Galactic\Earth Alliance ~~ Landing PartEight
Channel: Suzanne Lie 20130416
中文翻譯: 林琚月 20130418
Dear wonderful readers,
I have not written anything in my blog for a while, as I had to take some time out to just BE. I love that saying, "take some time." Can we actually "take out time?" Perhaps, we can, for when we live in the fifth dimension and beyond, we are "out of time." In fact, I have been feeling very "out of time." I have been extremely fatigued while being active in 3D time. Then when I close my eyes, just for a moment, I leave time and step into a NOW in which there is NO fatigue.
我有一段時間沒寫過東西在我的博裏,因為我需要花點時間來只是‘存在著’!我喜歡那句話“拿點時間出來”.我們真能拿點時間出來嗎?或許,我們能,因為我們住在第五維度,以及超過,我們事實上是處於‘時間之外’的.事實上,我最近一直覺得‘非常的時間之外’.我一直非常疲倦---當我在三維度中活動時,然後,當我閉上眼睛一下子,我又離開了時間而走入了‘當下’ ---在那裏是沒有疲倦的.
In fact, the feeling of fatigue that I experience while in "time" becomes a NOW of bliss when I close my eyes, take a few deep breathes and allow my consciousness to return to its true resonance of the fifth dimension and beyond. Within the ONE moment, all my cares and stressors are GONE. They are gone from my mind, gone from my heart and gone from my life. Then when I open my eyes to perceive my 3D life, the fatigue returns like a huge wave.
事實上,我所經驗的這疲倦的感覺---當我在時間裏時---變成了一個‘當下的祝福’ ---當我閉上眼睛,深呼吸幾下時,讓我的覺知意識回復到它第五維度的共鳴頻率時.在那‘當下’時刻,我所有的負擔與壓力全部消失.它們從我的心智裏消失了,從我心上消失了,也從我人生裏消失了.然後當我打開眼睛來感應到我三維的生活時,這疲倦感又像海浪一樣的襲擊而來.
The interesting part of this experience is that my 3D life is actually very happy. In fact, I love my 3D life. I love my home, I love my family and my friends I love my job, I love my new office, I love every part of my life. In fact, right now I am on vacation sitting comfortably in a cozy chair. Looking out the sliding doors I can see the ocean breaking on the shore, while is also expanding out into the horizon of the unknown.
Of course, I don't love every part of my life. In fact, I do not love the mundanities of paying bills, keeping track of money and driving in traffic. However, those things only take up a small part of my life now. But there were many years when they dominated my thinking. Therefore, I have great empathy for those of you who are still in that situation.
In fact, that situation of trying to make it on not enough resources is the greatest illusion of the third dimension and the trap that locks us in fear and want. The Kali Yuga, which we have just finished surviving was based on fear and want. It was the final trap of the third dimensional reality that is now becoming extinct.
事實上,困在‘資源不足’的狀況中---就是三維度生活最大的‘幻覺’. ---這‘困境’把我們困在‘恐懼’與‘需要’中. ---這就是所謂的Kali Yuga(黑暗時代) ---我們只是在生存線上掙扎---一切都是基於‘恐懼’與‘需要’中.這就是目前快要‘滅絕’與‘消亡’中的第三維度現實最後對我們的羈絆.
Yes, I hear you all crying, "When, when, are these 3D illusions ending?" I know you will be upset when I answer, "NOW!" But, please remember that NOW is not a statement of time. In fact, NOW is the leaving of time. "Where do I leave this time?" I hear you asking. Again, you will not like my answer when I say, "Inside."
是的,我有聽到你們全部都在哭喊“什麼時候?什麼時候?什麼時候這三維幻象會結束?”我知道你們聽到我的回答時都會沮喪,因為我會說: “就是當下現在.”但請記得---“當下”不是一個‘時間的說法’.事實上, “當下”是一個‘離開時間的說法’.“那我在那裏離開時間呢?”事實上, “當下”就是已經‘離開時間的說法’.---我聽到了你再一次的問題,而再一次,你不喜歡我的說法---當我說:“從裏面(離開時間)”時!
