昴宿星双光子系列: 银河人类
回归扬升中的地球Part 3 --解碼夢境
Back on Ascending Earth Part 3 -- Deciphering the Dream
Back on Ascending Earth Part 3
Channeller: Suzanne Lie\ 20130918
中文翻译: 林琚月2030921
Deciphering the Dream解碼夢境
Sandy and I stayed in the meadow for a few hours to ponder the mystery of M&M Travel. Perhaps the mystery was actually about the building. We seemed to be getting nowhere, so we decided to go home, get some breakfast and then see what we could find on the Internet about M&M Travel.
Sandy和我停留在草坪幾個小時來研究M&M旅行社的神秘. 又或許這秘密是在這大樓身上呢?! 我們好像一點進展也沒有, 所以我們決定回家, 吃點早餐, 然後看看我在網路上能否找到些關於M&M旅行社的訊息.
After we ate, we turned on the computer and searched for M&M Travel. All we could find was a few obscure websites about the M&M Travel in our area. They did not seem to have any other locations, which seemed quite unusual for a travel company. The websites were small and not attractive enough to draw business in a world in which most people was making their own travel arrangements.
吃過飯之後, 我們打開電腦, 尋找M&M旅行社的訊息. 我們只能找到一些隱誨含糊的網站關於在我們區域中的M&M旅行社的訊息. 他們似乎沒有別的點, 這對於一家旅行社來說是很不尋常的. 這些網站也很小, 也不吸引人來拉入生意 ~~在這個几乎大部份人都會自訂他們的旅遊行程的世界之中.
Something did not seem right about this company. We even got the feeling that maybe M&M Travel was a cover for some other business. But what other business would that be? This question made us begin to question our feelings about the office. We needed to go back and look at our joint dreams again to see where we got off track.
這公司怪怪的. 我們甚至有種感覺~~就是M&M旅行社或許只是一些其他生意的表面生意. 可是, 其他的生意會是什麼呢? 這問題讓我們開始懷疑我們對這辦公室的感覺. 我們必須回去看看我們聯合的夢中狀況來看看我們錯在那裡.
We decided to each write our own dream experience to see if we had forgotten anything. Then we would compare and see what we both received in our dream. With this method we began to remember the first part of the dream before we were in the room. The dream began to come in so clearly that we wondered if Mytre and Mytria was telling us the dream or we were making it up.
我們決定每個人都寫下我們的夢中經驗來比對 ~~看看是否忘了什麼. 然後我們會比較一下看看我們兩人都在夢中收到什麼訊息. 用這方法我們開始去記得第一部份的夢 --- 我們進入會議房間之前的部份. 這夢開始如此鮮明的進來, 我們懷疑是否是Mytre and Mytria在告訴我們這個夢還是我們自己在編故事.
However, if we were making it up, then Sandy and I were making up the same dream, as our experiences were almost identical. We wrote down what we both remembered in hopes of finding clues about the dream that we couldn’t remember before.
但是, 假如我們自己在編故事的話, 那Sandy和我就在編同一個故事~~因為我們的經驗們几乎完全一樣. 我們寫下我們兩人希望記得找到的夢中線索 ~~那是我們之前不記得的.
The first part of the “dream,” which we had both forgotten was that Mytre and Mytria were in their cabin on the Mothership. They were just falling asleep when a huge light swept them up, merging them into the ONE of their Divine Complement. Sandy and I had finally admitted that Mytria and Mytre had to be higher expressions of our selves.
前半部的夢 ~~我們都忘記的部份 ~~是Mytre and Mytria本來在母艦的房間中. 他們才剛睡著, 一道巨光把他們掃起來, 並且把他們融合成他們 ‘神聖另一半的合一’. Sandy和我最後終於承認 ~~Mytre and Mytria一定是我們兩人的高我.
Therefore, if they were Divine Complements who could merge into ONE being, then WE were Divine Complements who could merge into ONE being. This was revelation was so enormous and all encompassing that neither one of us could even talk. However, we could look into each other’s eyes and feel each other’s hearts.
因此, 假如他們是互為‘神聖的另一半’ ~~是可以融合成一個‘合一存有’的, 那, ‘我們’當然也是互為‘神聖的另一半’ ~~是可以融合成一個 ‘合一存有’ 的.這個發現是如此巨大而驚人, 以及其所含帶的所有意義 ~~~我們兩個人都几乎說不出話來. 但是, 我們可以看入彼此的眼睛裡並感覺到彼此的心跳.
