你的非常重要答案: (5-1)
Mother Sekhmet獅子母开示:
~~~ 透过Elizabeth Trutwin传导20131215
The Golden Age is returning to Earth a Message from Mother Sekhmet through Elizabeth Trutwin, December 15, 2013
中文翻译: 林琚月20131123
December 15, 2013 |
Greetings Children of Ra. This is Mother Sekhmet. We have been connected to One another since the beginning of Creation. The Golden Age is returning to Earth and we begin to remember the call of Nature and the call of the Cosmos and how we fit in to it all.
Ra的孩子們, 這是母親Sekhmet.
我們自從 “創造之初” 就與彼此連接在一起.
而我們開始去記得 “大自然的呼喚”,
以及 “大宇宙的呼喚”,
In this SOLar System, the Great Central Sun called Alcyone radiates Cosmic Energy to our Sun Sol which then radiates Light Energy to our Etheric Bodies and then our Physical Bodies. Inside our Physical Bodies is contained the Cosmos.
然後, 祂又發射能量入我們的 “乙太體們”之中, 然後又進入我們的物質體們之中.
在我們的物質體們之中~~存在著 “大宇宙”.
(RL註: 這句話聽不懂的人請看Elizabeth Trutwin前面幾篇传导文. 大角星人系列對此也都解釋過了. )
The DNA contained in each one of the trillions of cells which make up our bodies are the APP which connect EVERYTHING back to Source Energy. (We got an App for that) meaning an application which connects the plasma silica computer which is our Body to the hard drive in the mind and the bytes of information stored in the heart.
在組成我們身體的幾兆細胞的每一個細胞之中所存在的DNA~~~就是這 “操作程式系統APP” ~~它把每一樣東西都連接回到 “源頭能量”之中.(我們擁有這樣一個“操作程式系統APP”)
的意思是 ~~
我們的身體是個 “等離子二氧化矽電腦the plasma silica computer”~~透過這“操作程式系統APP”~~
被連接上在心智之中的 “硬碟hard drive”
以及被儲存在 “本心” 之中的 “訊息位元組”.
Without the DNA none of it will run. This is the sentient computer within each one of us (audio recorded at the ears and video recorded at they eyes) which connects to the larger computer system at Shambhala and the connected grid of sentient computers at the Lords Most High Council where the Watchers record the Akasha from each of the infinite Planets in the Cosmos.
“有知覺的\有情電腦the sentient computer”~~
(耳朵就是音效錄音機, 而眼睛是影像紀錄機)
the Lords Most High Council(王侯最高會議)的
“有情電腦”的 “連接矩陣”之上 ~~
從在 “大宇宙” 中的每一個無限的行星們中
The DNA. Until recently our DNA was limited because our ancestors did experiments to alter the DNA. We refer to the demons or the asuras also known as the dark cabal as ‘dark’ because they limited themselves to only two strands of DNA instead of the original twelve strands of DNA.
The DNA. 直到最近, 我們的DNA在過去被限制住,因為我們的祖先們做了改變DNA的實驗. 我們指的是被稱為 ‘惡魔demons’ 或是 ‘阿修羅asuras’的 “黑暗份子們the dark cabal” ~~因為他們限制住他們自己在 “只有兩條的DNA”上,
The Chakras or the energy centers are the micro chips where energy moves through thirteen locations in the Body through our Mother Boards which are made up of the nadis, meridians and other Energy Centers connecting the Nerve Cells to the Mind and the Heart. These truths are explained in our written history in the Hindu Epic The Ramayana.
~~就是“電腦微晶片” ~~
是能量穿過我們身體中的13個區域 ~~
穿過我們身體的電腦主機板 ~~
這些真相在印度有文字紀載的歷史the Hindu Epic The Ramayana印度教史詩羅摩衍那中已經解釋過了.
The DNA has a dual nature. It is a computer code. It is not binary code of 1s and 0s, it is made up of four proteins represented by the letters: A, T, G and C. As the cells are produced a file is saved.
DNA有一個雙重天性 ~~祂是個電腦密碼~~
但祂不是二進制代碼的1和0 ~~
祂是由四種蛋白質所組成 ~~
分別由英文字母: A, T, G and C所代表.
而在每個細胞被生產出來時, 一個檔案也被儲存了出來.
To copy that file there is a Transcription Factor and this is different for each individual. The Transcription Factor for making duplicate cells is rooted at the Moment of Creation. It is known as TF and that correlates to our Twin Flame. We are in constant communication with our Twin Flame through the Transcription Factor in each one of the trillions of cells making up our bodies. You are never separate from your Twin Flame and you are never separate from Source Energy which created you.
若要拷貝這檔案, 有一個 Transcription Factor轉錄調控因子(副本因子)可用 ---但是這在每個人身上是不同的.
這個拷貝用的Transcription Factor轉錄調控因子(副本因子)~~是使用來複製出細胞的控制因子~~
~~這被稱呼為 TF~~而且與我們的“雙生光靈魂”有相關性. ~~我們是持續的在與我們的“雙生光靈魂”溝通著
~~透過這個Transcription Factor轉錄調控因子(副本因子)~~這個存在於構成我們身體的幾兆細胞之中.
而且你也從未與 “創造你的 ‘源頭能量’”分開過.
The DNA in our cells connects us from our physical form, to our light form contained around our physical form, to our Twin Flame, to our many Avatar forms all the way back to Source Energy.
~~這光體形式是包圍涵容住我們的物質身體的 ~~然後又連接到我們的“雙生光靈魂”處,
~~直到連接回到 “源頭能量”中!
The human form contains the Divine Blueprint. We have, through nuclear destruction, in the past destroyed our DNA and it had to be reconstituted by Metatron more than once. The Divine Blueprint is the computer code for the Adam Kadmon Body in the dense physical realm.
人類形式中包含了 “神聖藍圖”.
我們曾經 ~~透過核子毀滅 ~~在過去毀掉了我們的DNA~~而必需由大天使Metatron梅塔特隆再一次重新組織出來. 這“神聖藍圖”就是給在稠密物質實相中的the Adam Kadmon Body的始祖亞當的身體的 “電腦密碼”.
It is a humanoid form and there are many different kinds of humanoid forms.The lion people, the bird people and the reptilian people are examples as are what we call the Greys and also the Tall Whites, the Giants and the Dwarves. there are over 200,000 examples of different humanoid forms in our SOLar System.
這是一個 “類似人形的形式”,
獅子人, 鳥人, 以及蜥蝪人等都是例子, 另外 “灰人”以及 “高白人”, “巨人”, 以及 “矮人”也都是. 在我們太陽系中, 共有超過20萬種類的不同“類似人形的形式”的例證.
We will be lucky enough to meet some as visitors to Earth very soon. As we travel the Etheric Realms we carry our DNA code as Liquid Light and we travel in our Etheric Bodies freely around the Cosmos without the humanoid form, we leave it behind in our chair or bed, resting as it awaits our return. We animate our Bodies with the Liquid Light and refer to it as a Soul. SOuL. There is a You in Soul.