"But I want to leave now." I hear the collective call.
You will not like my next response either. But YOU are the Angel, YOU are the Galactic, YOU are the Ascended Master, EVERY one of you is wearing an earth costume, which surrounds your multidimensional form. The ONE who will take you up is YOU. As long as you place your ascension in the power of some "other" Higher Being, you have closed the door to your own, personal stairway of ascension. You stairway to ascension is your own multidimensional nature.
你們也不會喜歡我的下一個答案.但“你們”是這些“天使”, “你們”就是“銀河人”, “你們”就是“已揚升的大師們”,你們每個人都穿著地球制服,包圍著你們多維度的形式自我.這個“人” ----能夠把你們拉起來的人就是“你們自己”.只要你們把“揚升”放在“別的高靈”身上---你們就關掉了通往你們自己個人的揚升的樓梯.
Many people became very hurt and angry because they felt they were lied to when they were NOT lifted up and taken Home. However, how can we abandon our planet? Those of us who would be "taken Home" are the very ones who would love Gaia enough to assist Her to come Home with us.
Remember our true Home is not a place. New Earth, New Home, is a frequency.We are living in the dark while the light switch is inside of our heart. Oh, but we are so very fatigued. Yes, me too. The higher light has come into our world, just as was promised. However, it did not provide a free ride to a better world. Look around at the world we have created.
記得---我們真正的家並不是一個‘地方’.新地球,新家---是一個頻率.我們生活在黑暗之中---當‘開燈的開關’其實是在我們內心裏面時.但是我們是如此疲倦.是的,我也一樣.更高頻率的光進入了我們的世界, ---一如所承諾的.但是,它並不是一個“免費的接送”到更好的世界的服務.看一看我們所創造的世界吧!
Yes, we created this world by believing the lies that were fed to us and by becoming so involved in our personal struggles that we forgot that WE were not the earthen bodies that we are wearing. WE forgot that we are multidimensional beings who are temporarily wearing our form of density because we volunteered, yes volunteered, to take a body made of Gaia's form, so that She too could return Home to Her higher expression of SELF.
I say "we" as I also spent many years of struggle, sorrow, anger and desperation. I too became addicted to the third dimension and believed that it was the only life I could live. I spent many years living the darkest of the dark of the End Times of Gaia. In fact, Gaia nearly ended several times since the beginnings of the nuclear testing and the myriad wars that resulted.
我說‘我們’ ---因為我也掙扎多年在煩惱,生氣和絕望當中.我也跟大家一樣中了第三維度的毒而上癮---並且相信這是我唯一能活的人生.我花了很多時間活在蓋亞最黑暗的末日時刻.事實上,蓋亞有幾次幾乎死掉---自從核子試爆開始了之後,以及許多戰爭造成的結果.
However, Gaia did not die and neither did we. We are strong survivors. In fact, we are strong ascenders. However, ascension was not the free ride we had hoped for. We have left a very big mess on our beloved planet. I remember three times (oh, make that four times) when I moved from one house to another and left the old house a mess. I did so because I was angry with my landlord.
但是,蓋亞沒有死掉,我們也沒有.我們是強壯的生存者.事實上,我們是強壯的揚升者.但是, ‘揚升’並不是一個我們期望的‘免費順風車’.我們在我們親愛的行星上留下了一個大的亂局.我記得有三次(算四次好了) ---當我從一個房子搬到另一個時,都留了一片紊亂下來.我那樣做是因為我對我的房東生氣.
However, when I moved from the house that I owned I had to clean it immaculately and clear everything out of the house. This metaphor is a truth in that when we fully own our life, we are responsible for everything in it. Therefore, we must clean everything up before we can move to our new Home.
