宇宙語音臉書FB頁面成績單的最近電話會議。關於內容正確與否, 你自己看著辦吧。 BP


托馬斯'晨報發布內容轉載:“大事件” ‘THE EVENT’


Source - https://www.facebook.com/groups/490715054350504/permalink/560602114028464/


Thomas has said this is not an endorsement but it is interesting. I have listened this morning and decided to make notes so we could consider some key points [in the order they were presented and not necessarily logical] – and for those who can’t listen for 1hr 40mins. Please don’t shoot the messenger as I don’t have 2nd amendment rights LOL…and I have tried my best to record the names of your legislation and acts ….seem to be learning more about US law the UK … Took 3 hrs! • There are currently Russian, Chinese and German troops in the US, to go to DC to make arrests and prevent WWIII

托馬斯說,這不是為它背書,但內容是有趣的。我今天早上聽了,決定標出重點,所以我們可以考慮的一些關鍵點[在他們提出並不見得合乎邏輯的順序之中] - 對於那些沒時間聽1小時40分鐘的人。請不要遷怒於轉載訊息的人,因為我沒有憲法的第二次修正權利大聲(笑聲...—開玩笑!)我已經盡我所能來記錄你的登錄和事件.... 在英國似乎更多地了解美國的法律,...花了3小時!•目前有俄羅斯,中國和德國的軍隊在美國,去華盛頓DC,逮捕和防止第三次世界大戰


There is a 4th player who is unseen and very powerful – quote ‘and I think we know who this is but most people refuse to accept it’….[my question are they referring to ET?]

有一個第四個玩家是看不見的,非常強大 - [?我的問題是,他們指的是ET]引用',我認為我們知道這是誰,但大多數人拒絕接受它。......



Nuclear arsenals in the Middle East are not working – no access codes are working or targeting facilities

在中東地區的核武庫已經被無效化 - 沒有有用的啟動接入代碼或目標設備.


Prosperity Packages (PP’s) are ‘in the hat’ – and have been reassigned to the Provost Marshall of the US military in Virginia – so unusual move that the military are now in control of the PP situation

繁榮包裹(PP的)已經在帽子裡面’ - 並已被重新分配到美軍在弗吉尼亞州的憲兵司令 - 如此不同尋常的舉動讓軍方現在是負責PP的控制局面

Sudan: US troops there [because?] bankers are trying to start WWIII – which will not be allowed to happen. They planned to use any or a combination of Chemical/Bio/Nukes and other countries said not acceptable.

蘇丹:美軍有[因?]銀行家正在試圖啟動第三次世界大戰 - 它不會允許這種情況發生。他們計劃使用化學/生物/核彈來啟動戰爭, 但其他國家對任何的一個或組合表示不能接受。


Federal Reserve – as of midnight all $ notes became counterfeit – really not a rumour true. No need to panic the US economy is still accepting them and they will be taken in and exchanged when the new currency is put into the banks. The only thing that would create a problem is if someone turned up at a bank with huge amounts of cash not commensurate with their standing and income otherwise ok to exchange for new currency when arrives.

美聯儲從午夜開始(20131227)所有的美鈔都成了假鈔 - 真的不是謠言屬實。沒有必要恐慌,美國經濟仍然接受他們,他們會接受,而當新的貨幣投入銀行時做交換。唯一會造成問題的的事情是 -- 如果有人帶著與他們的地位和收入不相稱的巨額現金到達一家銀行要兌換時,除此之外, 都可以換取新的貨幣~~當正式公佈時。

The ‘big boys’ – trillion dollar people (Bankers and Congress]– cashed out large quantities of Dinars

“大男孩”們 - 萬億美元的人口(銀行家和國會] – 已經兌現了大量的Dinars第納爾新伊拉克幣.


NESARA – he has been hearing that they are trying to bring this on-line if not directly ..but quietly There has been high level meetings in the Indian Ocean (British Indian territory) at a tiny atoll named Diego Garcia – nothing there only a landing strip. O’B has been holidaying a lot for extended vacations to Hawaii…said to have been going to Diego Garcia as first priority before vacations.

NESARA - ,mr. s, 已經聽到他們正試圖把這事連上線(發生),如果不是直接的..也會是靜靜地做 --- 目前已在印度洋(英屬印度洋領地)在名為迪戈加西亞一個小環礁有高級別會議’ – 這島什麼也沒有只有一個飛機著陸帶。 O'B歐巴馬一直在度假 --- 有很多關於延長假期到夏威夷說法...說已經去了迪戈加西亞 --- 並安排為假期之前的第一優先事項。


Nov 2009(?) O’B passed an executive order for every alphabet agency (?) except NDAA and US DOD issuing orders to regulate the banking system. People have been mad at the NSA – but in actual fact the surveillance has not been to deal with the ordinary people but to get the Bankers. Not just the CIA, FBI, Dept of the Feds, Navy intel. but everybody involved to nail the bankers.

200911月(?)O'B歐巴馬發了一道行政命令給每個字母的(聯邦)機構(?),除了NDAAUS DOD美國國防部在發布命令,調節銀行體系之外. 人們一直在對NSA 國家安全局生氣 - 但事實上監控一直沒有在對付普通人, 而是銀行家們。不只是中情局,聯邦調查局,聯邦調查局學系,海軍英特爾CIA, FBI, Dept of the Feds, Navy intel.。而是每個參與到逮捕銀行家的行動有關的人。


O’B has been passing executive orders and putting Czars in place – he is not a dictator but has been strategically moving people around to clean up the system. In 1991 George Bush sold the infrastructure of the USA under executive order and O’B has passed an order to re-nationalise the infrastructure. The NDDA is to deal with those in power under Section 802. ‘those that intimate and cohort with Judges and prosecution’… etc. of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals and Prosecution – who have been lazy and behaving unethically. The latter have been trying to minimise events in case they are charged with aiding and abetting. So trying to protect themselves. There has been 10 million records seized covering every judge in the state of California.

O'B歐巴馬已通過行政命令,並把沙皇們搞定 - 他不是一個獨裁者,但已策略性地移動周圍的人來清理系統。1991年,喬治·布什用行政命令賣掉了美國的基礎設施, O'B歐巴馬使用類似的行政命令重新國有化基礎設施。這NDDA是對付當權者用的~~根據第802條。“那些親密和坑沼一氣的法官和警檢人員等”...等。第九巡迴上訴法院和檢察院的那些一直在偷懶和行為不道德者。後者一直試圖最大限度地減少事件的情況下,他們被控協助及教唆。所以,試圖保護自己的人。目前已經有10萬條記錄被抓到,涵蓋每一個在加利福尼亞州的法官。


The Pope’s decree has eliminated immunity so that now we can go retro-actively and deal with them.



There exists online an abridged copy of the Patriot Act – everyone needs to read this to see there is nothing in there to do with the American people but to deal with money laundering, RICO and depopulation programmes.

在網上有愛國者法案the Patriot Act”的節略副本 - 每個人都需要讀這個,看看有沒有在那裡有與美國人民有關,但主要是對付洗錢,有組織罪案以及人口銷減計劃的。


We can now go to foreign countries and ask them to hand over illicit money or be dubbed terrorists and receive a military response. Switzerland, Cayman Isles, Jamaica, Bahamas and the Caribbean banking havens have been forced by a military presence around the shorelines. The Cayman Isles were entered and they couldn’t explain account holders…found to be belong to dead people and even in dog’s names. Lots of bank accounts were cleaned out – 10’s of 1000’s – and bankers in Switzerland committed suicide.

現在我們可以去到外國國家,並要求他們交出贓款或者是被稱為恐怖分子的人,並獲得軍事反應。瑞士,開曼群島,牙買加,巴哈馬和加勒比海地區銀行的避風港已被迫在海岸線周圍受到軍事巡邏保護​​。開曼群島(銀行)已被進入檢察 ---它們有不能說明的帳戶持有人...被發現有屬於死人的,甚至在狗的名字之下的。大量的銀行帳戶被清理出來成千上萬的而在瑞士有銀行家自殺。


A report last week from Bloomberg detailed that pressure was being put on Swiss Bankers who had been put on notice by the IRS and the Govt. to turn over all questionable US citizens’ bank accounts. Other banks (Rothschilds) had assigned 450 lawyers to fight the request. The Rothschilds were told if there are irregularities and hidden money from the US Govt. They must hand over or else they would be penalised with fines and jail sentences. The Swiss bankers are still debating the choice but they have little time left now to decide.