我們很快的將會有足夠的幸運來與這些 “地球訪客”見面.當我們旅行在 “乙太層身體” 時~~
我們是以 “液體光”的方式攜帶著我們的DNA密碼,
自由的環遊大宇宙, 而且沒有“類似人形的形式”
而我們是用“液體光”在 “動畫” 我們的 “身體們”
所以有一個 “你”在“Soul靈魂”之中.
The Twin Flame is the other part of ourselves. We are created first as a Plasma Ball of Light. As we incarnate into the Physical we divide as a cell divides into Twins, exactly the same, except One is Female and One is Male.
“a Plasma Ball of Light等離子的光球的形式”被創造出來.
我們分裂成了 “雙胞胎們”, 完全一樣,
除了一個女的, 而一個是男的之外.
We are separated by the Physical Body alone. There is no other form of separation. Our DNA is tied together and in constant communication.Twin Flames always have the ability to communicate unhindered through the Aeons of Time as well as the Dimensions in Space. When Twin Flames come back together they delight in joining the physical forms as close as is possible.
我們只有 “物質身體”不同而已!
~~穿越無限的時間, 以及穿越所有維度空間.
他們喜歡物質身體上的結合 ~~喜歡極度的親密.
When they leave the Physical Realm and Pass On then they return to the original Liquid Light Form in the Light Realms, indivisible as a pearlescent white Plasma Ball of Light. We are only referred to as Twin Flames in the Physical Realm and in the Light Realms we are Twin Rays of Light. Twin Flames refer to the Flame in the Heart, the Trifold Flame, pink, blue and gold, is identical in Twin Flames and the conduit which the DNA App communicates ongoing.
當他們離開物質層, 轉出來之後,
在 “光實相”中的原始的“液體光”形式,
只有在物質層, 我們被稱為“雙生光靈魂”,
但在 “光實相” ~~我們只是兩束光.
“雙生光”指的是在 “本心”的火光~~
這三道火焰: 粉紅色, 藍色, 以及黃金色,
同時是DNA的 Transcription Factor轉錄調控因子(副本因子)的App導管(導電器)~~讓DNA持續的溝通著.
The Divine Blueprint of the Adam Kadmon Body holds the Cosmos inside the Human Body. We can see the similarities in the shape and function of the vocal chords, heart valves and cervix as Source Energy runs down from our Crown and through these Portal ways for Creation from the OM in our Word as Form to New Life born out of us all radiating around the StarGate in our Heart which transmits and receives The Force of Love, within and without.
the Adam Kadmon Body始祖亞當的身體裡的
“神聖藍圖”持有著 ‘大宇宙’在人類身體之中.
當 “源頭能量”從我們的頂輪流下來,
穿過這些“星門道路”來做出 “創造” ~~
從我們稱為 “嗡” 的宇宙的形式~~
而且閃動環繞在我們的 “本心星門” 四周.
It is quite a Gift to be incarnate in the Physical Realm on Earth Now. It is something for which we may Give Glory to Grace. We may see the same Divine Blueprint in the Stars and an X-Ray image of the Crab Nebula shows us this.
能夠轉世在這 “地球的當下”是一個非比尋常的禮物.
我們可以看到同樣的 ‘神聖藍圖’ 在星星們,
以及在 X光影像的蟹狀星雲上 ~~
The Adam Kadmon Body is capable of the Siddhi powers are supernatural abilities of strength, sight, hearing, levitation, bi-location, instant manifestation and others as the minor siddhis and the major siddhis include shape-shifting, invisibility, remote viewing, control of the elements, full memory and other adept abilities.
the Adam Kadmon Body始祖亞當的身體裡的
the Siddhi powers(靈性能力)都是 “超自然能力”的
力氣, 視力, 聽力, 身體懸浮能力,雙重存在,
立即顯化能力, 以及其他,
像是比較小的the Siddhi powers靈性能力,
以及主要的the Siddhi powers靈性能力,
包括了 “形狀改變”, 隱形術, 遙視能力,
控制物件能力, 完全的記憶力, 以及其他行家技能.
One of these special gifts is the ability to become small and to enter through the mouth or through the vagina into your own body and there you may discover the entire Cosmos inside and you will be able to explore any part of the distant Cosmos without leaving your room. Everything that is outside is also inside.
這些特別禮物之中的其中一種能力 ~~
是一種能夠變小到可以穿過嘴巴, 或是陰道,
Now, as a part of this channel a call went out asking for questions. http://Facebook.com/beth.trutwin We move now into the portion of the channel which will answer questions. First you will see the question and in bold my answer, Mother Sekhmet:
現在, 做為這 ‘通靈’ 的一個部份, 我們邀請大家提問. http://Facebook.com/beth.trutwin
你的非常重要答案: (5-2)
Mother Sekhmet獅子母开示:
~~~ 透过Elizabeth Trutwin传导20131215
我們現在移入回答問題的通靈部份. 首先你會看到問題, 而粗字是我的回答.
Neil LightningBear Heart Devaney Can we shift our individual consciousness/perception by ascending or is this a collective shift in consciousness/perception… ie. 100th monkey… collective ascension? Thank you Elizabeth
December 13 at 9:10pm ·
Neil LightningBear Heart Devaney問---
我們是透過揚升來提升我們個人的覺知意識\感應理解力? 還是這是一個集體覺知意識\感應理解力的提升…
例如一千隻猴子效應…集體揚升? Thank you Elizabeth
Each Soul must Ascend on their own. There are no shortcuts.The misunderstanding about mass ascension hold us in the dark and keeps our individual ascension process in stuckness. This is a grievous mistake. In order to Ascend in this Lifetime then each Soul on Earth must walk themselves back to the Enlightened State. This is done by a spiritual process whereby a Soul’s karma is reduced to zero and the ego mind is completely dissolved.
答: 每個靈魂都必需自己揚升!!!
對於 “集體揚升”的誤解把我們綁在黑暗之中, 而且讓我們個人的揚升程序 ‘卡住’ 了.
都必需要自己走回 “開悟境界”.
~~這是透過一個 ‘靈性程序’來完成 ~~
而且 ‘小我心智’是被完全消解掉的!!!
As we move along the spiritual Path by integrating spiritual practices into our lives (good moral conduct, purifying the body, yoga asanas, breathing exercises, withdrawal of the senses, doing our duty, meditation and the superconscious experience of Oneness) our Highest Self, our Monad or Atma reveals to us as we go along the next steps to achieving Enlightenment in this Lifetime. Everyone is capable of that now. As the changes come we will have much more help achieving that then is availed to us now.
~~透過整合 “靈性作為”
(如, 好的道德行為, 淨化自己的身體, 做瑜伽體式練習,呼吸練習, 退卻感官追逐, 執行自己的責任, 做冥想, 以及與 ‘合一’ 的超意識經驗, 等.)我們的 ‘高我’, 我們的
Monad or Atma聖體會顯示出來
~~隨著我們走下, 在此生中,
Tracie Carlos From my perspective, those diagnosed with autism are an amplified human being, an upgrade which we are evolving to. What is Sananda’s take on this? Is this what we are evolving to or will this population dial in to who we are?……I am smiling because that last statement did not ring true for me, sort of like, this population would be going backwards to become more like the majority. So now I would really love to hear Sananda’s take on it.