但是,當我搬出我自己擁有的房子時,我就必得把房子打掃得乾乾淨淨的不可,並把所有垃圾搬出去.這喻意就是一個‘真相’ ---當我們擁有我們的人生時,我們就會對它所有的每個部份負起全部的責任!因此,我們在搬入新家之前必須把所有東西打掃乾淨.
No wonder we are so tired. We have to clean up everything. We have to release everything that we cannot, or chose not, to take with us. How can we possibly clear every life (which is every home for our Soul) we have ever taken on Gaia? No wonder we are tired, and frightened and angry. Fortunately, "we" are not confined to the 3D body that created this mess. WE have many frequencies of our SELF.
難怪我們會這麼累.我們必須把所有東西打掃乾淨.我們必須釋放掉每件我們無法,或是不要帶走的東西.而我們如何能打掃乾淨在地球上的每個人生(就像每個靈魂的家一樣)?難怪我們又累,又害怕,又生氣.幸運的是--- “我們”並不被三維身體限制住, ---那個製造了這些紊亂的人.我們有許多版本的頻率的自我.
Fortunately, once we remember and become the Higher Expressions of our SELF who resonate within our form, we can choose to perceive their higher frequencies of reality. And since the reality we perceive is the reality we live, we gradually, return Home.
Meanwhile, we will, also, maintain our physical presence on the physical body of Gaia for as long as She needs us. I have chosen this task. If you are reading this, likely you have chosen this task as well. If we can band together into the ONE of the ascending ones, we can better assist each other, as well as our beloved planet.
同時我們還會維持我們在蓋亞物質身體上的物質存在---只要她需要我們的話.我已經選擇了這個任務.如果你現在在讀這個---很可能你也選擇了這個任務.如果我們能聯結在一起成為一個‘揚升中的合一團隊’ ---我們就能一起比較好的互相協助,以及我們親愛的地球.
I return now to Mytria, who is just beginning to remember her SELF. I am leaving the date that I wrote it, as the time in-between then and now has vanished.
The Landing Party ~ Part 7
Last night I dreamt that I was inducted into the military. I even woke up and fell back asleep to the same dream. Are these really dreams, or are they messages from a higher part of my self that I cannot remember? I have started to meditate regularly and I have been keeping a journal. In fact, I am thinking about starting a Blog. It makes me nervous to "come out" in this fashion, but I find that when I am honest about what is happening inside of me I feel much better.
Before these dream experiences began I was quite depressed. I was getting up in the morning, going to a job that robed my limited energy, and coming home to watch the TV made me feel dead inside. Of course, I still have the same job because I need money. However, now when I come home the TV stays off because I have been searching the Internet to try to understand whatis happening with me.
事實上在這些‘夢境’開始之前我其實很抑鬱.我每天在早上起床,去上那個搶劫了我有限的精力的班,然後回家茫然的看著電視---讓我覺得自己內心像死了一樣.當然,我仍然現在還在上同一個班---因為我需要錢.但是現在我回到家裏我不再打開電視了---因為我一直在網路上面搜尋著訊息來瞭解--- ‘我身上到底正在發生什麼事?’
In fact, I have found that many people are having similar experiences as me. They are not sure about who they really are. However, they are sure that the person they are acting like is not the truest expression of his or her self. It appears that many people are having dreams similar to mine. They may not be going to a Starship, but they are doing something that is far more important than their daily lives.
Therefore, I have decided to start my Blog. I am just a regular person with a non-significant job. I am not married. I am not in a relationship, and I do not have children. In fact, I do not have much that brings me happiness in this world, and I was very depressed before my dreams began. Maybe I have advanced from depression to psychosis, but at least I am happy. Well, at least, I am happier.
因此,我決定開始寫我的部落格(博客).我只是一個普通人有著一個不起眼的工作.我未婚.我沒有交往中的男友.我沒有孩子.事實上,在這世界上我沒有很多讓我快樂的事情, ---在我的夢開始之前---我是個很憂鬱的人.也許,我已經從憂鬱症發展成‘神經病’了---但至少我是快樂的.Well,至少我比以前快樂一些.