This activity guided us into the bedroom where we could practice “merging into ONE.” Only hunger could drive us from that bed, which occurred hours later. After we had eaten our first meal of the day we were ready to return to our notes. The first sentence that was on both of our dream descriptions was:
When they surrendered into the light it instantly transported them to a different location.
這活動引導我們進入房間中 ~~在那裡我們可以練習 “融合為一”. 只有饑餓能把我們驅離那張床 ~~但已經是幾小時之後了. 之後, 我們吃了我們這天的第一餐飯, 然後我們就準備好了回到我們筆記本的研究上面. 我們兩人在夢的敘述中寫下的第一句話是 : 當他們臣服入這光中時, 立即他們被帶到一個不同的地點.
Both of us had forgotten this part of the dream, but when we remembered it we realized that Mytria and Mytre had arrived at the 3D location of our timeline, but it was no longer 3D and was clearly not in our timeline. In fact, they perceived our small town airport landing strip through the resonance a higher fifth dimensional resonance.
我們兩人都忘了這部份的夢, 但是當我們記得之後, 我們明白了 ~~ Mytria and Mytre是到達了我們所處的時間線的地點, 可是那不再是三維了, 所以顯然不在我們的時間線. 事實上, 他們感應到我們小鎮的機場降落坪是透過更高的五維的振動頻率的.
This information rang a bell in our mutual brains that maybe the building and would look different if we could raise our consciousness. Hence, without looking at the rest of our notes, we excitedly rushed back to the building by the airport. Luckily the distance was not long, as it turned out that we would be making many trips to that area.
這訊息在我們互相的腦中響起了一個鐘聲~~或許, 假如我們提高我們的覺知意識的話, 這建築物會看起來不同. 因此, 沒再看我們其他的記錄, 我們興奮的又衝去機場邊的這棟建築物. 幸運的是這距離不太遠, ~~因為後來我們又跑了好幾趟去這區域.
The road we took to the airport provided a turn off lane where we could look down at the scene that Mytria and Mytre saw in their dreams. We had remembered many of the initial images of the dream while we were driving and were aware that we were not in the timeline (or timeless reality) of Mytria and Mytre’s vision.
去機場的路有一條叉路, 在那裡我們可以往下看Mytria and Mytre在他們夢中看到的景象. 我們已經記起了夢中一開頭的影像 ~~~當我們開著車, 而且意識到我們並非在Mytria and Mytre在他們夢中的這條時間線上 (或者說是一個沒有時間的實相).
However, when we looked at the airport this time it was busier and the building didn’t look quite as unkempt. We both laughed nervously. Could we actually be seeing a different frequency of reality? Could it be that easy to shift OUR reality? We had not even meditated, however, we had bonded in a deep manner, and we had also released the worry and doubt that we had during our first visit to this area.
但是, 這次當我們看到機場時, 它變得忙碌一些, 而且這建築物看起來沒那麼蓬頭垢面. 我們都有點緊張神經質的笑了. 難道我們真的在看到一個不同頻率的實相嗎? 要提升 ‘我們’共同的實相有那麼容易嗎?我們甚至沒有冥想,但是, 我們已經在更深的方式裡結合了, 而且我們也釋放掉了煩惱與憂愁 ~~那是我們第一次拜訪這區域時所有的.
We decided to drive down to the building again and check it out. When we first arrived at the parking lot, we saw at least twice as many cars. Also, there was now a sign at the entrance of the parking lot stating that this building was A & R Research. Had we missed that sign before? The building was not remarkably different, but it feltmuch better. Maybe it was just that we were different?
我們決定要再開車去這建築物, 再看看狀況. 當我們到達這停車場, 我們看到至少兩倍多的車子在停車場. 而且入口有一個標誌說 ~~這建築物是A & R Research研究公司. 難道上次我們沒看到這標誌嗎? 這建築物這次並沒有什麼顯著的不同, 但是 ‘感覺起來’ 好很多. 又或許, 是我們不同了嗎?
Perhaps we saw the negative before and now we were looking for the positive. We wanted the building to be the one that Mytria and Mytre saw. Were we just imagining that it was better this time? We would need to go into the lobby again and see if that had changed too.
也許, 上次我們看到的是它的負面, 而現在我們在尋找 ‘正面’. 我們想要這建築物就是 Mytria and Mytre看到的那棟. 是我們正在幻想它這次比較好嗎? 我們需要再次走進大廳去看看它是否也改變了?
Most of the parking spaces were marked with someone’s name (had we missed that this morning), so we looked for and found the “guest parking.” I parked the car and we tentatively walked to the door. However, now there was a security guard (maybe one of the “guides” in 3D clothing?) who checked our ID before we could enter.
大部份的停車位都有人的名字在上面(難道今早是我們沒看到?), 所以我們尋找, 然後找到 ‘來賓停車位’. 我停好了車子, 然後我們姑且走向大門. 但是, 那裡現在有一個警衛(也許是一位 ‘引導天使’穿著三維衣服?) ~~~他查了我們的身分證~~在讓我們進入之前.
The guard asked where we were going, and we said, “M&M Travel.” He looked on his list and said, “You will find them on the tenth floor, suite 1005.” He let us pass and we again walked into the lobby. The scene in the lobby was very different. Whereas before there were just a few people with a sleepy receptionist, now there was a bustling lobby filled with professional looking people.
警衛問我們要去那裡, 我們說 ““M&M Travel.” 他查了他的名單, 然後說 “他們在1005房, 在十樓.” 他讓我們進去, 然後我們再次走入大廳. 大廳裡的景象這次也不同了. 上次這裡只有幾個人以及一個愛睡覺的接待員, 可是現在這大廳裡卻人來人往, 有許多專業人士進出.
“I wonder why the security guard looked at our ID. Were they looking for someone?” whispered Sandy.
“我覺得奇怪為何警衛要看我們的身分證? 難道他們在找某個人嗎?” Sandy小聲說.
“Yes,” I replied. “I wondered that too. Are you ready for the elevator now?” I said with a smirk remembering our last encounter.
“是的,” 我回答. “我也覺得奇怪. 你準備好了要坐那電梯了嗎?” 我帶著一個調皮的笑容問 ~~想起我們上次的遭遇.
We both smiled as we pushed the UP button and walked into the elevator to see a very different scene. The carpet was new and the walls were covered with smoky mirrors. Also, now there was a security cameral watching our every move. I pushed the button for the tenth floor, and we easily whished up to the tenth floor.
我們兩人都笑了, 當我們按下 ‘往上’ 鍵, 然後走入電梯去看到一個非常不同的景象. 地毯是新的, 而牆上有霧色鏡子. 還有, 裡面現在有一個保全照相機監視著我們的一舉一動. 我按了十樓, 然後我們很輕易的就飄上十樓去了.
OK, they did not have time to change the building since we were here this morning. And, when we stepped out of the elevator we saw a very nicely appointed hallway with clearly marked signs on every door.
OK, 從我們早上到這裡到現在, 他們不可能有時間改變這建築物. 而當我們走出電梯, 我們看到一個非常精美的走道 ~~而且每道門上都有清楚的標誌.
“How can this be possible?” Sandy whispered.
“這怎麼可能呢?” Sandy小聲說.
“I don’t know,” I replied. “Are we still asleep? I mean did we take a nap after we went back to bed,” I said with a smile, “and now we are dreaming?”
“我不知道,”我回答. “我們還在睡覺做夢嗎? 我的意思是我們是否小睡了一下在我們回了房間之後,” 我笑著說, “所以我們現在是在做夢囉?”
We pinched each other, laughed and walked down the hall to Suite 1005. When we opened the door we gasped. Even though the rest of the building was so different, this room looked just as it had this morning. We heard the receptionist say, again, “Can I help you?”
我們掐了彼此, 大笑, 然後走下走道到1005房. 當我們打開門, 我們倒吸了一口冷氣. 即使其他部份的這建築物看起來如此不同, 這房間看起來與今天早上是完全一樣的. 我們再次聽到接待員說: “有可以為你們服務的嗎?”
I stammered a bit about being in the wrong room and was surprised to hear the receptionist say, “You took the wrong elevator.”
我結結巴巴地說了一點關於走錯房間云云, 然後很驚訝的聽到接待員說: “你搭錯電梯了.”
I half-smiled, not knowing the receptionist was talking about, and Sandy and I left the room. To our greater surprise, now the hallway looked like it had this morning. As we came to the elevator and pushed the down button, the doors opened to the same scene as this morning. Carefully, we stepped into the elevator and listened while it creaked and worried its way towards the first floor.