December 13 at 9:12pm · Like
Tracie Carlos問---
從我的觀點來看, 自閉症病人是一個擴增的人類, 是我們正在進展入的一種人類. 請教耶穌撒南達的觀點? 請問我們正在進展入這種人類還是這群人會被我們同化? …我在笑是因為我對後句話不認同…
Those with autism have learned to practice advanced siddhis especially inner sight, inner hearing and withdrawal of senses. They shut down outer communication and focus on Inner Communication with their Guides, Twin Flames, Family from Home in the Stars and wait a tie when they will open communication with the unawakened on Earth. That moment is just around the corner.
答: 那些自閉症病人是
已經學會 “使用高級the Siddhi powers(靈性能力)”的人,
特別是 “內觀能力” “內聽能力”, 以及退卻感官追逐的人.他們關掉外面的溝通來專注在與他們 “內在導師”,
同時等待一個 ‘關口’~~
David Porter Please ask: 1.Why is ISON (the flotilla of space ships) here and what will be the effects of the debris to earth as the “rocky” part of it passes? 2. What dimension are we humans in percentage wise just now? 3. As of last Sept, 22nd, masses of 3D nature’d ones were supposed to begin to leave Earth (die)? 4. Why can’t “He” and his team make NESARA happen, they were gifted intervention rights VIA Heaven at the inauguration of Obama? 5. Thank you for you support.
December 13 at 9:31pm · Edited · Like
David Porter 問:
1. 為什麼是ISON(的太空飛船艦隊)在這裡?
2. 它的殘骸的石頭通過地球會造成什麼影響?
3. 我們人類的智慧就比率而言現在在什麼維度?
4. 截至去年九月中,22日,群眾3維天性的人不是都應該開始離開地球(透過死亡)?
5. 為什麼“他”和他的團隊不能讓NESARA發生? 他們在奧巴馬的就職典禮之後不是已經被天庭賜予干預權力?謝謝你們的支持。
ISON is a MotherShip just as Niburu is. As a MotherShip there are no ‘rocky parts.’ Humans on Earth exist in different Dimensions. Sacred sites, like Mount Kailash are at the 9th Dimension and above. Mount Shasta is at the 7th Dimension and above. This is why visiting these Sacred sites give us such a boost of Energy. Our DNA App pulls in this data and the experience elevates that human for the rest of their life. No part of Earth is below the 5th Dimension now. Earth has experienced Her Ascension thanks to the work of millions of Souls anchoring the Higher Energies from The Great Central Sun and Source Energy and holding the Light within their Bodies, within their DNA and effecting all the cells around them.
答: ISON跟Niburu一樣都是母艦.
做為一艘母艦, 不會有石頭部份.
聖地, 像Mount Kailash岡底斯山(西藏) 是處在第九維度,
以及超過. Mount Shasta雪斯塔山(加州)是處在第七維度以及更高.
~~這就是為什麼拜訪這些聖地可以給我們一個能量的提升. 我們DNA App操作系統會拉入這個資訊,
以及經驗 ~~來提高人類的餘生.
地球已經經驗了她的揚升 ~~
將 ‘更高能量’~~從大中央太陽和 ‘源頭能量’處錨定過來,
同時影響了在他們附近的所有細胞. (註: 指人與生物)
Elizabeth Trutwin About ISON: http://elizabethtrutwin.org/comet-ison-is-not-a-comet…/
Ginger Starr Tetreault Beth, some of us have ‘clearing’ of old constructs, old energy deep into our DNA. Please ask ‘how’ we are to continue clearing it as its coming up as hurts which feels as though it keeps us from moving forward with why we’re here….Thank you
December 13 at 9:21pm · Like · 2
Ginger Starr Tetreault--
我們有些人有 “清除老思想架構”, 以及深入我們DNA的老能量的清除工作. 請問我們如何能繼續清除它們 ~~當它們持續的浮上來, 像創傷 ~~那感覺起來好像是它們在妨礙我們的進度 ~~這跟我們為何仍然在這裡這事…. Thank you
The programs which are clearing from the DNA are within the cellular memory. As we move forward on the Path of Enlightenment then these programs are purged from our system. If someone suffers constant pain from feeling ‘they are not good enough,’ for example, then as the ego mind dissolves, confidence returns which stems from our Divine Grace and that DNA program is restructured in the Transmission Factor process and perfected through our Twin Flame holding the Light for our Mission Off Planet.
答: “從DNA開始的清除程式”是
隨著我們在 “開悟道路”之上的前進,
假如某人正忍受著持續的疼痛 ~~
由於感覺到 “他們不夠好”, ~~舉例而言,
然後, 這 “小我心智” 消溶了,自信回來了 ~~
而DNA的程式設計也透過Transcription Factor
為我們在 “行星外面的任務”~~
~~來 “完善”這DNA的程式設計的重建工程!!!
Comet ISON is not a Comet rather A MotherShip circumventing the Earth Unfolding the Event a…
慧星ISON不是慧星而是一艘母艦環繞地球來揭露 “地球轉變大事件”...
Above: Nov 27th: looking east before sunrise up at Kendal Castle, Comet ISON’s t…See More
December 13 at 9:22pm · Like · 4 · Remove Preview
Ginger Starr Tetreault For those who continue to have questions about ISON…perhaps Sananda will address whether the sonic boom and appearance of a ‘huge’ ball of light on Dec 10th in Arizona was related to the ISON event. I feel it was intentional and served a purpose. A message for those of us who know what it was and a warning to a certain ‘group’. It certainly now has many looking UP which is positive and no….no debris has been recovered as it was not a comet but rather the ‘same’ as Ison. ☼
December 13 at 9:26pm · Like · 2
Ginger Starr Tetreault問---
為那些繼續在問關於慧星ISON的人… 或許耶穌撒南達可以說一下關於在亞利桑那州12月10日一個看起來像是一個'巨大的'球的音爆是否與慧星ISON事件有關。我覺得這是故意的安排,並且起到了一定的作用。這是給我們這些知道的人的訊息, 並警告某些特定'人群'。這事當然讓許多人現在積極的仰視它,而且沒有殘留垃圾....被發現,因為它不是彗星,而是在“相同”的ISON。
There have been sonic booms here and there and a google search will show that. These are always the entry of a cloaked Ship into our atmosphere.
[I heard one last summer. It just so happened my son was camping with friends three miles away when I heard it. I asked him later that morning if they heard it and he said, Yes. So did all the others around him.]
答:現在一直都有 “音爆”在天空的這裡或那裡發生,
google 搜尋一下就會看到.
(ET註: 今年夏天我聽到一次. 我兒子剛好與朋友們在三英里外露營, 在我聽到的時候. 後來那天早上我問他有否聽到, 他說, 是的. 他們所有人都聽到了.)
Constance Harvey · Friends with Lorrie Reiki Patton
Yes Elizabeth – It seems as though all heck is breaking loose. will President Obama be announcing Nesara before the end of the year? Some are saying it could be 2014/2015 before anything gets done. Thank you very much. Your channelings are wonderful and very much appreciated.
December 13 at 9:31pm · Like · 3
Constance Harvey • Friends with Lorrie Reiki Patton問 ---
現在看起來整個都垮台了. 歐巴馬總統會不會在年底前宣佈NESARA呢?有些人說要到2014/2015才能完成. 非常感謝。您的通靈訊息是美好的,非常感謝.