I wonder if I should talk about my dreams in my Blog. I imagine that will be proof of my craziness. However, right now I would rather find purpose than be who I was before the dreams. The tall blond man with the blue eyes, who I now know as Mytre, still follows me around--in my imagination that is. What I mean is that Mytre seems to be with me at random points of my day.
我有點懷疑自己應該在博客中談論我的夢嗎?我想這該是我已經瘋狂的證據吧!但是,現在,我寧可尋找意義也不要再做回我開始做夢之前的自己. ----而那個金髮碧眼高個子的男人---我知道叫做Mytre的, ----仍然跟在我身旁轉---至少在我想像中是如此.我的意思是---Mytre好像時常出現在我生活當中的日子裏許多次.
No actually, these are not random points. Mytre seems to come into my awareness when I am feeling sad or lonely. Maybe I am crazy and just have created an imaginary lover, but it is better than living in constant sorrow and loneliness. In fact, Mytre tells me about another reality that he says I also live in. I don't think I should talk about that in my Blog or everyone will know for sure that I am psycho.
不,事實上,不是偶爾而已,Mytre好像會在我傷心或孤獨時隨時出現在我的覺知裏.也許我瘋了,所以創造了一個想像中的情人,但這比一直生活在持續的憂傷中與孤獨中好.事實上, Mytre告訴我---我同時還生活在另一個實相當中.我不認為我應該在我的博中談論這個,否則,人們真的會知道我真的瘋了---這件事了!
I wonder if my military dream has anything to do with Mytre. I remember that he was wearing what looked like a military uniform in my dream. I also remember the tall blue person and the person with the third eye. In fact, whenever I think about that dream I remember more and more of it. I wish that I could have another one of those dreams. Maybe last night was a failed attempt to create another dream like before.
Do we create our dreams, or are they just something that comes up from our unconscious while our conscious mind is sleeping? Can it be possible that our unconscious life can be real? I think I should leave that kind of stuff out of my Blog—at least at first. OK, rather than just talking to myself, I am going write a little bit of my Blog right now—before I loose my nerve...
夢是我們自己創造的嗎?還是它們只是從我們昏迷當中浮現出來的東西? ----當我們有意識的心睡著的時候?我想我應該不要把這些(荒謬)的東西放入我的博中---至少在剛開始時.OK,與其自言自語,我現在要去寫一點博文---在我失去膽量之前…
Dear Readers, 親愛的讀者們,
I thought about whether or not I should have a special name for my Blog, but I realized that I am not a special person. I am just a regular person who has a regular job and a regular life. If that sounds boring to you, you are right. That life was very boring. However, some pretty weird things have been happening to me, which has, at the very least, diminished my boredom and the resulting depression.
I do not know how much nerve I have to talk about the details of my dreams yet, but I do have enough courage to promise you that I will be totally honest in everything that I say to you. “You,” being those who read this Blog, if anyone does read it? I know that I am only one of the thousands of people who have Blogs on the Internet. Therefore, my Blog is not a special thing. But, as I have said, I am not a special person. I am just a regular person who is living a regular, usually boring life.
我還不知道我有多少膽量去談論到我夢中的細節---我還不能對你們保證我會在每件我對你說的事上誠實. “你們” ----意指讀我的博的人---假如真的有人會讀的話?我知道我只是網路上幾千個博客之一,因此我的博不特殊.但,就像我說的---我不是一個特別的人.我只是一個普通人過著一個普通的生活---通常是個無聊的生活.
Now that is all the complaining I will do—I promise. I am sure you have heard plenty of complaining; I know I have. Therefore, I will cease and desist all complaints and move on to why I have started this Blog. When I searched the Internet to find more about my experiences, I found that many others were having experiences similar to mine.