我略微微笑一下, 不知道這接待員在說什麼, 然後我和Sandy走了出去. 在我們的震驚當中, 現在這走道又恢復成早上的樣子. 當我們走到電梯, 按了往下的鍵, 門打開了, 電梯內狀況又像今早一樣. 小心的, 我們走入電梯, 然後聽到它作響的聲音, 一路擔心直到到達一樓.
“What do you want to bet that we get the old lobby?” said Sandy.
“That would be my guess,” I replied.
“你要賭嗎? 大廳一定恢復成舊的樣子了?” Sandy說.
We were not surprised to find the same unkempt, mostly empty lobby as this morning. For some reason, we did not want to talk until we got into our car and started home. As if it was suddenly safe, Sandy said,
我們完全不驚訝再看到這同樣缺乏維修, 大部份是空的大廳~~~正如今早一樣. 由於某種理由, 我們兩人都不想說話直到我們走入我們的車子裡, 開始回家. 好像突然間安全了之後, Sandy說:
“Did you just experience what I did?”
“Do you mean that the reality changed once we stepped into M&M Travel?”
“你的意思是我們走進M&M Travel之後實相改變這回事嗎?”
“Yes,” Sandy replied. “The building could not have changed that much since this morning. Also, why did the entire building change because we went into the wrong room?”
“是的” Sandy回答. “這建築物從早上到現在不可能改變那麼多. 而且, 為何我們一走入這錯誤的房間這整棟建築物就改變了?”
“Elevator,” I said.
“電梯,” 我說.
“Yes,” Sandy replied. “The receptionist said we had taken the wrong elevator. What did that mean?”
“是的,” Sandy回答. “接待員說我們搭錯電梯了. 這是什麼意思?”
“Wasn’t there something on our dream notes about an elevator?” I said. Sandy quickly dug into her purse to retrieve the notes we had brought. Sandy looked through the notes and read,
“我們的夢的記錄中不是有些關於一個電梯的事?” 我說. Sandy快速的從包包中找出帶出來的筆記. Sandy流覽了一下記錄並讀出一段,
“A guide was instructed to take them to the twelfth floor, and they were beamed into an elevator. When the doors opened at the twelfth floor there was a huge vortex. I wrote that we both had the impression that something very transformational happened in the vortex, but we could not remember what that was.”
“一個引導被指示帶他們到12樓去, 然後他們被一道光帶入一個電梯. 當門打開時, 在12樓有一團巨大漩渦. 我寫下我們兩人的印象是有些非常轉變性的事情發生在漩渦裡, 但我們無法記得到底是什麼.”
“We had no vortex in our elevator,” I said.
“我們在電梯裡時沒有漩渦呀,” 我說.
“Because we took the wrong elevator,” we said in unison.
“因為我們搭的是錯的電梯,” 我們同時脫口而出.
“We have to remember what happened in the vortex,” said Sandy. “But I am tired now. Can we just eat a bit of dinner, relax and go to bed early? I think we need to sleep on this.”
“我們沒有記憶關於在漩渦中發生的事,” Sandy說. “可是我現在累了! 我們可不可以先吃點晚餐, 然後早點上床睡覺呢? 我想我們需要先把事情擺一擺再說.”
“Good idea, maybe Mytre and Mytria will come to us in our dreams,” I said jokingly.
“好想法, 或許Mytre and Mytria會到我們夢中來,”我開玩笑的說.
As I closed my eyes to fall asleep I saw an image of a huge web of light with strands of DNA sparking on and off within the web. However, the excitement of the day turned into fatigue, and I instantly fell into a deep, seemingly dreamless sleep.
當我閉上眼睛去睡覺時我看到一個巨大的光譜的影像, 有DNA鏈條在上面閃來閃去. 但是, 今天的亢奮已經變成了疲倦, 我立即睡著了 ~~進入一個似乎沒有夢的睡眠中.
When we awoke the next morning Sandy said, “Wow, just before I woke up I had this amazing image of a web of light with DNA strands blinking on and off within the web.”
當我們第二天早上醒來, Sandy說, “哇嗚,在我醒來之前我看到這神奇的一個巨大的光譜的影像, 有DNA鏈條在上面閃來閃去.
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