No one can say when NESARA will be enacted through Announcements. Just know that anyone putting it off for the future is One who is likely a criminal who will be arrested and whose mission is to keep you confused and asking more questions instead of turning within to work on your Ascension.
答: 無人能回答何時NESARA才能透過大宣佈開始執行.
只知道任何一個拖延NESARA的人是一個可能的罪犯 --- 而且會被逮捕 --- 他的任務就是繼續把你們攪糊塗,
(RL註: 我在新浪也遇到不少這種網友, 蓄意製造大眾的懷疑, 而且想顛覆我的信念 --- 只可惜功力太差 --- 要不就用各種手段想浪費我的精力時間 --- 真是悲哀的人!)
David Porter The “Awareness” that has been somewhat (they said the New Jerusalem is 1,000X2,000 miles??? credible up to now, say that it is a combination of hollowed out huge comet that lost some of itself to our Sun but is still holding a flotilla of space ships??? And I have up to date heard at least 3 different titles of ships that Sananda is one being Neptune or The Phoenix, one other, but my understanding is He is on the New Jerusalem and that it is 1,500 miles across, this is mentioned w/size in the Bible as well???
December 13 at 9:33pm · Edited · Like · 1
David Porter問 --- 有人說 “新耶路撒冷號是1,000X2,000英里??? 有人說是個挖空的慧星 ? … 聽說耶蘇撒南達的飛船有三個不同名字Neptune or The Phoenix,…???
The New Jerusalem is 5000 miles across. This is Admiral Sananda’s MotherShip. Ashtar is the Captain of the New Jerusalem and he with Sananda are in charge of this Universe. They have helpers like their Twin Flames, Lady Master Nada and Lady Master Athena. Athena’s Ship is The Dove. Soltec’s Ship is The Phoenix. My Ship is the Niburu. Archangel Michael’s Ship is The New Bethlehem and Archangel Metatron’s Ship is The Methuselah.
答: 新耶路撒冷號是五千英里長.這是耶蘇撒南達的母艦. 阿斯塔司令是新耶路撒冷號船長. 阿斯塔司令與耶蘇撒南達共同負責這個小宇宙.祂們的“雙生光靈魂”—娜達夫人與雅典娜女神--- 是祂們的助理.雅典娜女神的飛船是The Dove鴿子號. Soltec的船是鳳凰號. 我的船是Niburu. 大天使麥克的船是The New Bethlehem新伯利恆號, 而大天使梅塔特隆的船是瑪土撒拉The Methuselah.
Some sources have made up names and that is when it becomes confusing. Some bloggers make up stories so they have something to blog. They make money when you return to their site again and again. A better life spent is one who develops their Inner Nature and walks the Path toward Enlightenment daily integrating new practices and sustaining old ones. Without these practices, we stay in stuckness seeing the world through the filters in ego mind, the practices drop these perceptions so we may finally see the Universal Truth at our foundation. It is our complete responsibility to wake up and do this.
有些訊息管道自己假造了一些名字, 這造成了混亂.
每次你們去拜訪他們的博, 他們都在賺錢. 一次又一次. ---“人生比較好(恰當)的過法” ~~
我們會停留在 ‘卡住’ 當中---
持續用 “濾鏡\有色眼鏡”在
‘小我心智’ 之中在看這個世界.
拋出這些 ‘(低階)理解力’~~
去看到這 “宇宙真相”.
去覺醒過來, 做這件事情!!!
你的非常重要答案: (5-3)
Mother Sekhmet獅子母开示:
~~~ 透过Elizabeth Trutwin传导20131215
Carole Lortie My question would be the same as David…we have used all techniques possible..to unblock financial hardship..and start enjoying..life..not just trying to cap on just surviving..we need major new teachings..and also more celestial beings coming for real..among us…to heal us….and remove lower entities..that stops us at ever turn to succeed in our passion and projects…what will the changes in our DNA do to get rid of all malicious acts against us…
December 13 at 9:33pm · Like · 3
Carole Lortie問 ---
我們使用的所有可能的技術..來解除經濟困難..來開始享受生活..不..只是想生存..我們需要新的重大教義..以及更多天人真的現身來幫我們..與我們在一起...醫治我們....並刪除下身上附體..--- 那些擋住了我們讓我們的激情和項目無法成功的東西......我們的DNA的改變會產生出什麼變化~~以擺脫我們身上的所有惡意毒害行為...??
It is the mind’s misunderstanding from the victim programming that there have been malicious acts done to us. Masters who are incarnate on Earth live their lives unaffected by any conditions of Earth.
那是來自 “被害人程式設計”的 “心智的誤解”--- 以為有 “惡毒的傷害”在我們身上!
“轉世在地球上的大師們” ~~
Financial Hardship likewise is a conditioning in the mind. The practices are designed to remove these lower programs from our system and dissolve the ego making it possible to comprehend what we don’t now know. We do not understand what we do not understand.
“經濟的困難”相同的 ---
也是一套 “心理程式設計”!!!
這些較低(頻率)的(心智)設計 ~~
~~讓我們的心智可以 “有可能”可以
As Earth goes to changeover at Zero Point then we will have Ship Landings within seven to ten days and Galactic Technology will bring all those things we have needed to remove our Souls from just surviving on Earth. Likewise, we all agreed, when we returned to Earth this lifetime that we would hold the vibration of financial lack in order to dissolve the OLD systems of maritime law, illegal banking practices, land grabs and slavery.
當地球在零點磁場 “大轉變” 之後 ~~
然後我們會有 “飛船大降落”~~在7到10天之內, 而且 “銀河科技”將會帶來所有我們需要的東西~~來將我們的靈魂~~
從 “只是生存在地球”之上的狀況中~~
相同的, 我們全都同意 ~~
我們會持有 “消溶 ‘金融匱乏’ 的磁場”
~~來消除 ‘(地球)海事法’的老系統,
非法的銀行操作方式, 對人民土地的搶奪,
Finally, we agreed to live this life apart from our Twin Flames as the experience here would be so challenging we would require their support from the Ships. There are a few on Earth now living with or aware of their Twin Flame who also lives on Earth, but only a very few.
最後, 我們同意~~
~~因為在此地球的生活挑戰性很高 ~~
--- 但這種人數非常之少!!!
Ken Rankin I don’t have specific questions. I just enjoy the opportunity to experience the closeness that is manifested. Thank you for the opportunity.
December 13 at 9:43pm via mobile · Like
Ken Rankin說---
David Porter I read it all, most all until I find one that deserves to be debunked, and I read it all “between the lines” as most of it I find to be unauthentic and without any kind of back-up reference from anyone that truly knows the truth of about 97% of it.
December 13 at 9:43pm · Like
David Porter說---
我讀了這一切,大部份,直到我找到一個值得被揭穿了的 --- 然後我從字裡行間去細讀 --- 我發覺大部份訊息是不可信的,而且大部分是並沒有任何形式的來自任何真的知道97%的真相人的支持參考資料的.
Many go through this phase of discovery. At a certain moment we realize this is ego mind’s selfish desire to have all the answers. This perpetuates making others wrong, poor me and complaining. Some go to the end of life without Enlightenment without ever leaving the process of ego based searching.