In fact, I have seen many other people that look just like me, a regular person, when I have entered my dream world. Therefore, I was thinking that it would be wonderful if any of you would like to connect with me via my Blog. But I guess it is too soon for that. First I must tell you what has been happening to me. Then if you are having similar experiences, and I assume that others are, maybe we can help each other by sharing our stories.
Therefore, I am writing this Blog to offer a free, anonymous place where you can share any unusual dreams or weird experiences. As I said, I am just a regular person. In fact, I don't remember being weird when I was young. In fact, now I that I say that, I can't really remember too much about being young or a child. I have images in my brain, almost like they were put there, but I have little attachment to them.
因此,我寫這個博來提供一個免費的,匿名的園地來讓大家分享任何不尋常的夢或是奇怪經歷.就像我說的---我只是一個普通人.事實上,在我年輕時我不記得發生過什麼奇怪的事.事實上,現在我會說,我真的不記得太多年輕時的事或是孩子期時的事. 我腦海中有一些影像出現,幾乎覺得它們好像是被放進去的,而我跟它們似乎沒有太多關連.
It appears that recently something happened in my life, my dreams or just my imagination that has created a whole new manner of my self-image. I mean, I think I finally have a self-image. Before, I was a member of a very large crowd, like one of the many birds in a large flock. However, I was not flying in the sky and I was not a member of a flock. In fact, I had few friends. I was alone.
I was alone in at work, alone a home and alone in a crowd. I might have been having a conversation with someone right next to me or on the phone, but still, I always felt alone. This feeling of being alone felt unnatural, but that made no sense. I could not remember not being alone, but I could not remember very much at all. It was like my life was so insignificant that it was not worth remembering.
However, I started having dreams in which I was a member of a group of very different Beings. I say "Beings" because some did not appear to be human. OOPS, I told myself that I would not divulge too much about what is happening. Oh well, now that the "cat is out of the bag" I actually feel better. These nightly meetings have been going on for several months now, and they have completely changed my life.
但是,我開始做夢---而夢中我是一個非常特別的團體中的一員---那些存有們非常不同.我用‘存有’這個詞---因為有些看起來不是人類.喔,我告訴過我自己不要給出太多細節.Oh well,但是現在‘貓已經從袋子裏跑出去了!’我確實感覺舒服一些.這些夜間的會議已經進行幾個月了,而且它們完全改變了我的人生.
Well, actually, my life is the same, but these meetings/experiences/fantasies have brought me a sense of belonging. Even if these occurrences are not real, they feel as real as my waking life. In fact, I feel more awake in these dreams than I do when I am walking through my boring physical reality like some kind of zombie.
Actually, I have complained too much about my life. It is a good life in that I have a job, I have friends and I have things that I do with my friends. However, I can't date too much because it feels like I am cheating on some one that I do not even know. I wonder is that person is Mytre? That is, I wish it was Mytre.
Well, I have rambled on enough for now. What I really want to say is that if any of you are also having any "weird" experiences, this is a safe place where you can talk about them. In fact, if you want me to anonymously post your experience, I will happily do so. I know how wonderful it is to have another life that is fulfilling and fun, even though it is just our imagination.
So, maybe together we can all create an imaginary world in which we can freely talk about all the experiences we are having but can’t share with the other people we know. We are all anonymous here, except for me. I have been anonymous my entire life and it is far too lonely. I am thinking that being judged as being crazy may be better than never being noticed.
Now, I am going to meditate on my dream of being inducted in the military. Oh, by the way, I do not think it was this military, at least I hope not. If I am to be inducted in the military, I want it to be one that explores the Universe and spreads peace, not one that searches the Earth to start a war.
現在,我要去冥想一下我被引導入軍隊這個夢了.順便提一下,我不認為這軍隊是那種‘軍隊’ ---至少我希望不是.如果我被引導入軍隊的話---我也要是一個‘探索宇宙的’並且‘散播和平’的軍隊,而不是那個在地球上想方設法要掀起戰爭的軍隊.
Posted by Sue at 7:20 PM No comments: