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Drake 20131114地球大转变讯息


Drake Update - November 14, 2013




As usual, Discernment is advised with all articles. I post and YOU decide.


依照慣例 ~~如同對所有文章一樣.


貼是我在貼, 你自己作判斷!




Thanks to Anon0669 for reporting.








資料來源Source Link: MorningLiberty




Dinar RV First Step – Drake Reporting World Financial ReSet Imminent


Dinar RV “伊拉克以及全球貨幣重估第一步 --- Drake報告全世界金融重新定位~~在即!


Drake Bailey


Thur, November 14, 2013


Subject: Dinar RV Brings Great Thanksgiving 2013


主題: “伊拉克以及全球貨幣重估”






Dinar RV Imminent – RJ Hender






Iraqi Dinar Reality – Officials Admit Dinar RV On It's Way




中文翻译: 林琚月 20131119






RJ,   On Drake's radio show last night, for the first time in several months, he provided truly significant information. I promised to report to you in that event. Here are my notes:


RJ, 在昨晚Drake的收音機節目中, 第一次, 幾個月來, 他真的提供了非常顯著重要的消息. 我有承諾要對你作報告.






Drake says he is now authorized to reveal some true intel.


The cabal runs out of money within a week.


Drake說他被授權來公佈一些很真實確著的訊息. Cabal(黑暗政府\光明会)們在一個禮拜內就沒錢了. (RL: 他們能動的錢若不是燒光了就是被控制住了.)




Cabal is desperate to steal some money via the Black Book accounts.


Cabal(黑暗政府\光明会)們已經很絕望的在透過the Black Book accounts黑本子款項在偷錢.




Neil Keenan has the Black Book.


這本the Black Book accounts黑本子款項書~~是在Neil Keenan律師手上. (千億歷史黃金追討律師)




The Bush family attempted to catch Neil this week but failed.


布希家族這禮拜想要抓Neil Keenan律師但是失敗!




The Bush cabal sent around 40 thugs, including super soldier types.


布希cabal派出了40隻打手, 包括些超級殺手型的.




Neil has about 100 professional protectors, including White Hats & Ninjas, plus Indonesians.


Neil Keenan律師身旁有大約100名職業保鑣, 包括白帽子與忍者們, 包括印尼人.




Cabal found Neil's hotel but Neil spotted them from his window.


A chase ensued.


Cabal找到了Neil Keenan律師的旅館, 但是Neil Keenan律師從窗戶口先看到他們. 一個追逐遊戲就開始了.




Neil had to sport a blond wig as part of a disguise.


Neil Keenan律師還戴上了個金色假髮來做偽裝.




The team that met him at the airport had been compromised (blackmailed or bought off).


本來要在機場見他的小組人被妥協. (被威脅或是收買了)




The chase resumed on land.








Neil had to leap off a vehicle to escape into the jungle and hurt his leg.


Neil Keenan律師從汽車中跳車出去跑入叢林, 而且腿受傷.




Cabal helicopters were in pursuit.




An EMP-like burst knocked them out. How that was done, Drake would not divulge.


一種類似EMP的爆炸把它們全打掉. 這是怎麼辦到的? --- Drake不肯說.


(維基字典: EMP --- 科技. 电磁脉冲(英语:Electromagnetic pulse),一种电磁辐射的爆发; 糖酵解途径(英语:Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas pathway),一种生物化学)




Neil and the book are safe now and well guarded.


Neil Keenan律師與這本the Black Book accounts黑本子款項書~~目前都安全而且被妥善的保護著!






The first part of the plan to free the planet from Cabal is to reset the world financially.


要從Cabal手上解放這行星地球的第一部份計劃是 ~~重新設立這世界的金融!






This step cuts the Cabal off from their source of power (at their roots: money, to fuel evil).


這步驟會從他們權力的源頭切斷Cabal的資源(來從根部: 金錢就是邪惡的能源.)






That may happen within a few weeks (which coincides with recent IQN RV predictions).


這件事在幾個禮拜內會發生(這與最近IQN RV伊拉克幣值重估預測是吻合的.)






When that step is done we'll get a Green Light.


當這步驟完成了, 我們會得到一個綠燈!






Cabal is failing. Evidence abounds, like their flop takeover via the Trans Pacific Partnership.


Cabal在節節敗退中. 徵兆到處都是! 就像他們透過the Trans Pacific Partnership公司所要做的採購的失敗一樣.






The FBI wants its reputation back. They will hammer openly at the Benghazi fiasco.


FBI想要恢復聲譽. 他們將會公開重擊利比亞Benghazi事件這場鬧劇.




Arrests may begin soon. We might have a really great Thanksgiving & Christmas!)


逮捕可能快要開始. 我們可能將有一個真的很棒的感恩節和聖誕節.


(RL: 我個人認為drake在此指的是主角的逮捕, 不是一直在進行中的囉嘍的逮捕.)






Whatever else Drake is, he is certainly a real trooper. He never gives up, no matter what comes his way, public opinion or illness. There have been times when he was fed bad intel and his reputation suffered. Nevertheless, he keeps on delivering his message. Sometimes he can barely breathe due to disability and colds, but he keeps going. One senses that Drake believes in his cause completely. I can't help but admire such dedication to a perceived duty.


不管Drake在其他方面是個怎樣的人, 他是一個如假包換的騎兵. 他從不放棄, 不管什麼壞事找他碴 --- 公眾輿論或是疾病. 有幾次別人給了他錯誤的訊息, 而他的聲譽受損了, 但是, 他持續的做報告給訊息. 有時他几乎無法呼吸 --- 由於他的殘障以及感冒, 但是他持續做他的事. 一個人可以很容易的感覺到他對他所從事的工作的完全信念. 我無法遏止自己的讚嘆他的奉獻精神在這樣一個使命感的義工職責上.














After listening to Drake's shows for over a year and a half, it's obvious that he, his hosts, and some frequent guests all suffer similar symptoms that have gradually worsened. They now constantly interrupt and/or contradict themselves mid-sentence. Sometimes, they are almost unintelligible. Of course, this weakens their credibility.


在收聽Drake的節目一年半之後 --- 非常明顯的, , 他的主持人, 以及一些常出現節目的來賓 --- 都在忍受同樣的問題 --- 而且是越來越嚴重的問題. 他們(聽眾)現在會在他們話講到一半時就持續的干擾或是反駁他們. 有時, 這些人是非常沒有智慧. 當然, 這也損傷這些人自己的信譽.






I suspect they may have been targeted with a slow acting and difficult to detect poison or some other method of disrupting brain waves. If not that, then they all stress out at about the same speed, which is unlikely. Lack of sleep could also be the culprit, but even those effects wouldn't hit everyone in the same way at the same rate.


我懷疑他們可能曾經被挑中---被下毒 --- 那些緩慢出現而且很難查覺的毒, 或是其他種方式來中斷他們的腦波. 如果不是如此, 那他們全都壓力太大而同時失控, --- 這應該不是吧! 睡眠不足也可能是肇因, 但即使如此效果也不至於如此嚴重吧!




(RL: LisaRenee對這種靈魂上被下的蠱與封印有長文解說. 所以不要對一些人的異常行為或粗暴覺得奇怪或是想說服他們 --- 問題不在那裡. 他們是中了蠱的人. --- 比方那些攻擊我的人也是! 還有人努力的把我的關注率日日控制在1800以下, --- 我對你的建議是 --- 直接調到零 --- 你看我會不會在乎甚至消失. 做小人如此不光明正大. 真正腦殘! --- 但我說的不是你 --- 是你被下蠱的人腦. 親愛的, 原諒你自己 --- 你的靈魂修修就又好了. 沒事啊! 別哭了! )




Figure the odds of this occurring naturally and predictably over less than two years. Astronomical! That leaves outside interference. It isn't surprising that Cabal would use an untraceable technique of attack. In fact, if Drake is real, one would expect just such a sneaky approach that almost nobody would notice or know how to stop before it's too late. If Drake has special protection, it needs retooling and beefing up.


想想這些奇怪的事自然而且經常的在少於兩年之內發生. 太驚人了! 這與外在干擾無關. 無怪乎--- Cabal會用無法追蹤的攻擊科技. 事實上, 如果Drake是真的, 那人們就該懷疑這樣的下三濫的方法 --- 几乎沒有人會查覺到, 或是知道如何去擋掉在後果出現之前. 假如Drake有特別保護的話, 那需要再把防範提高些, 強化一些.




(RL:其實不需要啦! 事實不是幾個宵小吵吵鬧鬧就可以螳臂擋車的. 它們只是在給自己的自由意志投票而已!不是有20億人要離開? 而且需要精神治療的人在目前地球的能量之下本來就是善與惡會呈現得特別清楚.這是目前能量問題. 大家都會顯露真面目才好安排治療時間\位置\進度. )






Ram Trucks Super Bowl Commercial "Farmer"




Posted by enerchi at 11/18/2013 11:14:00 AM


Read more »


Posted by enerchi at 11/18/2013 11:14:00 AM




RL: 欢迎大家转载, 但请勿删修任何文字, 特别是渠道名称与译者名称. 尊重作者, 译者与著作权! 请小心因果报应! 并请大家不要转载刨窃的作品, 不要成为帮凶并分担业障! 请大家协助保持灵学界的清净!


修行路上大家加油! 无限祝福!










    Drake 20131114地球大转变讯息

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