許多人都走過這樣的發現階段. 在某個特定時刻
~~我們會明白 ~~
這只是 ‘小我心智’ 的自私的渴望 ---
如果這習慣持續下去 ~~
就會出現了 ‘別人都是錯的’, 可憐的我, 以及抱怨!
一些人如此走完一生而沒有得到 “開悟”---
而且從沒有離開這種 ‘以負面小我心智為主的搜尋”!!!
(RL註 --- 做學問或學術研究是有技術性的.
“做學問的技巧知識”, 往往 “獨立思考\思辨能力”
都沒有, 連常識也過不了關.
知識技術學問智慧全無, 自知之明的美德也掛零 …
--- 這種 ‘探問之路’ 好遠!
而且往往其實讀書很不用功, 實驗求證能力也全無
--- 只憑一張嘴就想證明自己有墨水智慧常識 ---
實在自欺欺人, 而且還騙不了人.
其實 “真法律”是不可能改變的 “天律\聖法”;
而 “真正的真相”就是顛撲不破的真理, ---
~~進而開悟而實證 “真理\真相” 之事實
--- 誰吃飽了撐著去跟瞎子辯論
--- 那不遺笑在地球大氣層的一億多飛船外星人
--- 丟臉丟全宇宙! 不懂而好辯, 問之無理之人
--- 自己當問問自己在幹什麼? 為何要這樣做? 起心動念是什麼? 還有這樣做, 你贏了什麼? 有幫到自己了嗎?
Another way to get caught back into ego again in is thinking you will never understand all of this. The Higher Teaching says be ready to NOT KNOW. In that space you will KNOW. Be ready to not understand. In that silence the Higher Teachings float in. Then you KNOW by KNOWING. Searching wildly all over and all around to filter these things through your egoic programming is the greatest thing which holds you back from physical immortality. Your ego mind creates all of your suffering through wanting to know the answers. You are not the doer. Divine Grace is the doer. Align your life with Grace.
另外一種掉落回 “小我心智”的狀態 ---
就是去認為 --- 你永遠無法理解全部這些事情的!
更高的教導告訴我們 ~~
永遠要(作好心理)準備好~~ 去“不知道”!
~~當你進入那空間之後 ~~你就會知道!
~~永遠準備好 ‘去無法知道’!!!
~~在那安靜之中 ~~
“小我自尊心的程式設計” ---
一直在 “過濾”訊息時 ---
這就是把你困住 ---
你的“小我心智”--- 創造了你全部的痛苦 ---透過 “想要知道答案”(揠苗助長的非時的傲慢)!--- 記住!
你不是那個 “讓事情發生的執行者”!!!
Dave Fichera Shifting core beliefs that are used as constructs to create a reality based on keeping from yourself that which you truly desire.
December 13 at 9:49pm via mobile · Like
Dave Fichera說 ---
如果你的核心信念的構造無法創造出你真正想要的實相 --- 你就應該改變它!?
答: 是的!
Fleur De Lys dear Sananda, i would like to know how to increase prosperity to my DNA. most of Lightworker stuck with this. please give us also transmission at you message codes. we will gladly receive and anchoring.
thank You, thank You, thank You
December 13 at 9:58pm · Like · 2
Fleur De Lys問 ---
親愛的耶穌撒南達, 我想知道如何增加 ‘富裕’ 入我的DNA中. 大部份的光工們都卡在這裡. 請給我們訊息同時發射密碼給我們. 我們會很高興收到並且錨定它. thank You, thank You, thank You
Every single person on Earth has fully activated their 12 original strands of DNA. There is the potential to activate more strands of DNA than this. It happens naturally as we advance down the Spiritual Path. The DNA is effected by what we eat. It requires we become lighter and this is achieved by eating a lighter diet. Eat nothing with a face. Eat live foods.
答 : 在地球上的每個人都已經
請不要吃任何 “有臉” 的食物.
多吃 “活的食物”!!!
(RL註: 如食用新鮮\有機\未經煮食\或加工過的蔬果和喝精力湯.)
Julie Bates So happy to have found your FB page Elizabeth. I’ve been a reader on your webpage for over a year and love your messages!! I too was hoping Sananda can answer/explain the current financial state of affairs such as the delays we are having regarding worldwide revaluation of currencies and announcements. Will we see this by Christmas? I know they don’t give dates, but something better than “soon” possibly? It’s been “soon” for months. Also, if this is Sananda’s realm, could you please ask him why we are still getting to so heavily chemtrailed? I understand the trails are being neutralized, but why are our galactic friends still allowing for these planes to take off and pollute Mother Earth? That seems more reactive than proactive.. if they can disable nukes, surely they can cut a wire so the planes can’t take off? Then, When will the chemtrails finally stop once and for all? Thank for all that you do… you have a beautiful gift.
December 13 at 10:00pm · Like · 5
Julie Bates--- (簡翻)問
關於 ‘大宣佈’ 時間, 以及chemtrail天空飛機噴灑化學毒物事情.
Regarding chemtrails, as we notice them in the sky we remain in fear. It is not God or the Galactics allowing this. It is our reaction, from our ego mind which motivates the dark cabal to use this visual aid to keep our fear level high. They feed on fear. Chemtrails are neutralized. Ignore them. Its an Illusion they use to keep you in fear. Humanity alone is in charge of how soon soon is.
關於 chemtrail天空飛機噴灑化學毒物事情
--- 當我們看到它們在天空出現時我們就停留在恐懼之中. --- 這不是上帝或是銀河人允許它們去發生的. ---
是我們(恐懼)的反應 --- 從我們的 “小我心智”---
人類自己 ~~單獨決定了 ~~
Rick G. Dial thanks beth!…Dear Sananda, which 3 main things can we each do to increase the chances of the Event happening this year???
December 13 at 10:07pm · Like · 3
Rick G. Dial問 ---
有那三件主要事情是我們每個人可以去做 ~~來增加 “地球大轉變事件”能在今年之內發生???
1) Keep High Thoughts about NESARA Law, Disclosure and how these with the BIG Arrests will change all life forms on Earth. Keep these things in the forefront of your mind throughout the day and night.
1) 對於NESARA法令與大揭露~~~
同時思考這些 “大逮捕”
2) Blaze the Violet Flame as St. Germain has taught us to your family karma and group karma and occurrences which come up in your day to day and understand the Illusion of it all.
2) 依照聖哲曼大師的教導來~~
燃燒起 “紫蘿藍火燄”~~
用在你的家族業障, 集體業障
(RL註: 如國家與特殊職業或是鄰里業障),
~~同時請明白 ~~所有一切都是幻覺!!!
(RL 註: 淨空法師曾說 ‘持咒或佛名並且依教奉行的真修行者’ 不太會生病, 甚至五毒不侵, 即使吃了毒藥也沒反應. ~~所以對於 “死不真修”的朋友---
我實在佩服你的勇氣! 還是愚癡?)
3) Be Love and Do Not React to ANYTHING – EVER, EVER AGAIN. If you react to anything note it and reset and be sure to Not React to ANYTHING – EVER, EVER AGAIN. Do that again and again until your ego mind no longer exists.
3) 請停留在愛中,
而不要去對 “任何事情”做反應
--- 永遠, 永遠, 不再做反應了!!!