最後一個星期從Bloomberg彭博報告中詳述~~壓力正在上升--- 在那些被國稅局和政府通知到的瑞士銀行家們 --- 去交出所有可疑的美國公民的銀行帳戶。其他銀行(Rothschilds羅斯柴爾德)已調派450名律師去打官司對付此請求。羅斯柴爾德家族被告知,如果有違規行為和對美國政府隱藏的錢--- 他們必須交出,否則將處以罰款和監禁刑罰處罰。瑞士銀行家們仍在爭論的選擇,但他們現在剩下很少有時間來做決定。


It must have been something huge because the Rothschilds answer to no one and don’t usually respond to Govts. This Govt. Has 12 of the 22 aircraft carriers that exist worldwide and sail the oceans. The smallest is twice the size of anyone else’s.

這代表了一定有一些巨大的事發生 --- 因為羅斯柴爾德家族不理會任何人的,通常不會對政府們作出回應。這羅斯柴爾德家族政府 --- 自己具有存在全球和航行海洋中的22艘航母的12艘。最小的尺寸也是其他人的兩倍大。


So if the Rothschilds don’t comply they will be responded to as terrorists under the Patriot Act – the military can go in and there will be backs against the wall. Bankers have been dealt with in China and Vietnam but the details differ (1 executed and 3 in prison in China and 2 shot in Vietnam…or alternatively all executed).

所以,如果羅斯柴爾德家族不合作 --- 他們將被視為 ---依照愛國者法案的恐怖分子條例 - 軍隊可以進去 ~~會有面對牆壁的逮捕。銀行家們已經處理了在中國和越南的(銀行家),但細節不同(1個被執行死刑和3人在中國入獄和2個被射殺拍在越南...或換句話說 --- 全部死刑)。


Karen Hudes had stated that there were underground banks in Hawaii with 70,000 tons of gold to back the new $, and at Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado Springs – Russian troops were guarding another gold deposit. Fort Knox – has seen large troop movement during the last 12 months. So there is gold in 3 locations in large amounts to back the new $ so don’t worry about money. This has been a grand 5 years plan in the making [circa 2008 collapse?]

Karen Hudes卡倫Hudes曾指出,在夏威夷有地下錢莊藏有70,000噸黃金來支持新的貨幣,並在夏延山,科羅拉多斯普林斯 Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado Springs – 俄羅斯軍隊守衛的另一個金礦。Fort Knox諾克斯堡 - 已經在過去12個月看到大部隊的移動。因此,至少有3 個地點有大量金礦來支持新的貨幣,所以不要擔心錢的問題。這是一個宏偉的5年計劃在醞釀[大約從2008年開始崩潰?]


The Federal Reserve cessation is not in writing yet it is taking place as we speak so you will not find evidence of it until it gets on TV or in Wall St Journal. It’s breaking news. All the new money will not be on the street at the same time but the 12 central banks are full of money.

美聯儲的終止 --- 還沒發出書面通知 --- 但它正在發生中,在我們說話時,你們不會發現有關這的證據 --- 直到此事上了電視之後或在華爾街雜誌上出現時為止。這將會是爆炸性突發新聞。所有新的資金將不會在同一時間同時出現,但現在12 (新全球)央行都充滿了金錢。


Under the ‘Trading with the Enemy’ Act Section 6 – O’B could deal with all the ‘big boys’ who have cashed in the Dinars. There is a chance he could seize this money under the Act. These people have been running amok and have become the enemy of the country. The US has been under a state of emergency since 1933 so he can do that. This would solve the US’s financial problems right now. Apparently there is a cap in place for the elite of $1 trillion.

根據“與敵貿易”法案第6 - O'B歐巴馬可以處理所有的'大男孩' --- 關於誰已經兌現的Dinars第納爾新伊拉克幣。還有就是他能根據該法案而沒收這些錢的機會。這些人已經橫行已久,並且已經成為國家的敵人。自1933年以來,美國一直處於緊急狀態下,所以這樣他就可以做到這一點。這樣就解決美國的財政問題現在。顯然對這1萬億美元的精英 --- 上限已到了。



銀行家們狀況更新 - 20131226


Caller comment: Troops are landing in the USA ‘armed and ready for bear’ – is this indicating martial law? Answer: Firstly, the US has been under Martial Law since 1877 with the Reconstruction Act and a state of emergency. Secondly in 1933, the bankruptcy situation invoked a second state of emergency and the US has been under martial law since that.

來電者留言:許多軍隊登陸了美國, 而且是“武裝好並準備來承擔” - 這是表明戒嚴的意思嗎?



The influx of foreign military are from friendly military governments and the troops are out in the community enjoying football and watching baseball. They are guarding the Colorado Springs gold reserves. There is a need to take people down because of DC passing Posse Comitatus. It was passed to allow the military to enforce law but the 1902 Dicat and the constitution gives the authority to call up the military. So Putin etc. can be used to solve problems by using overseas troops to deal with areas that are owned.

外國軍隊的湧入 ~~他們是來自友好軍事政府, 而且軍隊們一直是在社區裡享受足球和看棒球。他們守著科羅拉多斯普林斯的黃金儲備。有必要採取逮捕行動 ---因為華盛頓dcu已通過本縣的能力Posse Comitatus”法令. --- 這是通過來讓軍方執行法律 --- 1902Dicat和憲法賦予的權力,調出軍隊。所以,普京等可用於通過使用海外駐軍,來在外國屬地區域來解決問題。


FEMA Camps or military detention facilities. Originally was said these would be used against the US people – look online there are 800 pages in the Army Field Manual – ‘Capturing and Detaining of People’ and the use of multiple theatres of operation. Multiple meaning multiple countries. The manual tells how to identify ID badges, the country the person is captured in and location. It is not for citizens but to deal with the corrupt. The UN have stood up to these people (he can’t disclose how he knows). Interpol have been fighting in Europe for decades and getting their butts kicked. So O’B asked the UN the help as allies (including Russia and China) in order to prevent WWIII. After all a war of this magnitude would be bad for world health and business.

FEMA Camps聯邦緊急事務管理局營或軍事拘留設施。最初聽說 --- 這些將被用來對付美國人民 - 看看網上有800頁的陸軍野戰手冊 - “捕捉和拘留的人”和使用操作的多個劇院。多重含義多個國家。本手冊講述如何識別ID證章,人被捕獲和所在位置的國家。這不是用來對付公民,而是對付腐敗份子的。聯合國已經站起來給這些人(他不能透露他是如何知道的)。國際刑警組織已經在歐洲奮鬥幾十年了,而且一直忍辱負重(讓他們的屁股被人踢。)所以O'B歐巴馬要求聯合國幫助下作為盟友(包括俄羅斯和中國),以防止第三次世界大戰。因為如此規模的所有戰爭將對世界衛生和業務不好。


Camps have 3 facility types: 1 for criminals and having a court inside – Bankers and the like. 1 as a temporary holding facility to calm people down but not to hurt them just contain them and lastly 1 as a refugee camp for the families of the people that get arrested…when this blows up and soon..the families will be in danger of being lynched and will need to be kept safe.

營地有3個設施類型:1為犯罪分子以及具有一座內法院- 銀行家等以及同類。 1作為臨時拘留所來冷靜下來的人,但不要傷害他們只是監禁它們,最後1作為一個被逮捕者的難民營......當這事件發生而且很快......家屬將會有危險 --- 被處私刑,所以將會需要安全地點。


Some people from foreign countries including the US, bankers etc. have already been arrested by Interpol and are in camps. The police work for private corporations so they cannot be relied upon or trusted – there was a need to bring someone else in.

國外一些人,包括美國,銀行家等已經被國際刑警所逮捕了,並已在難民營之中。警察也都為私營公司效力 --- 所以他們不可靠所以有必要從外面調人進來.


O’B passed an order to create a civilian army (that was propagandised) and this got blocked so had to look to the alternative.

O'B歐巴馬曾通過了一道法令 --- 以創造一個平民的軍隊(這被政令宣導過, )但這被擋掉了,因此不得不尋求別的方案。


DC doesn’t care if you have a gun – it is the states that are in rebellion against Congress and their oath against the constitution. He could come and arrest every governor and local cop on the street for treason and espionage, rebellion and insurrection under the Patriot Act and pick them all up.

華盛頓dc不在乎你有沒槍反而是州政府們在反抗國會和他們對憲法的的宣誓狀態。他會來在大街上以叛國罪和間諜罪,叛亂和暴動根據愛國者法案逮捕每一個州長和當地警察 --- 依照”the Patriot Act 愛國者法令並把這些人都抓起來。

(: 美國一直謠言聯邦政府要拿走人民槍枝, 此文說那是各州政府既得利益團體在搞判亂.)


No normal people going to camps. The military have said no….otherwise the ‘tanks will be rolling’ and if 50,000 tanks start coming at you let’s see what happens’.