那自己內心知道, 提點一下自己,
重新調整自己, 然後確定
---永遠, 永遠, 不再做反應了!!!
一直反復這樣做, 一次又一次~~
直到你的 “小我心智”再也不存在為止!!!
你的非常重要答案: (5-4)
Mother Sekhmet獅子母开示:
~~~ 透过Elizabeth Trutwin传导20131215
Fleur De Lys please if Sananda would like to explain about what is happening at Indonesia. is Ratu Atut is cabal?
December 13 at 10:08pm · Like · 1
Fleur De Lys問 ---關於印尼.
This is another thing the ego mind insists it must have the answers to. It is best when we go into analyzer mode to simply let it be and acknowledge all of these situations are a part of the OLD and dissolving now before our eyes.
最好~~當我們走入分析模式時 ~~
Constance Harvey · Friends with Lorrie Reiki Patton
Will this channeling be on a live call tomorrow Elizabeth?
December 13 at 11:35pm · Like
[I am not doing calls at this time.]
Paul Luftenegger I simply want you to say thank you to Sananda on behalf of everyone and send LOVE to ALL. I ask you to please ask beautiful Sananda to bless the WATER to raise the Vibration/Frequency of ALL MOLECULES and PARTICLES OF WATER TO WHOLE LOVE. Thank you Beth for all you are! Namaste
December 13 at 11:53pm · Unlike · 4
So It Is!
Rhonda Landon · Friends with Susan Brandt and 6 others
Elizabeth, Thank you for presenting this opportunity of communication with Jesus Sananda our Christ in an open forum. First of all I would like to give my gratitude and appreciation to our Lord God for the many healings that are taking place on our planet. I have noticed that many hearts are becoming softend with the love that is being infused on the planet at this time. I have noticed that our sun seems really big and is platinum and so very bright for much of the day and then in the early evening the sky turns into a beautiful golden light. My question is this, Is the Golden-Christed Light a visual manifestation for all to see? Is this Golden-White Light a healing powerhouse for the planet? I was activated by this same colored light in my very own home in Feb. 2012 and received physical, mental, emotional, spiritual healings. I would like to know if anyone else has noticed this powerful Golden-White Light?
Yesterday at 12:08am · Like · 1
Rhonda Landon • Friends with Susan Brandt and 6 others問 ---
For many they are unable from their vantage point on Earth to see this light as you described it – due to physical issues, like the building they live in does not have a view of a vista, or because of pollution or constant weather blocking the view. Still this Golden White light may be brought in to our bodies just by Awareness. By our Intent we may call in the Golden Light for all healings. This is what is meant by The Golden Age. All Abundance.
答: 許多年來他們一直無法從他們在地球上的有利位置去看到這光芒 ~~一如你所形容的 --- 由於物理的議題關係 ~~或許是他們居住的建築物沒有視野, 或是由於污染或是持續的氣候問題而無法看得見這景象.
但是 ~~透過使用我們的 “覺知意識”
透過我們的企圖心 ~~
來療癒所有問題. ~~
而這正是 “黃金時代”的意義!
屬於所有人的富足!! !
Merocean Mu Thank you universal guardians and the angels for adjustments of the spine..and healing I love you ALL.
Yesterday at 12:13am · Like
Ernesto Silva Hi Elizabeth about DNA reconecting we have doubts on the way this thing is happening. It is for everyone? why can’t feel it. Why people seems to be still unaware? I feel something different, something bigger, stronger, and deeper, but only on meditation or whit secret plants helping me out. On daily bases Its almost impossible and I feel more density when I’m not on meditation or connected. Seems to me like the matrix became heavier, with more density. On the other hand I Surprisingly have met people with more consciousness than ever, but when I start talking about this themes they disqualify me.I never care before but now when that happens I feel a sadness like never before too. Thanks, say hi to the Master.
16 hours ago · Edited · Like · 2
Ernesto Silva---問
有關DNA的重新連接這事 --- 我們對這件事情發生的方式表示懷疑。這是每個人都有的嗎?為什麼不能感覺到。為什麼人們似乎仍然不知道?我覺得有些點不同,有些什麼變大,變強了,而且更深層次的,但只有在冥想或白衣秘密植物的幫忙之下。但在每日基礎之下去感覺到它幾乎是不可能的,當我不在冥想或連接時, 我感覺到更多的稠密度,。在我看來,像是矩陣變得更重,有了更多的稠密度。而在另一方面,我也驚奇地遇到比以往任何時候都更加自覺的人,但是當我開始談論這個主題時,他們便不信任我了,以前我從來沒有在乎過,但現在當發生這種情況,我覺得有點悲傷 ~~我從未像現在這樣子。謝謝,向大師們打招呼!
The DNA is activated for Every One Now. As each of us exists on Earth our DNA has been activated. Being alive here has made it so. Those who are still sleeping are caught up in the programming of suffering, doing it wrong, not having enough and they run from one feeing to the next during their waking hours not allowing new information to come in. As we have the changes on Earth they will find a way to rest in their hearts and have new thoughts.
答: 現在每個人的DNA都已經啟動了!!!
活在地球上的每個人的DNA都已經被啟動了!!!因為 ‘生存在此時’ 這條件讓這件事發生了!
仍然被 “受苦的程式設計”所困著,
什麼事都做錯, 永遠匱乏, 而且他們
– 而沒有讓新的訊息進來.
但是, 當我們的“地球大轉變”發生了之後 ~~他們會找到一個方法來休息在他們的心間
Merocean Mu We do feel it happening because it shows up as emotional, mental, and physical for healing. Awareness, then acceptance, and moving forward have to occur.
Yesterday at 12:43am · Like · 1
Casimir Milosh Julie has it right!
Can it be Source holding back NESARA? And keeping us enslaved to the Cabal?
Psalm 137 says ‘how shall we Sing The LORD’S song in a strange land?’
Just who specifically, in Authority is justifying the seeming delays?
Sananda surely must know, right?
Yesterday at 12:43am via mobile · Like
Casimir Milosh問 ---
是 “源頭” 拉住 NESARA不讓發生嗎? 讓黑暗份子們繼續奴隸我們嗎? 聖經詩篇137說:
Source held the memory of fear as we descended into the lower realms. At that time it was perpetuating the fear which held us back from change on Earth. Source is a Divine Hologram, afterall. A reset was done in July of this year which changed that. Source has been reset to the Moment of Creation and there is nothing longer which poses a delay to this happening. Nothing can stop it. Nothing.
以前這恐懼因此被延續下來 ---
“源頭” 到底是一個 “神聖的全息影像”! --- 因此, 在今年七月
Emerson Salvador · 2 mutual friends
Elizabeth, please just tell him to start event and many will follow…or cabal will postpone for ever.
21 hours ago via mobile · Like · 2
Emerson Salvador • 2 mutual friends問 ---
[Yes, of course I have, many times, He and the Highest Forces of Light (many times) just as we all have]
[ET註: 是的,我當然有,很多次了,他和光的最高力量(很多次了),就像我們每個人都有做的]
Evlyn Locke Hi..could you ask why so many still feel the unease of tinnitus please…we so need to relax..
21 hours ago via mobile · Like · 2
Evlyn Locke問 –
Some are experiencing this because it is the sound from the transmitters held within the Energy Grid holding the Energetic upgrades within the Pyramids aligning the High Energies as the changes unfold. Others experience this due to nutritional deficiencies.
有些人經驗到這個 ~~因為這是在金字塔中的 ‘能量矩陣’ 中的 “轉\發射器”的能量改變的聲音. 當金字塔中的能量~~由於與高能量對齊調整 ~~而產生能量的提升轉變時~~~所發出的聲音. 而其他人的原因則是因為營養不足所造成.
Catalin Tomescv Namaste Elizabeth, please ask beloved Sananda, how does the DNA activates NOW, after the big SHIFT, up to the complete original divine template regarding strands and fire letters? For the best soul growth of all. Thank you. C.
20 hours ago · Like · 1
Catalin Tomescv問 – DNA的啟動
This is already complete and those telling you it is not have ulterior motives to keep you as far away from your Wholeness and put off the Event as is possible.
而那些告訴你 –還沒完成的人 ---
他們是別有用心的 ---
要將你從 “合一整體” 中拉得越遠越好 ---
Lauren M. Avery I agree with Emerson… Please start the Event… We cannot wait any longer… It is dire here.
18 hours ago · Like · 2
Joanne Lightworker Griffing I agree with Lauren, XO Namaste enough is enough can we please proceed, XO In love and Light, Joanne Collis Griffing
18 hours ago · Like
Anne Marie Scauzillo
7 hours ago · Like
Steve Antal I understand our DNA is a transmitter & a receiver. That our lives are encoded in our DNA. That decisions about our lives are encoded in our DNA before we came here. That the time of our birth & death is also encoded in our DNA.
December 13 at 9:51pm · Like · 1
Steve Antal說 ---
This is a misunderstanding. We have the ability throughout our lives to evolve our DNA past its present programming. We have the ability to activate more than 12 strands of DNA and constantly evolve Higher. We have the ability to program our DNA to REMEMBER it is PHYSICALLY IMMORTAL and as we were originally Created we never died.
我們終生都具有 “發展”我們的DNA
我們的DNA~~來 “記得”~~
祂是 “永生的物質體”這件事 ~~
Maggie Moody-Ritz I look forward to that Elizabeth.
December 13 at 10:19pm · Like · 2
Ignacio Gil New bodies are coming, how and when this will start?
December 13 at 10:28pm · Like · 2
Ignacio Gil問 ---
新的身體們正在發生中, 請問會如何發生?
It is begun. Many are feeling it as aches and pains. Our vessels are adjusting to more light and also age reversal is begun. When Galactic technologies land on Earth even more will be available very quickly.
答: 新的身體們已經開始在發生中了!!!
而且 “老化的返轉程序”~~也已經開始了!!!
當銀河科技降落在地球上時 ~~
Christine Burk There are many pressures in our lives… how can we be the best at our missions right now as we continue to deal with these (soon to be obsolete) stresses? I know this has been spoken about a lot before. The energies with this gateway are SO different, so are there any adjustments we need to make in our focus, spirit or actions? Great thanks.
December 13 at 10:46pm · Unlike · 3
Christine Burk問 ---
還有很多的壓力在我們生活中...我們如何才能在我們的使命上做到最好在現在~~當我們繼續的面對這些(即將淘汰)的壓力?我知道這之前已經談到了很多了。此星門的能量是如此的不同,所以是否有我們需要調整的重點~~在我們的專注點上 \精神靈性層面, 或是行為上的任何調整?十分感謝
Just let it all go. Do by Not Doing. Be in the Tao.
答: 全放下吧! 無為而為! 活在道中!
Rick Winsor I admit now that I am not working in a regular job life is easier. But I did for 55 years and single parented 5 kids, a mother with Alzheimer, a daughter with kidney disease. So I have some awareness of how difficult it is. I was Awakened 43 years ago and found quickly through guidance to stop many times a day for a few minutes and come to peace with Spirit. Such were bathroom breaks and lunch breaks. Short stops by a quiet side on the way to and from work. Always kept a notebook because Spirit would always talk when I got quiet. I learned to let go and surrender every thing as soon as I felt any anxiety. I don’t offer this because I thought I was special. Just the opposite. I thought I must be weak as that it took so much for me to stay in tune with my Highest Self. But it worked. Just saying. This is a challenging planet for Lightworkers but the adventure is incredible.
December 13 at 11:23pm · Like · 16
Rick Winsor說 ---我現在承認當我沒有做一個固定的工作時, 生活更輕鬆。但我上班做了55年,單親扶養5個孩子,一個有老年癡呆症的母親,一個有腎臟疾病的女兒。所以,我了解這有多麼困難。我在43年前覺醒了,並通過指導很快的每天暫多次, 每次幾分鐘來平靜下自己精神。比如 ~~衛生間的時間和午休時間。上下班時一條安靜的道路暫停一下。隨時始終保持一個筆記本,因為 ‘精神引導’會在當我安靜下來時一直跟我說話。我學會了放手,只要我感到任何不安時, 我就會臣服於每一件事情。我不是因為我以為我是特別的而提供這個~~正好相反~~我想我一定是很弱的人~~所以祂花了這麼多時間讓我停留在與我最高的自我的協調之中。但這對我有效。我只是想說~~這是一個具有挑戰性的星球~~對光之工作者而言,但這冒險是不可思議的有趣。
答: 是的!
Karin Sigbjörn
Yesterday at 1:33am · Like · 1
Jean Davies I’m finding the stopping periods are stretching, getting longer and longer. And I love that. It helps that I no longer have what might be considered a regular job, 7 yrs ago I knew my life was going to be very different from then on. I’m blessed, I spend most of my time with animals these days, and we share stillness together. And share so much else too. Much love to you all. X
Yesterday at 2:08am via mobile · Like · 3
Jean Davies說 ---我發現在我暫停的時間越來越長。我喜歡這一點。它幫助我不再有什麼可能被認為是一個經常性的工作,7年前,我知道我的生命將會從那時開始起非常的不同。我很幸運,我這些天花了我大部分的時間與動物們在一起,我們在一起分享寂靜。以及其他許多的分享!。很愛你們全部。
答: 是的!
Maggie Tahalele
Yesterday at 2:20am · Like · 2
Shahzad Rattia like
Yesterday at 2:43am · Like · 2
你的非常重要答案: (5-5)
Mother Sekhmet獅子母开示:
~~~ 透过Elizabeth Trutwin传导20131215
Pernille Carlsson 13.000 years ago our DNA was changed, where are we now? . And who did all these Sculpture on Easter Island Did we came there by boat from Atlantis.
Yesterday at 2:56am · Like · 2
Pernille Carlsson問 ---
13.000年以前我們的DNA被改變了,我們現在在哪兒呢?誰做了所有這些復活節島的雕塑(智利海島)? 難道我們從亞特蘭蒂斯乘船來到那裡的嗎。
The DNA was experimented with and ‘turned off’ down to two strands from twelve strands and that has all been healed now. The Easter Island faces are of our Star Elders and they are watching over us. These large monuments are living stones and a vibration which continues to help humans as they move through evolution on Earth, helps them to KNOW they are loved and others are watching over them.