沒有正常的人會去fema camp營。軍方也說不會’....否則“坦克車們會推出來',如果50,000台坦克車開始朝你過來 --- 讓我們看看會發生什麼事”。


They have recalled a bunch of people in the military generals etc. and this started around 2 years ago roughly. It has been noticed that there is no-one on the golf courses and O’B is weeding out the ones that won’t stay on message. He is taking others and placing them where he can use them. Apparently a group of military have just been on 2 weeks’ training (rumour not confirmed) these being the US Army Rangers, Green Berets and Reconnaissance Marines who came back with Uniforms for the Dept. Of Justice US Marshalls.

他們已經召回了一堆人在軍事將領裡面等人員,約2年前就大致開始。大家已經注意到 --- 高爾夫球場上沒有人, 而且O'B歐巴馬一直在淘汰那些不會停留消息上的人。他把其他人放在在他可以使用他們的地方。顯然,一組軍隊才剛經歷過兩週的訓練(傳聞未證實)這是美國陸軍遊騎兵,綠色貝雷帽和海軍陸戰隊偵察他們穿制服回來為司法部做美國執法官。


When this goes down there will be a need for people to step in where state governors are removed and an Agitant General Command Grade Officer might be put in place.

當這事發生,人們會需要介入 --- 當州長被移除和Agitant總司令部一級官員可能暫代職位。


The Rumours of Nukes being moved are false – the protocol for nukes to be moved around is too tight without major paperwork.

核彈被移動的傳言是假的 - 核彈被搬來搬去的協議規定很嚴 ---所以沒經過重大的文書工作是不可能的。


Caller Question: I have sons and daughters in the military who were told at a big meeting that they would be getting rid of [black?] military officers so it has to be true?…another caller answered and said I am from a black family and I don’t think it’s true. [I didn’t understand this reference and the sound quality wasn’t good]

來電問:我有兒子和女兒他們在一個大軍事軍官會議被告知在他們將被解職,[?因為黑人關係]?所以這事當是真實的??......另一觀眾電話說 --- 我來自一個黑人家庭而且我不認為這是真的。 [我沒看明白他們的說法, 音質當時也不好]


There is a major international incident going on now in the US – people have volunteered to assist from overseas. We cannot go on much longer with bankers actively trying to start WWIII and they must be stopped and this will need Russian and other troops to do so.

有一個重大的國際事件現在在美國發生 - 海外人們自願來協助。我們不能與積極嘗試著想啟動第三次世界大戰的銀行們繼續和下去 --- 他們必須被停止! 而這將需要俄羅斯和其他部隊來這樣做。


Caller Question: If O’B is so the good guy and a white hat or something, we need to judge a fruit by its tree… Why did he pass the NDAA to make people disappear and has offered no transparency that he had promised? Second question what if the troops are here to take over the US. Answer: O’B made a statement in a video where he said ‘there are terrorists out there that cannot be tried because their crimes are beyond comprehension’ and that there is no way to try such as Rockefellers, JP Morgan, Rothschilds et al. as no one will testify against them. So he enacted the NDAA to give authority to do so.



答:O'B歐巴馬做了一個視頻說明,他說“有些恐怖分子存在卻無法被審判,因為他們的罪行是無法想像的' 可怕,這是沒有辦法去審判像 --- 如洛克菲勒,摩根,羅斯柴爾德家族等。因為沒有人敢做證反對他們。於是,他制定了NDAA來給出權力這樣做(來抓他們)


Another thing; there is a military base in Cyprus that can be used. [My comment: if he means North Cyprus that would be because they are not recognised as a country after the ‘military coup in 1974 in the north of the island by Turkey. The south remains Greek and is recognised internationally and by the EU – the north is not].

另一件事,有一個在塞浦路斯的一個軍事基地,可以使用。 [我的評論:如果他指北塞浦路斯,這將是因為他們在島上土耳其北部在1974年的軍事政變後,不被認定為國家。南方仍然是希臘的, 而且被國際和歐盟所公認為希臘的- 北面則不是。


There are people that he knows have trained with the International troops, if they were coming after the US as a country, the International troops do not have enough force, e.g. 65,000 Russian troops would mean 1,000 per state and that wouldn’t go very far. The speaker lives in a city with 21,000 people for example. There has been propaganda to scare people that O’B is coming after you and the biggest weapon against the people has been the fear mongering.