答: 這DNA--- 被實驗而'關閉'下降從12股到兩股鏈條~~~
這些大型古蹟都是 “活的石頭”~~而且是一個 “震動頻率”~~它會繼續幫助人類~~隨著人類移動穿越地球上的進化
Rick Winsor Easter Island was from people from Mu and Lemuria. A number of very small settlements were from Atlantis. Noah into Turkey, Thoth into Egypt, and a small Mayan settlement. Then gradually over time cultures grew.
Yesterday at 3:00am · Like · 4
Rick Winsor說 ---復活節島是從沐和利莫里亞人。一些很小的定居點來自亞特蘭蒂斯。諾亞到土耳其,托特進入埃及,一個小瑪雅部落。然後隨著時間文化就產生出來了.
The overall story is much, much bigger than all of that and goes back millions and millions of years.
答: 整個故事是遠遠大得多! 比所有這一切大得多!
Susan Davis My guides mentioned as our blood is thinning (becoming more crystalline) that this is part of what is causing the ‘fatigue’. My thoughts are about those who are already on blood thinners and how this will help our evolution into well being. I have several colleagues who are Doctors and have given them a ‘heads up’ as they see their clients. Is there more information about this that we can use at this time?
20 hours ago · Like · 2
Susan Davis說—我的’引導’ 提到~~我們的血液在變薄(越來越結晶),這是為什麼我們會覺得'疲勞'的一部分原因。我的想法是對那些誰已經有了稀釋的血液的人, 以及這將如何幫助我們進化入健康之中? 我有幾個同事是醫生,我給了他們一個'考試'在他們看他們的客戶時。有沒有關於這個的更多信息那是我們在這個時候可以使用的?
This is a misunderstanding of sorts. The blood is not thinner, it is lighter. There are less heavy metals in the system. The ions in the system are lighter in the sense of weight. This has nothing to do with blood clotting abilities.
Arpana Qalbi Starr So many of us have paths so much alike… the struggles, the responsibilities, the awakening from it all, learning to welcome stillness, & here we are… we are one… on a great journey Toward the One…
14 hours ago · Like · 1
Rick Winsor Yes, yes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
14 hours ago · Like
Golden Hearts
17 hours ago · Unlike · 1
Christine Burk Beth, my mission has burned so strongly in me for so long – even when I didn’t know at all what it was. My question is… is it possible to leave anything incomplete? Does this impact my twin flame? Do we fulfill all that is encoded in our DNA or can we ‘mess it up’ with our free will? I truly know that eventually, all is fulfilled because God’s timing is infinite. I am asking about what we are going through now with this transformation. Love. (thank you for the opportunity of these questions)
17 hours ago · Like · 1
Christine Burk說 --- 問 ‘個人轉變’ 事!
Our free will can hold us with the desire to be right and keeps us away from Freedom.
答: 我們的自由意志有可能
堅持自己是 “對” 的欲望上面,
Ann-Christin Olofsson My Twin is on a Mothership. I know how he look like…but I have work to be done here before we can unite. He knows why!
17 hours ago · Like · 2
Ann-Christin Olofsson說 --我的 ‘雙生光靈魂’是在一艘母艦上。我知道他長的是什麼樣子......但我有工作在這裡, 在完成之前,我們才可以重聚起來。他知道為什麼!
答: 是的!
Rick G. Dial this is like an early Christmas GIFT!!!
17 hours ago · Like · 2
Mark Lev Really looking forward to this, thank you.
17 hours ago · Like · 2
Earl Thibert will i need to go to the ship to meet my tf or will my tf be meeting me here at home and will we look alot like me and her i also feel her around me
17 hours ago · Like · 2
Earl Thibert問 ---我需要去飛船上見我的TF ‘雙生光靈魂’還是我的TF會來這裡見我~~在家裡? 我們看起來很像嗎? 我也感覺到她在我身邊.
Each One of you will meet your Twin Flame where you are. They know where you are. You will not need to search for them. Twin Flames take on the Body they need for their experience now. Some Gay people will meet a Twin Flame of the same sex now to enjoy Earth with a same sex companion.
--- 在現在地球上擁有一個同性別的伴侶。
In New Earth these will be physically celibate relationships on the Physical as all of us will experience new methods of lovemaking so much more fulfilling then the lower vibration of racing toward an end which is experienced now. Many opposite sex couples will lose the desire to make love as we do now, but to integrate the new sexual practices which will come as we understand Higher Teachings. It has to do with having orgasmic experiences together while connecting with the Cosmos.
在新地球上 ~~
這些‘雙生光靈魂’們會在身體物質層面上 ‘無慾’ ~~
新的 “做愛”方式 ~~
失去做愛的興趣, ~~
反而會去整合新的 “性行為”方式
~~這在我們理解了 “更高的教導” 之後會發生! ~~這作法是在 “性高潮”經驗的同時間
又會同時與 ‘大宇宙’連接上!
Dawn Close Thanks Dear Elizabeth !!!
17 hours ago via mobile · Like · 3
Christopher Good upon coming up with a story i write still for disclosure obama and michelle buzzed me and the universe showed me my twin flame is miley cyrus and my question is what sananda has to say about that, ive met cyrus twice in person since november but not been able to speak with her and the cosmos has sent tons of celebrities to my work place including putin and ahmadeenijad, cyrus and i will help with the mass media art portions of disclosure so a main question is how can i reach her or how can she find out about me? the sooner we unite the better
17 hours ago · Like
Christopher問 --在想出一個故事,我寫的還是披露奧巴馬和米歇爾困擾著我. 而宇宙給我看了我的‘雙生光靈魂’是麥莉賽勒斯, 而我的問題是~~ 撒南達的說法是什麼? 自十一月以來我當面見過了賽勒斯兩次,但不能與她說話. 宇宙給我送來了許多名人到我的工作場所,包括普京和ahmadeenijad. 賽勒斯和我會幫助大揭露的媒體藝術部分 ~~所以主要的問題是我怎麼能找到她或她怎麼能了解我呢?我們越早相聚越好
Many have a concept what their Twin Flame is and as time goes on the realities will set in. It is a part of the process to come to one understanding, and then another and another as the filters of ego mind are worked out, as the programming is dissolved.
答: 很多人對於他們的‘雙生光靈魂’
然後又出現另一個理解 ~~
然後又一個理解 ~~
隨著 “小我心智”的過濾器逐漸結束營業
(RL註: ‘雙生光靈魂’出現之前的懸疑 ~~
希望大家多把注意力放在 “呈現的功課”上!
真的假不了, 假的真不了, 真的也跑不了!
何妨用心在彼此為彼此精心烹調的 “修行功課” 上,
Ann-Christin Olofsson We are uniting with our twinflame during sleep if he/she is on a ship. I know for sure.
17 hours ago · Edited · Like
Ann-Christin Olofsson說 ~~我們是在睡眠中與我們twinflame‘雙生光靈魂’團聚,如果他/她是在船上的話。我肯定我知道。
答: 是的!
Danka Kubickova Thank you Elizabeth, thank Sananda, I am really pleased
17 hours ago · Edited · Like · 3
Kimberley Huxen Wow just came from a beautiful meditation on finding your twin flame. And now this discovery.
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