還有人說,他知道有人已與國際部隊共同受訓了,而如果他們是衝著佔領美國而來, 國際部隊沒有足夠的力量,例如: 65,000俄軍將意味著每州1000人的狀態,這不管用。說此事之人住在一個21,000人城市。已經有宣傳嚇唬人們說 --- O'B歐巴馬快來對付你了 --- 而對付人民的最大的武器 --- 一直都是散播恐懼。


In 2011 the US sold near on 49.5 million hunting licences, along with 38 million guns too and that’s just registered. Foreign troops would have no chance against the people…In 1941 it was said ‘there would be a rifle behind every blade of grass’…so think of the scale now.

美國在2011附近賣上4950萬狩獵許可證,而且有38億支槍才剛銷售註冊登記。外國軍隊將沒有機會對抗得了人民......1941年就有人說 '每一片草葉的後面都有一隻步槍'......所以現在思考一下這規模吧!


Suggest that people go and read O’B’s executive orders and see what he is intending as a military operation to secure infrastructure. When the event goes down the US will shift from a democracy to a republic and it will take about a week for people to really know what happened. The Plan started back in the 1970’s.



There is reason to believe that the COG (Continuity of Government) has been activated by O’B. He cannot ascertain but believes it is in place. So that if anything goes down the people (levels of military) that have been on long term vacation for over a year at times, can be reactivated and brought back out.



One of radio people’s comments: the HJR 192 (House Joint Resolution) will keep currency safe. The real money is starting to come out. There was a big shipment 7-8 months ago. Cyprus especially and others have been putting in the prosperity packages in position to complete around March/April 2014. Generals and Sergeants and soldiers are ready to go on Supreme Court panels to sort things out. The Basel plan (finance) is coming into place. Last night a news article said that a plane had been grounded full of gold and the people on board arrested. There was a picture of them standing naked(?) in front of gold bars. The price will go down tremendously. Snowden has been key to the exposure.

其中一個廣播人的意見:在HJR192(眾議院聯合決議)將保持貨幣安全。真正的貨幣已經開始問世。 7-8個月前有一個大的貨物運輸。特別是塞浦路斯和其他區域已經先被擺在繁榮包裹pp”中的位置,大約在20143/ 4月將完成。將軍和軍士和士兵都準備去最高法院面板理清頭緒。The Basel plan (finance)巴塞爾計劃(金融)即將到位。昨晚的新聞文章稱,有輛載滿了黃金的飛機被停飛, 而且和飛機上的人被逮捕了。有他們在金條正面站立的裸體(?)的照片。價格會大幅下降。斯諾登一直是這大揭露的關鍵。


There is a website named ‘1461 days’ showing all the Executive Orders to comply with the 802 Patriot Act from past presidents to present.

有一個名為'1461天的網站 --- 貼出了所有前總統到現任總統所發出的, 符合802愛國者法案的行政命令。


Caller Question: What about the 2nd amendment, Benghazi and IRS abuse – why hasn’t O’B dealt with this? Answer: Blanket arrests have not happened because the Govt. Has been taken over. We are getting ready to clean house. Have you thought about the amount of $ it takes to run the propaganda machine to go against O’B on TV, right wing radio, internet and websites? The people manipulating us with this propaganda are the same ones who would have you enslaved.

來電問:關於第二次憲法修正,Benghazi 班加西和IRS濫權 - 為什麼O'B歐巴馬沒有處理呢?

答:全面性逮捕還沒有發生因為政府已被接管。我們正準備清理門戶。你有沒有想過它需要多少錢來運行這些的宣傳機器去打擊O'B歐巴馬在電視上,在右翼電台,在互聯網上?用這種宣傳人來操控們我們的人 = 是同一批要奴役我們的人。



Closing Statement: Executive Orders do not apply to the American people they are only of the administration. O’B is the CEO and executive of the corporation. The Vice President is President of Congress and the Senate. The new $100 bill was printed in 2009 and is still a reserve note so as worthless as toilet paper. No-one will be taking the guns – the military wouldn’t even consider it.

結語:行政命令並不針對美國人民,他們只是行政管理工作。 O'B歐巴馬是企業的CEO和總裁。副總統是國會和參議院的總統。新的100美元的鈔票在2009年被印出來 --- 至今它們仍然是一個儲備音符 --- 不值錢的衛生紙。沒有人會拿走人民的槍 - 軍隊考慮都不考慮這事。



Posted by enerchi at 12/27/2013 06:52:00 PM



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